Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Coming Future

bloodmooninjerusalemI’m sure most of you have heard excerpts on Youtube  or seen the book out, The Four Blood Moons by John Hagee.  Well, Evangelist Perry Stone also has expounded on this subject.  But here, is a link straight from NASA to back it up scientifically.  This will be directed at those who want to see Israel destroyed.  This link on NASA bears out God’s word:

The term 4 Blood Moons, means eclipses.  The first is on the Jewish passover of 4/15/2014. The second, on the Jewish Sukkat 10/8/2014, the next an eclipse of the sun which I believe he said only comes every 50 years or so, again on the Jewish day of Adar 29 NISAN 1 on 3/20/2015.  The next eclipse of the moon is on 4/15/15 again on Passover, and the last on Sukkat again 10/15/2015.

Joel 2:30 “And I will show wonders in the Heavens and in the Earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.” ( This pertains to the Great Tribulation. ) 31 “The sun shall be turned to darkness, an the moon INTO BLOOD, before the great and terrible day of the LORD to come.” (This is fulfilled in Revelation 6:12 under the 6th seal.”  32 And it shalll come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered:  for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverence, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.   ( The entirety of these passages proclaim three great outpourings of the Holy Spirit:  1. On the Day of Pentecost, which continues unto this hour [Acts 2:1-28:31]  2 During the future Great Tribulation. [Acts 2:16-21], and 3. During the Millennium [Isaiah 32:15,  44:3, Ezekiel 36:26-27, 39:29, Zechariah 12:10.])  parenthesis Expositor’s Study Bible.

The Sukkot Hagee reiterated stands for God’s protection of the Jewisih people.   The sun signals in Ezekiel 39 Gods prophesy against the Gentile powers at Armageddon; as God to be repulsed.   “And the word of the Lord came unto me saying,   2. Son of man, set your face against Gog, and the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.   3 And say, Thus sayeth  the Lord God; Behold, I am AGAINST YOU, O GOG, the chief  prince of Meshech and Tubal.  ” The hook next mentioned is oil.

38:5 “PERSIA (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya, with them “(Gentile nations: Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Germany (Gomar) and Iraq…most all the nations of the Arab Spring).  Germany is Iran’s number one trading partner.  [ God has not forgotten the Holocaust, and he never forgets and HE will vindicate – Term unwalled villages means symbolism of God’s protection.  And now we have a President that is a weakling…not like 1948!   We are so war weary we are leaving Israel without protection, and God is keeping score!  Magog is Russia , Meshech ..Gog (man- Putin & oil).  See Genesis 10:2  The sons of Japeth were Gomer, and Magog (Russia & Moscow), and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal (Turkey, and Tiras.  Germany too, is Iraq’s number one trading partner, denying now the Holocaust,  in Ez 38.  Yet, look at the lies of Benghazi in Libya and this killing that was twisted lies of a tape that had nothing to do with the pleas from our Ambassador for help while Hillary and the rest ignored.  God is not forgetting!  The US now seen as being weak, gives countries now like Russia and Putin power to do whatever they want…ie now in the Ukraine.   Gods FURY and ANGER is going to be like the fire coming upon earth in HIS wrath.

Ok…but, God is a God of love you say?  NOT with WHAT is to come He isn’t.  Which is a mistake of  churches not preaching the truths on endtime prophecy, or not teaching it at all.   The God I know is a God of  love, who is always there and hears my prayers. But, He is has also ALWAYS been my Advocate.  Whenever in my long life, and even in court battles concerning wrongs, and my son’s mental illness that I fought so hard to get help?  Even when I was called a liar, in no uncertain terms, the TRUTH ALWAYS came out….ALWAYS..God..and I ended up 3 years after my sons death winning a Wrongful death case as he did not get the help he needed.  GOD allowed!  And my God has always been the God of JUSTICE….God too,  has always been the God of DISCIPLINE….When we do not obey, and we have an UNYIELDING  SPIRIT, an UNTEACHABLE SPIRIT, that is when God allows the devil in our lives.   Every time I erred in my early walk with God and did not heed the Holy Spirit in my decision making, I fell on my face.  And it was God who miraculously picked me up and dusted me off and again set me on the right path.  Sometimes His LOVE for us, has dire consequences until we “get it! ”  Why am I saying this now?  Because America and now the GOP with Karl Rove who is an agnostic, but, has all the money to flaunt, looking  for their Establishment candidate, has the power, money , and media backing, to again destroy this next election.   I write these posts, of late, in excruciating back pain, and yet claim healing that I had been given by God…and struggle, because I MUST OBEY HIM…AND GET THIS  OUT TO ALL OF YOU.  IT IS A WARNING.  Who am I?  Just a 70 something woman who is not afraid to speak out, that loves my God above all, and I love America.  This BLOG IS AFTERALL ABOUT HOPE!

We in America, and now other countries too, are so caught up in this pop culture (another post), Hollywood, and fast media technology of tweets, we can’t even be decent to each other. Crime is up, hate is up, murder and decapitation is up and publicized, with how to’s on our tv as well.  NOTHING is sacred anymore, nothing is honorable, including prayer or patriotism.  And God help me if we offend anyone.  There are no stops …to think about consequences before one acts out.  Everything that should remain private and personal, now is out there to demean, and the suicide rate is up once again.  But, this is a blog of hope.  Whereby, I plead that we all look within, that we cry out to God to get us back on our knees again.  That young people up to the 50’s LEARN what the word  DISCERNMENT means.  Do you follow the world and pop culture, or are you following Jesus and the Holy Spirit?  Discernment means,  the inner capability after prayer, to know the difference if the Holy Spirit is guiding you, or your being guided by false gods,  (demonic Gods) of the world, fame, promises of big money, etc. or God Almighty.  HE SHALL SUPPLY ALL OUR NEEDS.  If God shall supply all our needs, why would we let ourselves be cast down, with the fleshly desires of the world?  Know your adversary…his name is Legion. And I will leave it at that.



FDR, Churchill, History, and Obama

Winston-Churchill-9248164-1-402America has always had a good relationship with the Brits once the Revolutionary War was won, and history put us together with our sister country repeatedly.  I don’t think this President Obama, who claims to have a knowledge of history, fully understands this, else he wouldn’t have degraded the American Presidency by giving Prime Minister Gordan Brown, such trivial un-presidential a gift as CD’s, not to mention, giving back that wonderful statue of Winston Churchill.  That was an insult between our two countries.  We need the UK to be our friend and Allie, especially as now, in times of war.  The close relationship and the excellent working relations that developed between U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were crucial in the establishment of a united effort to deal with the Axis powers of WWII.  Not only that, Churchill, knew how to deal with Stalin, and the Soviet Union, which Obama, does not (in this new cold war with Putin.)  And you discount, “history repeating itself?”

It would seem to me, that since we asked them for help in Iraq, and now need the Brits in Afghanistan also, that we extend the same excellent working relationship and friendship between our two countries; as Bush had with Tony Blair, so should Obama have with Gordan Brown.  Instead I saw a snub, and wall being put up between a country that is our most important Allie.  To that and a lot of other things this President is doing,  especially not speaking up and defending the uprising and deaths of the Iranian peoples.   Then again, I didn’t approve of AIG, and all those bonuses, which were actually approved by dems and the White House.  There is plenty of room for improvement in this administration, as well as a heavy dose of humility.  And while he wants the American people to “button down the hatch ” and be frugal, he certainly is not practicing that effort with his very frivolous trips, like NYC, who still thinks he is on the campaign trail (with taxpayer money).

For a quick refresher course in history, lets go back to WWII.  In late December, 1941, shortly after the entry of the United States into World II, Churchill met in Washington, D. C. with Roosevelt in what became known as the First Washington Conference, code name “Arcadia”.  The conference placed first priority on the Atlantic theater and defeat of Germany and Italy.  On December 24, 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill delivered Christmas greetings to the nation and the world from the South Portico of the White House, during the lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree; FDR closed his short message with the following passage, “And so I am asking my associate, and my old and good friend, to say a word to the people of America, old and young, tonight.

By August 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill met for the first of nine face-to-face conferences during the war.  The four-day meeting aboard a ship anchored off the coast of Newfoundland at Argentia Bay was devoted to an agreement  on war aims and a vision for the future.  The document created at this meeting and the neutral United States, was the Atlantic Charter.   It set forth concepts of self-determination,  end  to colonialism, freedom of the seas, and the improvement of living and working conditions for all people.  Many of the ideas were similar to those proposed by Wilson’s Fourteen Points, but not accepted by our allies at the Versailles Conference at the close of World War I.

From 1941 when they first met until FDR’s death in 1945, Roosevelt and Churchill sustained a close personal and professional relationship.  They established a easy intimacy, a joking informality and moratorium on pomposity and cant.  Roosevelt cabled Churchill after the meeting, “It is fun to be in the same decade with you.” And later he wrote, “I felt I was in contact with a very great man who was also a warm-hearted friend and the foremost champion of the high causes which we served.”  There is from an excellent book by Jon Meacham, “Franklin and Winston”.

Churchill also carried over the same loyalty to General Dwight David Eisenhower, who he relied on and trusted instinctively.  Almost immediately after France fell to the Nazis in 1940, the Allies planned a cross-Channel assault on the German occupying forces.  At the Quebec Conference in August 1943, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt reaffirmed the plan, which was code- named Overlord.  The decision to mount the invasion was cemented at the Teheran Conference held in November and December 1943.  Joseph Stalin, on his first trip outside the Soviet Union since 1912, pressed Roosevelt and Churchill for details about the plan, particularly the identity of the Supreme Commander of Overlord.   (although no decision had yet been made as to who that would be.)  Stalin pointedly rejoined, “Then nothing will come of these operations.  Who carries the moral and technical responsibility for this operation?  Churchill and Roosevelt acknowledged the need to name the commander without further delay.  Shortly after the conference ended, Roosevelt appointed General Dwight David Eisenhower to that position.

By May 1944, 2,876,000 Allied troops were amassed in southern England, while awaiting deployment orders, they prepared for the assault by practicing with live ammunition.  The latest armada in history, made up of more than 4,000 American, British, and Canadian ships, lay in wait.  More than 1,200 planes stood ready to deliver seasoned airborne troops behind enemy lines, to silence German ground resistance as best they could, and to dominate the skies over the impending battle theater.

Leaving headquarters at Portsmouth, Eisenhower first visited the British 50 th Infantry Division and then the U.S. 101st Airborne at Newbury; the latter was predicted to suffer 80 percent casualties.  The troops recognized “Ike” and the word quickly spread of his presence.  According to his grandson David, who wrote about the occasion in “Eisenhower: At War 1943-1945, the General wandered through the formless groups of soldiers, stepping over packs and guns.  The faces of the men had been blackened with charcoal and cocoa to protect against the glare and to serve as camouflage.  It was cheers, and positive talk,  like a roll call of battle honors.”

“At half past midnight, as Eisenhower returned to his headquarters at Portsmouth, the first C-47’s were arriving at their drop zones, commencing the start of “the Longest Day”.  The confusion  and carnage of the landing efforts as troops in full kit waded through choppy, bloodstained water amid the deadly, deafening thunder of enemy fire must be deeply etched in the memory of those who took part in or witnessed the assault.  During the invasion’s initial hours, Eisenhower lacked adequate information about its progress.  After the broadcast of his communique’ to the French people announcing their liberation, SHAEF switchboards were overwhelmed with messages from citizens and political officials.  SHAEF communications personnel fell 12 hours behind in transcribing radio traffic.  In addition, an Army decoding machine broke down.

According to his secretary-chauffeur Kay Summersby, as recounted in David Eisenhower’s book, “Eisenhower spent most of the day in his trailer drinking endless cups of coffee, ‘waiting for reports to come’.   He only gained sketchy details for most of the day about the British beaches, UTAH and the crisis at OMAHA, where for several hours the fate of the invasion hung in the balance.”  Eisenhower was forced to make his decision to proceed with a June 6th invasion in the predawn blackness of June 5th, while horizontal sheets of rain and gale force winds shuddered through the tent camp.  The forecast that the storm would abate proved accurate, as he noted later.  The vivid memory that stirred his memory doubtless heartened him throughout the day until conclusive word reached him that the massive campaign had indeed succeeded.

*Information compiled by archives for Government Education.  Documents are all on line.

Whereas, that brings us to a lack of experience and knowledge of history, war, and our military by this new President.  The fact that he was even “thinking” about taking away medical coverage of our military and veterans, many of whom came back with no fanfare, no than-you’s, and this media, who is so left wing, did the same to the Vets when they came back from Vietnam.  It is inexcusable!  I love our Veterans, and I thank them from my heart for making our country safe and being put in harms way all over the world.  They volunteer to make us safe from war and terrorism.  Hear this, new director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano; THEY are STILL enemy combatants, and STILL TERRORISTS.  Oh, how Islam and the terrorists even in this country must be in such joy that this Administration has opened the doors to another attack.  I read a prophesy by a preacher that NYC was once again going up in fire and smoke.  The same preacher that 3 weeks before 9/11 was given a prophesy that “something” was coming in NYC.  I believe Dave Wilkerson, and know the heart of his Church at Time Square and World Challenge, Teen Challenge.  Our defenses are down and I feel now that we might be friendless in time of need and crisis, under another attack, and our friends, the Brits, may not help us.

I therefore, pray for this President even though I am struggling with God, because I was so close to hating him., myself.  As a Christian, I forgave so many in my past, and I had no hates whatsoever, until this administration.  Dear God, help me, for I don’t know this man’s heart, and pray to you Lord , knowing you do.  Help us Lord in America do the right thing.  Protect us Lord, even though I know that “thine will, will be done”.  (The Lord’s Prayer)  God Bless America, and God bless our allies, Canada, and the UK.  I let go Mr President, I let God.


Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was born to an aristocratic family on November 30, 1874. As his life unfolded, he displayed the traits of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, a British statesman from an established English family, and his mother, Jeannie Jerome, an independent-minded New York socialite. As a young child, Churchill grew up in Dublin, Ireland, where his father was employed by his grandfather, the 7th Duke of Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill. When he entered formal school, Churchill proved to be an independent and rebellious student. He did poorly at his first two schools and in April, 1888, he was sent to Harrow School, a boarding school near London. Within weeks of his enrollment, he joined the Harrow Rifle Corps, which put him on a path to a military career.

At first it didn’t seem the military was a good choice for Churchill. It took him three tries to pass the exam for the British Royal Military College. However, once there, he did well and graduated 20th in his class of 130. Up to this time, his relationship with both his mother and father was distant, though he adored them both. While at school, Churchill wrote emotional letters to this mother, begging her to come see him, but she seldom came. His father died when he was 21, and it was said that Churchill knew him more by reputation than by any close relationship they shared.

Churchill enjoyed a brief but eventful career in the British army at a zenith of British military power. He joined the Fourth Hussars in 1895 and served in the Indian northwest frontier and the Sudan, where he saw action in the Battle of Omdurman in 1898. While in the army, he wrote military reports for newspapers The Pioneer and the Daily Telegraph, and two books on his experiences, The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and The River War (1899).

In 1899, Churchill left the army and worked as a war correspondent for the Morning Post, a conservative daily newspaper. While reporting on the Boer War in South Africa, he was taken prisoner by the Boers while on a scouting expedition. He made headlines when he escaped, traveling almost 300 miles to Portuguese territory in Mozambique. Upon his return to Britain, he wrote about his experiences in the book London to Ladysmith (1900).

Early Careers: Government and Military

In 1900, Churchill became a Member of Parliament in the Conservative Party for Oldham, a town in Manchester. Following his father into politics, he also followed his father’s sense of independence, becoming a supporter of social reform.

HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF..Before World War II Ambassador Joe Kennedy shook hands with we have the left Communists doing in Washington!   And when you play this video, it was the year before I was born, 1938 in NYC, Madison Square Garden!

How Ready Do You Have To Be

C_M_WardHow Ready Do You Have to Be?

The following is from an article from the mid 1980’s by the late C. M. Ward. I saved this for many years, short as it is..It says it all.

“Who is to judge whether or not a believer is “looking”? Who is the foolish society and what is the “wise” society? Labels now become libels.

Christ so loved the Church and gave Himself for it.  Am I to become a self-appointed arbiter and decide what portion of the Church is worthy?

Christ’s company, gathered in Galilee, was a polygot one.  It represented every shade of opinion and conduct. Christ thanked His Father for them and called them “friends.”

Saved by grace.  I will continue to be saved by “grace through faith”, and nothing more.  I can never save myself.  ‘Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace’. (II Thes 2:16).

This salvation is progressive.  I have been saved (from guilt).  I AM being saved (kept).  I SHALL be saved (from the presence of sin).  Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  Paul says we look for the Saviour.  At the new birth I am accepted.  “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved.  (Eph 1:6) The salvation of the penitent thief took him fom the gallows to glory.  Grace is sufficient.

The salvation provided for me is “to the uttermost”.  There are no revisions needed.  The ‘catching up’ is not a reward.  It is an intrinsic part of my salvation.

The dead will be raised.  There are almost two thousand years of believers graves.  “The dead in Christ shall rise first. ” Jesus said,  “The hour is coming, in that which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of damnation.” (John 5:28-29  If all the dead in Christ shall be raised, justice demands that all the living in Christ shall be “caught up”.  “We shall ALL be changed.” It is true that some will be saved, “yet so as by fire.” But that is the Judgment Seat.

No longer our own.  My body is the possession of the Holy Spirit.  It is no longer the inventory of wrath  (hates). “And because ye are sons, God hath send forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba Father”.  (Gal. 4:6) I have become a portion of the “purchased possession. ”

“What?” Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost…and ye are not your own?”  (I Cor 6:19)  The believer’s body is under this contract.  Paul understood this.  “For our conversation is in heaven: from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:  Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” (Phil.3:20-21)

He will present us.  The “spots and wrinkles” are His business…not the evangelist’s or the denomination’s.  He has guaranteed to present me “without blemish”.  I will lean upon Him.  “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” (Jude 24)

Paul knew the Corinthian believers and he loved them.  They were far from perfect.  Some were quarrelsome.  Some were proud.  Some were babies.  Paul said “all” would be changed.  We must give account.   Very soon after this event a sorting will take place.  “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God”.  (Romans 14:12)  Paul says “everyone’s work shall be made manefest”.  All believers have an examination date.  “For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ.”  (II Corinthians 5:10)

How can the believer “appear before the Judgment seat of Christ” if he or she is involved in the Great Tribulation?  Our condition will not cost us the COMING.  It will cost us the CROWN.

The Great C. M. Ward:



Dealing With Cancer

Woman holding her head in her handsThe following was written in 2010 when I went through cancer…not once but twice (also an ovarian cancer in 2003). There are no easy solutions.  For anyone going through it now,  my prayers are with you.

I never thought I would have it.  It doesn’t run in my family.  But, I have breast cancer and have been dealing with it for a month now.  July 12th, I have a lumpectomy to look forward to, so my political opinions, will have to be on the shelf for the time being.

For women that have gone through it, you know it is not just a “piece of cake”, but very invasive and almost feeling like being violated.  Today, I had the Dobutamine Stress Echo tests, which took 2 hours at least in the hospital.   I had to have it this way, instead of a treadmill, since I have spine/arthritic problems and osteo.  They say the test is non invasive but it was to me.  The test combines an ultrasound of the heart (an echocardiogram) taken at rest and again at each stage of the medication, Dobutamine.  (Through an IV).  The Dobutamine increases the increase the heart rate similar to the effect of exercise or adrenaline.  This test helps identify the overall function of the heart valves and chambers and areas of abnormal blood flow to the heart muscle caused by blockages in the coronary arteries.  It uses ultrasound or sound waves to produce an image of the structures of the heart.  A technician applies gel to the chest wall, a wand-like tranducer is then moved across the chest creating two-dimensional images of the heart muscle and valves.

Once the intravenous line (IV) is inserted in the arm, ten ECG electrodes will be placed on your chest so that your heart can be monitored.  Baseline ECG’s. blood pressure, and echcardiogram will be done before starting the medication, and throughout the remaining parts of the testing.  If an adequate heart rate is not met during the Dobutamine administration, Atropine may be given.  There is chest discomfort, and could be dizziness or shortness of breath. For me, it was like my throat and chest were swollen and closing up and I started getting tremors and lightheadedness.  It was scary and uncomfortable.

I had yet another uncomfortable biopsy to go through the morning of my surgery as well.  Part of being a cancer patient.   I already have met with a radiation team,
as well as therapy, which I’ll need with my arm after the lymph nodes and cancer are removed in the lumpectomy.  I’ve been overwhelmed with all this information and appointments for the past month…before surgery!!  What they failed to tell me though, was there was another procedure called Brachytherapy, which puts a balloon where the tumor was, so when you have radiation, they insert a tube right to that balloon, and it saves all the other cells in the breast.  Whereby for stage 1, it is not invasive.

For others that have gone through cancer treatments, my prayers are with you, as it isn’t easy by any means.  I have faith, my Lord, and a lot of prayers. With that I’ll keep you all informed if your reading my blogs, and will let you know when I’m back writing again.  If my friend can go through a mastectomy I can get through this. She too, is a light.  A friend I’ve known since we were 5, 66 years ago now!  Plus, at church yesterday, I experienced such a wonderful “sisterhood” of women, that it touched me deeply.   One woman, just had the same surgery I am going to have, and ironically,  has the same surgeon.  She has just gotten through her last radiation treatment.  My daughter, though in NH, had breast cancer 8 years ago, which I always attributed to my Greek ex-husbands side of the family, as I said prior, my English-German family had no cancer whatsoever.

HOWEVER,  I live in a Federally run very beautiful Senior Apartment complex here in NH, that allows smoking.   For nearly fifteen years,  I have been exposed to “other people’s smoking”.   When I first moved here, in 1996, the couple that lived underneath me, having sold their home to live here in retirement, both smoked.  Then the husband,  got sick with COPD and his wife had to stop smoking as they had a huge “no smoking” sign on the door, as he was now very sick, carting around an oxygen tank.    Ah the perils of enjoying that last cigarette!   So help me, I think people that  smoke, are brain dead!    The woman across from them smoked, then also got sick  and went in a nursing home.  This man Henry, who was a friend of mine and helped me for many years, also smoked (although not around me).  And his poor little dog Teddie who must have gotten cancer too.   Henry’s heart started to fail with all that smoking and he too, had COPD.  The VA kept him and he too died 2 years ago in December 08.  He had a wonderful artistic talent and made models of old ships, in a Plexiglas case with a wood base, all from original schematics.  It was very intricate work and when he died, his daughter donated to a museum.  But, the smoke still remains in that apartment two years later, and is in the walls, and wallboard, insulation, and the woman that moved in, says she can still smell it. Paint does not get rid of years of that smoke.  Now I have a nice couple that live underneath me, but he still will not give up those cigarettes.  He even had cancer too, but still has 5 cigarettes a day, although thank God, his wife won’t let him smoke in the apartment.  But, sometimes when he smokes outside, it goes up through my windows, and porch.  Since then a woman in another building had a total mastectomy and the woman smoker across her porch who caused the 2nd hand smoke damage, has since died.

You know what got me?  Here I came home from my echo tests getting punched, so they can get the ultra sound pictures right…So sore…3 hours in the hospital, to go to my outside mailboxes, and give directives to my mailman, when I go in for surgery, and  there are 4 people standing around out there puffing away on cigarettes.   AND I HAVE CANCER!!!   I got this from all of them!!  I know I did.

This is the only senior apartment complex (and others that are run by Rural and Housing Development,  in the whole state of NH that allow smoking), this for people
62 + and/or DISABLED?  Wherefore, I took no time in writing to Washington, through my two Senators in NH.   THE FACTS COME FROM THE SURGEON GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES!  YET RURAL AND HOUSING (ANOTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY )SEEMS TO BE IN DENIAL!  These are the facts:




Secondhand Smoke

What is secondhand smoke?

Secondhand smoke is also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or passive smoke. It is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco: sidestream smoke (smoke that comes from the end of a lighted cigarette, pipe, or cigar) and mainstream smoke (smoke that is exhaled by a smoker).

When non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke it is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking. Non-smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do. The more secondhand smoke you are exposed to, the higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body.

Why is secondhand smoke a problem?

Secondhand smoke causes cancer

Secondhand smoke is classified as a “known human carcinogen” (cancer-causing agent) by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US National Toxicology Program, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds. More than 60 of these are known or suspected to cause cancer.

Secondhand smoke causes other kinds of diseases and deaths

Secondhand smoke can cause harm in many ways. In the United States alone, each year it is responsible for:

  • An estimated 46,000 deaths from heart disease in non-smokers who live with smokers
  • About 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smoking adults
  • Other breathing problems in non-smokers, including coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, and reduced lung function
  • 150,000 to 300,000 lung infections (such as pneumonia and bronchitis) in children younger than 18 months of age, which result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations annually
  • Increases in the number and severity of asthma attacks in about 200,000 to 1 million children who have asthma
  • More than 750,000 middle ear infections in children

Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke are also at increased risk of having low birth- weight babies.

Secondhand smoke may be linked to breast cancer

An issue that is still being studied is whether secondhand smoke increases the risk of breast cancer. Both mainstream and secondhand smoke contain about 20 chemicals that, in high concentrations, cause breast cancer in rodents. And we know that in humans, chemicals from tobacco smoke reach breast tissue and are found in breast milk.

But a link between secondhand smoke and breast cancer risk in human studies is still being debated. This is partly because breast cancer risk has not been shown to be increased in active smokers. One possible explanation for this is that tobacco smoke may have different effects on breast cancer risk in smokers and in those who are exposed to secondhand smoke.

A report from the California Environmental Protection Agency in 2005 concluded that the evidence regarding secondhand smoke and breast cancer is “consistent with a causal association” in younger women. This means that the secondhand smoke acts as if it could be a cause of breast cancer in these women. The 2006 US Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, found that there is “suggestive but not sufficient” evidence of a link at this point. In any case, women should be told that this possible link to breast cancer is yet another reason to avoid being around secondhand smoke.

Secondhand smoke kills children and adults who don’t smoke, and makes others sick (Surgeon General’s report)

The 2006 US Surgeon General’s report reached some important conclusions:

  • Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke.
  • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and more severe asthma. Smoking by parents causes breathing (respiratory) symptoms and slows lung growth in their children.
  • Secondhand smoke immediately affects the heart and blood circulation in a harmful way. Over a longer time it also causes heart disease and lung cancer.
  • The scientific evidence shows that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Many millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes and workplaces despite a great deal of progress in tobacco control.
  • The only way to fully protect non-smokers from exposure to secondhand smoke indoors is to prevent all smoking in that indoor space or building. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot keep non-smokers from being exposed to secondhand smoke.

Where is secondhand smoke a problem?

You should be especially concerned about exposure to secondhand smoke in these 4 places:

At work

The workplace is a major source of secondhand smoke exposure for adults. Secondhand smoke meets the standard to be classified as a potential cancer-causing agent by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the federal agency responsible for health and safety regulations in the workplace. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), another federal agency, also recommends that secondhand smoke be considered a possible carcinogen in the workplace. Because there are no known safe levels, they recommend that exposures to secondhand smoke be reduced to the lowest possible levels.

Secondhand smoke in the workplace has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and lung cancer among adult non-smokers. The Surgeon General has said that smoke-free workplace policies are the only way to do away with secondhand smoke exposure at work. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating the building cannot prevent exposure if people still smoke inside the building. An extra bonus other than protecting non-smokers is that workplace smoking restrictions may also encourage smokers to quit.

In public places

Everyone can be exposed to secondhand smoke in public places, such as restaurants, shopping centers, public transportation, schools, and daycare centers. Some businesses seem to be afraid to ban smoking, but there is no proof that going smoke-free is bad for business. Public places where children go are a special area of concern.

At home

Making your home smoke-free may be one of the most important things you can do for the health of your family. Any family member can develop health problems related to secondhand smoke.

Children are especially sensitive to secondhand smoke. Asthma, lung infections, and ear infections are more common in children who are around smokers. Some of these problems can be serious and even life-threatening. Others may seem like small problems, but they add up quickly: think of the expenses, doctor visits, medicines, lost school time, and often lost work time for the parent who must take the child to the doctor. In the United States, 21 million, or 35% of children live in homes where residents or visitors smoke in the home on a regular basis. About 50% to 75% of children in the US have detectable levels of cotinine, the breakdown product of nicotine, in their blood.

Think about it: we spend more time at home than anywhere else. A smoke-free home protects your family, your guests, and even your pets.

In the car

Americans spend a great deal of time in cars, and if someone smokes there, hazardous levels of smoke can build up quickly. Again, this can be especially harmful to children. In response to this fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency has a special program to encourage people to make their cars, as well as their homes, smoke-free. And some states have laws that ban smoking in the car if carrying passengers under the age of 17.

What about smoking odors?

There is no research in the medical literature about the cancer-causing effects of cigarette odors. Research does show that secondhand tobacco smoke can get into hair, clothing, and other surfaces.

Some researchers call this “thirdhand” smoke. This refers to the toxic particles that are left in the air after you can no longer see the smoke. Over time, they settle on surfaces and can be measured long after the person is done smoking. Though unknown, the cancer-causing effects would likely be very small compared with direct exposure to secondhand smoke, such as living in a house with a smoker. But this is an active area of tobacco research.

What can be done about secondhand smoke?

Local, state, and federal authorities can enact public policies to protect people from secondhand smoke and protect children from tobacco-caused diseases and addiction. Because there are no safe levels of secondhand smoke, it is important that any such policies be as strong as possible, and that they do not prevent action at other levels of government.

Many US local and state governments, and even federal governments in some other countries, have decided that protecting the health of employees and others in public places is of the utmost importance. Many have passed clean indoor air laws in recent years. Although the laws vary from place to place, they are becoming more common. Detailed information on smoking restrictions in each state is available from the American Lung Association at

To learn how you can become involved in helping to promote laws to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, you can visit the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network on the Web at and see what’s happening across the country. The Web site can also take you to your state’s page so you can find out what is going on there. Or you can call ACS CAN at 1-888-NOW I CAN (1-888-669-4226).

Additional resources

More information from your American Cancer Society

We have selected some related information that may also be helpful for you. These materials may be viewed on our Web site or ordered from our toll-free number.

Guide to Quitting Smoking (also available in Spanish)

Questions About Smoking, Tobacco, and Health (also available in Spanish)

Smoking in the Workplace — A Model Policy

Other organizations*

Along with the American Cancer Society, other sources of information and support include:

American Heart Association & American Stroke Association
American Heart Association

Toll-free number: 1-800-242-8721 (1-800-AHA-USA-1)
Web site:
American Stroke Association

Toll-free number: 1-888-478-7653 (1-888-4-STROKE)
Web site:

Quitting tips and advice can be found at or by calling 1-866-399-6789

American Lung Association
Telephone: 1-800-586-4872
Web site:

Printed quit materials are available, some in Spanish. Also offers the tobacco cessation program “Freedom from Smoking Online” at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Office on Smoking and Health

Toll-free number: 1-800-232-4636 (1-800-CDC-INFO)
Web site:
Free quit support line: 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUIT-NOW)
TTY: 1-800-332-8615

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Telephone: 202-272-0167
Web site:

Has advice on how to protect children from secondhand smoke, a Smoke-free Homes Pledge, and other tobacco-related materials on the direct Web site,

National Cancer Institute
Toll-free number: 1-800-422-6237 (1-800-4-CANCER)
Web site:
Toll-free tobacco line: 1-877-448-7848
Tobacco quit line: 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUITNOW)
Direct tobacco Web site:

So, till I’m back giving my opinions and fighting for the America I love, I thought I’d tell you all why I won’t be active in July.  Happy and safe 4th…God Bless America and all of my friends that read what I write.  Thank you for your prayers.”>

Bringing Up The Past

548043_10150652788392344_693757343_9485242_1401445366_nThis is for all of you, especially older parents that are saved, and yet constantly have to face persecution from children, family, old acquaintances, who constantly bring up the past.  It is also for those who have been wronged unjustly and have no way to prove otherwise.

You are saved.  Bought by the blood Jesus shed at Calvary, many of you may have grown children, or relatives, friends in your “old” life, that may remember you before you were saved. Perhaps you drank, perhaps you did drugs, or lived as the “world”.  But, now you are saved, and the things of the past are no more!  Yet, every once in awhile, whether it be family gatherings, or Christmas, or in passing, these particular people constantly bring up the past, and the “old you”.

I have gone through this…I know many women especially that are divorced, that go through this constantly.   I know of one from another church I attended awhile back, who is so hurt, too, with grown children that blame her for the divorce as mine have.  And they do not know this Donna as a woman of God.  I knew others then too…It hurts.   You smart under the condemnation and you know in your heart of hearts the truths, and the why’s and wherefore’s, yet you cannot prove a darn thing.   My children when I divorced my 2nd husband, were 10, 7, and 6.   They knew nothing!  So, I know exactly what these women are experiencing.

Then perhaps, you are a male…maybe the same things have happened to you as well.  Maybe you were doing drugs, and did things young, but now you belong to Jesus.   Yet, others you knew, still judge you wrongly.  Or perhaps as someone who is in the workplace and someone has lied about you and tried to get you fired because are a Christian.   And you can’t prove your innocence.   You feel wronged, hurt, angry, and persecuted.  After all, didn’t you pay enough of a price?

The one thing I’ve learned in my years as a Christian, is that God is the vindicator.  God and God alone ALWAYS, ALWAYS, has cleared the way,  for retribution and been my advocate.  And the TRUTHS ALWAYS, have  come out.   God always, vindicates, yet, sometimes, not in the time-table we would like, but, when He is ready, based upon our walk with Him, and our faith.  Meanwhile you hurt, and feel frustrated, want restoration and a relationship, and in spite of prayer after prayer, sometimes for years, you see no end in sight.

When we get saved, all things are under the blood at Calvary.   You cannot change the past one iota, and God says to let it go and give it to Him.  For me?  God took the “old man” (self) away from me, when I fell on my face before the Cross.  All sins passed away.  Now, chaste as the newly fallen snow…as a virgin all over again….under the blood Jesus shed on the CROSS.  Without the Cross, we are still in the world as those who sometimes judge us wrongly.   But, you have to let go and give it to God.  Without Christ in our lives, we are no better than the “world”.   But, we have to change our thinking….(a pastor used to say, stinkin’ thinkin).  So, this blog is a pep talk….to bolster you all up….

First, go in Genesis 37:18- 27  This is the story of Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons, whose brother’s wanted to kill him for his inheritance.   But, instead of killing him, they threw him into a pit, and stripped him of his coat “of many colors”, which his father gave him.  Then, they saw a company of Ishmeelites that came and decided to sell Joseph, and he was captive and led into Egypt.  His brothers lied to Jacob, (whose other name was Israel), but, had no idea of what was to come.  Think of how persecuted and betrayed Joseph must have felt.  For his father thought he was dead.   Many years passed, and Joseph was brought by Potiphar and officer of the Pharaoh, who took him away from the Ishmeelites.  Then it says in verse 39:2 But the LORD was with Joseph!!  and he was a prosperous man; and was in the house of his master, the Egyptian (found grace).  You see, GOD WAS WITH HIM…as He is with you. When you continue reading you see that then Zuleikah, the Pharaoh’s wife, tried to tempt him, and seduce him.   But, Joseph refused (vs 8),as he had respect because she was Pharaoh’s wife, but, also feared God.   So she became angry to try to trick him…but, he fled, leaving a garment in her hand.  So she lied to her husband, who then placed Joseph in prison….At that point he exchanged a palace for a prison.  But the LORD was with Joseph (vs 21),
who was wrongly accused.

Then it came to pass the Pharaoh had a series of dreams, and wanted an interpretation, but, none was found, and he became angry with his servants, so he called on Joseph.   Yet, when asked, Joseph gave ALL the glory to the Lord.   And he interpreted the dream.  The Pharaoh rewarded Joseph, knowing he had the Spirit of God in him…Whereby, he was made into a rich man, gathering all the food while there was plenty….Then came the famine.  The story being, that his brother’s, including, Benjamin came before him, who Jacob had sent, but, did not recognize Joseph.   But the story ends, with the brother’s still not knowing Joseph, bringing their father to Joseph as well.   Did Joseph retaliate and show anger upon them as they had left him to die, sold him for his inheritance, and finally sold him?  No, instead he had his men slaughter a lamb and they dined with him…And finally after all the tests and they reunited and knew Joseph and brought his father to him, and in Chapter 47, presented his whole family and their flocks, and herds to Pharaoh, whom Jacob also met.

I love that story.  For like Cain, who could not run from God hiding in the fields, after he killed his brother Able….Neither can our enemies and foes run from God and His retribution either.   Those that attack you and judge you who are not saved?  Remember, that they are doing the work of Satan and God not only sees your pain and heart, but, HE and HE alone will also vindicate you one day.    For when you say to someone, “It’s under the blood, as I’m forgiven, and it is no more”…And they answer with a “BUT”.  “I know , BUT…”  Well, there is no but..There is no Biblical Godly right if they are also saved, to throw  one thing of the past in your face..period! For Jesus paid the price, with all the blood He shed at the Cross.  Else it makes the whole gospel of Christ a lie, and He died for nothing.  Jesus abolished death when He came.

Isaiah 53:4-10 the Atonement chapter.  He paid the price for our sins.  In Lev. 16:9, and Is, it wasn’t the priest that slaughtered those poor innocent lambs at the Temple, but the people that brought them as sinners as an offering.  Can you imagine how deep the blood ran then?   Can you imagine how that Temple looked?   That’s why we need to constantly remember and repent of even the smallest sin.  For Jesus paid the price and God VINDICATED Him of ALL atonement.

That atonement for our sins, is also ours once we have repented and come to the cross to be saved.   It is free….our gift of grace.  Wherefore, accept no more condemnation from your enemies.   Philippians 4:5 “Be careful for nothing, in everything give prayer and supplication.”  If God be for me, then man cannot be against me.  He is my  vindicator and yours!   And with that vindication and standing on the word, comes faith.   You may not have restoration with your unsaved children right off, or even not in your lifetime, or see wrongs righted in your lifetime.  But, God knows.  And rest assured, HE will vindicate you.   Just remember that all accusations come from the devil.  God never accuses.

For you cannot move forward in your walk with God as a saved born again Christian, if you get yanked like a yo yo back and forth with your saved or unsaved loved ones or old friends, who keep accusing and bringing up the past.  No way..  You have to take a stand.  The devil is already defeated.  So stomp on him and take authority.   Matt. 7:4-5 How will you say to your brother let me pull out the mote in your eye, when the rock is in your own.”  Ye hypocrite…Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine….I have blog after blog on my 2 sites here on hates…taking authority.  Let God purge all the hurt and anger out of you, and then you will have total peace.   It took me years and years to discover how this works.   Jesus took it all.   You can do nothing to change your past, and those you offended, except apologize, and move on to what God wants.

For you are royalty..You are a King’s Kid…If God loves you and is for you then accept no more condemnation.   And while we are not supposed to judge ourselves…”Judge not lest ye be judged”…we are to test the spirits, and any spirit of accusation you receive about the past?  It is not of God, but of Satan.  Forgive, and move on.

Charles Stanley preached on 1/17/10 on the dark moments of our life.  They will only last as long as God accomplishes His purpose.  HE will work out His will in our life.  Ask yourself, how does God view us? How did God view Joseph when his brothers sold him?  Did God dessert him?  Will He you?  NEVER!   Be faithful, diligent, obedient…and all your fragility’s and weaknesses, despondency, hurts, pain, of not receiving the love and understanding and restoration you want, will be answered.  He sees and understands.

Joel Olsteen also said once that God is our vindicator.  All those that cut us down and wrong us?  God sees it and one day we will see the victory and those people will pay the price, and God himself will call them accountable, as long too as we give HIM all the glory in our lives.  So, Joel said, lift your head up, get out of the hurts, depression, and put your shoulders back, and trust in God…and He will open all the doors and lift you far above all those that had trodden on your soul and maligned you or wronged you.   Romans 8:1-   “Therefore now no condemnation” (guilt) “to them which are in Christ Jesus” who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.”   Romans 5:16 “And not as it was by one who sinned, so is the Gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation “(by Adam)”but the Free Gift is not many offences unto Justification” (Cleanses us from all sin).  If God be for us man cannot be against us!

For unfortunately, what your unsaved children or friends do not understand is that when you fail to honor your parents, you are in fact putting a curse on them.  But, we as Christians, have Holy Ghost power to break that curse, and walk free in obedience with the only one that paid the price at Calvary………Jesus….the name above all names……my prayers with you friend.

Being A More Loving Person

JesusTrying to be a more loving person is perhaps the hardest thing God requires, and with some in my life, very difficult, indeed.

We all have our faults, and as my older daughter says, have “cracked pots”.  It is terribly hard to love someone in Jesus “agape” love.  Not, just say I love you..but, mean it from the bottom of your heart, even when this person has hurt you over and over again.  You forgive them repeatedly, but, loving them gets really hard.  It’s not their faults and sins that get in the way (at least not with me), its the fact that they refuse to repent and really change from their sinful ways.   I love as a mother as I should, but, that “agape” love of Jesus is a challenge.  Sometimes, these people can push your buttons, and just charge at you, and all you want is space and your peace and quiet.  Has anyone ever been there?   This is the time when  I loose my patience, that I need to get on my face before God and ask that my heart be changed.

About 10 years ago, I had a study in this, and I still had it saved, from June 2004.  It begins,  “Let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God IS love.   And He has given us this command:  Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (mother-father) I John 4:7-8-21 You can’t love God and not someone that hurt you.  It’s a misconception; love is uncontrollable; that is not true.  You CAN control who you love and don’t love.  And some choices require painful decisions.   Sometimes you must decide, God’s desire for me, or my own free will?  Which of the two will I follow?  Love is an ACTION, I John 3:18 “Let us not love with words or tongue but with ACTION & TRUTH.”   You can’t love someone from a DISTANCE… not just talk…its not just a “feeling”.  Love isn’t love unless its given away.  LOVE IS ALSO ACTION.   It is doing for someone else.   Giving ones self, in sacrifice to someone hurting, not things, not a pat on the head.  God wants our hearts! Loving someone you don’t like or agree with is very hard.

You need to experience God’s love yourself.  “I pray that Christ will be more at home in your heart, living within you as you trust Him.  May your roots go deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love and may you be able to feel and understand how long, wide, deep and high His love really is and experience this love for yourselves.”  Ephesians 3:17-18 Unloving people who are unloved and selfish and wallow, only are hurting themselves.  A divided heart is a RESENTFUL heart. Forgive others who have hurt you.  “Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”  Col 3:13 “Love others as I have loved you.”  John 13:35.  “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But, if you forgive not men their trespasses , neither will God forgive your sins.”  Matthew 6:14-15.  You can’t LOVE YOUR KIDS, IF  YOU HATE YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER!   Your staying in the past..LET GO!

I really struggle with this from some  who constantly brings up the past when I got  divorced  many years ago.   Some constantly bring up the past from 40 years ago.  It is over and done with.  I was 30 when her father’s girlfriend was on my doorstep, who he would not give up.  That pain for me never left.   Then losing my youngest son to suicide 10 years ago, is another pain in my heart, that hurt so badly, I had a mini stroke after I buried him.   At 70,  now, I fight every day against depressive thoughts from a legitimate pain in my heart.   My daughters do not understand how that kind of pain, and uncaring,  can affect the elderly.   I even looked up online to find out that there is actually a “broken heart syndrome”.  The actual pains in the heart from hurts, false accusations, and death, can actually affect the heart.    I am more than a cracked pot, I am damaged goods.   I leave it all at the Cross.   But, it is therefore, very hard for me with anxiety to be a loving person.    I can’t change the past, I can’t change another, I can only with God’s help, and deep prayer, change myself. You think loving thoughts….”Don’t just think about your own affairs and SELF, but be interested in others too, and in what THEY are doing.  Your ATTITUDE should be the same kind that was shown to us by Jesus Christ.” Philippians 2:4-5.  Paradox:  Those who deserve your love the least are those who need it most!

Hurt people HURT OTHER PEOPLE..Focus on NEEDS and hurts that are in THEIR life…OUR ACTIONS MUST BE A WITNESS TO GOD! Begin acting in a loving way.  It is way easier to act MY WAY into a feeling than it is to FEEL my WAY into an action.  ” Love your enemies , do good to those who hate you , bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”  Luke 6:27-28  That too, is really hard, when you have been so hurt by others.  You put a wall of distrust up around you, and it isn’t that you lash out to them so, but, you don’t want to be hurt again.   The only one who can tear down these walls is the Lord. Five things we need to do to people who hurt us: 1. Love them.  “Love your enemies.  Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other because of your love. ” Ephesians 4:2.  2. Do good to them.  You can give without loving gut you cannot love without GIVING.  Love is to be given away.  AND the past is in the past…Under the blood at Calvary..Dead and buried!   Jesus has washed the past clean!  His Crucifixion has blotted out all iniquity.  3. Bless those who curse you.”  4. Pray for them.  Choose the WAY you want to respond, when someone hurts you.  You hurt back, your reacting.  You don’t control, when you react the Christian way is not to hurt back, but, to face the other person and respond as Jesus would have you do.

However, there are times as I wrote once, when even though you love this person, you have to let go for a time.  Letting go and letting God is not reacting in a way to hurt back, but, to let God work in their lives, and get out of God’s way.  There is a difference.  “Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast.  It is not proud.  It is not rude.  It is not self-seeking.  It is not easily angered.   LOVE KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS…IT DOES NOT BRING UP THE PAST, CONTINUALLY WEARING DOWN  A RELATIONSHIP.   I Cor. 13:4-5 Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.  Love ALWAYS protects.  If one person is experiencing fear, and anxiety, then they were not given love.  Love always trusts.  If you cannot trust a person, and you know they have love/hate towards you,  it is not a healthy love.  That person needs help.  Love always hopes.  Love always perseveres.  THAT kind of love never fails.  I Cor. 13:6-8.  Help me Lord be a more loving person.   How we all fail so miserably. Expect the BEST from them.  “If you love someone you will always believe in him (her) , and always expect the best of them.”  I Cor. 13:7  Labeling only REINFORCES the negative, it never  changes anyone, yet, when the same things keep coming up in accusations for 25 years that person doing the accusing needs help.  They are not living in Christ.  They only add fuel to the fire.  Treat them as you would want to be treated.  Learn how to TAKE CORRECTION WITHOUT  TAKING OUT OF CONTEXT!  Going off the deep end on “feeling’s” is NOT Godly, Neither is constantly bringing up the past which cannot be changed!

“Moreover if your brother hurts you, go and tell him his fault between you and he alone.  If he shall hear you, thou has gained a brother in my name.  But, if he will NOT hear you, then take with you one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established.  If they REFUSE to listen, tell it to the church, let him be unto me as a heathen man and a publican.”  Matthew 18:15-17.  Refusal to act in God’s way is a rebellious, having an unteachable spirit against Jesus and a hardened heart. You cannot love God and be a Christian if your heart is hardened towards another.  Study 1 Cor. 13, the Love Chapter.   Help us all Father God, come to the Cross and bear our own pain, sins,  and hurt, and leave them all with you to heal.    Thank you Jesus for your healing touch.   Take away the “empty” feelings, sadness and anxiety, take away lack of energy, physical back pain, loss of interest in normal activities, sleep problems, tears, feelings of guilt, helplessness, and feeling worthless, being irritable, and any thoughts of death.   Help all those who are as me, broken vessels, that just want to be loved.   Thank you Jesus for loving us unconditionally.  Amen

*Excerpts of this came from a study from a Pastor Manning in 2004, and from my book “Restoration Road, copyright 2004

When Your Child Backslides

willcox-smith-jessie-young-girl-in-the-ocean-surfI know there are parents out there, who have children, that know the Lord as their Savior yet, either by intention, or temptation, backslide. It is painful to watch, when we know the end times are here and Jesus could come in the Rapture at any time.  Then in pain, you get down in your knees, convinced they will never make the Rapture, once more engulfed in sin, and you can do only one thing….PRAY!

“Lord, I lift my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren up to You today and pray, according to Your Word, that:

1.  They will know Christ as Savior early in life and desire a close relationship with You throughout their childhood, teen, and adult years. (Mark 10:13-16, Luke 2:52, 2Timothy 3:15)

2.   They will develop the discipline of prayer and time in You Word (Joshua 1:8, Daniel 6:10, Matthew 4:4, Philippians 4:6-7.

3.   You will bring into their lives godly adults and friends who will help them grow in Godly living. Psalm 1:1-3, Philippians 1:27, Proverbs 27:17, I Corinthians 4:15.

4.   You will keep them pure and strengthen them against temptation.  Job 17:9, Psalm 24:3-4,1Corinthians 6:18-20.

5.   They would develop discernment, wisdom, responsibility, and a strong conscience. 1Kings 3:11-12, 1 Timothy 1:5, Daniel 6:3.

6.    They will be CAUGHT if they wander into cheating, lies, or mischief.  Psalm 119:71, Proverbs 20:30.

7.    They will see other people as You do, treating them with love and kindness.  Matthew 25:35-40, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:1-4.

8.   You will protect them from emotional, physical, and spiritual danger.  Psalm 28:7-9, Psalm 41 , John 17:15, 2Thesalonians 3:3.

9.    You will prepare them to be a Godly, loving and faithful spouse or prepare them to glorify YOU in their SINGLENESS.  1 Corinthians 7:7-8, and that YOU also prepare their future spouse.  2 Corinthians 6:14-15, Ephesians 5:21-33.

10.    They would leave home with an eternal perspective and Christ-like values.  Matthew 28:18-20, Galatians 2:20, Philippians 1:21.

11.   They will sense YOUR calling on their lives and their lives will count for YOUR kingdom.
Psalm 78:1-8, 103:12-18, 2Timothy 1:9.”
* From Family Life

So what do you do when you know now, especially that we are in the end times, and Jesus could come in the Rapture, at any day, and your child who was saved, is an adult, and for that matter maybe even a parent , and is sinning?   You come to the point, if you’ve gone through it before with him or her, that you cannot ram anymore.   Your relationship is fragile, as you have a child that is independent and does their “own” thing.   So what do you do? The hardest thing you can do…Step back, trust God, and pray and let go and let God.

You have fears, because you worry, that they will not make it to Heaven.  But, our soul is between Jesus and themselves.  They may be in other sin such as drugs, or worldly desires,sexual temptations.   Their children may or may not be church-goers, and even if they are taken to church, they are receiving mixed signals.  For this parent is pretending to be what they are not.  They tell their child to live one life while they are living another.   They are in essence hypocrites, Jesus says.  Their world is full of deceit.  One of the blogs here,  by A. W. Tozer, the “Old Cross and the New”, says it.  Lust and worldliness has crept into many churches.   “Oh, I’m a good person, I do this..I do that…”  But, that doesn’t get you into Heaven.   And what if you say nothing and even as a Christian you condone the behavior you see, because you don’t “want to rock the boat or hurt the friendship?”  What does Jesus say?

First, to those that condone backslidden and sinning behavior from a family member, God says, we are to be RESPONSIBLE.  Romans 14:13  Let us not therefore judge one another any more (can be translated, “let us no longer have the habit of criticizing one another.)  BUT judge this rather, that no man PUT A STUMBLING BLOCK or an occasion to fall in his brother’s (sister’s) way (tells us what is, in fact, PERMISSIBLE to judge; as Believers, we are to judge EVERY brother and sister and situation which surrounds them, irrespective what it might be, as to how we can help them, instead of harming them).   Also God says about a stumbling block, “that it shall be like a millstone hung around your neck!”  Boy, at the risk of alienating everyone, I sure wouldn’t want that heavy millstone (they used with oxen) around my neck.  God too, will call a person that condones this wrong sinful behavior into accountability, with perhaps, a harsher discipline and correction than the person sinning.  Why is it that most in the churches now don’t understand this?  Sin has invaded our pews.  And how can this sinner, that may be fornicating or doing drugs, then pretend he is “one of them” and bring their children to church, without the conviction of the Holy Spirit, driving them to their knees in tears and repentance?  Where today is the repentance?


For in 1 Corinthians 8:9 Also says, “But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours BECOMES A STUMBLINGBLOCK to them who are weak. (WE who condone sinful behavior make men worse if, by OUR example , we teach them to act in CONTRADICTION  TO THEIR CONSCIENCE!)   It is sinning against Christ!  It makes the salvation message a lie!  Furthermore, in Matthew 10:34, Jesus said, “Think not that I come to send peace on earth, but a sword…For  I am come to set a man at VARIANCE against his father, and the daughter against her mother. And the man’s foes shall be that of his own household.”  When one is saved it causes this variance in most families, for if the “family” say, is unchristian or playing at religiosity, it causes deep dissention.  But, if you truly love God, then you must pick up that cross and follow HIM!

God expects us when we are saved, to have MORAL STANDARDS, and be strong in mind, body, and spirit , by having the Holy Spirit in us, not to be weak, but, to guard against ALL
temptations.  For we cannot bear fruit and live for HIM, if our roots are corroded in lust, sin,
and temptations.  You cannot be saved, and go to church and “pretend” to be what you are not, then go out, and live your life in the world, as if God didn’t exist.   You are being a hypocrite when you do, and God says, I will spew thee out of my mouth.   You are an abomination to him.  Ephesians, speaks of moral standards in the 4th Chapter.  Verse 17 “This I say therefore, and testify  in the Lord ” (given to Paul by the Lord as it relates to our everyday lifestyle), “that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk” (how one orders ones behavior) “in the vanity of their mind” (refers to living in the spheres of emptiness; it denotes an ignorance of DIVINE things, a  Moral blindness.) 18. “Having the understanding darkened (speaks of a process completed in the past..the fall..but having results in the present) , “being alienated from the life of God” (proclaims the ONLY true life there is ) “through the IGNORANCE  that is in them” (does not refer merely to intellect, but denotes an
ignorance of Divine things),  “because of blindness of their heart” (it is a ‘WILLFUL IGNORANCE’ which brings about a ‘WILLFUL BLINDNESS,’ ie SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS).
27. “Neither give place to the Devil. (FAITH properly placed in the Cross givens Satan NO place in our lives for temptation, perversion, lust, of any kind.)

I do not believe in “once saved always saved” and have always, since I was saved 26 years ago had a fear of God.   Churches today, especially in contemporary churches which are under the “new Cross”, lenient, don’t preach sin.  It is a lie of the DEVIL!   Hebrews 6:8 says, “But that which bears thorns and briers is REJECTED” (this speaks of believers who have TURNED THEIR BACKS ON CHRIST AND THE CROSS, and now bring forth no proper fruit, but, thorns and briers) “and is nigh unto cursing  “(refers to judgment); “whose end is to be burned.” (This refers to the simple fact that if a person who was once a BELIEVER remains in that state, he will lose his SOUL.)  God gives them up…just like He gave up Esau  (the hairy one the Bible says, who gave up his inheritance and hated his brother Jacob…the ONLY one God ever said in the whole Bible, “Him do I hate!”  Yes, I believe, God can and does, let us go, when we repeat the same sin over and over, and keep coming back like a little game.

Hebrews 12:16 “Lest there be any fornicator, or PROFANE PERSON, AS ESAU, ” (he was ‘profane’ because he rejected God’s way, ie the CROSS, and the results are inevitable) “who for one morsel sold his birthright.” (He was in the Family of God, but was not OF THE FAMILY of God, which characterizes untold millions in churches today.) (*parenthesis from the Expositor’s Study Bible throughout.)  What about you?  Are you OF the family of God?

17.”For you know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the Blessing, he was REJECTED (proclaims Esau, as millions, desiring the BLESSING without the BLESSER ‘Jesus’) “for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it” (the blessing )carefully through tears.” (He like many today, wanted the blessing but he did not want to repent and change his sinful ways, placing his faith on other things other than Christ.)  God is the judge of all.  Hebrews 12:23  12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.  (the fire of God will consume EVERYTHING  that is not Faith in Christ and the Cross  [1Corinthians 3:10-17].)

Sin: 1John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin” (refers to the sin nature)” we DECEIVE ourselves “(refers to self-deception), and the TRUTH is not in us.” (This does not refer to all Truth as it regards Believers, but rather that the Truth of the indwelling sinful nature is not in us.)   9. “If we confess our sins (and turn from our wicked ways) , He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  HOWEVER, vs 10 “IF we say we have NOT sinned ” (nor repent, and change, John here is denouncing the claims of sinless perfection; he is going back to Vs 8, speaking of Christians who claimed they had no sin nature) “We make HIM a LIAR “(the person who makes such a claim makes God a liar, because the Word says the OPPOSITE), “and His Word is not in us.”  (If we properly know the Word, we will properly know that perfection is not in us at present , and will not be until the TRUMP sounds.)   And 1John 1:9 “he who says he is in the light and hates his brother, mother, father, sister, is in darkness even until now.

God, I pray that you send your FIRE, I know that before we have revival, the fire will come and purge us all.   For none of us are sinless, but, most of us that have deep roots in you Lord, know when we are sinning and seek your repentance immediately.   We as Christians, check each other out.   We are there for each other.  But, if you are backslidden and hiding in a sinful way of life, keeping your life secret from other Christians, leading a double standard, you are not walking in Christ.   You need to turn from your worldly ways, and come back on your knees to Christ.  If you are a young person, who is having a problem with lust, and keep choosing the wrong person getting hurt over and over…You are not trusting God, and  are just plain impatient.  Was not Sarah 90 years old when she gave birth to Isaak?   She laughed and mocked God, and because of her impatience and lack of faith, she gave Abraham her handmaiden Hagar.   Hagar begot Ismael…who became as Esau later, the Arab nations.  But, God gave His covenant to Isaak.   She didn’t believe God, for she was old.  She couldn’t wait for HIS blessings.   For whatever is going on in the Mideast now?  Blame Sarah.

Can you wait on God?  Can you have self-control and trust only in HIM?  If you know someone who is backslidden, in a relationship that is unequally yoked, and sinning, on drugs, doing the things of the world..  Print this and give it to them…They don’t need you  to condone and overlook their behavior, lest they lose their salvation, and chance God rejecting them.  They need you to show them the TRUTH, in love and Godly CORRECTION.    They are sinners, that need the Cross, and need to repent.  One cannot repent and have the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and their conscience, unless they are Corrected.   I pray this helps those see the error of their ways, and seek your face oh Lord.   I pray for all those in this world that is like Sodom and Gomorrah, for America has lost it’s way.  There is temptations all around us..I pray for the youth of this country, to come to the CROSS.  It is the ONLY way!  Jesus is coming soon….

Egypt, Mid East And The Ramifications

Malaysia-2As I’ve watched the riots on the streets of Egypt, and listened to many “experts”, on the subject, and our Washington counterparts tell us this is all about “democracy”, I then listened to Glenn Beck this week, when he used the word “CALIPHATE”, and believe he speaks the truth. For we are not being told the whole truth. What happens now when other countries take to rioting in the streets as in Egypt? I pondered, this and emailed a Christian friend of mine, who is a teacher in Morocco, with an adopted Moroccan son. She seemed to think that Glenn was right.

We need to be vigilant. Hypothetically, what happens when countries besides Egypt; Somalia, Tunisia, Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon (already run by Hezbollah),Sudan, the Ivory Coast, Libya, Turkey, Nigeria, So Africa, and Morocco all took to the streets. If Morocco flips, it cuts off Portugal and Spain (22% Muslim) then look at Belgium (Brussels 90% Muslim) and France. It is about power, not democracy.. and the Marxists, are in bed with these radical extreme Muslims. This was the goal of many in the Mid East and Iraq, going back to the Ottoman Empire. When we went into Iraq with George W., the one thing that our soldiers never bombed was the ancient ruins of Babylon, in the south near Kuwait. In 1989, the late Peter Jennings was over there long, before the Iraqi war, and in a UPI article he wrote how Saddam Hussein thought he was the re-incarnation of the Ancient Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar, and started re-building Babylon with its hanging gardens. The word Caliphate means “all Islamic states banning together, including Hamas and the Islamic Brotherhood. It is intended to take over all of Western Civilization with Sharia Law. Please see:

History from wikipedia site above:

The caliph was often known as Amir al-Mu’minin (أمير المؤمنين) “Commander of the Believers”. Muhammad established his capital in Medina, and after he died it remained the capital for the Rashidun period. At times in Muslim history there have been rival claimant caliphs in different parts of the Islamic world, and divisions between the Shi’a and Sunni communities.

According to Sunni Muslims, the first caliph to be called Amir al-Mu’minin was Abu Bakr Siddique, followed by Umar ibn al-Khattāb, the second of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs. Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib also were called by the same title, while the Shi’a consider Ali to have been the first truly legitimate caliph, although they concede that Ali accepted his predecessors, because he eventually sanctioned Abu-Bakr.[6]

The rulers preceding these first four did not receive this title by consensus, and as it was turned into a monarchy thereafter.

After the first four caliphs, the Caliphate was claimed by dynasties such as the Umayyads, the Abbasids, and the Ottomans, and for relatively short periods by other, competing dynasties in al-Andalus, North Africa, and Egypt. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk officially abolished the last Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, and founded the Republic of Turkey, in 1924. The Kings of Morocco still label themselves with the title Amir al-Mu’minin for the Moroccans, but lay no claim to the Caliphate.

Some Muslim countries, like Indonesia and Malaysia were never subject to the authority of a Caliphate, with the exception of Aceh, which briefly acknowledged Ottoman suzerainty.[7] Consequently these countries had their own, local, sultans or rulers who did not fully accept the authority of the Caliph. The rest you can read on the above site, as well as numerous other sites.

I have a Christian friend of mine, who lives in Morocco, who I asked her opinion on all of this. Since she is a teacher there, and is in close proximity with it’s people, this was the response she sent me.

“I did see part of the Glen Beck show and will watch the rest tonight. I do however think it is pretty accurate. I went Sunday to the grocery store and stocked up on food and supplies, for what I think is a very real possibility that Morocco can also have these riots. People were laughing at me BUT I will have the last laugh when I can stay for over one month in my house and not need or want for anything. When I ask local people here thay all say, “No”, but I am not stupid nor ignorant. The poor males here are very dissatisfied. The food prices are rising and the salaries are not, the rich get richer and the poor are getting poorer. I posted last night an article on FB about the possibility of a the same here in Morocco. I hope and pray the King will be proactive and take preemptive measures to avoid the same things that are happening in other countries form happening here.

When people complain about America and how they try to control stuff, how they prop up dictators and evil men like Saddam and Mubarak, they forget that our government also has the bigger picture. They knew what the ramifications were when Saddam was out, chaos in the Middle East. And without Mubarak in Egypt, eventual war with Israel. I don’t always condone what out nation does BUT I don’t have all the intelligence information. However,  I also know that people in other countries who have been raised with different cultural and ethnic and religious backgrounds do NOT think nor act like us. Here in Morocco, and I am sure in many similar nations, when the police tell someone to do something they usually argue and don’t obey. NOT until the police come and beat them will the submit. That is why the government has to have a heavy hand otherwise it would be total anarchy and animals in the street. Whenever there is a soccer match, the people have to get off the street, the busses and taxis often stop operating in certain areas and the police and army come out in droves just to control the crowds of angry or jubilant youth. If that is what it is like after a soccer match what will it be like if they riot for freedom and rights. BUT if you act like animals then perhaps you shouldn’t have rights.  On the other hand, Christians are being persecuted for not turning Muslim in all of these Arab nations.  Look at poor Saeed in Iranian jail, an American pastor leaving a beautiful wife and two children here.   He was there building a secular school.

I hope this helps and I hope you will please pray for me and my safety. I have at least till June to be here in this country, after that will depend on the direction I have form the Lord, to stay or go. I need to hear clearly from Him about that. I want to go home BUT I also don’t know how I would live or earn a living while I was there. I can stay here and earn a very good living IF things don’t go nuts, and be used by the Father doing it.”

This is another perspective from someone who lives among these people. So we, in America want to democratize so many of these countries, without knowing the full truths. How do you deal with youth that acts like animals in the streets? Is this all a call to Democracy or are they too being pushed by extremists, fractions, that want Sharia law and control, as well as Marxists? My friend is right, as we do not have all the information. But, Washington does and they are not telling us. We have Americans in many many of these countries.

This writer does not have the answers. I do know however, what the ramifications are if all the countries above get on Egypt’s bandwagon and start rioting in the same manner. Are these rioters college student’s and the educated or those that do act as my friend says, only like animals. How do you change thousands of years of a backward way of life without education, jobs, food, etc. Remember Jakarta in the 60’s when Sukarno was overthrown in 1965….people lived like animals there too. What is the answer? This has always happened when a dictator ruled and gets overthrown. I’d like to think that Iraq was a success story. I’d like to be this Pollyanna that thinks democracy is the answer and jobs, etc. I’d like to believe my own US Government. But, I don’t trust my own President. And remember too, in 1965 in Jakarta, Obama’s mother married again and he was dragged in that poor country, then, 3 years old? Think of what he came out of with a Kenyan father, and a mother that was a fruit cake in my estimation. He didn’t have a father to look up to, so no wonder he gravitated to Socialism, seeing what he did at a very young age. So, I don’t have any answers. All I can post here is an awareness. We are in a very dangerous time in the world, and food and gas are going to go bonkers. Think about the Suez Canal being blocked?? We need a lot  of wisdom, with this next elections in the US in 2014 & 16….a lot!

Christian Persecutions, Open Doors:

Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world’s most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ’s light in these places. These believers stand strong, despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith?

There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough, we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith, know this well.

There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However, the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure, knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage, peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God’s love in new and powerful ways.

Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum:

  1. 1.     Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell

Be still, and know that I am GodPsalms 46:10

One Chinese church leader, who spent 23 years in prison, once said this to Christians who did not face persecution:

“I was pushed into a cell, but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell, so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God.”

It is vital that we spend time with God, to grow in Him, so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution.

Putting Our Needs Before the Lord

JesusWe need to put our needs in prayer before the Lord, when we pray. Not approach God with vain words, but, come to the throne seeking communion with Him. Ask God with wisdom what to do with you and your family. Then we need to seek scripture to back up what God tells us through the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:30, If God be for me, then man cannot be against me. We need to know when the Holy Spirit tells us to let go of a situation. For when we continue to persist, we get in God’s way, and He cannot move in this other persons life.

Romans 2:13-16 “For not the hearers of the Law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law, these having not the Law, are a law unto themselves. Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel.” Whereby, while the Lord will not hold the Gentiles accountable to the Law of Moses regarding the Old Testament times, this is in no way means that He will not hold them accountable for their sin; the fact of sin is not abrogated in any case respecting ignorance in effect, places the Jew in a more responsible and even fearful situation. The mere having of the Law or even hearing the Law saves no one. At the Great White Throne Judgment, God will judge the Gentile world which existed before the Law according to that which they did know; once again, this has nothing to do with salvation; ignorance never brought salvation. Conscience, too, does not prove a reliable guide, as is proclaimed here. Jesus alone is the criteria. “according to My Gospel” Jesus and Him crucified. JS Expositor’s study Bible

We are therefore instructed to be doers of the Law, after which we have Heard. Therefore, when they judge, they also judge themselves. So, when we pray, we need to ask God, our needs, and those of others, our country, etc. For He says in Luke 18:41 “What will you that I shall do unto you? He is asking us, “What can I do for you?” It is by faith then that we come to His Throne to petition in communion with Him. The Lord is there, waiting for us to petition Him. We are not just to be hearers in His word but doers of the word.

Pour your Holy Spirit Lord over our loved ones, and families, those that need salvation, those without faith, and across this great country we live in. Through your divine supernatural manifestations, upon our nation Lord, our friends, enemies, those saved and unsaved. Let this nation know without a doubt that YOU alone are the Lord God almighty. Go to Him as the woman with the issue of blood, who crawled to touch the hem of His garment, so she could feel Holy Ghost power in just touching it, and healing. Show Lord, the doubters, who never experienced Holy Ghost power and are in denial of Acts being for today, that yes, it is! Let your truths be shown, for all the world to see Lord God.

Ezekiel 13:3-10 “Vain prophets have seen nothing! Lying, divination, this President and the Arab Spring, who calls himself a Christian, is defiling the word of God. Those so called spiritual leaders he takes counsel with will one day feel the supernatural power of the Living God, who says, “I AM Against You!”, thus sayeth the Lord. All they see in vanity in Washington, and our leaders. Because they have seduced my people and there is no peace, nor will there be in the mid-east until Jesus comes in the Second Coming. All man does will backfire, while we are a nation in debt. God caused this earthquake in VA this week, week and in Washington, DC. Vanities of Vanities all while Obama golfs! And God Almighty is angry, and His wrath is becoming unleashed. “There will be an over flowing show3r, stormy wind, (this hurricane Irene?) with great gale overflowing in MY FURY, thus sayeth the Lord. Ezekiel 13:11-12.

God is in charge of our promotions, and He says He is removing barriers to the Holy. Keep your eyes on me, He says, for I am turning everything upside down! I am pleased when my men and women are in their prayer closet…alone with me. Proverbs 2 says, “if you receive my words, treasure your commands, we bring life not destruction. Incline our ears to wisdom! Seek wisdom as gold and silver…Cry out for our leaders our sons and daughters. Wisdom needs to reign in all our decisions that we make. For when we cry out to God, (Psalm 10) He is our refuge and our strength. Then He wants me, anyways, to wait on Him. That word was given me yesterday. Out of it all, we will be a stone wall for someone that will need us, in jeopardy.

Because we are at the table of the Lord, we know how to STAND in times of chaos, and disaster, it is then that we will know how to help others. Psalm 112:7 We shall not be afraid of the evil and adversity that is all around us. For through faith it won’t touch us, that are Holy and believe. For we set our feet upon a rock! Psalm 119:33 We shall let no iniquity come over us. Wisdom…Faith..His mercy upon all of us that call out His name. The 23rd Psalm, says “thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me, I will fear no evil.” Praise God. James 1:5-7 “If any of you lack wisdom “(pertains to proper knowledge of the Word of God,) “let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.” (This means when we ask wisdom of Him, He will not reproach or chide us for our past conduct. He permits us to come in the freest manner, and meets us with the Holy Spirit of entire kindness, and promptness in granting our requests.) JS Expositor’s Study Bible

Ahh…BUT, then it says, “But let him ask in FAITH, NOTHING WAVERING. FOR HE WHO WAVERS IS LIKE A WAVE OF THE SEA DRIVEN WITH THE WIND AND TOSSED. ” (He who continuously veers from one course to another only reveals his own instability and lack of a sense of being under Divine control. AND THAT applies to churches too!) “For let no man think that he shall receive any thing from the Lord. A double minded man is unstable…in all his ways.” (Again, also applies to churches without Holy Spirit filled direction.)

We are to be Victorious, be living in Faith, have Humility, and most of all avoid Temptation, but live with Endurance…..Then and only then, shall we escape the judgments that are already coming. And His wrath. Wherefore, I pray this helps you all who are in need and read. All we need to do is ask, in our prayer closet, they Holy Spirit as our guide, our comforter, whom He left with us when he rose to Heaven. We are in crucial times ahead of us. Are you ready? Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb? God Bless……

Are We Living in Biblical End Times?

he-is-called-faithful-and-true-GoodSalt-lwjas0156This came from an old article that I had received from Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church, Pastor Jonathan Falwell. I am quoting it word for word, as I think this is so important, and many, who call themselves Christians, do not understand the dangerous times we are living in. It is important to recognize the “signs”.

“The New Testament leaves us with the anticipation that Jesus could come at any time.”
“Those are the words of Dr. Ed Hindson, spoken at a stiffing “Global Warming Prophecy Conference” hosted by Thomas Road Baptist Church last week. The conference also included Drs. Tim LaHaye and Gary Frazier.

In Luke 21.25, we read that there will be signs all around us prior to the return of Christ. Stating that we must discern the signs of Jesus’ second coming. Dr. Hindson noted six modern developments indicating that the stage is being set for the return of Christ.
They are:
1. Israel returned to the Promised Land (1948).
2. Increase of Islamic opposition.
3. Extremists threatening the world. (now with Islam wanting all of Western Civilization)
4. The political unification of Europe (EU)
5. Failure of peace attempts in the Middle East.
6. The worldwide threat of nuclear weapons. (Iran, No Korea, China, Russia)

To some, these signs may prove alarming. But, as Dr. Hindson noted in the conference, “Biblical prophecy is not designed to scare us, but to prepare us.” The rapture of the saints at the return of Christ is a message of comfort. As Titus 2:13 tells us, we must be “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

The most important thing to remember in terms of these last days prior to the impending return of Christ is this: God is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9).

This means that Christians are on earth by design, with a specific purpose to communicate the Gospel of Christ to the nations. As I’ve noted in past columns, this is not a popular objective in our modern society that rejects the absolute truths of God’s Word in favor of a collective of “truths.” But we –those who have placed their faith in the Christ of the Bible –are nevertheless compelled to reach out in love to all with the Gospel.

I want to answer two prominent questions regarding Christianity.

1.) Why do Christians believe that Jesus will come again? Because the promise of Jesus’ first coming was wondrously fulfilled when He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago. There is evidence and verification of His life, His death and His resurrection. The early disciples were eye witnesses to the fact of the resurrection. We do not follow Christ in blind faith, nor are we following a pipedream. Not only did Jesus literally conquer the tomb, He promised to return again.

2.) Why is it important that Christians evangelize? Because after Jesus Christ calls believers (the church) to Himself when He returns, this earth will subsequently go through a period of lawlessness and chaos, the likes of which we have never seen. This tribulation period will see the antichrist rise to power, promising peace bug bringing about only corruption and death. War, “eclipsing the holocaust,” as Dr. Hindson described it in our conference, will break out across the world. We, as Christians, do not want anyone to have to live through such an awful period. Further, we do not wish fo any soul to perish and face an eternity apart from God.

I believe the promised return of Christ is as sure as the daily sunrise. And I long to see Him!
If you know Christ as your Savior, join me in looking for that glorious appearing every day. However, if you do not know Christ as your Savior, I urge you to visit our church’s website and click on “Who is Christ?” to learn how you can know Jesus Christ as your Savior.

NOTE: Christians wishing to investigate these last days are encouraged to pick up a copy of Drs. Hindson and LaHaye’s ‘Global Warning: Are We on the Verge of World War III?’ This book is an excellent survey of the final signs that will serve as God’s global warning to the people regarding His return. ” End..

On this site too, is a blog on Biblical and scriptural signs taken from teaching by Pastor John Hagee. It covers scriptures in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelations. The signs have been fulfilled.
And this writer believes that Jesus could come at any time.

Who, and what is the Antichrist? The “doctrine” of the Antichrist is not understood by many, even the world’s religious leaders. Excerpts on this come from Roderick C. Meredith, Living Church of God, booklet; which is 35 pages long, whereby, I will do my best to condense and answer the question. II Thessalonians 2:3 opens the door to the Antichrist coming upon the scene, but, after the Rapture but, before the 2nd Coming. 2:4, We see also that the Temple will be rebuilt, and the Antichrist will take it over, making it his religious headquarters. This leaves the door open too, for discussion, will it be where it was originally? For the Dome of the Rock is sitting right where Solomon’s Temple once stood, the wailing wall right there. So things need to happen in this world beforehand. But, think of it..Arab’s against Jews for the biggest climax and war that is yet to come.

Jude warned of false teachers using the idea of “grace” as a vehicle for licentiousness”..the license to disobey the very laws of God. God in other words does require us to obey the 10 Commandments. Why does this matter? Because not to obey, is the very heart of the doctrine of the Antichrist. It creates a lawless society…a society cut off from God, since the 10 Commandments actually portray His character. That mystery of lawlessness is already at work, and is the beginning of His coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 7-8.

Jesus Himself warned us; “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, “I am the Christ.” Matthew 24:4-7. The word Antichrist is first introduced in 1John 2:18; “Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” Paul too, wrote about the the “false Prophet” in Revelation. Yet some mistakenly identify the Antichrist as the coming world dictator and political system called the “Beast” in Bible prophecy. They forget that the real “power behind the throne” is the mysterious “harlot” of Revelation 17, and that this fallen woman “rides” or controls the Beast of Revelation. Whowever she is, she is very powerful. She has caused the death of untold millions in the past, and millions more will die at her hand in the future. This harlot sits astride a system encompassing many nations and peoples. For she has ent3red into adulterous alliances with the leaders and kings of the world.

The 10 horns, 7 heads represents 7 empires that persecuted the Jews and Israel in the PAST,
and one last yet in the future. They are Egypt, Assyria (Syria), Babylon (Southern Iraq near
Kuwait), Medio -Persia (Iran) Greece and Rome. We now believe these to be of the Old Roman Empire in which the 10th shall rise (The Anti-Christ). The Roman Empire, the 6th head was the last that persecuted Israel before her destruction in 70 AD..out of which came the Catholic religion and the age of the “Christian Empire” and conversion of Constantine in 312AD. Gregory was later proclaimed the first pope in 590 AD, the start of the Catholics. The were however, a bloodthirsty group throughout early history and into the Crusades. And just
remember, Jesus was a JEW, a Rabbi in Matthew, who never intended to start a new religion. We, as gentiles, only come to the Father, through the blood shed at the Cross at Calvary. We owe our whole of Christianity to the JEWS! As the sign on the Cross bore, Jesus King of the Jews! But, those that have persecuted the Jews and Israel, in the past, and yet to come, will all bear the wrath of God, in the final war!

We are now already an “apostate church”. (Another blog here). Apostate means a turning away from. In contrast to the commandment-keeping Church of God, this great apostate church and her daughter churches reject the need to keep the 10 Commandments as a way of life. Jesus said otherwise in Matthew 19:17. Historically we read about a great church that did persecute millions of peoples during the Middle ages, which was the Roman Catholic church. Innocent III murdered far more Christians in one afternoon, than any Roman emperor did in his entire reign. Will Durant wrote, “Compared with the persecution of heresy in Europe from 1227 to 1492, the persecution of Christians by Romans in the first three centuries after Christ was a mild and humane procedure. ..revealing a ferocity unknown in any beast.” So, when John in his vision, saw this woman or apostate church drunk with the blood of the Saints, he was certainly not exaggerating.

Few realize that the so-called “Holy Roman (Old0 Empire has been revived right under our noses, with the EU. A detailed and revealing book “The Principality and Power of Europe” by British author Adrian Hilton, explains in detail…”Thus, this revived Holy Roman Empire, the EU, does show there is power behind the throne. Revelation 13 “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. ” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 John too, was also inspired to write that “even now, many Antichrists have come” I John 2:18.

It is time for all who believe in God to go back and prove whether their religious beliefs and practices actually came out of the Bible, or out of Babylon. “And I heard another voice from heaven saying , ‘come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.’ ” Revelation 18:3-4

Soon, the ultimate personification of the Antichrist will appear on the world scene. Appearing at first as a kind and gentle “peacemaker” he will gradually assert more and more authority. His authority will be enhanced by the false miracles Satan performs through him (Revelation 13:13) . Then the adoring masses will scream with excitement when they see him , and the doctrine of the Antichrist will permeate nearly all of professing Christianity….All except the “little flock” (Luke 12:32) described in Revelation 12:13-17. We that are saved are to obey Jesus instruction: “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).

Are you ready? Are you saved? For Jesus said, “No man cometh to the Father except by me” and “Unless a man be born again, he will not enter the Kingdom of God.” There is ONLY ONE way to Heaven…That is through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not by is not through cults, and twisting gospel, it is not through Scientology, It is ONLY through Jesus Christ. And it is not through saints in the Catholic church and there is no such thing as purgatory. You can’t get “prayed” into Heaven with last rites. It has to be YOUR decision while you are alive and accountable. I leave you scriptures here to look up on Salvation
Luke 19:30, John 1:12, John 3:3, John 3:16 , John 8:32, John 10:9-10, John 14:6, Acts 16:11,
Romans 3:23-24, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 2:3,Hebrews 12:2, IJohn 1:9, IJohn 5:11-12, Revelations 3:20.

On this site too, is a prayer for salvation. If you truly seek our Lord Jesus Christ, you need to repent of your sins, and pray this prayer. God Bless you…Are you ready? Jesus is coming in the “twinkling of an eye”!!!

Tearing Down The Walls

Holding Hands with Elderly PatientAs a senior, I see so many that are hurting. Many that are left alone, with no family, kids that hate them for one reason or another, are filled with loneliness, and eventually depression. They have for the most part no one to talk to, except when they go outside, or to the grocery store or sit in a doctor’s office. They are in essence, waiting to die…for God if they have belief, to just take them home. They feel hopeless, unloved, and have nothing left, smiling through their tears.

Then on the other hand there may be young people of these seniors, that purposely shut the doors to their parents, living in a world of their own making. They too, may miss this parent, but, feel that too much is water is over the damn, else want to change this person in the elder years, and “make” them see how everything wrong in their life, is this parents fault. They too feel hopeless, cheated, and unloved, even though they may have children of their own, they always point the finger to this person who could never satisfy their needs or live up to their expectation. The walls are up on both sides. Stone by stone, over the years, this wall has been getting bigger and bigger. When either of them talk to each other, the “wall” stands as a stronghold in the middle and the past gets brought up in anger. When one brings up the same things over and over to the senior, it only makes that wall immovable and the hurts and pain pile up. For the young person,
it is unmet needs, for the senior it is a broken heart and events and past that they can’t change.

How to tear down the walls. Do you know that I looked up on line to a site called “Family Resources”
There is actually such an illness as “Broken Heart Syndrome”. It does exist in seniors. Some common signs are :
*An “empty” feeling, ongoing sadness, and anxiety.
* Tiredness, lack of energy
*Loss of interest or pleasure in everyday activities.
*Sleep problems, including very early morning waking
*Problems with eating and weight (gain or loss)
*A lot of crying
*Aches and pains that just won’t go away (some actually legitimate)
*A hard time focusing, remembering, making decisions.
*Feeling that the future looks grim, feeling guilty, helpless or worthless.
*Being Irritable.
*Thoughts of death of suicide, even if saved, wishing God take them home.

For these people who need family desperately, yet, have walls up preventing, “normal” relationships. Sometimes our family can be the blame for depression, and even physical ailments, as a “broken heart” syndrome can even cause genuine heart attacks. Sometimes the pain is so great between these family members, and there is so many misunderstandings and
“walls of false reasoning’s”, with the past always being brought up, year after year, that there doesn’t seem to be much point in continuing. For neither of these individuals can satisfy the other, and that wall gets higher and higher stronger and stronger, no matter which side tries, and it
only ends up in un fruitfulness.

So, before you end up with your doctor sending you to a psychiatrist, or worse, what does God say? We must ask ourselves, “Why has God allowed? What are God’s goals? I can refer to the Angel in Numbers 22:21-25. “And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. And God’s angel was kindled because he went” (as it regards believers, even those of Balaam’s stripe, everything is a test. How will we act? How will we react? Even though Balaam had received permission from the Lord to go, the truth is he was going anyway, hence the anger of the Lord): “and the Angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him.” (he was determined to curse the people of God, and for money; let it ever be said, God is ‘against’ all who follow such a course.) “And the ass saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand; and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way.” (events are caused by the Lord, but far too often men fail to see that.) “But the Angel of the Lord stood in a path of the vineyards, a WALL being on this side and a WALL on that side. And when the ass saw the Angel of the Lord, she thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall: and he smote her again.” Finally the ass bowed down to the Angel in vs 27 and the Lord gave the as a voice, who said to Balaam, “What have I done unto you, that you have smitten me these 3 times?” (Self-will refused to be instructed by circumstances, but a will yielded to God is careful to observe them. Three times Balaam refused to learn from the animal on which he rode, and so blinded. If we deny, then we deny God himself and His word.) Remember, that God never puts up walls, only we do.

Proverbs 24:28-31 “Be not a witness against your neighbor without cause; and deceive not with your lips. ” (Extra care must be taken regarding ones ‘neighbor’ ‘family too’, for simply because you live side by side or as a part thereof, consequently, all must be done, even to the taking a loss and admitting when you are wrong, to remain on good terms.) “Say not, I will do so to him as he has done to me: I will render to the man according to his work”. (The Christian is to never to pay ‘kind’ for ‘kind’. Instead he is to bless those who curse him.” Matt 5:44 “And lo, it was all grown over (like our walls are left after a rival dies) with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.” Remember, that when a family member that you have odds with, and built up a wall with, dies, your battle is ended, and there is nothing left but the briers and a broken wall forever. If you couldn’t change the past, when this person was alive? How will you feel when this person is dead. Then you can’t even hug them and say, ‘I’m sorry.”

The words we say affect the building of walls. Dear Lord, I’ve spoken so many words over the years, and reacted wrongly, and have repented over and over and over. Words stay. You may not mean those words, for we can’t help our tongue. We get hurt ,and we react out of emotion, past pain all compiled like a thunderous wave that comes over us, in defense. There have been so many many years of this back and forth, that it only takes one little thing, to set us off in defense.
James says, “The tongue is a fire” (speaks of fire in a negative way, that which destroys). Jas. 3:6
vs. 8, says the “tongue no man can tame”..

Therefore, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.” Jas. 4:10 “But and if you suffer for Righteousness sake, happy are you.” I Pet. 3:14 (Such suffering is the results of righteousness, and not the cause of righteousness, so as not to confuse the two.) “and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled (righteousness guarantees the protection of the Lord.) Isaiah 8:12-13. Your senior relatives should be treated as God says, “I have treated you”. Matt 5:44, Rom 15:8. Else it only adds to the wall.

Walls are not of God. If there is genuine repentance, and apology it could provide a start at tearing down the walls. But, the past is in the past. It must be left there. No good can come of dredging up a past that no one can change. We all have things in our past, that we would do differently.

I have seen seniors go through so much from their children. There is a lady I know slightly who have children that have nothing to do with her. She has been in and out of nursing homes, and has bone cancer and looks terrible. I’ve seen another come up from NC and get his mother who was living very nicely with someone and it broke her heart, (yet she gave him Power of Atty.) and her son took all her money from the sale of a house, and now she is in a nursing home. They never hardly see her. I’ve seen others, suffer. A lady I knew way back in the late 80’s from a church I was in, and was in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s, but, her children were not Christians, and even went to court to “get control” …and that they did. She went in a nursing home, and was dead by the time she was only 65. Now they can forget her.

Parenting is no easy task. We ALL make mistakes. Some things are caused by genetics and illnesses even that run in are genes, some things are caused by the learned behavior or our own parents that we pass down generation after generation, or else do the opposite of our parents, because we “know more than they did.” The list goes on and on. But, walls are caused by pain, and severe bitterness. And bitterness kills. “The heart knows his own bitterness; and a stranger does not intermeddle with his joy.” (The ‘heart’ that is spoken of here is the heart of a Christian. One who is a ‘stranger’ to God and His Ways has no knowledge of the burden that is carried or the ‘joy’ that resides in the heart of a true Christian.) Prov. 14:10

God goes even deeper in Acts. Acts 8:23 “For I perceive “(refers to the Holy Spirit in forming Peter of the exact cause, and not mere symptoms) “that you are in the GALL OF BITTERNESS ” (God calls this bitterness , GALL, and a condition of extreme wickedness), “and in the bond of iniquity” ( a bondage of greed for money, power, control of another). There are times when people in their anger always in the past, feeling they are right, the hurt one, and yes this word again, wallowing, can’t let go. There is something in staying in this state that soothes their wronged perception, and it is not of God. In essence they are helping Satan put a curse on that other person, but also themselves, and their own children. It must be broken..

I feel sorrow for the seniors I have met that are so alone. So many in the generation now in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s are so selfish. My prayers are for these walls to come down in Jesus name. My prayer is for all these roots of bitterness and hate be put under the CROSS of Jesus and the blood HE shed for our sins. Seniors, need love. Feeling alone in the pain of illnesses or arthritis, and unable to be a part of your child’s life or grandchildren, is not of God. God is love. Love has to be given away. May we all get back to morality and sensitivity to another’s need. I know pastors that never even knew their parents. James Robison was adopted. He has such a peace of God that is so inspiring. He doesn’t dwell, “who was my mother, why did she hate me, give me away, etc.” He gave it all to God many, many years ago, and God has blessed him. We all need to stop having un-teachable spirits for these walls to come down. Remember Ronald Reagan? “Tear down this wall!” The same thing applies in families: “tear down these walls” (Reagan said to Russia)”in Jesus name.” It begins in forgiveness, of things we cannot change in our own families.

Admitting When You’re Wrong

Zech149aDo you know people that “cover up” mistakes, or try to put the blame on someone else when they mess up? Or do you know people that when this same person messes up and wallows in self pity when they do mess up has an enabler in their life? And this enabler NEVER ever rebukes them or gives this person if a Christian the right Biblical and scriptural meaning to send them on the right path of God, instead, always enables and makes excuses? (Sadly examples are all around us in the world -Even to our politicians who SHOULD be setting an exampple.)

So what happens to the person who has been enabled all their life? They never change! They never grow in Christ, and they never see their own faults or look within their own heart and being. They never come to a point of saying, “search my heart oh Lord to see if there be any wicked ways in me?” Instead, this person stays as a child and never grows up even when they have their own children. They are in essence emotional cripples, that continually rebel, do their own thing and wallow. They don’t trust God, because they don’t know how to submit.

My focus here is not on the one that wallows, but the enabler. I already did the blogs on “Confronting Sin”, ” Letting Go” and the “Jezebel Spirit”. They all tie together. But the enabler? The enabler is being manipulated and used and doesn’t understand. Perhaps, they are a sister or brother, but, regardless, they don’t want to “rock the boat”, stir up or cause dissension. Maybe they don’t see this wallower very often, of maybe they just enable as one gives a dog a pat on the head and says “good boy” now leave me alone. So, they tell this person a lie in essence because they do not want to jeopardize the friendship. They have no idea what they are doing. For they are not providing the Bible truths for this person to dig down into the roots and see where they were wrong and grow. Enablers are hinderers. They are also a stumblingblock and we know what the Bible says about stumblingblocks? “It shall be like a millstone hung around your neck.” They stunt any growth from the word of God. Just like many on drugs, or alcoholics have an enabler in their life, someone that makes excuses for them. Doesn’t point out they need help and counseling. Just even lies perhaps to an employer, “oh , so and so is out sick today, when they’re in bed hung over. THAT is an enabler.

When I was a young Christian many years now, I had a good friend, Kay, that is now with Jesus.  I thank God for my Kay.  She was like my adopted mother. You all who attend church regularly, must have gone through this, when a pastor was preaching, you look at the person (maybe your husband) next to you, and give them the elbow, (in other words , this is for you..). Well, for many years I experienced Kay’s elbow. She never allowed me to wallow when I was having such a hard time with my young bi-polar son, (who I didn’t know was bi-polar at the time). She was an encourager, but, she told me the Biblical truth and scriptures to back it up. Kay never let me get within myself, but to take responsibility for any errors in my walk with Christ, and to change. You can’t change another person, only we can change ourselves. But, an enabler prevents that change for the good from ever happening.

One afternoon this father went in his son’s room, and walked over to the window to close the drapes so the sun wouldn’t fade the furniture. He did not notice that on the floor was a marble chess set of his sons. He inadvertently stepped right in the middle of the chess set and sent the pieces flying, then said to his son, “why do you leave things on the floor like that and not put away?”

Later the son went to his father and said, “do you realize you walked into my room kicked over my chess set which nearly broke, scolded me, walked out and never said you were sorry? That is what happens when an enabler doesn’t call attention to what the sinner and wallower is doing wrong. For the wallower then has no excuse to look deep in his own soul, and apologize. Fortunately, this father did apologize to his son.

Some parents attempt to hide their mistakes. Usually, they are trying to protect the image they feel responsible to portray…ie..perfect parents who have their act completely together and who can handle anything at any time. The fact is, however that we should not be afraid to admit our failures or mistakes to our children. I made plenty the first time around. I had reasons, from the abuse of my ex-husband then. But, I did make mistakes. But, when an enabler is in the picture, always making excuses and covering for this person, they are really hurting them emotionally. That’s why there are Al Anon groups to counsel family members of alcoholics, so they don’t become enablers. How on earth can a druggie or alcoholic get it together and quit, if they are being enabled? They can’t. Sometimes, too, in churches, perhaps grace is carried on too much for these people who are in bondage. For it becomes like that little pat on the head with that dog, “ok, you messed up, we still love you as Christ” which is true, but, what about tough love? What about that person taking responsibility?

When an enabler inhibits the growth, repentance, and soul-searching of a wallower and does not exhibit tough love and scriptures to back up, it sends a mixed signal. So the person continues going on their merry little way, doing their own thing and perhaps blaming someone else who did all the right things trying to get them in the right direction to stop sinning. The enabler runs on emotion too. But, tough love also requires admitting when you are wrong!

When this enabler cannot admit they are wrong, and the wallower hears a correct teaching or scriptures somewhere else, sooner or later distrust is going to develop. For if the wallower has any sense at all, they will know they lied to the enabler, and knows only too well that sooner or later they have to face the music. So, when the truths arise and the wallower finally gets it, where will the enabler be? Out in left field! It is wrong to cover up a lie. If this wallower is not following Christ after being saved, and still doing drugs or drinking or fornicating the enabler is doing them a great disservice. In essence then they are twisting scripture, and enabling this person to fail to take responsibility for their own actions! THAT is what is wrong in today’s whole pop culture. No one takes responsibility for their own actions anymore. Sin is prevalent, because we’ve become a culture of enablers that look the other way.

It is difficult to trust any person when they cover up and lie, and wallowers always lie. They have secrets, and a secret life to cover up. And the enabler is just that, enables them to continue in their secret life. So the wallower never grows to eat meat, and stays on pablum his whole life, with no growth, no change for the good in God’s eye. When families are in this mess over one persons bondage’s and wallowing, it splits the family right down the middle. One person might be speaking Biblical truth so the wallower “gets it” and gets his act together. And on the other hand the enabler makes excuses for this person, and the family is torn to pieces.

So, i’m saying this to enablers: YOU get your act together too. If its alcoholism or drugs go to Al Anon etc. You will learn to keep you hands off the wallower, alcoholic, and let them fall flat on their face! Stop making excuses for them. It’s called tough love! Admit you are wrong! Tell the person the other family member who tells the truth, and scriptural help, is right, and tell the wallower they need to straighten out. For many people admitting an error is no easy task. Something deep inside flares up in defense of our decisions when they are questioned. That “something” is the flesh. Individuals who are walking after the flesh (the wallower) will do anything necessary to keep from looking bad. (They know their dirty little secret of drinking, drugs, fornicating etc.). They twist the truth, and manipulate and believe me they know darned well the enabler is there to give them the pat on the head like a puppy dog, and say “Oh , God loves you and we are all cracked pots of clay.” Hogwash! God loves us, but, He hates sinning and wants us told the truth! STOP ENABLING!

I’m convinced that half of psychological problems are the results of enablers. I mean too, we have become so politically correct, that no one can fail anymore. Schools limit this, that…If one doesn’t fail and fall down, or loose a game, etc, they just become selfish ingrates in a gimme gimme “I want” I , me, mine world, thinking everyone owes poor me, the wallower! Get it? People walking after the flesh like this wallower, are, by the very nature of flesh, insecure. They look only to themselves for a sense of identity and worth, but since the creature has no real significance apart from the Creator, there is a general sense of insecurity. If people look only to themselves for their sense of significance and security, the natural thing to do when confronted about a fault (the wallower) of some kind is to DENY it because accusations are direct threats to the security and the false sense of self-worth of the individual. And the enabler keeps them in this same place while the one that told the truth to get their act together, is seen as a threat. Therefore, they can’t submit to God, after all the enabler gave them a pat on the head, enforcing the idea, they are ok, and God loves them in sin. That is really pathetic. This person will be an emotional wallowing cripple for the rest of their adult life. Instead of the wallower going to the Bible for scriptural help even saved, they call up this enabler to make them feel better. How that must grieve the Lord Jesus. Stop enabling! Admit you are wrong!

We need to understand each others weaknesses, struggles, and failures, which we should all understand as we have plenty ourselves. Admit your errors, and don’t enable another person, but, tell them in tough love, that yes God loves them, but, sin is sin, and they need counseling, Bible programs, and have to change else they loose their salvation, and remain an emotional cripple on pablum all their lives. Step up to the plate and tell them Biblical truths and be an enabler no more.

If the finger of sin is pointed at you and you are a wallower, get in the word of God, get counseling and get help! Leave the enabler alone as they are only hurting your problems. Have some guts to face your own weaknesses, for your children will imitate you. For the enabler? Let go and let God, and let this person get help, else you will find yourself under God’s scrutiny. Of course God loves us, and of course his grace is sufficient, but, the wallower AND the enabler need to take responsibility for their own actions. The need to be accountable! Shakespeare said, “to thine own self be true”.

Proverbs 1:24-31 “Because I have called and you refused I have stretched out My hand, and no man regarded” (the whole of humanity is set apart in two camps: those who follow God given wisdom, ie the Bible, and those who reject God’s wisdom) “But you have set at nought all My counsel and would have none of my reproof” (the one that told the truth to the wallower while the enabler sets aside God’s counsel and truth).”I also will laugh at your calamity: I will mock when fear comes. When your fear comes as desolation and your destruction comes as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish comes upon you. THEN shall they call upon Me, but I will NOT answer; they shall seek Me early, but they shall not find Me.” (while it is certainly true that God will hear any and all who earnestly cry out to Him, still the sense of this Passage is that a late call cannot undo the irreparable harm done in a misspent life.) “For they that hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord” (there is a choice that everyone has to make the wallower and the enabler; those who ‘choose’ the wrong path do so because they HATE KNOWLEDGE.)

Is this you? Are you a wallower living in a secret life? Or are you an enabler, hindering this wallower from growing in Christ. Which ever you are, or if you have these people in your family, print this and present the love in Christ yes, but tough love too, to take responsibility for their own actions and lifestyle.

*Parts of this came as an inspiration from a short article by Charles Stanley 2004, Biblical parenthesis from the Expositor’s Study Bible

My Faith Revived

jesus%20holding%20flagMy faith is un-shakeable, after what my long life has endured, from abuse in a marriage in my 20’s to my youngest son’s bi-polar disorder and suicide in 1999 when only 19, to losing my first baby at only 3 mos in 1958. GOD has restored me and healed me, with forgiveness to all others that offended me. I love my Lord, my Country, ALL that He created, in beauty and blessings; this great land of America, my ancestor, Major Ezekiel Worthen, who was in the King George War, the French Indian War, The American Revolution and the Siege at Louisburg. I believe in liberty, freedom which comes with a price..Thank you Jesus for all you’ve done in my life. Yes,I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, for He never lets us go through more than we can endure.

I wrote the following excerpts in one of my booklets, as a concerned conservative, seeing our Constitution being maligned. Excerpts came from these sources, which I encourage you to read: “Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation of Church and State” by Daniel L. Dreisbach, a professor of Justice, law and society at American Univ. in Washington DC., “A People’s History of the American Revolution”, by Ray Raphael”, How common people shaped the fight for independence, “Slouching Towards Gomorrah”, Modern Liberalism and the American Decline, by Judge Robert H. Bork. “In the first place, Jefferson’s “wall” is a metaphor…It does NOT exist in the Constitution of the United States. It is referred to as such by all the legal minds in the first paragraph . In the Establishment Clause under the First Amendment it States that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (1791)However, most people are not taught in school nor even realize that the term “separation” or “wall” never appear in the Constitution.

On New Years in 1802, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to the Danbury, CT Baptist Association. In it, he used the term “wall of separation”. YEARS after the Constitution was signed. At the onset of his letter, it had been rewritten several times, until finally Jefferson consulted his then, Atty. General Eli Lincoln, who suggested that term. Jefferson then wrote: “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his God that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

Whereby, it was resurrected again by the Supreme Court in 1879, then thereafter in 1947 the vision of the wall seemed to have molded almost all attempts to analyze the First Amendment’s control over the Government’s relationship to religion. The court concluded in 1879, “coming as this does from an acknowledged leader of the advocates of the measure (Jefferson’s Danbury letter) may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the (first) amendment thus secured.” Whereby, this unintended letter by Jefferson was thereafter included by the Supreme Court as a “part of the 1st Amendment”. Which was NOT Jefferson’s original intent…and he and the other founding father’s must be looking down on us in utter dismay!

Then came Justice Black in 1948 who secured it even more against intent. Reemergence in Everson. In McCollum v Board of Education, the following term, Justice Black confirmed the extent to which the Court had “constitutionalized” the “wall” metaphor: “The majority in the Everson case, an minority as shown by quotations from dissenting views…agreed that the First Amendment’s language, properly interpreted had erected a wall of separation between church and State. (WHAT wall I ask?) In years since, Federal and State courts too, continue to reference a phrase which is a metaphor only. It has become the “locus Classicus” of the notion that the First Amendment separated religion and civil state, thereby mandating a secular policy. IT WAS NOT JEFFERSON’S INTENTION. In October 1801, as Jefferson became Magistracy, the Danbury Baptist Assoc. sent a letter to Jefferson expressing great satisfaction in his appointment. In the new President, the Connecticut Baptists found an ardent DEFENDER OF RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.. However after his letter and editing, and consulting with Eli Lincoln, what was left ended up sounding secular. However, now, through both of these Supreme Court cases, and since Black, they have taken out of original context …and imposed a letter into the First Amendment. My legal loophole question, “if this letter was NOT signed by all who signed the Constitution, then how legally can it be included as it has been? And WHY then , has no one tried to turn this around? How can this letter be legally justified, when nothing making it so was added as such, to the Constitution?

Wherefore, in 1779 when Jefferson was still Governor of VA, the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom was penned…and it INCLUDED the following punitive provision: “Every minister of the gospel shall on each day so to be appointed, attend and perform divine service and preach a sermon, or discourse, suited to the occasion, in his church, on pain of forfeiting fifty pounds for every failure, not having reasonable excuse.” Although never enacted, it was sponsored by Madison…For fasting and Thanksgiving. (Thanksgiving then as we know it came later.)George Washington wrote in 1789, “If I could now conceive that the general Government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of SPIRITUAL TYRANNY, and every species of religious PERSECUTION. (Written to the United Baptist Churches) . Yet , this METAPHOR has been running out of control in the courts…and those liberals in Congress and the ACLU that want to secularize this nation as well as atheists and are twisting the very intention of our found fathers. Instead, now it is us Christians who are censured! Chief Justice Rehnquist , perhaps was the most vociferous critic of the “wall” concluded: “It is impossible to build sound constitutional doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of constitutional history, but, unfortunately the Establishment Clause has been expressly freighted with Jefferson’s misleading metaphor for nearly 40 years. (60 now) ..Thomas Jefferson was of course in France at the time the constitutional Amendments known as the Bill of Rights were passed by Congress and ratified by the States. His letter to the Danbury Baptist Association was a short note of courtesy, written 14 years AFTER the Amendments were passed by Congress. He would seem to any detached observer as a less than ideal source of contemporary history as to the meaning of Religion Clauses of the First Amendment. The greatest injury of the “wall” notion is its mischievous diversion of judges from the actual intentions of the drafters of the Bill of Rights. The “crucible of litigation” is well adapted to adjudicating factual disputes on the basis of testimony, erasing the historical errors. Wherefore Jefferson’s wall has done what walls frequently has obstructed the view. Therefore the critics too, evoke the poet Robert Frost, who observed in his poem, “Mending Wall” “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall/ that wants it down…”

The ACLU is stripping away all that the framers (and my patriot ancestor Major Ezekiel Worthen) fought for. It is BECAUSE we were (are?) a Christian nation..that had a humbleness of spirit and loved God and Country. THAT is what sets us as a “great” nation. That we always up and set the captive free. And freedom like wars come with a price. There are no atheists in Foxholes , I heard say..Ecclesiastes “a time for Peace ..a time for War.” “He who states his case first seems right until his rival comes and cross-examines him.” Proverbs 18:17..”Any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight.” Barton wrote: “Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. Promote, then, as a knowledge.” George Washington. Barton says..”The final strategy used by the Court to bolster its arguments is one previously introduced: Historical omission. Not only does the Court regularly omit cases prior to 1947 from its’ discussion, it also DISREGARDS quotes from prominent Founders other than Jefferson or Madison. Judge Bork writes: “There appears to be only one means by which the Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, can be brought back to Constitutional legitimacy. That would be a constitutional amendment making any federal or state court decision subject to being overruled by a majority vote of each House of Congress. ”

So, now it is up to Christian colleges and those like Liberty University to raise up young people who will be knowledgeable in Constitutional law and religious freedom and rights, such as the ACLJ. Now we, Christians have the American Center for Law and Justice and Chief Counsel Jay Sekulov. We need prayer back in schools…abortion turned around. For my God is a God of absolutes. Whereby, I continue to pray for my country. For I feel if we go down this slippery slope we are heading, God will take His hedge of protection of America. If we do not STAND with the Jews too, and Israel, Gods chosen, God too will call us accountable. Our children need to be taught history as our framers intended. California, now wants to put an end to home schooling, which is almost all Christian stay at home moms, they want to censor all we do and what we can say, including our Christian rights. That is not what we fought the Revolutionary War for. That is not what we fought ANY war for, but for freedom, democracy, and our religious beliefs. (Religion including Christian, also includes, though cults unfortunately..yet that THAT is what makes us America, the land of the free!) Parents, love God, teach your children the Bible, and go to Church. Teach them history and instead of Disney take them on tour of Washington, VA ‘s monuments, and Philadelphia. Without a grasp of America, all our heritage will go down the tubes, forever forgotten, and it will be the destruction of this country. And even Teddy Roosevelt said when you come to America, then speak English! That is the language of America…My German grandparents came over in 1903 from Germany through Ellis Island on the Kronland from Belgium. They came in legal, excitedly became US citizens, Americans, just as the Irish, the Greeks, the French before and after WWI and WWII. My maternal grandfather & paternal grandmother each worked hard in the mills in Manchester NH. My mother when she was young, used to go home in the heavy snow for lunch and bring my grandpa’s hot lunch pail walking all the way across the bridge, then walking in all kinds of weather back to school. They worked, were glad to be in this new land…and before Hitler. Now, I think Phil Gram was right, we are a country of complaining wimps. My grandpa never complained. They were Americans! My mother and father taught me to love this country and I guess I got my love of history from my mom. What? What? What have we taught our children? How to text messages? To think of me only? To be selfish sexy media watching ingrates with their hands out? What are we leaving America to? Where are the values of parents? Lord I come to you in prayer..In this I pray…..God help us come back to you….for we have lost our way.

As I wrote in a poem which is on one of these blogs: “You can love me or hate me, but, I am who I am. And STAND I will for America, and our Christian heritage in Jesus Christ.” I would have to be jailed like Apostle Paul, in my old age, before I relinquish one iota of my faith or bow down to even a COURT OF LAW, taking away my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH. Now, I even had a landlord tell me I couldn’t witness Jesus, which is blatant religious discrimination. He can take this woman to court and just TRY to evict me. And I’ll plaster his threatening letter right on Foxnews. For he lit a fire in me now…and backing down at the risk of having another mini stroke, will NEVER happen. Period the End. So Christians? Ask yourself, as many missionaries have been slaughtered with even their heads cut off because they are Christian, as my Pastor asked once..”Would you take a bullet for the name of Jesus?” You betcha! STAND! Stand up for God and America, and IN the voting booth, VOTE your Bible!

Letting Go

1Peter315aThere are some of us, as Christians that have been saved a long time, who still have family members that are in the things of the world and give us a hard time.  They always think they are right, even though they have no scriptural reference to back themselves up.  You love this person, you have forgiven slights and intentional acts of hatreds, verbal abuse, manipulation, and even psychological abuse, over and over.   But, though you love this person, does that mean you have to continue to take all the pain this person causes intentionally?

I don’t believe that is what the Bible teaches.  We are to be in this world, but, not of it. For 1John 2:15 says, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. ” (The “world” here by John pertains to the ordered system of the world of which Satan is the head.) “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (God the Father will not share the love that must go exclusively from Him WITH the world.)  16 “For all that is in the world” (there is nothing in the system of this world that is OF GOD). “the lust of the flesh “(he who lives in sin, and continues to say, ‘it is from God and God wants me happy, is a liar, for flesh refers to evil cravings.) “and the lust of the eyes”  (those that crave what they see )”and the pride of life “(that trusts its OWN SELFISHNESS and power and resources,  ie narcissism, and shamefully despises and violates Divine laws and human rights) “is not of the Father but is of the world and Satan.” Verse 19 says, “They went out from us, but they were not of us”. (means they CLAIMED to be a Christian, but, John said they were not OF us. For they continued to stay in the “world and the things of the world were more important than the work of Christ.)

For instance do you watch tv and violence, or sports or anything that takes you away from the word of God to be deemed as idol worship?  If you do, then you are not walking in Christ.    For if you are truly saved, “whosoever is born of God does not commit sin.”   If you are out fornicating and still in clubs drinking and the “worldly ” interests and temptations still have a hold on your life?  You are not saved.  You said words, but there was no repentance, there was no remorse, but, most of all there was no CHANGE. Charles Stanley wrote in 2004 about being tempted.  It amounts to a compromise on our integrity.   We see this in Congress now all the time.  Good people when they get to Washington, who we thought were maybe saved even, end up making compromising decisions, and even end up in jail.  Is that where you are today?    I has someone, that claims to be saved, and I’ve been going back and forth with this woman for 30 years.  It is unfruitful.  The relationship is unfruitful.  I’m up to my eyeballs from  throwing pearls before the swine.   Some people that claim to be saved  don’t listen, as their own selfish desires and objectives get in the way of listening to anything you quote from the Bible.  This person has an unteachable spirit, as  I have a post on here I did earlier  on the Jezebel spirit.

Dr. Stanley said our minds and hearts can be fertile soil long before seeds of temptation are ever planted there, or the seeds were always there, from abuse they had in the past events that happened in the past that they cannot reconcile with or take responsibility for their own actions.  When a woman is  abused they  must get out.   Meanwhile this person was exposed to all this abuse as a young person, and has “mouthy ” hateful children too.   So, the cycle continues.  The person  rejects Christ on one hand, and lives in temptation with dates and doing worldly things, yet can’t see where the fault lies. There is a time for letting go, especially when the doors have shut over and over and over, for 25 plus years.  Nothing changes with this person.  They are narcissistic, selfish, self-centered, and only think of “me, my, or mine”…Wallowing when they do their own thing and it backfires.  What do you expect?  Walking in God’s path, requires a price.  When you do the things of the world, and carry on in the world taking adventure trips,  going to bed with partners your children see, and still saying, “Oh God wants me to be happy.”  Hogwash!   Sin is sin. Fornication is fornication.   No fornicator or murderer (abortion) will enter the kingdom of God.

My aunt Ima  was a lovely lovely, Godly, quiet woman to be around when I was growing up in the 40’s and 50’s.  She was deemed at that time “an old maid”.  Now, I hate that terminology, as I’m 70 now and also have been alone with Christ for 27 years, so I have a better understanding.  She was very much in love, gee , I think in the 30’s to this young man Billie, who suddenly died.  Ima’s heart was broken, and she never married.   My Dad too, after they had me (and lost a baby before me, was hit by a baseball and the story in my adult life , impotent) whereby, my mother too, didn’t have sex either for all her adult life.  While they loved each  other, they just slept in separate bedrooms.  There wasn’t the focus back then on “sex-clinics” and all the other stuff out in the world today.  They just accepted what was, and went on with life.  It didn’t tear my mother apart.  She was a Godly, good, virtuous woman.  So was my aunt, and so were many women too, that were left behind single after WWII.    They were VIRTUOUS WOMEN.  My aunt died at 82, a virgin.  She wrote, was an artist as I am, and it is not killing me being alone, I love my aloneness.  There is a difference between loneliness and A-loneness.  Creative people for the most part are comfortable in their own company and like themselves, which is good with God.

I don’t understand today’s, very aggressive take charge, domineering loud-mouthed, intimidating women.  I don’t want to take on that persona, but, believe in being under Christ a virtuous woman in HIM. I did it in the “world” young in my 20’s and last child and marriage at 40.  I paid a dear price.  I owe my Lord everything, for leading me to the Cross and being a virtuous woman in Christ.  All things in my past forgiven.   Some people that are not filled with the Holy Spirit and saved, you need to let go of as God directs.  For what comes in their accusations, is the past which is DEAD in CHRIST, and Satan.  It is only Satan that brings up the past to throw on guilt’s and take you away from your peace and the word of God.  Don’t listen to the devil but rebuke him.  He is a liar.   The minute I gave my life over to the Lord, I became holy.  Peter reminds us of our call to live a holy life: ” Because it is written, you shall be Holy , for I am Holy”. I Pet. 1:16. God wouldn’t require us to do something that we couldn’t do. Walking in holiness comes when we are no longer comfortable with sin.  As sin becomes repulsive, we grow more attracted to His ways, His ways that are higher than ours.  No longer should we desire to walk in the way of the ungodly, nor should it feel comfortable.  Proverbs 1:15.

God has saved us from sin at the CROSS at Calvary.  And when we choose HIS way, over OUR way, He protects us, and takes care of us in His loving arms.  Then we shall walk in Holiness.  But, until we come to the cross in repentance,  and stop trying to manipulate God and those around us, in lies, twisting……it is of no consequence..and you are not walking in holiness.    You cannot serve God and mammon too. So, I give this scripture to you who are struggling  with sin. Ephesians 4:17 “So this I say, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the HARDNESS OF THEIR HEART; and they having become callous, have given themselves over to SENSUALITY for the practice  of every kind of impurity with greediness.   But you did not learn Christ this way, if indeed you have even heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, that in reference to youth former manner of life, you lay the OLD SELF, which is being CORRUPTED in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth”. As for me?, at my age?  I must let go, and let God, lest all the chaotic dissension into evil, pull my walk astray.  I may love you…I may have forgiven over and over and over…and still will.  But, I am letting go.   My prayers be with you..I hope this helps those who struggle with sin, and lust. How I love you Jesus, and I feel so bad, for those that don’t know you as I.

Perseverance In Christ

images54Does God test us?  Does He let us go through tests and trials to strengthen our faith?  Yes!  When we come to Christ in salvation, life does not necessarily mean it is going to be happily ever-after.  That is one problem I always had with the false prosperity message.  Prosperity means, spirituality not necessarily money.  If we are asked to leave all and follow Christ, then it would not stand to reason that Jesus would on the other hand want us to concentrate on getting rich.  My Lord has never failed me even in times of adversity, from the time I came on my knees asking him to come into my life.  

Years back, I remember how stirred I was  at the prayer wall on Godtube, all the needs that go on unending.  I pray for every need and that we all take a lesson from Job and again in the New Testament from Paul, who even served time in jail, and was literally kicked out of many towns, he preached.  To serve Christ requires giving up on self, and doing His will not ours. Having humility and a humble spirit, yet also having the boldness to fight (in Christ’s righteousness) for what is right and what we believe in.

Its not by faith but by my spirit, thus sayeth the Lord.  WE CAN do all things in Christ who strengthens us.  God wants (Ephesians) for us to put on the whole armour of God.  I went through it all…abuse in my 20’s, even thrown out of a car 5 months pregnant, financial ups and downs, the birth at 40 of my youngest child, who was later bi-polar and committed suicide at 19.  I wanted to die,like Elijah under the juniper tree. This handsome young man broke my heart.  Did I  blame God? No..but, I had to heal and be alone only with HIM for nearly 3 1/2 years  in my creative world, and the talents HE gave me…and I had a mini stroke in the process, but He never left me. I thank God every day my BJ was saved at 11.

And I’m still standing, stronger in my Faith than ever, now in my mid 70’s , and I know if I can get through it all, so can everyone who is going through tests and trials.   I am not just a survivor, I am victorious in Christ!  I AM an overcomer in Christ, who strengthens me, never left me, and built me up in His image as a testimony for His word.  And THAT is what it is all about..To be molded like clay in His image, requires, prayer, faith, sometimes deep pain, trust, love, and endurance.   So whatever anyone who reads this is going through? Get in the word, be in a good church, and NEVER quit! 

 And now when I hear of someones hardship, or someone suffering with a child who has mental health problems, or another family whose child committed suicide, or lost a child by illness or death, NOW I can witness God’s love and give them the information and Word they need…for I’ve been there.  In Psalm 116, the person was in danger of death, so he cried out to the Lord for deliverance; and the Lord rescued him.  Vs. 15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”  Death is not cheap with God…It is NOT an accident, even by a car or  murder, or suicide and THAT helped me tremendously.  Over and over I thank God  my son was saved.  Before he did this act in a full blown manic attack and depression, it first passed through the sovereign hands of God.   For HE will not permit the death of one of His children to be treated with disdain and contempt.  His children are precious and purchased by the blood of Jesus at that cross. 

And my Lord shed tears too, for the blood my son shed in debilitation…his homecoming was not chance or fate..But, as death is a day we will know why, for it too, is a devine fate.  As death is a mystery, one day we will know why, for it too is a devine provision of grace.  (Excerpts from “Comforting the Bereaved” by David and Warren Wiersbe.   For  God loves each and every hair on your head…Come unto me all ye who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…Amen  “The Sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.  The sorrows of hell compassed me about, the snares of death prevented me.  In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried unto my God, he heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.”  Psalms 18:4-6.    

Beth Stuckwisch wrote this poem in 1984:

” When I come home to Heaven How joyful it will be,
For on that day at last My risen Lord I’ll see.
No greater happiness than to see Him face to face,
To see the Love in His eyes and feel His warm embrace.
I’ve done nothing to deserve that perfect home above,
It was given freely through the grace of Jesus love.
Then why should earthly cares weigh down upon me so?
They’ll be a distant memory when home at last I go.”

Many don’t understand the concept of delayed reward.  Some think that pain is the exception in the Christian life.   But, we live in a world filled with suffering, even for believers.  God is still in control, even if we don’t feel like He is.  He allows some to experience a trail with much hardship and others to trod an easier, less painful road.  While we are on earth, we may never see the purpose of our suffering and loss but, you can be assured that God will keep His promises to you.  In times of pain, persecution, or suffering, you may long for an easier route.  However, by surrendering each fear, doubt, expectation and tear to Him you can in faith, look forward to what the rest of the story will bring….in Heaven.

God will never let us go through more than HE knows we can handle.  I Corinthians 10:13  “There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not let you suffer more than you are able, but will  with that temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it.”   The CROSS is ALWAYS the Way.  (Ephesians 6:10-18).   Every choice we make, as I made having this last son at 40 and marrying his father also unbeknownst to me, bi-polar, had a price.  Remember that.  EVERY CHOICE we make has a consequence good or bad.  If anyone who reads this is going through such pain I can assure you that if you get into the Word of God and give yourself to Christ, He will help you with your situation.  If my Jesus could heal me and get me through my son’s horrific death, He can help and heal you too. but, the choice is always yours.  Thank you Jesus.

America and Islam – What Does God Say?

d232fbc2386b728f410f18d5dc2c47 Where Are You in Your Walk With God?

We all know what is happening in this world today, all we have to do is turn on the tv.  But where are we with God?   Are you hungry for the WORD, or are you still in the world, leading a busy life, with husband, children,  sports, schools, etc.    Do you hunger for a closer walk with Jesus, or just presume that, ok, I’m saved, I’m going to Heaven, and I don’t really need to do much else?

I was able to do a couple of creative projects this week, but, I had that nudge…that poke from God to get closer.    When I was saved God put me in a Charismatic Church that I loved with all my heart, now with a highway running through the land.  I was there for 16 years, and I was so hungry for Jesus; that church was my home, my hospital, my sanctuary, my refuge.  Oh, saints, and was I ministered too with those that taught me truth, the evangelists that came and preached, prophesied and ministered to us so many times.   This week,  I longed for that closeness to my Jesus as never before.  I’ve outlived three husbands I married and divorced in my youth.  My Jesus has been my husband, my father, my redeemer, my peace since I was saved in 1982, and GOD and God alone placed me at my FCC Church  so many years ago.   I love my family of God.  I  love all of you that will read this.   I pray with all my heart in tears and prayer, that you read this and pray, and that God puts this burden on you too.

Wherefore for the past three days, I have been on my knees, taking notes, watching every preacher I know of, on Christian tv; TBN, Inspirational, Daystar.   What is following is notes of what God was telling me to pass on to all of you.   This also started in my spirit from an email letter received from a former member of my church to us all.   She was right.  For some of our smaller churches are suffering badly.   Most Christians do not understand that we have authority over Satan as believers.   Some really do not care. They are too busy.   I beg you to really pray about this direction, for it is my belief and all the pastors on Christian radio and tv, internet, from Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor John Hagee, Pastor Rod Parsley, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Jack Hayford,  Dr. David Jeremiah, Ed Young, Pastor Jim Toll, Reinhard Bonnke, on and on.

The Holy Spirit is moving across the World, through these preachers, and most are missing it.  The Gospel NOW through Satellite tv, even in Arab Countries,  has NOW been preached in ALL the world.  It s not enough in these end times, to only go to church on Sunday, but to “test” the spirits, Jesus said , and listen to what huge ministries are saying through tv, books, CD’s,  DVD’s, Christian TV and Radio while in the car even.   We need a move of God and Revival, and that is not going to happen while our churches up here in the east especially, are still on pablum, and haven’t a clue to the signs around them.

Revelations 3:15-16, to John, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor nor hot,” (the present time ) “I would rather you were cold or hot,”  (half measures won’t do).  “So then because you are lukewarm, and NEITHER cold nor hot,  I will SPUE you out of my mouth.”  (if a person is lukewarm towards something, it means he hasn’t rejected it, but, at the same time he has by no means accepted  it; in the Mind of God, a tepid response is equal to a NEGATIVE response.   I will spue you out of my mouth means that there is no prospect of repentance here on the part o this Church, or Restoration. In fact there is DIVINE REJECTION BY GOD HIMSELF!)  Paranthesis: Espositor’s Study Bible.  From Pastor Adriane Rogers, “If you are cold or hot?  Sin if lukewarm in the modern Church today means ‘INSIPID’..Lukewarmness means that He is not speaking to those on fire that have a passion for the Holy Spirit to move, and are hungry for the word.  No, He is talking about those in between the cold dishwater Christian, and most fall into this category!   They are indifferent to personal holiness!   They lack concern for others that are unsaved.  Mark 7:6  There is no fire, tears, conviction….they are lukewarm.  To be spirit filled Ephesians 5:18-19, there’s a lack of real hunger for God.

It’s not a gimmick, its Holy Ghost fire.”  God I beg you to send the fire.  For before there is revival there has to be FIRE.   Then will come the “latter rain”…. These signs (now) God says we are to recognize.   All that is happening so rampant  from Egypt,  to all the rest of the Arab countries.   Look up!  The time is near.

The latter rain was prophesized by Joel in Joel 2:23.  In verse 21 God says Fear Not..  Then in 23, “Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God:  For He has given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for  You the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.”  (The phrase, “Be Glad then, you children of Zion.” refers to Israel now restored as the premier nation of the world, which is her rightful place.

In other words, the world cannot e properly blessed until Israel is in her rightful place , which she will be not long after the Second Coming….The “former rain” and the “latter rain” refer to the two rainy seasons in Israel.  The first, or “former” coming in October, promoted the germination and growth of the seed previously sown; the “latter” coming in April, matured the crops and got them ready for harvest.   Spiritually speaking, the “former rain” speaks of the outpouring  of the Holy Spirit on the Early Church.  The “latter rain” speaks of the outpouring of the spirit which began at approximately the turn of the  Twentieth Century and which will continue on through the Millennial Reign. [James 5:7].)

“The devil looks at the modern church today and laughs!  We’re lukewarm in our everyday lives even.  We pray without fasting, give without a sacrifice.  How many watch what tv preachers even say about end-times and these Arab nations?  Jesus is so near and nobody even realizes it!”  Love Worth Finding Ministries.   Charles Stanley  said “God wants us to have an intimate relationship with HIM..Just being saved is not  enough, just reading the Bible is not enough.  In Psalm 63:1-8 David too was a sinner  “my  soul thirsts for you…I need your power….and your glory…my soul is satisfied… my soul clings to you, your right hand holds me…”  How many of us hunger like that?

The year (written in  2011 )– Eleven means an overflow.  Over certain gentile Christians is called An abundance and we can’t let this  pass us by in the Church.  We are going to have  a “bumper crop” if we see it to sustain us in future years.   Before the revival and the  Latter Rain…it is time for a seed harvest.  Mark 10:46. That healing power would have passed Jesus by, if it hadn’t been for Barnabas.  There are to be “chosen vessels” that God uses, that God calls, for miracles of God means light…If the vessel is too small  with a belief and faith, the light can’t reach in…and God cannot use you.  For we are  His vessels.   Are you hungry enough to be one of these vessels for God to use?

Isaiah 46:9-10  Declaring the end from the beginning.   He isn’t going to destroy the earth,  but He will turn it upside down.   Ezekiel 38:4  “Hooks into your jaw”! The  Word hooks here mean oil!  Russia will he a guardian into them..(Arab nations the sold weapons to, as well as Iran the Persian nation.   But God says from Heaven HE  has the last word!   God promised after the 2nd exile of the Jews the war with Egypt  before they were made a State,  that the Jews will NEVER be driven from that land  again!  They’re defender is GOD ALMIGHTY!  When the last enemy is defeated  that Israeli flag will fly over Jerusalem instead of any Arab nation!  The Messiah is  coming!  Joel 3:2  God will destroy its’ enemies!! Hear that Ahmadinijad?  .You  are defeated!   What will happen?  God is going to change everything upsidedown  after the Rapture, and the lion will lay with the lamb.  If you don’t believe this? You  will burn in the lake of fire forever and ever.  Egypt now?  The king of the south  has armed itself with tanks and weapons we, the US sold them!  Ezekiel prophesizes  this in the battle thousands of years ago.   Look up! The Rapture is not far away.

9/11 Changed the world, but what will happen will turn the world upside down.  The  king of the north, Russia, king of the east, is China.  China is a giant with millions to capture oil.  The EU (European Union…the same nations as the Old Roman  Empire  and out of those 10 horns will come the Anti-Christ). King of the south is Islam, and  like lightning speed, has moved nation after nation…coming together as a Calaphate,  not democracy.  But, to defeat Western Civilization.   Now that Mubarek has fell,  these weapons we sold them are in rebel hands.  Ezekiel 39!  Jesus said when we see  these signs, LIFT UP YOUR HEAD!  The King is coming! Are you ready? I mean  even though your saved…Are you ready?  Are you HOT or COLD? Or are you  lukewarm?   Will He spue you out of his mouth?   Revelations, 4th chapter, John  hears a voice that says “come”  the 24 elders, is the 12 New Testament Saints and  the 12 in the Old Testament.   Rev. 2:10, Isa 61:10.  Revelations chapter 6, the  Anti-Christ comes BEFORE chapter 4!   The Church will be raptured soon and believers,  He will come forth soon.  Look at what is happening! The signs are here?  Do you know?

When Jesus comes for His Church He will come as a thief in the night.  While we are in  Heaven for the 7 year reign, all HELL will break loose on this earth!   Are you ready?  Are your children ready?  Is your family ready?  Will you be split up and some taken  in the Rapture and the rest remain here on earth for sheer chaos and hell?  Jesus will come on that White horse like a sword!  He will smite ALL evil on earth!  When this  gospel is preached in all the earth then shall Jesus come.  Pastor John Hagee and other  huge ministries,  by TV satellite is now reaching ALL of the earth!  King Jesus is about  to make His entrance.  Iran’s President said Israel was to be wiped off the face of the  earth and America will be destroyed.  Flash news!  Pharaoh went against Israel God  intervened.   Netanyahu sat with Pastor John Hagee a few years ago in his office, talking  about Russia.  Russia and Iran have been together now for past 20 years.  But the Bible  is clear, if you listen closely, you can hear the hoof beats of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse approaching.  I can, can you?

Remembering this, our Easter Season, the first time Jesus came he was in a manger.  But the 2nd   time he will come (after the Rapture) He will come with his angels, and all his Saints, with eyes of fire and feet of brass.  The two witnesses will be sent first; Revelation 11:3, “And I will give POWER unto my two witnesses “ (Enoch and Elijah, two men who never died, but were ‘translated’ to Heaven before they saw death. Gen 5:21-24, Mal. 4:5-6) “And they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.” (This refers to three and one half years, the last half of the Great Tribulation. The clothing and sackcloth suggests that the witnessing includes the Preaching of Repentance.) Is. 34:102, Dan. 9:3-5.  There will be victory for the House of  Israel.   He will ge as a lion of the House of Judah. He will smite the ACLU and the taking down the 10 Commandments!  The next time He comes Herod will be dragged  before Him!  All the Arab Islamic Persian hates of the Jews and Israel and haters of   Christianity from George Soros, Cass Sunstein,  and all Jews that forsook their roots  will rot in hell!  We will be back to rule and reign with King Jesus!   T.D. Jakes said  that “Christian today are more scripturally illiterate than at any other time in history.

Gog and Magog (Russia) in Ezekiel 38-39.  All those armies  together from Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Iran etc. are militarized to go against Israel.   “Walls” means military and God Says  the “unwalled” will sign the peace treaty the Anti-Christ will lead.  They will be at a false peace, til they see they were cheated.  Then they will see all the armies coming against them from Russia, China, Islam.  The US has enough oil for 50 years!  But Obama won’t let us drill.  The oil nations coming out of  Ishmael and Haggar,  Abrahams hand maiden.

Where were you this Easter Season? Are you as hungry as I?   When we see what is  Happening in the world news, do we understand?  Jesus is coming…And I’m  only the messenger.  Are you sure you are going to Heaven?  Are you lukewarm?

I’m old, and nearing the end …I want more.  I want Jesus.   I want to be one of  those Saints coming with Him on the White Horse, with all the angels..  Thank  you Holy Spirit for directing me; thank you for putting this all my heart, and  I thank my Christian tv, for all I watched was of the SAME Holy Spirit, in that  I know God, you are moving all across America and through Satelite tv , the  whole world.    I want to see such a move of God, in my church, in my local  towns, across America and like Reinhard Bonnke, Christ For all Nations, all  across Africa, including those that are Islamic, with millions getting saved.

Thank you Lord, keep me right before you, Lord as I come to your throne and  obey.   I’m only the messenger.

Women And Single Parenting

boy prayingWomen and single parenting is a subject in which I know only too well. The statistics across the United States now show that there is 50% of households with children that have divorced parents.  Many of these households have remarried, and many have been in more than one divorce.  For myself? I have been a single mom for 28 years of my now 70 years.  It is not a subject Christians want to address.  My younger daughter, now 46, is a single mom with 3 teenage, one 22 and working but, still living at home.

I’m sure there were unmet needs when she was a child, that most articles on the subject do not even begin to cover.  When you are a single mom and working; there is no choice, there is pain involved on every side.  There is resentment too, because you cannot be an at-home mom and tend to every need, and in a sense, had it not have been for my parents with my oldest three kids who were alive then, in the 70’s, they would have been latchkey kids.  And with my youngest I had at 40, who in all essence, was an only child, living with me alone, I was thankful to have Christian babysitters.  It is not only difficult for the mother, but the children as well.

When I was 38 years old and my oldest went to college, I tried again going to college too. I took art education in college, and had a lot of plans, but then remarried for the last time, never knowing this man was bi-polar either; and I’d have a son with him, that I’d later loose to suicide (bi-polar also).  I know pain.  The decent men were not out there, and by that time, we put up walls of distrust.

Women need to help these women when they see them struggle.  I see these young mothers in church and in mu neighborhood and with family and friends.  I now have 8 grandchildren, 7 of whom I see and are a blessing. The other, who has two of my great-grandchildren, I haven’t seen since she was small.  (Another product of my oldest son’s divorce, as well as mine.)  Unfortunately, for me though, my oldest daughter who is happily married, with three children, now all nearly grown, lives in VA.  I miss them, and look forward to their summer visits, which do not happen every year.  Links such as this and Facebook, bring us closer together!

I wish churches would be there more for these young women.  If any one person needed the Lord, it is them.  When my youngest daughter had breast cancer, her world was devastated 8 or so years ago. And she was alone with her children, scared.  You cannot show all your fears to your children, after all.  To them she had to be strong.  She has done a good job as a parent and her children are all Christians, though I know not if saved, but active in youth groups at church.  But, it comes as a price as it did with me.  Now in my older age, and with all my arthritic and health problems, I could not help her and she could not help me.  But the love is there.  For that is what I hang on to.

I don’t want people who read this to think I am advocating being a single mother.   I made wrong decisions young.  I should have stayed married to my first husband, who I married in church.  I then picked the wrong men; the 2nd husband was abusive, and a womanizer, and the last 10 years later was bi-polar and deserted.  Three strikes your out!  The wall went up around me.  The ideal situation which is God, country, and the Bible, is for a man and a woman to be married.  The man head of house, not as an abuser or controller but as an equal.  And I do not advocate the far lefts’ version of anything goes either.  But, it was not the fault of my daughter  that her husband cheated on her, or my fault that my husband deserted with panic attacks and bi-polar, too stressed to deal with a wife and baby. Nor was it my fault when my oldest children’s father beat me in my 20’s and cheated on me, with a woman he would not give up on my doorstep, with three children upstairs sleeping.  (I could have ended up like Joey Butafuco’s wife with my face shot, for this woman was vile.)  Whether or not, I made wrong choices young isn’t even up for discussion.  I know I did. When I fell in love, I fell totally.  Gut, even out of errors I had the fruition of my children, and so much love, and my grandchildren, who I am so proud of. It is a hard, hard, road.  And while married mothers’ have a hard road, they have someone to lean on at the end of the day, as well as Jesus, if Christians.  But, these single moms, have only the Lord, as their husband, father, and head of house…(if Christian). And without God? I don’t know how they can even endure!

I think churches and communities ought to reach out more to these women.  For are we not to show compassion to those that are struggling?
I also think communities need to reach out to young men, and teach youth in churches, young men, especially, to be good husbands and fathers, and how to commit.  Teach them to be monogamous, and sensitive to women’s needs.  The world has changed too much now, and we have lost all our values.  Pop culture and reality shows have taken over, casting out morality.  It is not the real world, but a world of fantasy the young are looking for.  The days of upbringing in the 1950’s are over, and temptation looms all around. These young women today, are under so much pressure from the outside world in competition in the workplace, and then get criticized when the marriage fails.  These young single moms and their children that are forced into single parenting, in my estimation deserve a gold medal.  And these young girls that are still teens having babies though to stay on welfare?  Someone needs to reach these girls.  Teach them to stand on their own two feet, get state aid yes, but, only for awhile.  Get an education and stop thinking the State and a “man” is going to take care of them.  And kick that boyfriend out, who is eating up your food stamps, maybe doing drugs, living on easy street, drinking beer all day.  Make something of yourself, then you could meet someone decent, and go to church!  They have no self-esteem whatsoever.  I worked my way up with 3 children at home, going to night school, and bettering myself in my 30’s.  I can’t was not in my vocabulary.  I love to learn.  And I had good jobs young, for non profits, the legislature in NH, insurance companies etc.

I hope this gives some understanding, for it’s a hard job raising children alone.  I hope young women that read this and are teens with a baby? Go out and get that education. Go to your local church for help and counseling.  There are FAFSA grants for college, even a tech. school for nursing, etc.  My daughter now is an RN and as a single mom, is going after her BA degree.  It can be done.  You can do it.   Don’t quit.  Have a goal, and a plan.  Don’t let anyone ruin your dream, for your life only comes around once.  And with that call on the Lord to help you.  My prayers are with you. One of my daughters did it, and a good job at that.  God bless you…

What Would Jesus Do?

Jesus is all thingsSome of you may be Republican, and others may be a Democrat.  Some, like me just recently, now an Independent.  I, like many others, are very disgruntled about the direction this nation is going.   I have heard from a few pastors that politics should not be preached in the pulpit.  I wrote before, that I disagreed, I reiterate again, I disagree.   Yesterday, it came out that ACORN may again get funding from this Administration.  I’ve heard other preachers such as Dr. Charles Stanley, John Hagee, the late Dr. James Kennedy, Pastor Jim Toll, Joyce Myers, Pat Robertson, Rod Parsely, on and on..ALL preaching/teaching God’s role in politics in this nation as well as our history and the intent of our Founding Father’s.  Unfortunately, it is not taught in schools anymore.

It is only Christians now, that get maligned in this society.  America now has denigrated Christianity and has now started on America itself.  I see Cuban flags, other flags being waved, but, not the American flag!  Instead now the American flag is being desecrated.  Teddy Roosevelt said, “If you come to America, then you become a legal citizen, and your alliance then is as an American, waving only the American flag!”  ONE flag..of this nation!  He was right!  What has happened to our patriotism?  What has happened to our values?  What has happened to our love of God?  Are we true Christians?  Or apathetic ones, without interest.  Are we followers of the 10 Commandments and scriptures when we are out of church?  And when we vote, do we carry through at the voting booth our “GODLY HERITAGE?”  WHAT ABOUT WHAT JESUS WANTS?  I’m in the DAR, and pretty soon, we won’t be able to pray in a meeting, if the Fairness Doctrine gets passed, nor will we be able to say grace publicly in a restaurant, if the ACLU has their way.   If Jesus stood next to us in a voting booth, would we feel His hand on us, saying “Good choice my daughter or son”, or would tears well up in His eyes and would we grieve Him?

I just left a Facebook group site, “taking back the GOP”…right! He is just as liberal as most Democrats and hates us, that are Christian as most of the media.  THAT is what is wrong now.  Glenn Beck played a video clip from Obama, promoting abortion, recorded some years back.  I’m sure its on Youtube.  He said, “If my 2 daughters who I will bring up morally, etc. (right..without God?), BUT if they make a ‘mistake’ they will have the option to abort “(to save face).  But what about that babies option? It is murder!

George Washington said Christians must be involved in politics.  Those of you who have read C.S. Lewis, especially all his pondering in “Mere Christianity”, we learn that we are very much accountable to God.  You do not be “Holy” only in church.  For, God will judge us one day on everything we do, once we are saved.  That means on our Christian merits, and what we stand for as Christians.  And I believe especially at the voting booth.  If we sit in a church, proponent of pro-life, with all that give testimony against abortion, then go and vote for a candidate based on race, a smile, a personality, that is pro-choice, do you really believe that God condones?  If we vote for a “party” even when that party is corrupt, and those persons are against Godly values and the 10 Commandments, will God approve?  I believe with all my being, that we will all be called accountable.  Seems George Washington and others agree with me.  As God won’t let me.  He
won’t let me get away with anything.

The liberal loyalists wanting to take back (what they never had) the Republican party are no better than the so-called Democrats, that are now so involved with this progressive (Communist) movement, which is nothing new, and corruption.  They all hate us that are Evangelical Christians.  I told this man on that site, before I left it, that he was not going to win this argument.

Our Founding Father’s were Christians.  During the Revolution, you also had “The Great Awakening” preacher, John Whitefield, who even led Indians to Christ.  I encourage you, who read extensively, to read “A People’s History of the American Revolution”, How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence,” by Ray Raphael.  It was a wonderful enlightening book.   I also encourage you to rad David Barton’s “Original Intent”.  On page 348, David wrote: “Christians must again become active in the civic arena and move beyond their self-imposed boundaries of church and home.  It is time to remember the warning given by Charles Finney a minister and leader in America’s Second Great Awakening, who
reminded Christians:

“The Church must take right ground in regard to politics…The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics.  God cannot sustain this free and blessed country which we love and pray for unless the CHURCH will take RIGHT ground.  Politics are a PART of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God…HE (GOD) will bless or curse this nation according to the course they (Christians) take in politics.”

He also said, thereafter, “As the Church reenters the political arena, however, it will be important to observe George Washington’s warning against excessive allegiance to any political party:  ‘Let me now..warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of the party.  The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of the party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.  It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration.”

Washington is not saying to abolish parties, for they are necessary, the mechanisms by which candidates are offered to the public.  But, God fearing people should be actively involved to influence their party’s platform.

Glenn Beck lately too, was so right on!  I am fed up with the Republican GOP up here in NH, just as liberal and the Democratic fools are so left-wing Communist.  I cannot just vote for a party any longer. I think Newt Gingrich is very very wrong on this.  You don’t stay loyal to a party that is full of crooks, or has agenda’s that are immoral, and not good for this country.  You vote for the man/woman…the person.  I can’t believe how the
Democrats sabotaged their party for Socialism (Communisim and like Maxine Waters and Obama the teachings of Mau, who murdered over 600 million Chinese).   The Republican party now is the old Democratic party.of Johnson, Humprey, JFK…who was by today’s standards, a conservative.  So where is conservatism?  Where is fiscal responsibility? Where are moral God-fearing candidates?  Who is there to clean up the corruption? Where are the Christians?  They hated Sarah Palin, but, George Washington would have loved her!  And I wish now, in hindsight, I had put my votes and backing with Mitt Romney.  He is above reproach, honest, has integrity, character, intelligent, loves God and country.  I was wrong as many of us were.  Plus he knows business, and we wouldn’t be in this mess now either.  He is squeaky clean and moral.  There is no way he would have affairs, and shame the White House as Clinton did.  He would have cleaned up corruption on both sides.  But, we are not a 3rd world country, nor do we need a dictatorship.  Hitler started out this way, with his Socialism, so did Stalin, then look at Chavez, Castro…all who took away the freedom of the media.  Now, look at this Administrations war on Foxnews.  Guess Fox is doing something right in my eyes.  Do we want this for America?

God help our troops.  This President is now seeing the caskets coming home, and they are going to increase, unless he gets more troops in Afghanistan, and STANDS UP for a change.   Kerry was wrong with the Bush /McCain surge, and they are wrong now.  You don’t play politics when our troops are at risk.  He is a fool, and will go out of office like Johnson did after he messed up Vietnam.

My soul is mourning for my America I love.  Christians, are you going to
pray and ask God what HE would have you do?    The rising cost now
of all this health care.  America will be bankrupt.  Those of you that just
love all the handouts and freebies…Get out and get a job.  Have some faith in Jesus, and reach your own potential.  Do something..Having faith is taking a step.  This is a gimmee gimmee, society.  Where is the giving back, even if just your talents.  America is falling apart.  And God is grieving and I can see His tears in my spirit.

When We Fail

2dbef8a2-e09d-4ca0-a2d3-e5d42d12ca87_8.jpg“Revelations 3:10 For He that overcometh, shall wear many crowns!  For the world can sometimes be grave and dark, all too negative.  For us Christians, it should be good in spite of that which will come, although we will have tests and trials.  We need to pray continuously and not just when we are in trouble. There is no holding back in God’s blessings for us, if we seek in earnest and don’t lose that first love, Jesus. When we go through the fire, it teaches us lessons. Look at Daniel in the lions den. Did God let him escape?  No, he had to go through it. The fire chastens us and gets rid of the chafe.

Everyone fails sooner or later.  It’s something everyone experiences, and normally learn how to handle.  When we learn from our failures we become better people.  The first key (my son had all this through counseling and it’s Biblical) to growing through failure is accepting responsibility for our actions and their outcome.  When people fail they either confess and repent and get it right with God, or they make excuses.  When we refuse to face our failure we never solve the problem.  To fail is to be human.  God knows our limitations (Psalm 103:14 and Romans 3:23).  Failure is refusing to get up one more time!  (Think of yourself as Rocky, and how we all cheered for him to keep getting up one more time.)

Success is not avoiding failure but learning what to do with it. I wish that would sink in with people.  Black author James Baldwin said, “The reason people don’t want to face their hates, is to do so, they would have to face their pain.”  Some now especially, are never going to know the true grace of God, and have inner healing until they face their pain and repent.  We need to go to the cross broken, and then He picks us up.  Too many churches deny the cross now!

To fail is not to be a failure.  We all strike out like great baseball hitters, once in awhile.  No one is truly a failure until he stops trying.  Edison tried over 5,000 light bulbs before he found one that worked.  Albert Einstein, who was Attention Deficit Disorder also, flunked math (distract-ability) yet achieving relativity and being a genius in other areas.  Failure is refusing to get up one more time. Also, something I learned with all the inside sales and rejection over a long period of time, business to business; Failure is success turned inside out. Sometimes a failed job or even getting fired is for a reason and God has something better already lined up and we are too hurt, stubborn, or depressed to let God be GOD.

Giving up and into failure is one of the most demoralizing decisions a man can face and yet facing it and overcoming it can lead to a man’s greatest successes.  I Kings 17:19-21. Malachi 4:5, Mathew 11:14 See the fivefold temptations if we are in Christ and He is in us, then He cannot deny us in a time of trouble for to do so would be to disown Himself.  That He cannot do.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  Regardless of our emotions, feelings or disposition.  God is always the same.

Even Elijah under that juniper tree was depressed after Jezebel, and wanted to die.  He was one of the greatest man of God to walk the earth. But, Elijah was a “man of like passions” as we are, the Bible says, and he faced conflicts and temptations like we do.  His greatest battle was after Mt. Carmel, worn from the intensity of living as he sat under that juniper tree. I am sure he contemplated death.  But, when we are born of the spirit, becomes one, God will not deny us.  God gave him rest but, would not leave him nor forsake him. (As he did with me after my son’s suicide.  He never left me, even when I had had a mini stroke He stayed with me as I never went to the hospital. But, I in sobs and mourning pleaded with Him to help me to stop all the crying, for I know it exacerbated the pounding headache and pain down my arm.)  Elijah traded his juniper tree for a chariot of fire!  God traded HIS strength for Elijah’s weaknesses. That’s what I feel God did also for me after I lost my BJ. I know in my heart, that victory is in the cross of Christ, my Savior and He will lead my walk in HIM.” From my book, Restoration Road pages 41-43, copyright 2004

From Pursuing Christlikeness Through “Failure”, by Kay Arthur 5/11/09
Crosswalk excerpts:   “You are not alone in your failure.  Those whom you may look at and even envy or wish you could change places with have failed at one time or another.  In fact, if the truth were known, they probably are dealing with the feeling of failure to one degree or another in one or more areas of their lives.  As you read this you may feel alone.  You may feel like the biggest failure.  You may think there is no recovery, but I have good news for you!  If you will take God at His Word, your failure will become a stepping stone to greater Christlikeness and intimacy with God.  Failure will become a means to an end, rather than the end!

I say this because to fail is to be humbled.  Failure makes us aware of our own impotence, our imperfections, our shortcomings.  Failure brings us low.  And if we respond properly by humbling ourselves before our heavenly Father, then according to James 4:10, we find Him exalting us.  And when God exalts us, after w experience the humiliation and defeat of failing, then His exaltation is a safe exaltation rather than a source of pride which only and eventually leads to greater defeat and failure.

Do not give in to despair.  God is your redeemer.  He buys back, buys out, rescues, sets free, protects.  He is the God of another chance to all who genuinely have a change of mind and throw themselves into His outstretched arms and bury themselves in His all-sufficient breast.

So run to God.  Confess your failure-name it for what it is.  Call it nothing less, don’t sugarcoat it or gloss over it. Call it my name.  Be honest, be blunt.  Say it aloud.  Tell God you want to succeed, not fail, and that you know only He can do that.  Tell Him you are willing to do whatever is necessary if He will simply show you what to do by laying it upon your heart, putting it in your mind. Then check it out.  Make sure what you are ‘hearing in your mind, feeling in your heart,’ is in accord with the whole teaching of the Bible.  Observe to do according to all He tells you.  Don’t turn to the right or to the left.  Then you will have success, for it is God’s intent that you succeed rather than fail (Joshua 1:7-9).

Failure can either be a stumbling block that flattens you or it can be a stepping-stone to a life of success built upon the unmovable Cornerstone. It is all a matter of faith. Remember, you only fail if you refuse to believe God and refuse to allow your failure to be a stepping-stone to greater Christlikeness.”  Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries Int’l

I recently heard of a young woman in church ministry, who was forced out by the church, slandered, by a sin she was not partaking in.  When I accidentally found her, on Facebook, and emailed her; she said I was the only one who had talked to her.  Turns out there were a lot of lies involved in this firing as well.  Her music was beautiful praise and worship and I know that the Holy Spirit was present.  For whatever reason, she was slandered and maligned.  I had been praying and praying for nearly a year now, as to whether or not I leave this church I loved, for other reasons.   But, God would not release me.  When I found out the truths, and defended her, since this job was her reputation, and her livelihood, turning it back to the church, with also the laws on slander in my state, I
felt a release.   I believe God used me, and I believe He was just waiting for me to come to this young woman’s defense.  I am free. And my prayers now are that God clean that church up of all that is of man, and not the Holy Spirit, and purify it.  I pray too, that God puts me in a church that HE chooses, where I can flourish, in rivers of flowing waters….free to let the Holy Spirit teach me, use this old vessel, and to be a blessing to others, in Jesus name.  I also pray for my new friend.  My prayers are that she receive a letter of reference, and an apology, and that God puts her in a wonderful church of His choice where her talents will flourish.  This is one failure, that I know was a stumbling block not deserved.  And I come against legalism without a defense in any church. Don’t quit!  Your blessings are around the corner.


b0f76f58e7602732“Their marriage was good, their dreams focused.  Their best friends lived barely a wave away.  I can see them now.  Dad in trousers tee shirt and hat, working on the lawn mower, and Mom in a house dress, dish-towel in her hand.  It was a time for fixing things.  A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress, and my dad always working on stereos and tv’s.  Things we kept.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.  All that re-fixing, always renewing.  I wanted just once to be wasteful.   Waste meant affluence.  Throwing away, meant there would always be more.

But, then my mother, (both in my “memories album”) died in 1976, and on that clear summer’s night, in the silence of my room (I was divorced), I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away….never to return.  So…While we have it, it’s best we love it.  And care for it…And FIX it when it’s broken (like relationships).   And heal it when it’s sick.

This is true.  For marriage, and old cars, and children with bad report cards.  Dogs and cats with bad hips, and aging parents, and grandparents.  We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.  Some things we keep.  Like a best friend that moved away of a classmate we grew up with.  There are just some things that make life important, like people who are special.  And so, we keep them close!

Good friends are like stars…You don’t always see them, but you know they are there. ”  I received this as an email (author unknown) which I added some of my own thoughts; someone who thinks I am a “keeper”, so I’ve included it here on this blog, to see if you too, have “keepers” in your life.

I remember too, during WWII when my mother collected and kept rags and nylons for the “ragman” who came once in awhile in a horse and wagon.  The nylons were made into parachutes and who knows what happened to the rags.  Now instead of fixing as we used to do, our things are made in China and other places.  Instead of fixing, and the American dream, we have to throw out, as the plastic pieces are all cheap and crack and break like America is now!  We have become a society that is into immediate self gratification, and frivolity, and waste, a peoples that never fix, and always buy, buy, buy.   We lack vision and dreams in our young people, as well as imagination, caring, and love.  China’s waters don’t like our ships there, making sure they don’t turn on us.  Yet, who do we now owe our trillions to?  This is not the America I grew up in.  Fixing used to be fun; from a screen door, to my Dad fixing radios.  (He was an electronics engineer and had his own shop.) But, nothing is made now to last or be fixable.  My mom had the same vacuum cleaner for 35 years.  I’m going on my 4th in 12 years!  And unless our relationships are made to last, we will have nothing, including our country.  We all need to think about what is important to us.  Else we are left with an empty shell.

Thank you Lord, for this reminder, and help us to change and realize what is important!

You Say, God Says

Jesus hugsAnger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.  James (entire Chapter) You can’t change the past,  only Satan brings up the past and is the
accuser.  But, you can ruin the present by worrying over the future,  and the future belongs to God if you trust HIM.   You can’t change the past and other people or what happened, you can only change YOU!

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with HIM  We cannot make decisions on our own.  A hug is a great gift…..
one size fits all.   But, hates and rebellion are a turn off as is wallowing, and it isn’t of God.   Hugs with an open heart in Christ instead of always concentrating on self,  can be given for any occasion and it’s easy to exchange.

YOU SAY                                  GOD SAYS                                    BIBLE VS

It’s impossible                         All things are possible                   Luke 18:27
I’m too tired                              I will give you rest                           Matt 11:;28-30
Nobody loves me                    I love you                                        John 3:1-6, John 3:34
I can’t go on                             My grace is sufficient                     IICor 12:9 Ps 91:15
I can’t figure things out            I will direct your steps                    Prov 3:5-6
I’m not able                              I am able                                         II Cor 9:8
It’s not worth it                         It will be                                            Rom 8:28
I can’t forgive myself               I forgive you                                    IJohn1:9,Rom 8-1
I can’t manage                        I will supply all your needs             Phil 4:19
I’m afraid                                 I have not given you fear                IITim 1:7
I’m worried & frustrated         Cast all your cares on me              I Pet. 5-7
I’m not smart enough             I give you wisdom                           I Cor 1:30
I feel all alone                         I will never leave or forsake you     Heb 13:5

God determines who walks into your life,  only if you are with Christians and let HIM..It’s
up to you to decide who you let in and if you trust God enough, and who you let walk
away, or let stay, and who you refuse to let go.

Father, God, bless all my friends and  those that out there I do not know in whatever it is that you know they may need this day!  May they learn how to discern God’s will in their life and listen to you, ceasing to make selfish decisions on their own in the flesh .  May their lives be full of your
peace , prosperity, and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you.  Amen

Make it a Wonderful Day in Jesus!

*Parts of this mine & parts author unknown from email

Confronting Sin And Repentance

hellWith tears in his eyes a man said to a preacher, “I told my wife I was sorry, but she says she won’t continue to live with me.  First John 1:9 says that God forgives us when we confess our sins.  Won’t you please talk to her and tell her that if God forgives, she should too?”    

This man had “repented” several times before, only to revert back to his abusive behavior.  So, the preacher said, “No, I’m not going to tell her that, in your case saying “I’m sorry ” isn’t enough.  “His wife insisted he receive counseling and give evidence of a genuine change before returning home.  She was right, as I’ve been right in ministering to a young woman who is sinning and a single mom of 3 teens.   It is sin, and this woman refuses to repent.  “God wants her happy and the spirit she has prohibits her from repentance, or finding sin distasteful.  Whereby, I cannot forgive her as all my scriptural confrontations have been on deaf ears.  A rebellious, deceitful heart, is not one after Christ, but, is being led by Satan himself.  

The leaders of Israel in Hosea 6:4 did the same thing.  They thought a burnt sacrifice solved the problem, but God rejected that kind of “repentance.”  This woman will not even say she is sorry. To her, she is always right.  But, God says, I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.   In other words, the repentance must result in a change of heart and a change in behavior, and sinful acts.  That’s “Godly sorrow” (2Corinthians 7-10)

            Repentance is to leave the sin
                That we had loved before,
           And showing we are grieved by it
                By doing it no more.   (Anonymous.)

     Repentance means hating sin enough to turn from it forever!

True forgiveness begins by dealing with sin honestly.  The Lord’s initial words are simple.  “if your brother (or sister) sins, “REBUKE” them! (Luke 17:3,4) Forgive him only if he repents.  Mark 11:25-26 States again that you forgive the sinner only if he truly repents!  Look at Luke 7:37-50 Jesus forgave this woman all her sins, (probably adulterous ) because she was weeping excessively, and she washed his feet in a servitude act of true repentance with her hair and her tears.  Without true repentance there is NO forgiveness.  I can’t forgive this woman who does the same thing over and over and wallows, in self pity when she is caught in her secret life.  I can’t, because Jesus can’t.  I rebuked her and I rebuked her with  Biblical principals, for 25 years we have been going back and forth, and there is no change.  She claims to be saved, is a backslider, and fornicator, and sin is sin.    There is no repentance. 

From RBC booklet;  ” If I come across a man raping a woman, I cannot love them both the same way…Love is inherently MORAL IN CHARACTER and demands a moral force that is as much opposing as it is defending.  I can’t go up to the struggling, terrorized woman and the overpowering assailant  and say, “I love you both just the same, and so does God.  He doesn’t want you to harm this girl, but please don’t think He is angry at you right now.  Because God is love, He doesn’t get mad.  Isn’t such love amazing?  The woman would denounce my love as sick and worthless, even cowardly.  Remember the human heart is deceptive.  If we don’t want to do what is right, we will fool ourselves!!! ” Which is what this young sinning woman is doing, she is fooling herself, for God will NEVER approve of a sinning lifestyle.  God always demands morality! 

RBC”Knowledge is not an end in itself, like faith, diligence, and VIRTUE, knowledge is a critical and strategic means to an end.  It is one more step in the ladder of faith.  What is more pathetic than a Christian” (like this young rebellious woman) ” who knows all the answers, but whose life is all messed up!  People who know their doctrine and Bible history thoroughly are often overcome by pride, rebellion, anger, lust, bitterness, unfaithfulness, deception, gluttony, alcoholism, greed,
drugs, fornication.  Why?  Because SELF-CONTROL IS NOT MERELY A MATTER OF PERSONAL EFFORT, IT’S A PRODUCT OF THE SPIRIT”.  And remember we are dealing with 2 spirits here, either Satan and all his wiles, or the Holy Spirit and Godly desires.  (Gal 5:23)  “And only when a person is building on faith, goodness, and right (Godly) knowledge can she/he expect
to have their body and soul under control.

Thank God that genuine repentance and God’s forgiveness DO bring the restoration of joy!   I thank God every day of my life (now 70) that my deceased young son was saved at 11years old before his bi-polar depressive act of suicide 10 years ago.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Jesus for your compassion and restoration of me now, and the complete total forgiveness I had to come to grip with to my son.  He broke my heart, but, I’ve been able to forgive.  It wasn’t the real BJ, it was the illness.  And I know where he is now in God’s grace with all the tears he shed, beforehand,  that he is with my Jesus.   I thank God for giving me my joy back, so that I can finally sing “Amazing Grace” (sung at his funeral) without crying.  And the joy to make an attempt to sing in the church choir Easter Sunday.   HE has restored me.  

RBC “The second implication of the Lord’s words is that we must CONFRONT THE SIN, courageously.  When the commands , ‘If your brother sins, REBUKE HIM,’ Luke 17:3.  He is clearly telling us that we must hold people accountable for their behavior.  This obviously requires that we have carefully and prayerfully determined that the other person’s behavior is truly sinful.  In such a case we are not called to ignore the behavior, of simply  ENDURE it.  The WORD the LORD,  uses calls us ‘to speak seriously to warn , to challenge, ‘ ” Which I did to this young woman,  only to have someone else pat her on the head and say she’s ok in essence.  This person was so wrong, and if saved, is a carnal Christian.

Sex without marriage is a sin. It is wrong!   Colossians 3:5 “Mortify therefore your members” (of your physical body, and guarding against sexual feelings) “which are upon the earth” (can be done only by the Believer understanding that everything he receives from the Lord comes strictly through the Cross, which must ever be the object of our Faith, thus giving the Holy Spirit latitude to work in our lives); “fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence and covetousness, which is idolatry” ( works of the FLESH [Satan] , which will in one way or the other show themselves, unless the Believer follows the pattern laid down by the Holy Spirit regarding Victory over the flesh, which is the Cross.)

Romans 6:11 “Likewise reckon “(account)” you also yourselves to be dead indeed unto” (the) “sin” (while the sin nature is not dead , we are dead unto the sin nature by virtue of the Cross and our Faith in that Sacrifice, but only as long as our Faith continues in the Cross)”but alive unto God”(living the Resurrection life) “through Jesus Christ our Lord”.    Romans 8:3 “For what the Law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh., God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh”.. 8:7-8 “Because the CARNAL mind is enmity against God”  (refers to attempting to live for God  by means other than the cross, which places one “against God” ).  “So then tehy that are in the flesh cannot please God.” (refers to the Believer attempting to live his Christian life in a carnal way of the flesh, other than Faith in Christ and the Cross.”

Flesh cannot be trusted.   I heard 5 teachings on this yesterday on Daystar.   Five!  And for those out there that are committing adultery, fornicating, it is sin!   If you are saved, you are a carnal Christian in danger of losing your salvation.   I heard Angela, Pastor Fred Price’s daughter, who ministers to teens, say this;  “you are a ho”..I nearly fell off my chair.  Right in the church she told it like it is.  She is right!  Its about time, especially in the Black churches they hear this, and all abortion stops, and they stop funding Planned Parenthood!  

She said, from Ex. 20:4, “The spirit man has to rise up on the inside.  Romans 7:18-25.  Romans 13:8-10.  It involves SELF CONTROL!!  Men too, you have a secretary and you buy her lunch, and one thing leads to another, and you have a wife and kids home, and go to church?  WHERE is your brain?  Its not in your head!  END IT.. Go home to your wife, where sex is sanctified under God.   Use self control and stay away from temptation.   Romans 13:9-10 “For this, YOU shall not commit adultery” (sex in any form outside MARRIAGE ),”You shall not kill,”(murder/abortion too)”you shall not steal, bear false witness, you shall not covet ” (you don’t take what doesn’t belong to you, including your neighbors wife, or women? They’re husband!) …Proverbs 3:3-6 “For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But her end is better as wormwoods, sharp as a two-edged sword.  Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on Hell.  Lest you should ponder the path of life her ways are moveable, that you can not know them.  Proverbs 6: 24-26 “To keep you from the evil woman (man), from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman (man).  Lust not after her beauty in your heart; neither let her take you with her eyelids. For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread; and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.”  (As immorality leads to destruction, so does a false way of salvation; hence, the term used is ‘precious life’.)    Sex without marriage is an abomination to God. 

“The goal of such confrontation is not to express our anger or to get something off our chests, but to bring about  repentance, restoration, and reconciliation.  It is also for the benefit of others  who will be victimized if their behavior /sin is not challenged. ”  ie Her children!  “Genuine repentance goes deeper than an apology or the expression of regret.  The Biblical words describe a change of mind, that produces a change of direction in their life. ” ( ie Virtue, character, accountability ) “Repentance involves more than a feeling of wrongdoing or regret, and produces more than an apology!! Remember that without repentance the process is broken.  The Lord Jesus said, ‘If he repents, forgive him.’ True forgiveness flows towards repentance.  The ideal is clear, I am sinned against, I confront the offender, he sincerely declares repentance; I declare my forgiveness.  The fact is sin contaminates everything.  Too many times there is no repentance.”  (as this woman I confronted who rejected everything).   “Do we forgive anyway,” (and accept them in their sins just the way they are?)” anyways, even when the offense sits there, like a huge elephant?” That is when you stop in your tracks and just let go and let God, and stay away from this person, lest they pull you into their worldly sins, and take you away from the Holy Spirit and what God is doing in your own life. Luke 17:33-  

“Remember too, that forgiveness is given, reconciliation is EARNED which cancels all debts, but it does not eliminate all consequences.   C. S. Lewis said, ‘ To forgive for the moment is not difficult, but to go on forgiving, to forgive the same offense every time it recurs to the memory, that’s the real tussle.’ “

*Quotations from RBC ministries booklet, Forgiveness, by Gary Inrig, copyright, Discovery House Publishers.  

As for the young rebellious woman I confronted?  I let go now and let God.  I  understand the enablers  plight, as she doesn’t want to cause dissent, and I pray that since she has not been near this young woman for  years and doesn’t know what is going on, needs to  let go too, and let God.  For no good will come out of a purposeful sinful rebellious lifestyle.  Her children will imitate her and do exactly what she is doing.  We need to be virtuous women in Christ and men that have integrity and character, and all of needs to be trustworthy in Christ Jesus. 


New Age

cropped-images54.jpgChristianity vs Neo Paganism (or New Age)

Much has been going around with New Age philosophy twisting scriptures saying we are just as equal as God, or that says the devil on the earth, and a lot of foolishness that is not Biblical.  First let me quote the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20)  For if you are not living the 10 Commandments you are living for a false God..that of self.

1. Thou shalt have no other God’s before me.
2.  Thou shalt not make unto me, any graven images.
3.  Thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vain.
4.  Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.
5.  Honor thy father and thy mother.
6.  Thou shalt not kill.
7.  Thou shall not commit adultery.
8.  Thou shalt not steal.
9.  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shall not covet anything that is thy neighbors.

Under the 2nd Commandment in vs. 20:4-5 God says to Moses,  “You shall not make unto yourself any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or that is in the EARTH, beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.  Nor bow down and serve them, for I AM THE LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the father upon the children  unto the third and fourth generation of them who hate me. ”  Those who ignore this
Commandment, are guilty of idolatry.  But, this is ANYTHING that takes the place of God…
including the neo-paganists, that believe they are “like God”.  And has nothing to do with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God is not my equal or my butler, Pastor John Hagee said today, (and I agree with him), for I am HIS (GOD’s) servant, not His equal.   Legalism too, is nothing but a bunch of rules where there is nothing to back it.  Rituals in a church without a true relationship with Jesus Christ in receiving salvation, is nothing!   When we die, we will give an account for everything.  Love, therefore, is an attribute of God; whereby, saying you love God and not living the 10 Commandments, and living in adultery is blasphemous and a sin, for which we will stand at that Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God and be accountable.   Attributes, living in sin, means you have replaced, God’s laws for your own.  Which means you need to get out of bondage, and live the 10 Commandments.

For Mark 8:15 says, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it.” (If one refuses to place his life in Christ.) “But, whosoever shall lose his life for MY sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul. Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be  ashamed of me, and of MY Words, in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of Man (Jesus) be ashamed when He comes in the Glory of His Father with the Holy Angels.” (the 2nd Coming).

James 4:4 ” Know ye not that the friendship of the WORLD is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”  James 1:6 “But let him ask in Faith nothing wavering.  For he wo wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

Some have chosen to criticize what is written on this site, from many pastors teachings during the past 30 years, that are tried and true men of God.  To you, I say this; James 4:11 “Speak not evil one of another, Brethren (refers to self-appointed Judges Matt 7:1-5) He who speaks evil of his Brother, and judges his Brother (sister), speaks evil of the Law, and judges the Law: “(pertains to the Law of Moses , 10 Commandments, which James is pointing, when a Believer judges another, He has taken himself out from under Grace and placed himself,  under the Law, where he will only find condemnation.) Expositors Study Bible. “BUT if you judge the LAW you are not a doer of the Law, but a Judge.” (Placed yourself in the position of God.)  12 “There is one Lawgiver, WHO is able to save and destroy…Who are you who judges another?”  (The Greek actually says, “but, you–who are you?” In other words, “who do you think you are?)
New Age vs. Christianity
New Age
New Age in End Times

II Thessalonians 2:3-    “Let no man deceive  you by any means” (In other words don’t listen to that which is Scripturally incorrect.) “For that day shall not come except  there come a falling away first (Apostasy) and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.   2:12  That they all might be damned who believed not the TRUTH (who would not accept the Cross), but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”   (Really refers to the results of rejection of the Cross of Christ.)

Jude 1:3″Beloved, when I gave all diligence” (A compulsion generated by the Holy Spirit) to
write unto you of the common Salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you…(Paul) 4″For there are certain men crept in unawares (false teachers that crept into the Church) who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the Grace of our God into lasciviousness ” (refers to the fact that “Grace”( had been turned to license.)”and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”11 “WOE UNTO THEM! For they have gone the way of Cain. “(The type of a religious man who believes in God and “religion,” but after his OWN will and who rejects redemption by the BLOOD JESUS SHED ON THE CROSS!)

I pray that those so caught up in these false “religions” setting yourselves up as a little God,
come to the Cross and repent.  For it is a sin.  Remember Lucifer in Isaiah 14:13 “For you have said in your heart, I WILL ascend to Heaven, I WILL exalt My throne above the stars of God, I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.  I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds, I WILL be like the Most High.”  (This is Satan’s rebellion and revolution against God.  It seems Lucifer, while true to the Lord, wa given dominion of the Earth, which was before Adam.  After his fall, he has worked deceitfully to get other angelic rules to follow him against God.)  But, God says, in vs. 15 “Yet you shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit.”    We are to obey our 10 Commandments, and not have any graven image, or to try to be “like” God…We are to be His humble SERVANT…
It is all about the CROSS and the BLOOD shed at Calvary for our sins, not self.   Here Lucifer became Satan who was banned to the earth.   Ephesians 5:6″Let no man deceive you with vain words (by trying to pull you away from the Cross) For because of these things comes the WRATH of God upon the children of disobedience.”  The CROSS alone stops the wrath of God.

Philippians 2:3 “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. (Which a correct viewpoint of the Cross will being about.)  6. Who being in the form of God, (deity) thought it not robbery to be equal with God.   11. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Therefore, if you also click on the links above, you will see the comparisons, between true Bible believing Christianity, under the Cross, and New Age, which twists and is a false message.  The Bible tells us to have DISCERNMENT….For in these ends days, many will come preaching a false gospel.   Be careful, and as Paul said, “test the spirits”…Thank you Jesus…for you come to set us free.

The Truth About Jehovah Witnesses

1779147_10152271587422518_204423341_nJehovah Witnesses:
Their Bible is not THE Bible, it is the Watchtower.  They take JESUS out!  Refer to “A” God.  It is the Kingdom of Cults.   Their salvation is in question, as sin to them is anything that is not in their faith.  Jehovah Witnesses do not salute the flag.  They do not vote, salute or join the armed forces to defend our country.  Nor do they pledge allegiance to the flag or sing our national anthems.  Their only government is themselves.   They do not take any blood donations/transfusion, and will let a person die.  They take any scripture out of context.  They deny hell, believe in “soul sleep” ie
they go out of existence, to them there is no resurrection of Christ (who they deny) but a recreation.  They believe the cross to be a pagan symbol.

More FALSE teachings:
God is the ONLY Father to Jehovah’s, let God be true P.100-101, make sure of all things p386.  The Holy Spirit is God’s active force.  The Holy Spirit  is God’s active force.  The Holy Spirit is not a person, a part of the Godhead and is not alive (what blasphemy).  Reasoning from their scriptures, 1985, pp 406-407.  Jehovah’s first creation was his’ only-begotten son’..was used by Jehovah in creating all other things.  Aid to the Bible understanding ,pp390-391. (Theirs)  Here’s another big LIE:  They believe that Jesus was Michael he archangel who became a man.  The
Watchtower, May 15, 1963, p307; The New World, 284.  Jesus was only a perfect man, NOT God in he flesh,  Reasoning from the Scriptures; 1985, pp306.  Jesus did not rise from the dead in his physical body,  Awake:  July 22, 1973, p 4.  Jesus returned to earth, invisably, in 1914, The Truth
Shall Make You Free: p 300.  Their church is the self-proclaimed prophet of God,  The Watchtower; Feb 15, 1981, p 19.  They claim to be the only channel of God’s truth, The Watchtower, Feb 15, 1981, p 19.  Only Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved, The Watchtower; Feb 15, 1979, p 30.  Good works are necessary for salvation, studies in the Scriptures.  Vol. 1 pp 150, 152.  The soul ceases to exist after death (What hope would anyone have then?)  Let God Be True; p  59, 60,67.  There is no hell of fire where the wicked are punished.  Let God Be True; p 79,80.  Only 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses go to Heaven (That 144,000 refers to the Jewish tribes in Revelations not Jehovah’s a lie)  Reasoning from the Scriptures; 1985, pp166-167, 361, Let God Be True p121.   Only the 144,000 may take communion.  Only members of the 144,000 are justified or declared righteous.  Blood transfusions are a sin and  no witness should take one.  If they do, they are dis-fellowshipped, Reasoning; from the Scriptures, 1985, pp 72-73. The Cross is a pagan symbol and should not be used, Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, pp 90-92.  Salvation is by faith and WHAT you do?  (what a lie) Studies in the Scripture, Vol 1 pp150,152.
It is not by possible to know that you have salvation . You can only hope so.( ??? ) Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, pp 358-359.  Each of the 6 creative days of God in Genesis was 7,000 years long.  Therefore man was created toward the end of 42,000 years of earth’s preparation, Let God Be True, p 168.  Jehovah’s can’t vote, Salute the flag, sing the “Star Spangled Banner”, smoke, or celebrate Christmas or birthdays.  They do not believe in the armed forces.  Jehovah’s have many false prophesies concerning the end of the world.  They majority of them (the great crowd) believe they will live on the “earth” (not Heaven ) forever.

If you have family members or know of those that are in this cult, pray for them and witness Jesus Christ to them.  For Jesus Is the Way, the truth and the light, and these people are walking in such darkness and blasphemus lies.   Lord, we come against these false beliefs, and bind the devil in all these false teachings.  I pray that those involved in such a cult come on their knees in repentance and come to you Lord, changing their ways.   I rebuke the bondages of these beliefs in Jesus Holy precious name.. Amen!

Christianity vs Mormans

cross_250Defining a Cult

I am a Christian..(As if by all these blogs and teachings, you didn’t already gather that.)  I believe the Bible to be the true word of God.  I believe the Torah was given to the Jews through Moses, with the 10 Commandments, around 1300 BC.  I believe in the genealogical, historical, and  archeological PROOFS of my Bible, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, that were found.  I believe in one God as the trinity, God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Ghost.  I believe in the facts and stories of Abraham, its historical content, with Sarah, and the start of the Jewish nation through Isaac begotten by Abraham’s wife Sarah, and the Arab nation begotten by Abraham’s wife’s handmaiden Hagar, through Ishmael  (Oil nations).  I believe in the true prophets of God, in the Bible, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel (37, 38 is now on earth), Nehemiah, Jeremiah, etc. I believe that God called his son who was sinless, to die on that Cross for the sins of mankind.  I believe that He rose from the dead on the 3rd day,  and rose to Heaven. Jesus was NOT a Christian then,  he was a Jew, a Rabbi in Matthew, teaching in the Tabernacle.  It wasn’t until his resurrection that his disciples still practicing what he taught, that Christianity and witnessing later by Apostle Paul, came to us that are Gentiles. (After his conversion experience as Saul, on the road to Tarsus.) Christianity, wherefore go and read my blog on Biblical history,   There are enough teachings on this site for you to understand Christianity, salvation, and Biblical truths.

 I did not up until this point go into Mormonism. However, with this election coming up, with Mitt Romney, we who are Christians, need to know who we are and WHAT we are voting for.  For his grandfather was a polygamist, and his father also tied to the John Birch Society, who were segregationist, and friends with Welch who started the society, as well as Ayn Rand, the Agnostic, Capitalist author of Atlas Shrugged, and the Fountainhead, and others.  On many accounts Ayn was right on, but, morally ethically, with her well-known affair at the time, was wrong in her objectivist  view.  She was a Russian Jew who changed her name as an intellect and philosopher, denying God.   So while much is being reread by us Christians too, on Ayn, we need to keep her writings in perspective and view with Godly discernment.  Please also for historical purposes check out below:


Reference also book:  The Bible as History, by Werner Keller 

*(The following from here on is from other sites, and the sites are all on the end of this blog for your perusal.  So if you cannot understand the difference between true Christianity and differentiate it from a cult, I can do no more.  For I have covered other cults on here as well. )

Now, does the Book of Mormon contradict the Bible?

Yes, the Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or “Mormons”) claim that, along with the Bible, the Book of Mormon1 is a revelation from God. However, the Book of Mormon fails the tests that the Bible gives to identify genuine revelations from God; e.g.:
Deut. 13:1-3
If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and …  says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Isa. 8:19-20
when they say to you, “Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people inquire of their God? … To the teaching and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.
Someone might claim a revelation has come from God, but if that “revelation” contradicts what God has said before then the “revelation” is false, it is not from God. This is true of the Book of Mormon (and the other Mormon texts): they contradict the Bible so they are not from God.

Examples of the Book of Mormon contradicting the Bible.

There are various “minor”  contradictions between the Book of Mormon and the Bible; e.g.:

Book of Mormon

The Bible

1Nephi 4:2 (also 17:26)
…Moses…spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided…

…Moses stretched out his hand over the sea…and the waters were divided.

Mosiah 18:5,17
…in Mormon…they were called the church of God, or the church of Christ, from that time forward… [c. 148—145 B.C]

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church… [1stC AD]

Alma 46:13-16
{15} …all those who were true believers in Christ took upon them, gladly, the name of Christ, or Christians as they were called… [c. 73-72 B.C]

Acts 11:26
…For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. [1stC AD]

Alma 7:9-10
…the Son of God…shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem…

Mat. 2:1
…Jesus was born in Bethlehem…

Helaman 14:20
…in that day that he [Jesus] shall suffer death the sun shall be darkened and refuse to give his blight unto you; and also the moon and the stars; and there shall be no light upon the face of this land, even from the time that he shall suffer death, for the space of three days, to the time that he shall rise again from the dead

Luke 23:44
It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. [i.e. 3 hours of darkness]

These “minor” contradictions aren’t so minor when we realise that even they mean that the Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible, and therefore the Book of Mormon isn’t a revelation from God.
There are more serious contradictions, too, between the Book of Mormon and the Bible. For example:…

  • the Book of Mormon and other Mormon texts say that Jesus pre-existed before his birth (1Neph.10:17;13:33-6 has Jesus talking c. 600-592 BC; Mormons say Jesus is Jehovah — or Yahweh — of the OT),
    • but the Bible says that Jesus, the son of God, came into being when he was conceived in Mary’s womb (Matt; Luke 1:31-32,35);
  • the Book of Mormon says America is the Promised Land (1Neph. 13 — see chapter summary),
    • but the Bible says Canaan (i.e. Israel) is the Promised Land (Gen.17:8; Deut.27:3-4)
  • the Book of Mormon says people carry on living as spirits after they die (Alma 40:11-14),

(HOWEVER,  the Bible says when we die, our bones go in the ground, but our soul goes to either Heaven or Hell. John 3:3 Unless a man be Born again, he will not enter the Kingdom of God.  And Revelations tells us that  that when the Rapture comes the dead in Christ shall rise first,  to meet their souls in Heaven.  We are assured of Heaven as Jesus rose from the dead.  But  not here on earth as living spirits. 

These are major contradictions with what the Bible teaches, which shows that the Book of Mormon is not a revelation from God (Deut. 13:1-3; Isa. 8:19-20). (God also says in the New Testament to “test the spirits”..So while Jesus said “Judge not lest ye be judged, weare to test the spirits of  a religion claiming to be “mainstream”, which Mormonism is not.)
These contradictions are all we need to see the Book of Mormon isn’t from God. However, there is other evidence, too. One further example of this evidence follows (for more, see Further reading):

Weakness of Mormonism’s foundation “vision”

The basis of the Mormon faith is a vision that a man called Joseph Smith claimed to receive in 1820.2 This authority is weak when you compare the various accounts of Joseph Smith’s first vision — the accounts differ vastly. For a full comparison of the various “First Vision” accounts see Comparison of Mormon First Vision accounts; a summary is given below:
Smith’s official account of 1838 contradicts his earlier, first recorded written account of the “First Vision” (1832) in regard to how he discovered that all Christian denominations were astray from Jesus Christ and from the gospel:

  • In the official 1838 account, Smith says that before his “First Vision” he didn’t know all denominations were wrong (it had ‘never enter my heart that all were wrong’ — v18). In fact, it was impossible for him to know, he says (v8), and the information was revealed to him for the first time during the “First Vision” (also see v10);3
  • But, contrary to this, in his first written record of the “First Vision” (1832) Smith says that he discovered before the “First Vision” that all denominations were astray from the gospel — he discovered it by studying the Bible, he says.4 This contradiction between the two accounts makes the authenticity of Joseph Smith’s “First Vision” highly questionable.

Smith’s official account of 1838 also contradicts his own earlier accounts (Nov. 9th & 14th, 1835) in regard to who appeared to him in the “First Vision”: –

  • In the official 1838 account, Smith says that two personages appeared to him: One of the personages identified the Other personage as His own Son – the Father and Son here appearing to Joseph themselves (v17);3
  • But contrary to this, in the 1835 accounts it is angels who appear to Smith, not the Father and the Son.4 This contradiction between the two accounts makes the authenticity of Joseph Smith’s “First Vision” account highly questionable.

Joseph Smith’s own accounts of his “First Vision” contradict each other. At best, this shows that Smith’s words and writings are unreliable and cannot be relied upon for accuracy. At worst, this shows that Smith fabricated the “First Vision” altogether and he cannot be trusted. Either way, the foundation “experience” of Mormonism is unstable, which brings the rest of the religion into question. 

Mitt Romney and the Mormon Religion

Mitt Romney’s religious background has been extensively covered by the mainstream media, especially in connection with his 2008 presidential campaign.[16] Mitt Romney is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members of which are commonly known as Mormons or LDS (Latter-day Saint). 
In addition to missionary work in France in the 1960s under the tutelage of Wesley L. Pipes, Romney has served as a bishop, and has also been a stake president in his church.[16] In accordance with LDS doctrine,[17] as bishops and stake presidents are lay positions in his church, Romney received no compensation or money for his years of service in those positions. Also in accordance to his religious beliefs, Romney abstains from alcohol and smoking.[18][19][20]



The Salt Lake Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah

Mitt Romney’s great-great-grandfather, Parley P. Pratt, was among the first leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the early 19th century. Marion George Romney, his first cousin, once removed, was one of the church’s 12 Apostles. Romney’s paternal great-grandparents practiced plural marriage, and went to Mexico in 1884 after the 1878 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Reynolds v. United States that upheld laws banning polygamy.[21][22] Subsequent generations of Romney’s paternal lineage have been monogamous, and none of his mother’s Mormon ancestors were polygamists.[23][24] Mitt Romney’s father, George W. Romney, was a patriarch of LDS Church. Romney’s wife, Ann, converted to Mormonism before they were married in 1969.[25]
Romney has expressed his faith in Jesus Christ as his “Lord and Savior” openly to evangelical Christian groups.[26] He has received support from evangelical Christians.[27][28]
(Seems they are trying desperately to legitimize this cult into a main stream religion. Mitt’s father, George Romney was also a part of the John Birch Society, which also  while Capitalists, were segregationists when Welch started this Society with the famous Objectivist, Ayn Rand, author of the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.   )
According to claims made by Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, Jesus Christ, the Bible and America are the basis of the new religion he founded more than a hundred years ago in the United States. However, no Christian denomination has ever recognized the religion that Smith created as a Christian faith or an extension of Christianity. Instead, it is seen as a unique new religion with a theology of its own. The Mormons, as Smith’s followers would later be commonly called, see themselves as the new Israel, God’s chosen people, who wandered through America until they came to the promised land, now known as Utah.
(Please, they were run out of  every town they were in for being heretics,  by every established Christian religion and court. )
Smith said he had received a revelation, which would ultimately lead to the restoration of the true church and its priesthood, that had been lost. He believed this priesthood and authority had been lost for centuries, until he had his revelation during the 1820s near Palmyra, New York. Smith said, no other church on the face of the earth held equal authority and he became Mormonism’s first modern-day prophet.
Within the composite belief system that Smith subsequently devised, humanity is described as essentially “gods in embryo.” Smith believed that God himself had once been a human being and had become a God through a process. And that his followers could become gods too, if they would follow his new religion.
The supposed restoration of the lost priesthood and truth took place when Smith’s divine revelation occurred. At that time Smith was a 14-year-old boy. Never-the-less he claimed that divine beings had told him not to join any existing church or religion, but instead to begin his own, which would become the one true and anointed church authorized by God.
A similar story is told by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder and leader of the Unification Church. Cult leaders such as David Koresh, Shoko Asahara of Japan and Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple all seemed to feel that God had given them an exclusive mission and somehow exalted their group above all others.
In 1823, Smith said a heavenly being or angel named “Moroni,” who he claimed was the son of Mormon, a man that died about 400 A.D., appeared to Smith. Maroni, told Smith that there hidden written records on “golden plates” of a lost people who once had a great civilization in America. These plates were conveniently burried just outside the town where Smith lived. But they were written in an unknown language Smith called “Reformed Egyptian.” Maroni instructed Smith to use two special peep stones to look through, which would enable his to translate the plates. Smith said he uncovered the golden plates, translated them with these stones and the end result is now known as the “Book of Mormon.” And Maroni is now commemorated as the golden figure perched atop Mormon Temples.
Smith was largely regarded at the time as a con man and fraud. His golden plates disappeared, transported to heaven, or so he said. The civilizations recorded within the Book of Mormon have never been substantiated by any historical evidence through either archaeology or corroborated by any credible scholar or historian. Instead, as originally perceived by Smith’s contemporaries, they appear to be little more than a collection of fictional stories put together by Smith, based largely upon other writings and his own creative imagination.
Smith eventually became a virtual dictator of his own city called Nauvoo in Illinois, which was populated by his followers. He also led a large private army as its General. His rule was often tyrannical and he became a feared figure within Illinois. In 1844 after Smith destroyed a Nauvoo newspaper that dared to openly criticize him he was jailed in Carthage. An angry mob broke into the jail and Smith was killed. At the time of his death, his ardent apostles were promoting him as a candidate for president of the United States.
The story of Smith’s city and his “persecution” is somewhat like the history of Indian guru Bhagwan Rajneesh who created a city of believers within Oregon during the 1980s. It is also reminiscent of Jim Jones who founded Jonestown. But unlike these small groups that have been called “cults,” Smith’s small sect evolved into a major American religion. That religion is known today as “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,” (LDS). LDS claims more than 4 million members worldwide, with 2.5 million Mormons on the church roles in North America alone.
Notes: This article was largely based upon “Prophet, seer said to have met with divine personages” National Post Canada, July 22, 2002
Here is a summary of important facts about the Mormon church, its doctrine, and its history that the missionaries will probably not tell you. We are not suggesting that they are intentionally deceiving you –most of the young Mormons serving missions for the church are not well educated in the history of the church or in modern critical studies of the church. They probably do not know all the facts themselves. They have been trained, however, to give investigators “milk before meat,” that is, to postpone revealing anything at all that might make an investigator hesitant, even if it is true. But you should be aware of these facts before you commit yourself.
Each of the following facts has been substantiated by thorough historical scholarship. And this list is by no means exhaustive!    For links to articles substantiating each of these points,  on the word   following the item.

  • The “First Vision” story in the form presented to you was unknown until 1838, eighteen years after its alleged occurrence and almost ten years after Smith had begun his missionary efforts. The oldest (but quite different) version of the vision is in Smith’s own handwriting, dating from about 1832 (still at least eleven years afterwards), and says that only one personage, Jesus Christ, appeared to him. It also mentions nothing about a revival. It also contradicts the later account as to whether Smith had already decided that no church was true. Still a third version of this event is recorded as a recollection in Smith’s diary, fifteen years after the alleged vision, where one unidentified “personage” appeared, then another, with a message implying that neither was the Son. They were accompanied by many “angels,” which are not mentioned in the official version you have been told about. Which version is correct, if any? Why was this event, now said by the church to be so important, unknown for so long?


  • Careful study of the religious history of the locale where Smith lived in 1820 casts doubt on whether there actually was such an extensive revival that year as Smith and his family later described as associated with the “First Vision.” The revivals in 1817 and 1824 better fit what Smith described later.   

(Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271 BCE; Some Christian tradition has tended to assume an earlier date so Mormonism has no relation to Judeo Christianity. )

  • In 1828, eight years after he supposedly had been told by God himself to join no church, Smith applied for membership in a local Methodist church. Other members of his family had joined the Presbyterians.


  • Contemporaries of Smith consistently described him as something of a confidence man, whose chief source of income was hiring out to local farmers to help them find buried treasure by the use of folk magic and “seer stones.” Smith was actually tried in 1826 on a charge of moneydigging.  It is interesting that none of his critics seemed to be aware of his claim to have been visited by God in 1820, even though in his 1838 account he claimed that he had suffered “great persecution” for telling people of his vision.


  • The only persons who claimed to have actually seen the gold plates were eleven close friends of Smith (many of them related to each other). Their testimonies are printed in the front of every copy of the Book of Mormon. No disinterested third party was ever allowed to examine them. They were retrieved by the angel at some unrecorded point. Most of the witnesses later abandoned Smith and left his movement. Smith then called them “liars.”


  • Smith produced most of the “translation” not by reading the plates through the Urim and Thummim (described as a pair of sacred spectacles), but by gazing at the same “seer stone” he had used for treasure hunting. He would place the stone into his hat, and then cover his face with it. For much of the time he was dictating, the gold plates were not even present, but in a hiding place.


  • The detailed history and civilization described in the Book of Mormon does not correspond to anything found by archaeologists anywhere in the Americas. The Book of Mormon describes a civilization lasting for a thousand years, covering both North and South America, which was familiar with horses, elephants, cattle, sheep, wheat, barley, steel, wheeled vehicles, shipbuilding, sails, coins, and other elements of Old World culture. But no trace of any of these supposedly very common things has ever been found in the Americas of that period. Nor does the Book of Mormon mention many of the features of the civilizations which really did exist at that time in the Americas. The LDS church has spent millions of dollars over many years trying to prove through archaeological research that the Book of Mormon is an accurate historical record, but they have failed to produce any convincing pre-columbian archeological evidence supporting the Book of Mormon story. In addition, whereas the Book of Mormon presents the picture of a relatively homogeneous people, with a single language and communication between distant parts of the Americas, the pre-columbian history of the Americas shows the opposite: widely disparate racial types (almost entirely east Asian – definitely not Semitic, as proven by recent DNA studies), and many unrelated native languages, none of which are even remotely related to Hebrew or Egyptian.   


  • The people of the Book of Mormon were supposedly devout Jews observing the Law of Moses, but in the Book of Mormon there is almost no trace of their observance of Mosaic law or even an accurate knowledge of it.
Mormonism vs the Bible:



7 people bottom right led to ChristDo those in Scientology have any influence in America, along with big money and especially elections?

Many people are “into” Scientology, from those like Tom Cruise and John Travolta in Hollywood.  But, what is it?  Do you know?  In the first place, it is a cult!  It was started by its’ founder himself, L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer.  THAT in itself, should set off a warning.   Much is involved with this cult, from its organization, its leaders, the philosophy, the technology, the membership, as well as the founder himself, and dianetics.   See also this link: 

Their philosophy is that every being is essentially a spiritual entity and that these “flesh bodies” we push around are no more “us” than our cars are “us”, when we are driving them. This is not a new concept.  It can be found in most Eastern esoteric religions.

From this original premise stem all sorts of further principles.  The Scientology system realizes that, as spiritual beings using this meat-based body as a vehicle, the ultimate freedom would be the freedom from continual re-incarnation.  If accomplished, would allow us to transcend our limited notions of time and space, rendering moot both the laws of the physical universe and the laws compiled by human society.   It too, believes the entire world able to achieve ultimate freedom and considered sufficient excuse to bend any and every rule of society (has no ethics, no character, no repentance, no scruples) that gets in the way of achieving that ultimate goal.  While the ends, in reality, never justify the means, the utopian lure of such unlimited freedom is hard for most people to resist.  (May I say, especially, one that is Adult ADD as Tom Cruise, who cannot accept any responsibility and now has strong arm backings of this cult besides his millions to do exactly as he wishes.   (That is on earth while it lasts, but, one day even He will meet his true maker and stand on that Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God as all of us will, Christian or un-Christian.)  They have money and power, and power is what they seek.

There is a process that Scientology calls “auditing” which is a powerful method for looking into the dark crevices of the mind.  Essentially, the process consists of a trusting subject accepting and answering questions/commands from the “auditor” (a practitioner of Scientology).  These days, there is also an electronic instrument called an “E-meter” involved which measures dynamic changes in the impedance of the body  (much as a lie detector) as the questions/commands are called off.  Its the trust that is at work here.  And they go into ones private thoughts, and sexual perversions, and appetites as well.  Again, trust.   Tom and others in Scientology may feel they have unlimited power, but, to me you have to be a very weak minded individual to believe all this science fiction garbage.   Why do they love it?  There is no repentance, no sin nature, no accountability for their actions.

Hubbard was a science fiction writer in the 40’s and 50’s and one of mediocre (pulp) science fiction.  He was also an avid reader of an occultist named Jack Parsons.  There were a number of concepts expressed by Hubbard in the early years, ie 1952 Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures, that indicates the occult influence on Hubbard and his beliefs.    Remember, the Bible says in Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them who have a familiar spirit “(familiar is a demon spirit that is invisible, which possesses the individual, and helps that person relate certain things to those who seek counsel and advice.),”neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them “(functions such as this Scientology and other occult practices, pretending to tell the people answers to their questions):”I am the LORD your God !” (We as believers are to have no association with such works of darkness; we are to be led strictly by the Holy Spirit. [John 16:13-15])

Some called Hubbard and enigma, others called him insane.  Yet this science/occultism cult seems to attract many that want that sort of cult protection (much as you might view the mafia) and their power and money, which they have plenty of.  It affords a person to not only not have to take responsibility for themselves, but to totally bi-pass the Cross of Christ, who incidentally died for people like Tom Cruise and others who are misinformed.   What irks me more than anything, is that this is all under the guise of “religion”.   This is so far from religion, and I don’t understand why they can be protected under laws in a religious category.

On this other site too I found  Here is a comparison of Christianity vs Scientology.  Only JESUS saves…the occult destroys!

On Revenge and our Enemies:

Christianity:  “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you.  If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” Jesus Christ, Luke 6:27-28 Matthew 5:38-39
Scientology:  “An enemy, may be injured by any means or tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”
L Ron Hubbard, Penalties for Lower Conditions, HCCO PL 18 Oct 67
“This is the correct procedure: 1.  Spot who is attacking us. 2. Start investigating them promptly for FELONIES or worse using our own professionals  not outside agencies. 3.  Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them. 4. Start feeding lurid , blood sex crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press.   Don’t ever tamely submit to an investigation of us. Make it rough, rough, on attackers all the way.” L Ron Hubbard PL 25 Feb 1966.

About telling the truth:

Christianity: “Simply let your ‘Yes be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No, no’; anything  beyond this comes from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37
Scientology:  “Handling truth is a touchy business…Tell and acceptable truth.” L Ron Hubbard, The Missing Ingredient, 13 August 1970.

About using religious deception:

Christianity:  “Watch out for false prophets.  The come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them.”  Matthew 7:15.
Scientology:  “Churches are looked upon as reform groups.  Therefore we must act like a reform group.”  L Ron Hubbard , 1966 , According to Jon Atack’s The total freedom trap.

About greed and money:

Christianity:  “Give to everyone who asks you, do not demand it back.” Luke 6:30  Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” Luke 18:22  “For the love of money is the root of all evil “(which all springs from covetousness, the love of gold and wealth) “which while some coveted after, the have erred from the Faith.” (speaking of believers who have lost sight of the true faith, which is the Cross.)
Scientology:  “Make money, make more money.”  L Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 9Mar 72

About Redemption in Christ:

Christianity:  “..I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Gal. 2:20
Scientolgy:  “Christ died for his own sins.” (blasphemous remark) L. Ron Hubbard..uncertain St Hill tape # 12.

About using religion to make money:

Christianity:  “ of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to a financial gain.” Paul, I Timothy 5:5.
Scientology:  “I’d like to start a religion.  That’s where the money is.”  L Ron Hubbard to Lloyd Eshback in 1959, quoted  by Eshback in “Over my Shoulder”.

I think everyone gets the drift of what these twisted people are all about.   You can click onto the other websites and  read more.   God warns us in Leviticus and in Deuteronomy about cults, the occult, witchcraft, and false prophets.  There seem to be many now under the guise of religion, to tempt the weak away from the true prophet, Jesus Christ.  In HIM do I trust!

Deut. 18:10-12  “There shall not be found among you any one who makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or who uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, (or magician) or a necromancer.” (the last those who call up the dead)  12.” For all who do these things are an abomination unto the LORD your God does drive them out from you ” (in other words, this is at least part of the reason, that these heathens were driven out of Canaan.)  “YOU SHALL BE PERFECT WITH THE LORD YOUR GOD!”  Deut. 18:13

Thank you Jesus…for loving those who sin against you.  I pray that those that are locked into this cult or any other, be shown the truth, that the Lord shall provide someone to witness to them.  Amen


If You Can Keep It (Our Republic)

198420_533371356705091_1206388086_n“This was written awhile ago and worth repeating. As I had been reflecting on the ongoing attacks on our personal freedom, my mind drifted back to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, where some of the great minds of human history gathered to formulate the united States of America.

Following many passionate pleas and plans were offered, a series of compromises were reached and on August 6, the Convention recognized the initial draft of the Constitution.  A few weeks later, members gathered for the final time in order to formally sign the great document.

On the day the Convention closed, September 18, a woman named Mrs. Powell had been restlessly waiting to learn of the proceedings.  As the wise Benjamin Franklin came outside, she asked, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?

And his reply troubles me today.  He said, ‘A republic, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT.’

Those are pointed words, ‘If you can keep it.’

Today, many modern lawmakers, described as ‘Statists’ by author Mark Levin, have little interest in the values of our founding.  Mr Levin, in his ‘Liberty and Tyranny,  writes, The Statist is not interested in what the Framers said or intended.  He is interested only in what he says and HE intends.’  It is little wonder that we are witnessing our republic slipping away.

With Mr. Franklins warning in mind, I am pleased to report on the gathering of one of the largest faith-based coalitions in the nation which gathered last week in Washington, D.C., to strategize and work together on common interests within the Judeo-Christian tradition.  The purpose, according to Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty counsel and dean of the Liberty University School of Law, was to begin a mobilization effort among grassroots constituencies and to formulate ways to enhance the spiritual,  moral, cultural, and economic condition of our nation.

Known as the Freedom Federation, this federation of individual, national, multi-ethnic and transgenerational organizations and leaders, is not  really a separate organization, but, a collection of organizations with large and unique constituencies that share core values.

A partial listing of some of the organizations includes, but is not limited to:  the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Teen Mania, American Association of Christian Counselors, Liberty University, Catholic Online, American Family Association, Research Counsel, Liberty Counsel, Liberty Alliance  Action, Vision America, Morning Star Ministries, The Call to Action,  Concerned Women for America, High impact Leadership Coalition, Campaign for Working Families, Conservative Action Project, Traditional Values Coalition, Faith and Action, Renewing American Leadership, National Clergy Council, Eagle Forum, Americans for Prosperity, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), Life Education and Resource network, (LEARN), and Strang Communications.

Mr. Staver says these organizations represent some of America’s largest constituents of youth, Hispanics, African-Americans, women, clergy, and churches and notes that the common shared interests of the organizations and their members include faith, moral values, and freedom.   I am pleased to see these organizations working together for the common good.  Hopefully, this formation is just the beginning of a revolution in our nation.

I don’t use that phrase lightly.  We seriously need people who will take a stand for their freedoms.  I think we need to embody the spirit of Pace High School graduating seniors in Santa Rosa County, FL, who last week stood up in protest against the ACLU to recite the Lord’s Prayer during their graduation ceremony.  The spirit of our Forefathers lives on in these young people.

It’s time for this type of action nationally if we do indeed want to keep our Republic.  IT IS TIME THAT CONSERVATIVE PEOPLE OF FAITH JOINTLY COMMIT TO PRAYING FOR OUR NATION  (DAILY FERVENTLY!) and also rise up hand in hand in an effort to raise up a new generation of Franklin’s and Washington’s and Lincoln’s and Reagan’s!  Our Republic—we must keep it!

I wish all my readers a wonderful Independence Day celebration.  Please take time to pray for and thank God for our nation and to communicate with your children/grandchildren the importance of America and our freedoms.” by Rev. Jonathan Falwell.

Does anyone get the reality of what is happening in America now?  It is not the same America as it was during WWII when I was growing up.  Now an ATF agent can knock on doors in Houston TX, because men bought a gun.  Yet, if a police officer pulled over some Mexicans that have guns in the car, no American ID, and he says to himself, “they must be illegal”, yet, there is nothing he can do?  We are slowly losing to this “progressive movement” which is nothing new.  The American Jews too, are backing all this Presidents leftest agenda, when he goes against their very heritage, America and Israel, and God and the Bible….Frankly , I don’t get it.

Churches an Christians get caught up in FEAR…I can’t remember who said this quote,  but it’s true, “There is nothing to fear except fear itself.”  Even when it’s something small.  Well, small to me anyways, when I see a bigger picture.  I have a 91 year old friend in a nursing home.  She is being besieged by negative behaviors bordering on abuse, by those working in this nursing home, yet her “Christian” children (in 50’s) do nothing on her behalf.  She is told, “You can’t mention the Bible here?”  REALLY?  This particular nursing home won’t let her pastor and his wife come in and read the word, talk to patients and bring any ministry of Christ in.  Other nursing homes around me, including Hillsboro Cty, allow for ministries to come in.  We have those that can minister in prisons for goodness sake.  Many of these people have never heard a salvation message.  They are there ready to die.  Plus, it is against the Federal Laws on Discrimination.  It is against Discrimination laws on the hooks in the State of NH, and our First Amendment Right to Free Speech!  Her children won’t fight for her.  What kind of wimpy Christians sit back and let a 91 year old woman that is saved, and loves God, go through  all this emotional and psychological abuse, because some higher up in the nursing home hates God and Christianity?  THAT IS ILLEGAL!  God help any nursing home that ever does that to me.  For I’ll STAND for my beliefs, and STAND for my country and my rights til God takes me home!

We are losing our rights, now with this Cap and Trade, Fairness Doctrine, Health Care bills….God help us.  I heard one woman call in this morning on a talk show.  She was 78 years old, and I feel sorry for her.  For she is like the apathetic people above.  “Oh , God we have to be silent, we can’t stir the pot…oh what if we EVER had to go to court?…SILENCE?  Psalm 62:6 “God is my rock and my salvation; He is in my defence: I SHALL NOT BE MOVED! NOR SHALL I  BE SILENT!”  And if AG Holder has the audacity to “Try” to strip me of my First Amendment Rights, I will fight.  I Will as it says in Ephesians, put on the whole Armour of God.  In HIM do I trust! Not man…And not this Marxist, progressive President.

Let me reiterate, and go back to a prior blog on America.  THIS is exactly what was done in Germany before the 3rd Reich.  If you cannot be as a CHRISTIAN, or even as a citizen of this country, STAND on little things, like defending your elderly mother, and day to day battles? How on earth are you going to stand up and fight politically for our country?   How are you going to stand when we may have to face part of the tribulation?  What are you made of ?  Fluff?  Where is the WORD in your life…in your soul, your heart, your being?  Don’t you get what Jesus and Paul were talking about?  Paul served in jail…He didn’t wallow.  He looked to the mark as he said.  Do you want us to go into Socialism? Do you want to loose America?  Churches, Christians, and Jews, never opened their mouth to object to what Hitler was doing…Are you that naive to think it couldn’t happen h4re in America?  We are loosing our democracy.  WAKE UP, speak up, STAND for God’s sake and America’s sake, or we will loose all our rights, from the small to the very core of what made America once great.  Stop taking things for granted.  Email your Senators in Washington and your Representatives.  Speak out in the local papers and on news blogs.  We are to put on the whole armor of God, the breastplate of righteousness.  Did not Jesus fight the Pharisees and money changers?  I am so adamant about this, I could just shake some of the “silent’ wimpy Christians I know.  We cannot afford to be silent. Get involved!  Do something!  But, don’t sit silent!  Stand, STAND, STAND!!!

Rebuilding America – A lesson from Nehemiah

th_7c0004b6Not very many Christians know that the Bible in Nehemiah speaks of 10 gates, nor what they stand for. They are: 1. The Sheep Gate, 2. Fish Gate, 3. Oil Gate, 4. Valley Gate, 5. Refuse Gate, 6. Fountain Gate, 7. Water Gate, 8 Horse Gate, 9. East Gate, 10. Inspection  Gate. 

The first gate Jesus went through was the sheep gate,  Nehemiah had to rebuild. This is where animals were sacrificed.  The sheep gate points to the cross, the blood Jesus shed, not sacrificing animals.  As HE took the place of animal sacrifices.  23 Psalm, Mathew 10:40, John 10:1.  He that enters NOT by the door (without coming through the shepherd, is a thief and robber.  Ex. 14, Psalm 68, 1Cor. 5:11-13.  The shepherd leads his sheep…He leads us, out of iniquity.  The comfort zone is not where it is, as God drags us out of our comfort zone, and has HIS own plan for us.

“And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of Heaven. ” (The revelation of the actual condition of Jerusalem, especially after all this time, came upon Nehemiah with a  shock; so he took the situation to the Lord.)  Imagine what Nehemiah would think about what is going on in Israel today?

“And said, I beseech You, O Lord God of Heaven, the great and terrible God, Who keeps Covenant with Mercy for them who love Him and observe His Commandments. (Similar prayer prayed by Daniel in 9:4).   To rebuild the gates, and America too, now, our gates our being torn down, by liberals, ACLU, secularism, atheism, & judges tearing away at our Constitution.   We need to come on our knees as Nehemiah!

The valley gate, shows you have to go through the “valley” before you get the “victory.”  As Nehemiah inspected the walls…”And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me; neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem; neither was there any beast with me, save the beast that I rode upon.”  (came unnoticed. 2:12-13) “And I went out by night by the gate of the valley , even before the dragon well (the pool of Siloam), and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem , which were broken down, and the gates thereof where consumed with fire.”  The walls now too, of the churches are broken down.  The walls of prayer, and adherence to scriptures and especially, the wall of Faith in Christ and what He has done for us on the cross.  See also Rev. 3:14-22.  “The valley gate repaired Hanun, and the inhabitants of Zanoah; they built it, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof, and a thousand cubits on the wall unto the dung gate.” 3:13. Nehemiah was mocked and opposed and ridiculed.   Contempt and violence from the enemy and cowardice from the men of Judah were defeated by praying.  As Christians, we must expect opposition from the world and discouragement from the Church; but prayer and watchfulness ALWAYS brings victory.

The inspection gate.  When Nehemiah heard they were torn ie he knew it needed to be rebuilt as does America today. I Cor 5:10,11.  Judgment day is coming for all.  “For we must ALL appear, God says, right here, I am the God of wrath, judgment and terror.” ie Noah’s flood,   Sodom and Gomorrah, all destroyed as it will be in the final war of Armageddon.    There is coming another judgment day.  For every believer dead in Christ will rise and will be in the presence of God and judgment seat of Christ. The ungodly later on in the Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God.  He’s going to send fire!  Rev. 19, IITim 4-8, John 14:2& Cor. 2:9.  Those who reject Christ will go through 7 years of hell on earth (tribulation).  In II Thes. 2:3 there will be a falling away, apostasy (now).  Then will the Antichrist be revealed and set up his N4ew World Government.  The antichrist will sign a 6 year peace treaty including Israel.  Sound familiar and what everyone is clamoring for?  But, he will break it in 3 1/2 years.  The antichrist will come in peace; the peace everyone is looking so desperately for now.  Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing…hummm?  It is time for discernment as never before.   For when he breaks the peace treaty it will lead to total global and economic collapse.  God is going to supernaturally save Israel.  The antichrist will be defeated, from heaven. Rev. 19:11-16  (King of Kings).  Ez 38-39  Russia is going to start the final war over oil.  We are so close to all this right now. I pray everyone gets this; and reads all of Nehemiah’s warnings.   We are so close to the brink of this…but, the Bible says the church will be gone before this happens.  All born again believer’s gone, taken up to meet Jesus, and the dead in Christ shall rise first to meet their souls in the air…Glory….Are you ready?  I am!

Look up!   “Restore, I pray you, to them, even this day, their lands, their vineyards, their olive yards, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, that you exact of them.”  Neh 5:11  All of this was meant to serve as a type of what the Lord has done for us. Forgiven us all things, meaning we should do likewise.  He will come in vengeance and wrath, and restore, if we PRAY.   Again, are you ready?



My Christian Conscience and the Coming Elections

385674_3431983952150_1673640123_nI am not in favor of a Mormon in the White House, anymore than I wanted another term of Obama, a Communist and a closet Muslim.  I am pondering, praying, on my knees, hearing others locally from my church.  I am not the only one at odds against a cultist in the White House nor the GOP pushing their ESTABLISHMENT candidates down our throat.   I want America back, I want God back, in schools and as a part of our freedoms, and our National Day of Prayer…Christian, and I want our Constitution back in action, without threats of Sharia laws, now being pushed, etc, and I want a strong Military power back; without the Muslim prayer rugs in the Pentagon either!  This is, was, and always will be since our Founders, a Christian nation!  Wherefore, since Obama has pushed us back in a cold war with Russia and Putin is engaging in land grabs, if we do not have a strong defense, guess what?  They could be on American land!  Because, now Putin is encouraging Iran with missals more than ever, because we have a weakling in the White House that wants to destroy America!

I cannot in good conscience vote for a man, woman that is not Godly… I adhere to the word of God.  IThess. 2:3 Let no man deceive you.  Mark 13:22 False Christs false prophets shall rise.  Ezekiel 5:11 Wherefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because you have defiled MY Sanctuary with all your detestable things, and with ALL your abominations, therefore will I also DIMINISH  you, neither shall MY eye spare, neither will I have any pity.  (The righteous judgments, consequent  upon the abominations of this verse, are still in operation, and will reach a crisis one day ..but, we too are under judgment now in America, storms, fires in CO, drought, and our corn now dying, famines, only beginning..even the earthquakes in Maryland, and near the White House.)  The church in America, allowing liberalism, abortion, Gay Bishops, all the abominations…. Now a Communist President, and a CULTIST that doesn’t even believe that Jesus is LORD?  Isaiah 1:28 “And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they who forsake the LORD shall be consumed.( THIS passage, among many others, completely refutes the doctrine of “Unconditional Eternal Security”.  It clearly refers to those who no longer have faith in the Lord and /or reject him by settling for another, or such that we COMPROMISE HIS WORD and the CROSS!  Period the end.”  (Expositor study Bible.)   That means to me that if we do not adhere to God’s word in who we vote for, we face eternal damnation…for this bears out there is no such thing as unconditional salvation.  Even in Revelations it says, “I would rather ye be hot or cold, for if you are lukewarm, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”  THAT, includes those who call themselves Christians.  That too, tells me we cannot compromise the WORD even in the voting booth.

Romans 13:2-4 ” Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the Ordinance of God (anarchy is not of God): and they who resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (The law of the Land is always to be obeyed, providing it DOES NOT OFFEND OUR CONSCIENCE OR THE WORD OF GOD; THE ‘DAMNATION ‘ MENTIONED DOES NOT NECESSARILY REFER TO SUCH COMING FROM GOD BUT MAN.) “For rulers are not a terror to good works, BUT TO EVIL. ” (Concerns the Divine right of Government to oppose crime and to protect its citizens.)

Mark 13: 5-8 “And Jesus answering them began to say, take heed lest any man deceive you.” (Jesus is warning in his discourse about deception’ this is Satan’s greatest weapon.) “For MANY SHALL COME IN MY NAME “(both Beck & Romney now under a false religion.)  “saying I am Christ..” (And Mormons feel they can BE GOD). ” and shall deceive many.   And when you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.”  (Carries the meaning I am Christ….like Christ. ) ” For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; (And 2 thousand years of education,culture, and experience, and wars,, have not ameliorated the problem.  Expositors Study Bible) “and there shall be famines and troubles…(NOW!..look at the world and the Arab nations, floods in Russia, famine in Africa, murders in Syria.)  “These are the beginnings of sorrows”. (The approaching coming of the Great Tribulation.)

Ecclesiastes 5:1″Keep your foot when you go to the House of God, and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.” (Keep your foot means to be reverent. The House of God refers to the Presence of God.  To hear means to obey.  Cain offered the “sacrifice of fools)  Gen. 4:3-5 (Most of that which calls itself “church” falls into the same category.  The ONLY sacrifice that God will accept is the Sacrifice of HIS Son, Jesus Christ.  THIS is what Abel’s offering typified.  ANY MESSAGE THAT DOES NOT MAKE CHRIST THE SOURCE AND THE CROSS HE MEANS IS “A SACRIFICE OF FOOLS” AND ABHORRENT TO GOD.)  DO WE EDIFY HIM AT THE CROSS, AND THE BLOOD HE SHED, EVEN WHEN WE VOTE, OR DO WE PUT A STENCH IN THE NOSTRILS OF GOD ALMIGHTY?

Mitt Romney is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Mormonism is not Christianity, and gives no credence to the CROSS and the blood my Jesus shed for the sins of mankind.  What arrogance to think by obeying totally, rules, discarding grace, he can be “like” God.  No, I cannot vote for this man with my Conscience as a Christian that loves my Jesus, and all that He has done for me.   I did nothing to receive His gift of salvation, but, I sure do want to keep it and keep His name HOLY.   I cannot compromise the word of God.  I fear HIM more than I fear what God in all essence may be allowing.  For even Obama, was given this office, by the Lord who he hates, and has no understanding of.  For in the first chapter of Job we see that Satan still has access of the throne of God, and NOTHING can happen unless GOD ALLOWS.   But, do we compromise?  I cannot.   I can hear all the right wingers, some that are agnostics like Karl Rove, Michelle Malkin, tearing their hair out.  But, I must vote my Bible at all costs, for my LORD comes first, and I will not vote for Baal, or venture into Babylon.  And either ticket right now is evil.  Mormons, too, are STILL giving cult false baptisms to DEAD Jews, and this is not a cult? However, fearing he Lord as I do, I do not want HIS condemnation and judgment.  My deep deep heart-wrenching prayers are with each and every Christian in America at this time.

Remembering my youth after WWII, and a new President who had such a strong military presence, during the Cold War that followed…Esteemed by Churchill who trusted him explicitly, President General Dwight David Eisenhower.  And because of the circumstances prior to his election, and the remarkable similar circumstances we are now in with Russia and Iran, my heart and conscience would give anything if Lt Col. Allen West was our next President.  We need someone charismatic, who is intelligent, trustworthy, has integrity, has character, and is not afraid or intimidated by our enemies.   NO OTHER IN OUR PRESENT MEDIA BLIZES FILLS THIS BILL!   And Karl Rove?? Stay out of our GOP!   Take your centrist rich friends and your political pull and for once let the people decide, unless we want more of the same and Hllary.    This is the prayer Ike prayed when he took office.   On

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Dwight D. Eisenhower – 01/19/1953
This is the handwritten prayer written by Dwight D. Eisenhower the day before his Presidential Inaugural. Written on the back of hotel stationary, this is the hand-written version of the prayer that Dwight Eisenhower prayed before giving his Inaugural address.

Almighty God,

As we stand here, at this moment, my associates in the Executive Branch of government join me in beseeching that Thou will make full and complete our dedication to the service of the people in this throng and their fellow citizens everywhere.

Give us, we pray, the power to discern clearly right from wrong and allow all our words and actions to be governed thereby and by the laws of this land.

Especially we pray that our concern shall be for all the people, regardless of station, race or calling. May cooperation be permitted and be the mutual aim of those who hold to differing political beliefs, so that all may work for the good of our beloved country and for Thy glory. Amen.
*Note: To see the final version of this prayer, visit the Eisenhower Presidential Library website.


Suffering For Christ or Self Love?

jesus-carrying-cross-bloodyI  did a post way back on Suffering, after going through cancer.  I would like to expound on that.  For many in today’s Christian community place so much emphasis on “prosperity” that they neglect what the Bible says about suffering.  Whereby, they are not open to helping those in need as they should and cannot put themselves in another’s shoes when they are going through the storms of this life.  They live in perfect worlds full of materialistic “things” and do not understand real pain.  
“In the Bible, self-love as such is seen to be a sinful thing.  After all, what is the essence of sin but that we are curved in on ourselves, placing self, rather than God, at the center of the universe.  And so Paul, in 2Timothy 3:1-5, tells us that one of the hallmarks of the last days is that people will be “lovers of themselves” instead of “lovers of God”, and that is precisely where we are in our society today.” By Melvin Tinker, Wisdom to live by.

“As Christ struggled up Calvary’s hill and bled upon it, His aim was to eradicate self-love and implant the love of God in the hearts of men.  One can only increase as the other decreases.”  By Walter J. Chantry, The Shadow of the Cross – Studies in Self-Denial.

“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:  Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he HUMBLED himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross!”  Phillipians 2:4-8

2 Corinthians 2:4 “For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish or heart and with many tears not to grieve you, but to let you know the depth of my love for you. vs 5 If anyone has cause of your grief…vs 7 So that contrariwise you ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow (despair).  vs 8 Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him.”  (PAUL WAS SAYING,  DO MORE THAN JUST SAY YOU LOVE HIM, BUT RATHER SHOW YOUR LOVE TO HIM. ) JS Expositor’s study Bible.  When Jesus healed the lelper, he added a personal touch too.  Am I a piece of junk mail or a letter?  Matt 5:13 on salt and light.  We are to make a stand for what we believe in. Is our saltiness is made to preserve life.  I Cor. 13:1 Not love?  We can talk all we want and that includes preachers, not just family that ignores, but, without love, its all just emptiness.

I came home from church a few Sunday’s ago, and put my usual Daystar programs on, and listened to Pastor Jeremiah, and then Jim Toll and Ed Young.  Ed young touched on this one Sunday.  IE Those sitting up in their “Ivory Towers”.  He said, ” Don’t look at fallen towers with “religious eyes…suffering and bad things happening to good people…for when you are in “religious eyes”, you throw God out”.

“Try to tell someone that was abused,” he said, ” that abuser was dancing to his DNA, or someone that has been raped.  (Bad people have all this in their DNA?) It is a ridiculous interpretation from the Godless.   Jesus in Luke 13:6-9, answers, cut it down.  If no fruit comes from it , cut it down.   We either repent or we perish.  What Jesus is saying is more than simplifying repentance, unless we are filled with what God wants from us, and repent. When things are going super we replace HIM with ourselves, and things and STUFF…The warning is we will perish!  STOP BRAGGING about all your material things, and look at the SUFFERING  and what others might see in that message.  Are we in the Kingdom business?  For when things go “swimmingly”  we forget and are blinded to others who are not in THAT place of prosperity in the material things.”  (Which means nothing anyways.) “So Christ gets pushed to one side, and that’s when the tower will FALL.   The towers are a part of life.  Because we live in a fallen world with fallen people.  We get swept up in EGO and haven’t paid the consequences.  We don’t want JUSTICE only grace.  It doesn’t work that way!  The time to repent is when things are going good!”  I heard Charles Stanley say once too,  about pain…”Even when that person gets saved, if they have been abused, had an abortion, been through rape, etc, they may be forgiven, but that HOLE IN THEIR SIDE, like Jesus had at the Cross, it NEVER goes away.  My abuse didn’t.  It’s always there as a reminder, and of His Grace, but also to have compassion to others.

I see people sick, with worse cancer than I had, others now going through chemo…I remember my friend Joan who suffered with cancer, and with all her faith, never relented or gave in to the devil one iota.  She no sooner went into remission, with one
cancer and then it popped up elsewhere, as this went on for years.   She never gave up until she was on in such excruciating pain on morphine near the end.  She was a light.  I question whether or not I could have gone through what she had, as I may have had cancer, but, a lumpectomy is a lot different, than what my friend Joan suffered through.  She died Dec. 17, 2008.  She lost her battle, but was a light, who strived towards that mark and prayed unceasingly, always thanking God, and grateful for the small things in her life.  I for one, will never forget a courageous gal named Joan.

There is something to be said for “suffering”, “perseverance”, and “endurance”.   Have we become that selfish even in churches that we cannot have the compassion of Christ to someone in time of need?   Why is there so much in the Bible about suffering, yet, nothing said in churches?  It bothers me, for it is not an accurate depiction of life.  Tragedies happen all around us, and I am convinced we are in the end days.  I am NOTHING in this world…I bury my own ego as it is dead in Christ.  If I am to follow HIM, then the “things” of this world, including money, mean nothing.  Money and prosperity, could not bring back my 3 month old baby, laying in a casket in 1958 with the autopsy cut on her head showing through her bonnet.   It could not bring back my bi-polar son, that I fought so hard to get helped, and blew himself up with 6 sticks of stolen dynamite in 1999.   Money from a consequential lawsuit later, was nothing to me, even though all those around me, had their hand out…and I gave $30,000 away…for it was “blood money” afterall…It meant NOTHING to me.  So when I hear a preacher standing at a pulpit bragging about all he has “materially” and how much “God knows” his heart and love for these “things”…I cringed.  For it lacks wisdom and maturity, for all the intelligence someone has, they don’t get it.  For as I said above, when your in that “Ivory Tower”….trust me….TRUST ME….ALL TOWERS FALL!   And you put your trust in “things”…and honey, you have been diverted very subtly by the enemy.

I love Job.  Not much is taught about him.   From Discovery “Navigating The Storms of Life”:  “Someone who, “being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing?  The central question of the book of Job is not, “why do the righteous suffer?” but Why do the righteous serve God?”  Why do I follow Christ?  Some forms of preaching that promise health, wealth, and prosperity to the “King’s Kids” appeal to the WORST instincts within us.  Do I love God for HIS gifts or for Himself?  Would I still love Him if He called me to walk the path of suffering and sacrifice…giving all up ? Warren Wiersbe sums up this essential issue well:
Satan’s accusation cuts at the very heart of worship and virtue.  Is God worthy to be loved and obeyed even if He does NOT bless us materially and protect us from pain?  Can God win the heart of man totally apart from His gifts? In other words, the very character of God is what is at stake in this struggle (Why us? When bad things happen to God’s people, P. 41″.

The second act of Job concentrates on Job himself, rather than his family or possessions.  Satan’s onslaught zooms in on Job’s health.  Job is reduced to a pain-wracked outcast, scraping his sores with shards of pottery, vainly seeking relief from his pain.   The author in Discovery  wrote, “It has helped me immeasurably to realize that my fundamental concern in such times must not be, How can I get out of this? but, WHAT can I get out of this?  That is not a stance of passive resignation, as Job struggled too.  At the end of Job too, he meets God and is overpowered by His wisdom, His power, His grace and His care.  “My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You.  Therefore, I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes”.
You know it has been my experience in my years as a Christian, that many of those in ministry, do not realize that those who suffer, whether it be illness, death, etc; but true pain, may get in a closer place alone with God, in their tears, repentance, mourning, hurts, helplessness, loneliness, but PAIN…Pain beyond understanding, that they could not themselves possibly endure, and therefore, have no right to brush off and minimalize.  For if you haven’t been in that place of say, abuse, loss of children, deaths, cancer or other illnesses, and your in your merry little prosperous world? You are teaching a false gospel, and in that end, your towers will fall.   For when “things ” become the priority, from a golf game, music, hobbies, etc, and when you indulge your desires autonomously, then we are all falling into the trap of the evil one.  This is the old lie he used with Eve.  ‘You will be like God’.   God’s response is, ‘It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. He doesn’t attack Satan’s audacity, or mocked Satan’s credibility, but instead quotes God’s word.”  Most of the excerpts here are from Gary Inrig, True North, published by Discovery.

I do not see in my walk anymore, many that have “left all behind” materially.  I’m in touch with several in missions, and know their hearts, that have been called by God to live such a selfless life.  If I won or received a million dollars next week, I would give it away for I lost my taste in “things ” many many years ago.  Ivory towers, do you live in one?   With all the money some may possess, the suicide rate, drug addictions, and unhappy lives, like Tiger Woods, who had it all and threw it away.  Suffering in his case, isn’t the same, for he brought it all on himself in greed.  The more people get, the more they want, and are never satisfied.   So you live in your Ivory Towers, until they crumble.  Could you sell your fancy house for a lessor one, or that expensive car?  Would you obey God, if like Job, you were forced to loose what you loved most?
Most have no idea, but, I do.  For no amount of money could bring back my son or my baby.

Peter said in I Peter 3:14 “But if you suffer for Righteousness sake, happy are you. ” 5:6 “HUMBLE yourselves”  (NOT BE A BRAGGART ON ALL YOU POSSESS) “Under the Mighty Hand of God!”  Romans 8:28 Pain is a process!  It is continuous in which we are transformed by God.  To wish to be transformed WITHOUT pain is to expect a hunk of shapeless steel to become a beautiful and useful commodity without the trauma of an assembly line.”  Anchors in the Storm, Joe Stowell, Discovery

Can you weep with those who weep?  Does your heart break for those with pain?  Do you console, love them unceasingly as Jesus, hug them, edify or tear down?  For God may have to stain your cheeks with tears so that you can genuinely empathize as Christ does.   For if others’ judge me and cannot see in me all the times in pain I have been on my knees crying out to Christ, then they don’t know my heart, for I can make it through “all things” (Philippians) , through tough times….made into the beauty of Christ Jesus… I am not here on earth to impress others, for I have no ego, or self anymore…and my wings with disability have been so clipped, I go day to day, in faith,  knowing He is with me, and I don’t rely on “things”, I don’t need, but to look forward one day to seeing my Savior face to face.

When the victorious Christian life ain’t that victorious

There is much we need to focus on when afflicted, even to accepting Christ’s healing, and standing on it. We can as Paul said speak the positive, and not give the devil any glory. For even in affliction (I have excruciating arthritis) I do not have to accept it as “suffering”. But, instead, praise and thank my Lord for all He has done for me. There is always one far more worse off than we are.  Reblog:

March 15, 2014


Simone Weil made a distinction between affliction (malheur) and simple suffering. Affliction is “a laceration of the soul” that endures, not a transitory moment of pain. There is a deep hopelessness for the afflicted. Their humanity has been forced into “thingness,” and there is no going back — at least not apart from a grace that pierces through this bondage or necessity (force). Weil explains this fundamental insight that permeates her theology:

In the realm of suffering, affliction is something apart, specific, and irreducible. It is quite a different thing from simple suffering. It takes possession of the soul and marks it through and through with its own particular mark, the mark of slavery. …Affliction is inseparable from physical suffering and yet quite distinct. With suffering, all that is not bound up with physical pain or something analogous is artificial, imaginary, and can be eliminated by a suitable adjustment of the mind. [Waiting for God, p. 67]

Weil’s remarkable skill is how she discerns the “imaginary” adjustments of our minds to deflect our attention away from affliction and the affliction of others. And in our own day, I would point toward an abundance of preachers and their followers as especially enthusiastic about making these “adjustments.” This is deeply ingrained in our churches. On this point, I offer you this perfect anecdote from Philip Yancey’s Reaching for the Invisible God:

My roommate for two years at a Christian college was a German named Reiner. Returning to Germany after graduation, Reiner taught at a camp for the disabled where, relying on college notes, he gave a stirring speech on the Victorious Christian Life. “Regardless of the wheelchair you are sitting in, you can have victory, a full life. God lives within you!” he told his audience of paraplegics, cerebral palsy patients, and the mentally challenged. He found it disconcerting to address people with poor muscle control. Their heads wobbled, they slumped in their chairs, they drooled.

The campers found listening to Reiner equally disconcerting. Some of them went to Gerta, director of the camp, and complained that they could not make sense of what he was saying. “Well then, tell him!” said Gerta.

One brave woman screwed up her courage and confronted Reiner. “It’s like you’re talking about the sun, and we’re in a dark room with no windows,” she said. “We can’t understand anything you say. You talk about solutions, about the flowers outside, about overcoming and victory. These things don’t apply to us in our lives.”

My friend Reiner was crushed. To him, the message seemed so clear. He was quoting directly from Paul’s epistles, was he not? His pride wounded, he thought about coming at them with a kind of spiritual bludgeon: There’s something wrong with you people. You need to grow in the Lord. You need to triumph over adversity.

Instead, after a night of prayer, Reiner returned with a different message: “I don’t know what to say,” he told them the next morning. “I’m confused. Without the message of victory, I don’t know what to say.” He stayed silent and hung his head.

The woman who had confronted him finally spoke up from the room full of disabled people. “Now we understand you,” she said. “Now we are ready to listen.”

My Faith and Politics

imagesMy faith is un-shakable, after what my long life has endured, from abuse in a  marriage in my 20’s to my youngest son’s bi-polar disorder and suicide in 1999 when only 19.  GOD has restored me and healed me, with forgiveness to all others that offended me.  I love my Lord, my Country, ALL that He created, in beauty and blessings …this great land of America, my ancestor, Major Ezekiel Worthen, who was in the King George War, the French Indian War, The American Revolution and the Siege at Louisburg.  I believe in liberty, freedom which comes with a price..Thank you Jesus for all you’ve done in my life

I wrote the following excerpts in one of my booklets, as a concerned conservative, seeing our Constitution being maligned.   Excerpts came from these sources, which I encourage you to read:  “Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation of Church and State” by Daniel L. Dreisbach, a professor of Justice, law and society at American Univ. in Washington DC., “A People’s History of the American Revolution”, by Ray Raphael”, How common people shaped the fight for independence, “Slouching Towards Gomorrah”, Modern Liberalism and the American Decline, by Judge Robert H. Bork.

“In the first place, Jefferson’s “wall” is a metaphor…It does NOT exist in the Constitution of the United States.   It is referred to as such by all the legal minds in the first paragraph .  In the Establishment Clause under the First Amendment it States that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (1791)However, most people are not taught in school nor even realize that the term “separation” or “wall” never appear in the Constitution.  On New Years in 1802, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to the Danbury, CT Baptist Association.  In it, he used the term “wall of separation”.   YEARS after the Constitution was signed.   At the onset of his letter, it had been rewritten several times, until finally Jefferson consulted his then, Atty. General Eli Lincoln, who  suggested that term.  Jefferson then wrote:  “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his God that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

Whereby, it was resurrected again by the Supreme Court in 1879, then thereafter in 1947 the vision of the wall seemed to have molded almost all attempts to analyze the First Amendment’s control over the Government’s relationship to religion.  The court concluded in 1879, “coming as this does from an acknowledged leader of the advocates of the measure (Jefferson’s Danbury letter) may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the (first) amendment thus secured.”   Whereby, this unintended letter by Jefferson was thereafter included by the Supreme Court as a “part of the 1st Amendment”.  Which was NOT Jefferson’s original intent…and he and the other founding father’s must be looking down on us in utter dismay!   Then came Justice Black in 1948 who secured it even more against intent.   Reemergence in Everson.  In McCollum v Board of Education, the following term, Justice Black confirmed the extent to which the Court had “constitutionalized” the “wall” metaphor:  “The majority in the Everson case, an minority as shown by quotations from dissenting views…agreed that the First Amendment’s language, properly interpreted had erected a wall of separation between church and State.  (WHAT wall I ask?)  In years since, Federal and State courts too, continue to reference a phrase which is a metaphor only.  It has become the “locus Classicus” of the notion that the First Amendment separated religion and civil state, thereby mandating a secular policy.  IT WAS NOT JEFFERSON’S INTENTION. In October 1801, as Jefferson became Magistracy, the Danbury Baptist Assoc. sent a letter to Jefferson expressing great satisfaction in his appointment.  In the new President, the Connecticut Baptists found an ardent DEFENDER OF RELIGIOUS LIBERTY..  However after his letter and editing, and consulting with Eli Lincoln, what was left ended up sounding secular. However, now, through both of these Supreme Court cases, and since Black, they have taken out of original context …and imposed a letter into the First Amendment.  My legal loophole question,  “if this letter was NOT signed by all who signed the Constitution, then how legally can it be included as it has been?  And WHY then , has no one tried to turn this around?   How can this letter be legally justified, when nothing making it so was added as such, to the Constitution ?

Wherefore, in 1779 when Jefferson was still Governor of VA, the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom was penned…and it INCLUDED the following punitive provision:  “Every minister of the gospel shall on each day so to be appointed, attend and perform divine service and preach a sermon, or discourse, suited to the occasion, in his church, on pain of forfeiting fifty pounds for every failure, not having reasonable excuse.”  Although never enacted, it was sponsored by Madison…For fasting and Thanksgiving.  (Thanksgiving then as we know it came later.)George Washington wrote in 1789, “If I could now conceive that the general Government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of SPIRITUAL TYRANNY, and every species of religious PERSECUTION. (Written to the United Baptist Churches) .  Yet , this METAPHOR has been running out of control in the courts…and those liberals in Congress and the ACLU that want to secularize this nation as well as atheists and are twisting the very intention of our found fathers.   Instead, now it is us Christians who are censured!   Chief Justice Rehnquist , perhaps was the most vociferous critic of the “wall” concluded:  “It is impossible to build sound constitutional doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of constitutional history, but, unfortunately the Establishment Clause has been expressly freighted with Jefferson’s misleading metaphor for nearly 40 years.  (60 now) ..Thomas Jefferson was of course in France at the time the constitutional Amendments known as the Bill of Rights were passed by Congress and ratified by the States.  His letter to the Danbury Baptist Association was a short note of courtesy, written 14 years AFTER the Amendments were passed by Congress.  He would seem to any detached observer as a less than ideal source of contemporary history as to the meaning of Religion Clauses of the First Amendment.   The greatest injury of the “wall” notion is its mischievous diversion of judges from the actual intentions of the drafters of the Bill of Rights.  The “crucible of litigation” is well adapted to adjudicating factual disputes on the basis of testimony, erasing the historical errors. Wherefore Jefferson’s wall has done what walls frequently has obstructed the view.  Therefore the critics too, evoke the poet Robert Frost, who observed in his poem,  “Mending Wall”  “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall/ that wants it down…”  The ACLU is stripping away all that the framers (and my patriot ancestor Major Ezekiel Worthen) fought for.  It is BECAUSE we were (are?) a Christian nation..that had a humbleness of spirit and loved God and Country.   THAT is what sets us as a “great” nation.  That we always up and set the captive free.  And freedom like wars come with a price. There are no atheists in Foxholes , I heard say..Ecclesiastes “a time for Peace ..a time for War.”  “He who states his case first seems right until his rival comes and cross-examines him.”   Proverbs 18:17..”Any  story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight.”   Barton wrote:  “Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.  Promote, then, as a knowledge.” George Washington. Barton says..”The final strategy used by the Court to bolster its arguments is one previously introduced:  Historical omission.  Not only does the Court regularly omit cases prior to 1947 from its’ discussion, it also DISREGARDS quotes from prominent Founders other than Jefferson or Madison.  Judge Bork writes: “There appears to be only one means by which the Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, can be brought back to Constitutional legitimacy.  That would be a constitutional amendment making any federal or state court decision subject to being overruled by a majority vote of each House of Congress.  ”

So, now it is up to Christian colleges and those like LibertyUniversity to raise up young people who will be knowledgeable in Constitutional law and religious freedom and rights, such as the ACLJ.  Now we, Christians have the AmericanCenter for Law and Justice and Chief Counsel Jay Sekulov.  We need prayer back in schools…abortion turned around.  For my God is a God of absolutes. Whereby, I continue to pray for my country.  For I feel if we go down this slippery slope we are heading, God will take His hedge of protection of America.  If we do not STAND with the Jews too, and Israel, Gods chosen,  God too will call us accountable.  Our children need to be taught history as our framers intended.   California, now wants to put an end to home schooling, which is almost all Christian stay at home moms, they want to censor all we do and what we can say, including our Christian rights.  That is not what we fought the Revolutionary War for.  That is not what we fought ANY war for, but for freedom,  democracy, and our religious beliefs.   (Religion including Christian, also includes, though cults unfortunately..yet that THAT is what makes us America, the land of the free!)    Parents, love God, teach your children the Bible, and go to Church.   Teach them history and instead of  Disney take them on tour of Washington, VA ‘s monuments, and Philadelphia.    Without a grasp of America, all our heritage will go down the tubes, forever forgotten, and it will be the destruction of this country.  And even Teddy Roosevelt said when you come to America,  then speak English!   That is the language of America…My German grandparents came over in 1903 from Germany through Ellis Island on the Kronland from Belgium.  They came in legal, excitedly became US citizens, Americans, just as the Irish, the Greeks, the French before and after WWI and WWII. My maternal grandfather & paternal grandmother each  worked hard in the mills in ManchesterNH.   My mother when she was young, used to go home in the heavy snow for lunch and bring my grandpa’s hot lunch pail walking all the way across the bridge, then walking in all kinds of weather back to school.   They worked, were glad to be in this new land…and before Hitler.  Now, I think Phil Gram was right, we are a country of complaining wimps.  My grandpa never complained.   They were Americans!   My mother and father taught me to love this country and I guess I got my  love of history from my mom. What?  What? What have we taught our children?   How to text messages?  To think of me only?  To be selfish sexy media watching  ingrates with their hands out?   What are we leaving America to?  Where are the values of parents?   Lord I come  to you in prayer..In this I pray…..God help us come back to you….for we have lost our way.

My Beloved Enemy

layout-711121.imgThe following I had written in my book, “Restoration Road”, from a little pamphlet I had gotten somewhere from Bill Britton Ministries, whom I’d never heard of, way back in the early 80’s.  From Bill Britton Ministries:

“You are not really my enemies at reality you are some of the best friends I have.  You who have lied about me, and about this ministry, who have tried to destroy people’s faith and confidence in me, who have spread false and damaging rumors about my life and teachings..through the efforts there has been a work of grace.

My friends have been many and loyal, and faithful to stand with me in many hours of trial and need.  They have been strength in my weaknesses, added joy to my heart in time of sorrow, and have girded up my faith amidst raging doubts.  They have brought me before the throne of GRACE..innumerable times in their seasons of prayer.  I could not have continued long in this spiritual conflict without these wonderful friends.

But, believe me, I speak in sincerity and truth there can be NO PERFECTION, in the lives of Gods elect without the chastising work of a real enemy.  For when a bitter vicious person begins to do all they can to destroy me and my work for God, then there is a work done that brings out all the wrong and evil attitudes and spirits that lie hidden and deeply rooted in my heart.  When a friend extols all my good virtue and praises me from their heart of true friendship, I can feel nothing but love for them.  But, when I hear of an enemy who has unjustly brought shame upon me, there rises up a spirit of defending myself, and a spirit of righteous indignation to refute the enemy.  It is then that the precious Holy Spirit does His office work and reveals to me the wrongness of my own spirit.  I see in me then, the things I did not know were there before.  With repenting and sorrow of heart I cry to God, and He delivers from that which I have seen in my life.  It was hidden, lying dormant, until you, my beloved enemy brought it to light with your crucifying process.  The prophets of old would never have had the glory of being stoned for the Word of God…and no martyrs crowns could ever have been won by the early Christians without real enemies.

You see, I cannot crucify myself, and friends will not do it.  So it takes you my enemy, to bring me to the cross.  And to the cross I must come..if ever I am to come to the glory of perfection.  But, I have much progress yet to make before coming to the image of my lovely Jesus. There is so much I must yet learn..And, my enemy, you are teaching me..I have learned that the road to glory is by way of the cross.  Without you I would not have found the way.  Someone had to crucify my Jesus..Not his friends, not his disciples, and He could not do it Himself.  So, Satan and the princes of this world stirred up hatred in the hearts of His enemies, and the work was done.   Had they known that they were bringing Him into His glory, and bringing about the salvation of lost mankind, they would not have done it. And I’m sure that if you knew the good your efforts are working out in my life, you would not want to help me so much. But, the work is being done and I have learned to love you because of it.  ‘Love thy enemies,’ He said, and I wondered how I could do it, but, you have taught me.. For because of you I have grown in God, increased in His grace, and partaken of His divine nature.

Also because of you many have been turned away and refused to hear the truths imparted unto this vessel.  Their ears have been filled with lies, and no doubt have thought that no good thing could possibly come from such a one.  But, even here I have seen the hand of God.  For those who have had ears to hear the voice of the Spirit have not believed the lies you have told them, and they have opened their hearts to the message for these last days.  Thus, God has weeded the chaff from the wheat, and is in the process of separating His own unto Himself.  All things working together.  So, my friends in reality I have no enemies in the flesh and blood,  your work has been sharp and cutting, and many times I was hurt and wounded deeply.  But, out of these trying experiences, I have come forth a better Christian and an overcomer.”

Perhaps this is something that has happened to you.  A slanderous remark of untruths, or false judgment.  We need to be more sensitive in the spirit when the haughtiness of the devils lies come in like a flood to attack our brother or sister, for it can have wide spreading ramifications.  If it doesn’t edify in love, grace and mercy…..then it is not of God.  For the “Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger “(which I’m not) “and plenteous in mercy.”  Psalm 103:8  How can we share in the vision Christ wants for His church if we are a stumblingblock?  Father,God I just pray that this enlightens and these scriptures help take off blinders so that none of us carry offenses to hurt each other or a ministry.  Thank you Lord, for giving me all this through your Holy Spirit.  For those hurt in a church, take heed, and come to the Cross…for they know not what they do.



Media Hatred of Evangelicals

232816415_9762d0d530_o1.jpgI just received a newsletter from a ministry I love on the blasphemus hatreds now in America against Christ and us that are Evangelicals and saved.  Once more dear Hollywood maligns Jesus, as always, as well as the media.   Strangely enough the ones in the media that attack us are not necessarily aetheists, but, journalists that are Catholic.  , Whereby, I want to delve into what they don’t seem to understand.  

God says, touch not my annointed, yet, God’s truly annointed are always persecuted, oddly enough by those that also profess themselves to be Christian.  O’Reilly too, with his arrogance, always thinking he is right, when oh, he is not!   He, and many others have no conception of the Bible and what it means.  For they are in a religion..not a personal relationship with Jesus.  When I hear these attacks, by him and others,  I feel crushed, hurt, maligned, insulted for my beliefs in my Jesus; and there arises, within me a righteous anger of standing and putting on that whole armour of God.  Ephesians. For we are in a spiritual battle in America..and now it includes Christian against Christian. (Catholics -Evangelicals).    But, to receive, you have to be open to God’s love in  prayer, and ALLOW the Holy Sprit in your heart and soul.  He can’t come into your heart when it is HARDENED with hate, anymore than you can accept salvation.  A hardened heart someone said, produces cold prayers!   The precious Holy Spirit is what Jesus left with us after He died on the cross at Calvery and rose again.  How sad for what O’Reilly and others in the media do not undertand is that they are close to committing the “unpardonable sin” that of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  For Jesus in tears looks down at all the cursing of his name and still can forgive us; but, the unpardonable sin, will NEVER be forgiven by God, and you will never go to Heaven, but, have eternal damnation. Mathew 12:31 “Wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blaspheme shall be forgiven unto men.  And whosoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him, but whosoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world , nor in the world to come.”  I have nothing against you that are Catholic.  I cannot judge…What I am disturbed by, is that you are not taught your Bible.  Salvation isn’t preached by most Catholic is all just rituals, and you are taught nothing about the Old Testament and Bible prophesies.   I don’t blame you that are Catholic, I blame the priests and the Vatican.  It is wrong, and I’ll get to why.

During the time of Solomon’s Temple before Christianity was born, the ark of the covenent was in the Holy of Holies.  Only one high priest could go into the Ark and only once a year. The power of God was so strong in the Holy of Holies that the other priests had to walk in backward lest the bright light and power of God so strong, they would be struck dead! When Elijah went up against the idols of Baal in IKings 18:38 “Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and licked up the water that was in the trench.  That fire was the judgment of God in that trench!  That same judgment fell on Christ when he hung on the cross for our sins.  THAT includes your sins too,Media, and Catholics.  “And Elijah said unto Ahab, get thee up,eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.”  The rain was the Holy Spirit that would come..the same rain (Holy Spirit) that will befall us once the CHURCH comes back to the cross.  Oh God, send us that rain!  Pour your Holy Spirit on America and wake her up! Pour it on the negative media…Send the fire first to purify us.  WE WILL NEVER HAVE REVIVAL  AND JESUS WILL NEVER COME IN THE RAPTURE, UNTIL THE CHURCH COMES TOGETHER..ALL OF THE CHURCH!   THAT INCLUDES ALL EVANGELICALS AND CATHOLICS.. Why don’t you all get it?  We are mandated by God to stop the fighting and attacks and be unified…But ,that also means the Catholic Church must start teaching BOTH the Old and New Testaments..and the SALVATION message!   Don’t you all get it?   Which means all your attacks on all of us that are Evangelicals, and what you don’t understand, believing we are flakes when we are for the most part, ENTIRELY SCRIPTURAL, is hindering the work of God. You are a stumblingblock!   And it said , those that are stumblingblocks, it shall be like a millstone hung around your neck.   For GOD will have His way.  That is for ALL of us that are not purified, whether Catholic or Protestant (& Evangelical)..  You do not understand the tie in with the war on terror and Islam and Bible prophesy..You can’t get what you are not taught.  I suggest you read my other Blog in Christianity group site. I pity those that stay by the wayside..  You see, my scriptural teaching, does not include last rites.  If you are not saved..(my other blogs on salvation) you do not go to Heaven..And  I didn’t say it, JESUS did.   And I pity Oprah..”What profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”  Even Catholics should have a fear of God.  I guess in my frustration, I just loathe Biblical ignorance.  Theology and its’ study and good works doesn’t get you to Heaven..only Salvation and the Cross.  Absolutes!  Jesus and the Cross, the Word of God, and the Bible are absolutes!

God allowed the Catholic church’s downfall, with all these priests that harmed children..God allowed the downfall and prison of Jim Baker and his love of money.  GOD!  It doesn’t matter what christian denomination we are in..God is the FINAL judge.  And God ALWAYS exposes. There are flakes and dangers in any religion.  Its called having discernment.  And God says in the New Testament to test the spirits.   There are many Catholic churches now that include praise and worship and  healing services just as we charasmatic and pentacostal and now even Baptist do.

The same power of the Holy Spirit that God bestowed in the Old Testament to the Jews is available to us now in the New Testament.  Everything in our Bible both Old and New Testaments, we owe to the JEWS, for without Abraham, Isaak, and Jacob, King David, (the lineage of Jesus)  Apostle Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  ALL WERE JEWS!   We would not have Christianity and our Bible as we know it, or the laws from the 10 Commandments, (the laws as we now know) if it wasn’t for the Jews!  As Pastor John Hagee wrote in his books, “WE OWE THE JEWS A GREAT DEBT.”   (Biased Foxnews never had him on did they? )  Jesus was a RABBI in Matthew and in arguing with the Pharisees, and the money changers, he wanted to take out the evil that invaded the temple.  He never intended to start a new religion.  THAT is something Catholics are reluctant to accept. WHY?   It is written in HISTORY.  Shame on the Bishops, priests that do not teach truth.  I believe in the word of God, not man.  John 3:3, John 3:16, Luke 19:10, John 8:32, John 10:9-10, Acts 16:31, Romans 3:23-24, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 2:3, Hebrews 12:2, IJohn 1:9, IJohn 5:11-12, Revelation 3:20 …ALL scriptures on salvation.  Why aren’t Catholics and even some protestant churches taught?  It is in the written word.  Jesus said, “No one cometh to the Father except through me” ..and  “Unless a man be born again, he will not enter the Kingdom of God.”  Check the scriptures above…and King James Bible.  Then confront your own church..If a church no matter what, does not teach this?  I’d find one that did!  For it is the gospel!

Dates:  The Age of Christianity which sprung from Judaism, and the Catholic Religion 64 AD The Fire in Rome.  70AD Titus destroys Jerusalem, 150AD Justin  Martyr’s Apology, 156 AD Martyrdom of Polycarp, 177AD Irenaeus becomes bishop of Lynons…up to Anthony. 312AD the conversion of Constantine. (312 years AFTER Christ was crusified). ok?  387AD Augustines conversion, 405AD Jerome completes Vulgate, 529 Benedict founds his monastery, 590AD GREGORY BECOMES THE FIRST POPE…START OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH..590 YEARS AFTER CHRIST WHO WAS A JEW…and many churches including protestant, have changed and twisted the Bible, not to mention Mormans, Jehovahs, and cults.   They changed the original intent of Jesus.  For Apostle Paul …A JEW, when he preached in Galations, and Corinthians…he was a Jew preaching to Gentiles, just as a lot of the Evangelical churches now base their teachings.  The media does not understand.  If I ever changed to another belief system in my old age, it would be Judaism. But, the early church that veered to teaching and including gentiles by Paul, preached and taught just like we do now, that are evangelical..Paul was NOT a Catholic..He was a Jew. All you have to do is read the book of Acts, Galations, Philippians, Colossians…etc.   And as you can see above, the Roman’s and first Pope began in 590AD and changed in rituals the original early church….gone was the salvation message, gone was full baptism in water as John the Baptist and Jesus did, gone was teachings of the gospel and Old Testament, at the age of accountability which likened to a Jewish Bar Metzpha.. The Roman Catholic Church shunned the Jews, when the whole of Christianity and early church with Paul, and the Apostles was based on Judaism.

God also called the worshipping of statues idol worship, way back to Abrahams father who made idols for the pagans.  Genesis. One of the 10 Commandments is it not? “Thou shalt have no other God’s before me.”  Then look at Elijah with Baal above..Gods judgment came, just as it did too, with Sodem and Gomorah, and He turned Lots wife, as she lusted after and looked back, to a pillar of stone.   And don’t think that we in America will escape God’s judgment either. But, I  have heard priests on Hannity finally come out and say, no Catholic should be worshippng Mary, or any other Saint…only Jesus.  It’s about time.  At least Tony Snow , who recently succumed to cancer, was saved, Catholic or not, he radiated Jesus.

Let me quote the late C.S. Lewis, from “Mere Christianity” part of Chapter 2 on “The Cardinal Virtues”.   “The ‘Cardinal’ ones are those which all civilised people recognise:  the theological are those which as a rule, only Christians know about.  I shall deal with the theological ones later on; at present I am talking about the 4 Cardinal virtues.   It comes from a Latin word meaning “the hinge of a door.”  These were called ‘cardinal’ because they are, as we should say , ‘pivotal’.   They are prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude.

Prudence means practical common sense, taking the trouble to think out what you are doing and what is likely to come of it. Nowadays, no one thinks of prudence as a virtue.  In fact, because,  Christ said we could only gete into His world by being like children, (innocent of spirit and humble) many Christians have the idea that, provided you are ‘good’ , it does not matter about being a fool.  But that is a misunderstanding.  In the first place, most children show plenty of prudence agout doing the things they are really interested in, and think them out quite sensibly.  In the second place as Paul points out, Christ never meant that we were to remain children in intelligence; on the contrary.  He told us to be not only as harmless as doves , but also as wise as a serpant. He wants a child’s heart, but a grown-ups head.  He wants us to be simple, singleminded, affectionate, and TEACHABLE, as good children are, but He also wants every bit of intelligence we have to be alert at its job and in first class fighting trim.  He has room for people with very little sense, but He wants every one to use what sense they have.”

The Bible speaks too , of a teachable spirit..How can we learn if we are not taught?  So , if you disagree or do not understand what I’ve been saying, then please forgive me..I don’t mean to offend.  I don’t expect a practicing Catholic to leave his church..I just want to see you being taught the Bible and scriptures..Old and New Testament..and prophesy.  For these prophesy’s are meant too for today..For it was evident that Pope John Paul was saved, and as he went by, many people were healed ..That was the same Holy Ghost healing power on many evangelists including Benny Hinn…that O’Reilly cannot understand.   It isn’t the MAN with this power of the “mind” like hypnotism as he said, that is rediculous and ignorant.  It is the power of God THROUGH these men…The Holy Spirit THROUGH them…and if you never experienced that Holy Ghost power, you don’t know what you are missing.  For God uses that power, whether we get healed or not, to work THROUGH us and IN us..  And frankly, I’m sorry you in the media doesn’t get it.

The hatred in the media on us Christians is shameful.  For O’Reilly, seeing that horrific temper just seathing in the video I watched interviewing Benny Hinn young, really pains. me.  But, look back in history to the Irish and IRA, way back in history to Queen Mary and Protestant, one Catholic… many hundreds of years of history?  Foolishness…How is the “church” supposed to come together with all this hate?   There is no discernment.  And Jesus was a Jew and so were the Apostles..   What are you fighting about anyways?   Why can’t we all come together..We have so much to offer each other.  That is what Jesus wants.   Your God in the media, is the God of Money.. But, then Jesus said, you cannot love God and mammon too…no way.  Again, what profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?  The church must come together….and Hagee reaching out to the  Jews and Israel. THAT is what it’s all about..not all this hatred with tempers out of control. Oh how it must pain my Lord Jesus and how He must grieve watching us…ALL of us!    Such a wall of false reasoning and ignorance.   And don’t come down on me that I hate Irish..I love all you Irish…& young dated and married an Irishman.  I’d rather see your marvelous blarney and sense of humor than all this needless hatred.  HATE kills eats up the soul, and nothing is solved.   I’d really like the young Catholic priest that consults on Foxnews, to address this blog..and answer my questions.  With that, I will leave this in love, but, frustration.

Throughout the ages it was the Romans and Catholics that were brutal, killers, murderers, even killing Jesus.  However, that aside? Whether you are Protestant or Catholic, John 3:3 “Unless a man is born again, he will not enter the Kingdom of God. ” Salvation is for both denominations and never preached in most Catholic churches nor many Congregational and Protestant churches either.  I would conclude that it is all for nothing.  We shall all stand before God in HIS judgment one day afterall. My prayers with you.


Biblical History

There has been in recent times so much confusion over how Christianity evolved not only after Christ died on the cross, but the fact that Jesus WAS a Jew and Christianity was a spring-off of Judaism to reach the gentiles.  I guess what used to upset me so much when we hear all the things derived from not only cults but the radicals, that still exist and white supremacists, all hating the Jew, and Jews too, who equate us evangelicals with Catholics – Wrong.   They have no idea of what they are talking about. Anymore than Black churches that professed Jesus to be Black.  He was a Jew, a Rabbi (Matthew 23:7, John 1:38-50) Rabbi meaning “my master”.   Now, too, with all our terrorist extremists, they too do not know their archaeological and historical dates.

This is just a brief overview.  There is no way I could put all history on this blog, if I had it. But, the overview I can provide.  Ancient Civilization has always fascinated me as well as history even in college.  I remember getting an A- in my mid-terms on Ancient Civ, and I was ecstatic.  Now, that I am a Christian, I became more interested in it as well as the new findings with archaeology that bears out the Bible and the Jewish Torah, the Q-ran, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.

For Catholics, please note that Constantine’s conversion didn’t take place til 312AD.=, nor did the Catholic church really begin and have its’ first pope with Gregory I until 590 AD, and the Baptist’s not until 1609.  So let me begin with all these dates in history. The dates after this pertain to Palestinian history BC and AD.  Furthermore, the Roman soldiers, were brutal and bloody when Jesus was hung from the Cross, and so they were during the Crusades.  But EARLY Christianity derived from the followers and disciples, especially Apostle Paul (a Jew, as they all were), when he traveled and then preached to the gentiles.  See how wrong many have it?  Catholics too, I may  add are not scripturally educated at all, especially the Old Testament which they have no knowledge of at all!    Many I believe do not even know Jesus was a Jew.  We who are Evangelicals, always say, we owe a debt to the Jew for our Bible and our salvation, which until Jesus died on the CROSS for the sins of mankind,   was a Covenent of guaranteed salvation, now,  we as Gentiles have.

The Age of Early Christianity
4-5 AD Unclear as to the death of Jesus.  Though he died several years prior to Herod who died after reigning 37 years. Jesus birth of Dec. 25th, 5 BC? And arose not until the 4th Century.     4  Beginning of Jewish passover., 64 The fire in Rome, 70 Titus destroys Jerusalem,    c150 Justin Martyr’s Apology,   c156 Martyrdom of Polycarp,   177 Irenaeus becomes bishop of Lynons,  196 Tertulian begins writing    c205 Origen begins writing  c251 Cyprian on the “unity of the church”,   c270 Anthony begins his life as a hermit

The Age of the Christian Empire
312 Conversion of Constantine,  325 Council of Nicea,  367 Athanasius’s letter recognizes NT canon, 385 Gishop Ambrose defies the Empress, 387 Augustine’s conversion,  398 Chrysostom becomes bishop of Const., 405 Jerome completes Vulgate, 432 Patrick’s mission to Ireland, 451 Council on Chalcedon, 529 Benedict founds his monastery, 563 Columbia goes to lona

The Christian Middle Ages
*590 Gregory I becomes the first Pope (start of the Catholics), 694 Synod of Whitby, 716 Boniface sets out as missionary, 731 Bede publishes Ecclesiastical history, 732 Battle of Tours, 800 Charlemagne crowned emperor, 863 Cyril and Methodius go to Slavs, 909 Monastery of Clurry founded, 988 Conversion of Vladmir (Russia), 1054 East-West split 1093 Anselm becomes Bishop of Canterbury, 1096 Crusades launched by pope’s speech (and a
massacre of arabs) 1115 Bernard founds monastery at Clairvaux, c1150 Universities of Paris/Oxford founded, 1173 Waldenslans founded, 1206 Francis renounces wealth, 1215 Innocent II calls fourth lateran  council, 1273 Aquinas completes Summa Theologia, 1321 Dante writes divine comedy, 1378 Catherine of Siena & the great schism, c1380 Wycliffe supervises the first English Bible translation, 1415 John Hus burned at stake, 1456 Gutenberg prints Bible, 1478 Spanish Inquisition established, 1498 Savonarola burned, 1512 Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel at St Peter’s)

The Age of the Reformation
1517 Luther posts 95 theses, 1523 Zwingli leads Swiss Reformation, 1525 Anabaptist movement begins, 1534 Henry VIII and the act of Supremacy, 1536 Calvin’s institutes, 1540 Jesuits approved by pope, 1545 Council of Trent, 1549 Cranmer and the book of Common Prayer, 1559 John Knox returns to Scotland, 1572 St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 1609 John Smyth baptizes self & first Baptists, 1611 King James Bible Published, 1620 Pilgrims sign the Mayflower compact, 1628 Comenius driven from his homeland, 1646 Westminster confession, 1648 Quakers founded.

The Age of Reason and Revival
1622 Rembrandt paints, Prodigal Son, 1675 Spener’s Pia Desideria, 1678 Bunyon’s Pilgrims Progress, 1685 Birth of Bach & Handel, 1707 Watt publishes hymnal, 1727 Moravian Awakening, 1735 The Great Awakening (Edwards and WHITEFIELD during our Revolutionary War! )1738 John Wesley’s conversion, 1780 Robert Paikes begins Sunday Schools

The Age of Progress
1793 Carey sails for India, 1807 Wilberforce leads abolitionists, 1811 Campbell begins Disciples, 1812 Judsons sad for Asia, 1816 Richard Allen AME church, 1817 Elizabeth Fry begins prison ministry, 1830 J.N. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren, 1830 Finney begins urban revivals, 1833 John Keble & start of Oxford movement, 1854 Hudson Taylor arrives in China, 1854 Kierkegaard writes Attack on Chrisendom, 1854 Spurgeon becomes pastor in London (revival) 1855, Moody’s conversion, 1857 Lingstone publishes Missionary Travels, *1865 Booth’s founded Salvation Army, *1870 Pius IX and VAtican 1, 1886 Student Volunteer Movement, *1906 Azusa St. Revival (Pentacostals in CA ), 1910 Fundamentals published.

The Age of Ideologies
1919 Barth writes commentary of Romans, 1921 First Christian radio Broadcast, 1934 Townsend begins Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1945 Bonhoeferrer executed, 1948 World Council of Churches formed, *1949 Billy Graham’s LA crusade, 1960-70’s Kathryn Kuhlman’s great Pentacostal Healing ministries, 1962 Vatican II, 1966 Chinese church grows amidst cultural Revolution, 1980-90’s the Charismatic movement erupts.

Palestinian/Israeli History
600,000-10,000 Palleolithic and Mesolithlic period.  Earliest human remains in the area (found south of the Lake of Tagariyyal, date back to 600,000BC), 10,000-5,000 Neolithic period. Establishment of settled agricultural communities, 5,000-3,000 Chalcolithic period. Copper & stone tools and artifacts from this period found near Jericho – Bi’r As-Sabi’ and the Dead Sea, 3,000-2,000 Early Bronze Age. Arrival and settlement of Canaanites (to 2,500BC), ca.1,260 Israelite conquest of Canaan, 965-928 King Solomon (Sulayman) construction of the temple in Jerusalem.  In the very place the WAILING WALL still stands where the Jew prays..and on the SAME spot as athe Domeof the Rock (Islam). 721 Assyrian conquest of the Kingdom of Israel. 586 Judah defeated by Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, (Modern day Iraq, Babylon near Kuwait, and who Saddam always felt he was reincarnated from Nebuchadnezzar.) deportation of its population to Babylon and destruction of Solomon’s Temple, 539 Persians (IRAN) conquer Babylonia (Iraq) allowance of deportees to return and rebuild new temple.  333 Alexander the Great conquers Persia (Iran) and Palestine comes under the Greek rule. (Persia also called the Persian Empire now present day Iran who are Persian, not Arabs), 323 Alexander the Great dies, alternate rule by Ptolemies of Egypt and Seleucids of Syria. 165 Maccabees revolt against the Seleucid ruler (Antiochus Epiphanes-Greece) and estaglish an independent state. 63 Incorporation of Palestine into the Roman Empire. 37 It remained for Herod the Great to rebuild the wall of the Temple.  20–19 Herod’s Temple began (Using the 46 years of John 2:20) 4-5 Somewhere this time the birth and death of Jesus.  He died several years prior to Herod who died after reigning 37 years.  He arose in the 4th century.  4 Beginning of Jewish passover.

70 Destruction of the 2nd Solomon’s Temple built by Herod by the Emperor Titus. 132-135 Suppression of the Bar Kokhba revolt.  The Jews were barred from Jerusalem and Emperor Hadrian builds a pagan city on its ruins.  330-638 Palestine under Bysantine rule, as Christianity spreads, more than 300 years AFTER Christ died.  638 Omar Ibn al-Khattaab enters Jerusalem and ends the Bysantine rule.  661-750 Palestine administered by the Umayyad Challiphs from Damascus and construct the Dome of the Rock (‘Ad al-Malik 6858705) and Al-Aqsa In its current shape (al-Walid, 705-725) Constructed right over the same spot as Solomon’s Temple (Dome of the Rock Revelations says is coming down when the Temple is rebuilt a 3rd time, hence the Arab/Jew battle for thousands of years.) 750-1258 Palestine administered from Baghdad by the Abasid caliphs (Iraq), 969 Palestine administered by the Fatimids from Egypt as rivals to Baghdad, 1071 Saljuqs (Originally from Isfahan) rule Jerusalem and parts of Palestine (officially still under Abbasids). 1099-1187 The Crusaders arrive and establish a “Latin Kingdom (Roman Catholics) of Jerusalem & drove and slaughtered the Arabs, 1187 Salah al-Dun al-Ayyoubi (from Kurdistan) conquers the crusadersin the battle of Hitfin, Kicks them back to Europe and frees Jerusalem. Palestine administered to from Cairo Egypt then.  1260 The Mamluks succeed the Ayyubis, continue to administer Palestine from Cairo and kick the Mongols in the battle of Ayn Jaluut near An-Nasira.  1291 The Mamluks (Khali bi Qalawuun) conquer the last crusader stronghold in Akka and Qisariya. 1516-1917 Palestine Incorporated into the Ottoman State (Ottoman Era) and administered from Istanbul (Turkey).  1832-1840 Mah’d AM Pasha (Egypt) rules Palestine, Ottomans take over afterwards.  1876-1877 First Palestinian deputie from Jerusalem attend the first Ottoman Parliament.  1878 First Zionist settlement (Petach Tiqva) established the guise of agricultural community. 1882-1903 First wave of Zionists (25,000 strong) enters Palestine as illegal immigrants from Eastern Europe. God gave that land to the Jews in Genesis when He took Abraham out of Ur (Iraq) and sent him to the land of milk and honey, Canaan, and they had lived all over since without a home. 1882 French Garon E de Rothschild starts backing Zionists activities in Palestine financially. 1887-1888 Ottomans divide Palestine into three districts, Jerusalem (follows Istanbul) Akka and Nablus (follow the willaya of Beirut (Lebanon).)  1907  Theodore Herzl a journalist from an Austro-Hungarian origin published  Der Juenstgaat (The Jewish State) advocating the establishment  of a Jewish State in Palestine.  1896 JCA (Jewish Colonisation Association ) starts aiding Zionist settlements in Palestine.
1897 First Zionist congress in Switzerland issues the asle Program calling for a home for the Jewish people in Palestine and establishes the WZO (World Zionist Organization)  1901 JNF (Jewish National Fund) set up by the 5th Zionist congress to acquire land (in Palestine) and make it “Jewish” % of 6%.  1909 First Zionist Kibbutz (collective farm) establishment of Tel Aviv north of Yaafa. 1914 World War I starts and then lataer World War II to 1945. 1922-1948 Jerusalem was under the League of Nations and Great Britain.  1947  After much devastation in the Jewish -Arab conflict, following the partition resolution when Jerusalem  became internationalized, the Old City was left in the hands of the Jordan Kingdom, and the New Israel, much of which the Jewish quarter and wall of Solomons Temple had been destroyed, leaving the “Wailing Wall” becoming inaccessible to Islam. The armistice agreement of 1949
made a division between the STATE of Israel and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.  1950 Jerusalem became the seat of the Israel government but the city remained divided.  The only connection being the Mandlbaum Gate, through which passage was restricted by both countries.  Jerusalem still despite all, keeps the aspect of the Holy City. 1966 Jewish population was 164,000, the Aramaic 46,000. The presence of synagogues , churches, mosque’s, monasteries, witness go the universal importance of jerusalem, where various races and creeds mix.  The seat of ecclesiastical authority for many faiths.  And speaking of Gates, did you know when God closed that East Gate in the Old Testament it has remained closed now for over 2,000 years, lest God strike anyone dead who opens, before Jesus comes through it to set up HIS Kingdom and rule over earth, in our first peace!  When God closes, no man shall open!

Abram in Genesis 12:1-3 was born in the land of UR which is modern day Iraq up north, where the Tigress and Euprates Rivers join.  When his father, who made idols (which God hated ) for idolators, died God spoke to Abram.  “Now the Lord had said unto Abram , get thee out of they country and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee; And I will make of thee a great nation, (ISRAEL) and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.  And God changed his name from Abram to Abraham.  And God said, “I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE (US TIL NOW) AND CURSE HIM (Arab nations, Iran, Russia) THAT CURSE THEE, AND IN THEE SHALL ALL FAMILIES (TRIBES , GENEALOGY) OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED!”

Ur is the last living expression of the Capital of Sumer (Iraq) the earths FIRST great civilization, whose ruins lie a mile and a half to the west of old Mesopotamia, more than 5,000 years ago and things still have not changed that much or modernized.   Ur though was a huge city then, the Ziggurat of Ur was a huge stairway that went up in idol worship to false Gods.  The “ladder” in Jacobs dream may have referred, In early accounts to a ziggurat stairway. Genesis 28:12.   But, the Arabs and the Jews have warred over there for thousands of years.  God gave that land to the Jews..and that West Bank is Abraham, Isaak , Jacob, King Solomon, King David, and the King of all Kings, from the lineage of David , JESUS CHRIST, who will set up HIS Kingdom there again for the last time, once He comes through that locked East Gate.

The Wall -Separation of Church and State

The following are excerpts from four books of study, which I encourage everyone to read.  The first, “Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation of Church and State” by Daniel Dreisbach, a professor of Justice, law and society at American University in Washington, D.C. The Second, “Original Intent, the Courts, The Constitution, & Religion” by David Barton, the 3rd, “A People’s History of the American Revolution, How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence”, by Ray Raphael.  The 4th book, is “Slouching Towards Gomorrah, “Modern Liberalism and the American Decline”, by Judge Robert H. Bork.  Also references from the American Center for Law and Justice, Chief Justice Jay Sekolov with cases that either appeared or are appearing before the U.S. Supreme Court.

I do not agree nor do any of those above agree that the Constitution needs to be liberalized or updated for a modern world.  For if we touch this as most of the liberal judges may intend and secularize this country, we will be destroyed.  Now, with this new administration in Washington, we are at a more dangerous time in our history, than ever before.  For this new President, Obama, a Socialist, perhaps as far as being a Marxist.  It becomes a twisted message out of context, and this ideologue is not the original intent of our Constitution, nor  our forefathers, nor a history of Christianity in this great nation.  It is however, getting in bed with the liberals that walk a fine line to Communism  and want us to be dependent on big government.  During this election and before, we heard Rev. Wright expound on his white hatreds, as well as Jesse Jackson using negativism to keep the Black people own in victim thinking, that they cannot rise up and improve themselves, while it put money in his Rainbow
Coalition.  It was a form of psychological abuse and reverse racism to keep them down, whereby, he was the one who controlled the masses.  That’s all turned around now, with this election.  It is no longer an excuse.  Most conservative Blacks have a more positive outlook, and never fell for that line of thinking, and became extremely successful.

The unconstitutionality of the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE:  Whereas, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the PRESS, OR the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.

However, members of Congress are recently on record saying they want to reimpose the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” on U.S. broadcasters, or else accomplish the same goal as censoring talk radio (just like Russia, China, Venezuela, and all Communist dictatorships!)
and thereby establish government and quasi-government watchdogs (as our now 32 CZARS)
as the arbiters o “fairness” rather than the free and open marketplace of ideas and FREE SPEECH under our Constitution!

Whereby, the U.S. experimented with the “Fairness Doctrine” for 38 years – from 1949 through 1987, during which time it was repeatedly used by Presidents and other political leaders to muzzle dissent and criticism (which I presume, would be this woman 70, too and all her blogs!…they can jail me!)

Wherefore, the abandonment of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987, thanks to President Ronald Reagan, resulted in an unprecedented explosion of new and diverse voices and political speech, starting with Rush Limbaugh and Christian AM radio and tv, providing Americans with a multitude of alternative viewpoints, informing Americans about what their government leaders are doing.

Now, too, (March 12th) there are two media causes for concern.  A judge in No. Carolina ordered 3 Christian home schooled children back to public classes.  Next, the State of CT wants to take over the Catholic Church in that State, whereby , neither the Bishop, Priests, or Vatican would have ANY say or control over that Church.  (Now in the last few weeks, too, retyping this, World Net reported that a Christian home fellowship was stopped in CA.)  Next, we won’t even be allowed to pray in my DAR meetings. Do we not see what is happening here in America?

This all falls under the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment.  Again details that follow Jefferson’s metaphor.   But, because of Justice Hugo Black (who comes up again later) in Everson v Board of Education (1947) set the tone to follow.  Now it seems that the U.S. Supreme Court may be challenged again.

But, the “Establishment Clause” is this:  The “establishment of religion” clause of the First Amendment means that neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. (Or for that matter take over the Catholic Church in CT.) Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another.  Neither can force nor influence a  person to go to or remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion.  Neither can a State nor the Federal Government, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa.  In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect “a wall of separation between church and state.”   From Jefferson’s letter to the CT Baptist Association, later incorporated as law by Judge Black.  (which was illegal…as it never was part of the Constitution..only a letter.  But Black sat at the Supreme Court. Get it?)

Therefore, as you read on about The Wall and the ORIGINAL intent of our Forefathers, keep in mind this FAIRNESS DOCTRINE, too, which is not dead; now being revitalized and AGAINST our First Amendment Rights to Free Speech, and it is wholly UN-American that the government should be the watchdog of the press, and a policeman of free speech.  (Even Helen Thomas, the most liberal of the press, spoke out didn’t she?  A first!)  As opposed to the uniquely American ideal from our Founding Fathers, of a FREE people and a FREE press, being vigilant watchdogs of government.  Else, I predict, that another civil unrest and revolution would ravage America!

Now, in the first place Jefferson’s “WALL” is a metaphor.  It is referred as such to all the legal minds and in the first paragraph.  In the Establishment Clause, under the First Amendment, it states, that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (1791) However, most people are not taught in school, nor even realize that the term “separation” or “wall” never appeared in the Constitution.  On New Year’s in 1802, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter ot the Danbury, CT Baptist Association.  In it, he used the term “wall of separation”.  Years after the Constitution was signed, “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between “Man & His God” that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only & not options.  I contemplate with sovereign reverence that the act of the whole people which declared that their legislature should make  no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building the wall of separation between Church and State.”

Whereby, it was resurrected again by the Supreme Court in 1878, also then in 1947.  The vision of the wall seems to have molded almost all attempts to analyze the First Amendment’s control over the Government’s relationship to religion.  The court concluded in 1879 “Coming as this does from and acknowledged leader of the advocates of the measure (Jefferson’s Danbury letter) “May be ACCEPTED” almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope (called the Scope Trial) and effect of the (first) amendment thus secured.”  Justice Black’s gloss on the metaphor (adding his letter to the Danbury…without law…WITHOUT BASIS…WITHOUT CONGRESS …) has come to dominate modern political and legal discourse, whifh is not surprising, because the metaphor’s current frame dates from its re-emergence in Everson.  (Now , too, with our new Supreme Court nominee, do you see how important it is, that they do NOT use the bench to MAKE laws?as this nominee did with the fireman?)   In McColum v Board of Education 1948, the following term, Justice H. Black confirmed the extent to whifh the Court had “constitutionalized” the “wall” metaphor.  “The majority in the Everson case, and minority as shown by quotations from dissenting views, agreed that the First Amendment’s language, properly interpreted had erected a  “Wall of Separation between Church and State.”  Again never intended nor put in our Constitution!)

In years since, Federal and State courts too, continue to reference a phrase which is a METAPHOR ONLY!  It has become the “locus Classicus” of the notion that the First Amendment separated religion and civil State, thereby, mandating a secular policy.  It was NOT Jefferson’s intention.  In Oct. 1801 as Jefferson became Magistracy, the Danbury Baptist Association sent a letter to Jefferson expressing great satisfaction in his appointment.  In the new President, the Connecticut Baptists  (churches were most certainly involved in politics then) found an ardent defender of religious liberty.  Jefferson replied, in what was to become contested ever since.  His address to them was written about three times, while he edited and crossed out….and THEN  asked the then Attorney General Eli Lincoln, for his legal advise.  It was Lincoln’s suggestion that the term was born.  However, Jefferson deleted another word that emphasized an emphatic and enduring separation between church and the civil state. In the draft letter Jefferson initially wrote “wall of separation”. He then removed the word “eternal”, and also “merely temporal”, which left it sounding secular.

However, even though Supreme Courts since Black have taken out of original context, in 1779, when Jefferson was still Governor of VA, the ill for Establishing Religious Freedom was penned, and it included the following punitive provision:


Although never enacted, it was sponsored by Madison, for fasting and thanksgiving.  George Washington wrote in 1789, “If I could now conceive that the general Government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded that no one would he more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and ever species of religious persecution.  (written to the United Baptist Churches.)

Yet, this metaphor has been running out of control in the courts; and those like the ACLU that want to secularize this nation and liberals, atheists, are twisting the very intention of our founding fathers.  Instead, now it is Christians who are censured as I wrote awhile ago to C-Span.  Churches are sleeping!  And Christians don’t STAND UP, and NEED discernment and to be vocal and participate in government, or America (especially now with this new President) else all will be lost.  And I thank Glenn Beck for his 912 Project, and the Tea Parties all over America,  that this President just laughs off.  We have 30 million illiterates in America and got rid of religion and morality.  In 1947 President Harry Truman said this is a CHRISTIAN NATION and then came Everson to the Supreme Court and Justice Black and through him and the ACLU, we are becoming a secular nation.  Is that what we want?  This past 4th of July weekend, Coral Ridge ministries was offering a free book, by the late Dr. James Kennedy, “Beginning Again”, and they have a college, called “Patrick Henry College”.
Alleluia!  I see vision and revolution in our future!  Not to mention all the Christian groups Liberty is affiliated with!

Chief Justice Rehnquist, perhaps the most vociferous critic of the “wall” concluded:  “It is impossible to build sound constitutional doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of constitutional history, but, unfortunately the Establishment Clause has been expressly freighted with Jefferson’s misleading metaphor for nearly 40 years.”  Thomas Jefferson was of course, in France at the time the Constitutional Amendments known as the Bill of Rights were passed by Congress and ratified by the States.  His letter to the Danbury Baptist Association was a short note of courtesy, written 14 years AFTER the Amendments were passed by Congress, yet thereafter, taken out of context by Judge Black who himself,  ADDED it to the Constitution and made up his own law!   And for the life of me, I don’t understand why any Christian groups or the ACLJ never challenged it’s decision.  Jefferson would seem to any detached observer as a less than ideal source of contemporary history as to the meaning of the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment.

The greatest injury of the “wall” notion is its mischievous diversion of judges from the actual intentions of the drafters of the Bill of Rights.  The “crucible of the litigation”, is well adapted to adjudicating factual disputes on the basis of testimony presented in court, but, the amount of repetition of historical errors in judicial opinion can make the errors true.  The “Wall of Separation between Church and State” is a metaphor based on bad history; and a metaphor which as proved useless as a guide to JUDGING.  It should frankly and explicitly be ABANDONED!

Wherefore, Jefferson’s wall has done what walls frequently do; it has obstructed the view.  Therefore, the critics too, evoke the poet Robert Frost, who observed in his poem; “Mending the Wall”; “Sometimes there is that doesn’t love a wall/ that wants it down.”  (ACLU and liberals with they’re own agenda.) And Justice Black turned it drastically away from what it once stood for!

Raphael wrote, concerning the Revolution, “Massachusetts farmers did disturb the government.” In 1786 the closed courts at Worcester, Springfield, Northampton, Great Barrington, Taunton, and Concord.  The distress of the farmers, who still thought of themselves as the “body of the people” (like us now?) was real and widespread…and so was the distress of the Native Americans, devastated by war as well as slaves.  Euro-American women were not set back by the Revolution, but neither did they see a significant change in their political status.  In our eagerness to embrace the ideological significance of the Revolution, we should not forget to pay some attention to the numerous contemporaries who did not live to see a personal advantage accruing to the notions of “Liberty” and “equality”.  There is another danger in treating the idea of equality in modern terms.  Today, ‘equality’ is generally interpreted to include protection for the rights of ‘minorities’, during the Revolution, the “Body of the People”, referred exclusively to the MAJORITY.  The hardships of particulars are not to be considered, wrote Christopher Gadsden, “when the good of the WHOLE is the object in view.”  Oddly, we who are white will be the minority in 50 years.

Yet, Raphael wrote, “The opposite is true as well.  When women marched for the right to vote, when workers sat down in their factories for the right to form unions, when African Americans engaged in mass demonstrations to terminate Jim Crow in the South…THESE extensions of democracy also reflected our beginnings, mirroring the Yankees who paraded “with staves and music” during the court closures of 1774!

Our Revolutionary heritage works both ways. “The body of the people,” the dominant force during the 1770’s , has empowered and deprived.  Some Americans could vote, most could not; gut they ALL took part in the political process, whether they wanted to or not.  (And now the ACLU is stripping away all that the framers fought for.) It is because we are a Christian Nation, that had a humbleness of spirit and loved God and country.  THAT is what sets us as a great nation.  That we always up and set the captives free.  And freedom always comes with a price.  Ecclesiastes, ” A time for peace, and a time for war.”  He who states his case first seems right until his rival comes and cross-examines him.”

Barton says too, “The final strategy used by the Court to bolster its argument is one previously introduced: historical omission.  Not only does the Court regularly omit cases prior to 1947, from its’ discussions, it also DISREGARDS quotes from prominent Founders other than Jefferson or Madison.  As explained by one government researcher, such omission is an effective strategy.  Liberal and secular bias is primarily accomplished by “exclusion” by leaving out the opposing position.  It further implies either that no other Founders were qualified to address First Amendment issues, or that there exists no recorded statements from other Founders pertinent to the separation question.  Both implications are wrong…numerous writing DO exist.  Further he writes: “The practice of morality being necessary for the well-being of Society, HE (God) has taken care to impress its’ precepts so indelibly on our hearts the they shall not be effaced by the subtleties of our brain.  We all agree in the obligation of the moral precepts of Jesus and nowhere will they be found delivered in greater purity than in His discourses. “Thomas Jefferson.  Does that sound like he wanted to exclude God that the interpreters too out of context with the wall?

Judge Bork writes: “There appears to be only one means by which the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court, can be brought back to Constitutional legitimacy.  That would be a Constitutional Amendment making any Federal or State court decision subject to being overruled by a majority vote of each House of Congress.  The mere suggestion of such a remedy is certain to bring down cries that this would endanger our freedoms.  To CHANGE our Constitution and not recognize the importance of our Founding Father’s Intent, would lead to the destruction of America as we have known it.”  (Yet , Judge Black DID indeed change it from the bench.)

Bork also said,  “We should not be surprised, then to find the United States Supreme Court “interpreting” (ie Sodamayer) American Constitution in accordance with foreign court decisions.There could hardly be a plainer demonstration that some Justices are leafing the text and history of the U.S. Constitution behind for a left-liberal international moral consensus among Olympians.  Whereby, they are now basing their decisions on international precedent.”  Since when do we as Americans, answer and have other countries dictate our laws? That’s why America was born, to escape dictatorship and religious tyranny.  IN A FREE COUNTRY PEOPLE COMPLAIN WITHOUT SUFFERING, IN A DICTATORSHIP, PEOPLE SUFFER WITHOUT COMPLAINING.  I love my country. It is the greatest in the world to me.  But, we need to stand guard too, and protect it’s principals to keep it so.  We are now with all the sex, scandals, reality shows, so illiterate and like Sodom and Gomorrah and somehow through the grace of God we need to get morality back in America.  We also need to vote for politicians that are not crooks, and deceivers, (wolves in sheep’s clothing) but that have character, ethics, honesty, morals, and are devoid of evil cunning.  That big grin on this President hid the cunning and goals deep within.  We got snookered!  Our voices in any election must be heard as conservatives, and to hold them accountable; especially those of us that are evangelical Christians.  We need our political voice to be heard, and keep Congress on it’s toes.  Remember the one to come that will be so charismatic, with a knack for leading masses, bearing all false promises and peace….isn’t that how the Anti-Christ will appear?  And the truth will set us free.

Look up.  Keep your eyes on Jesus through these tough times, not man, or especially this President, and be vigil.

Other references are Pat Robertson’s “Courting Disaster” and Judge Napolitano’s book “Constitutional Chaos”.  I dedicate this piece to my Patriot Ancestor, Major Ezekiel Worthen, who fought in the Revolutionary War, the French Indian War, the King George War, and the Siege at Louisburg, as well as being with General John Stark in NH when he started Rogers Rangers.  I hope someday to meet this man in Heaven.  Perhaps my son has already seen him.    God bless you all who read and studied this.  I hope you pass on the site for you all must know as Christians what we are fighting for!


Earth’s Final Moments

“FOR I AM GOD. And there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me. Declaring the end from the beginning. And from ancient times, things that are not yet done, Saying, “My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure.” Isaiah 46:9-10.

The following is an excerpt from Pastor John Hagee I felt important enough to put on here, from his new book, entitled, “Earth’s Final Moments” as well as a new movie he has out from his book, “Jerusalem Countdown.” In “Earth’s Final Moments,” he explores the inner section of biblical prophecy and current world events to provide us with an unparalleled glimpse into earth’s final moments.

He wrote: “As I have preached for many years according to biblical prophecy, earth is careening toward its final act on the stage of life. God is assembling the cast of characters that will catapult earth into its eternal moments, and final preparations are being made for the final scene – a scene so powerfully dramatic that nothing ever seen before could possibly compare with what God has in store for this final act. In this book, I will trace the significance of the Jewish nation as God’s chosen, and show that the restoration of the Jews to their own land was the opening scene for this final act. I will align prophecy with presently occurring signs of the end-times and show you Israel’s emerging final opponents. You will also read about the shock and awe4 of God’s judgment upon those who oppose Israel, and will come to fully see how our world is poised to enter the mother of all wars –Armageddon.

DRY BONES AWAIT THE MIRACLE BREATH OF NEW LIFE: Restoration will be revealed to the life of the dry, lifeless, scattered hones of Ezekiel 37. You will learn that the restoration of the Jews to their own land is the opening of the plot leading to earth’s climatic final act.

BIRTH PAINS OF THE NEW AGE: Jesus presented a portrait of the end of the age and the coming of the Messiah. He presents a series of signs, including international wars, famine, earthquakes and says: ‘All these are the beginning of birth pains.’ This demonstrates that the world and Israel are now having contractions (wars, rumors of wars, acts of terrorism, (bloodshed and violence around the globe) that will produce a new Messianic Era.”

Think about what is happening around the world and the mid-east. I mean these Occupier’s, so young, who are so illiterate, only want “freebies” and “handouts”. They think they have all the answers and those with ideological agenda’s that are Socialist and progressive, are backing them along with Unions. They have no clue to God’s plan and what is happening. We as CHRISTIANS however, even with this election, must force ourselves in our prayer closet, to view America, Israel, and the World, with all the Arab Spring, Iran, N. Korea..through Biblical eyes in the supernatural not the natural of even a Foxnews anchor. WE MUST see the bigger plan, for God says, “I AM GOD”. Iran is going to get us perhaps in another war, for it cannot be allowed to have nuclear. AND that will cost money. Can we stall what is going to happen? Can we pray hard enough with all the trillions we owe to do what God wants? Can we have discernment? I know Michelle Bachman and Rich Santorum, know what is happening in the supernatural. On the other hand, Mitt Romney is a Morman that does not even believe Jesus is God, and Ron Paul is a total isolationist who would play right into the devil’s hands in this. He does not get it, and some of his past rhetoric is racist even towards the Jews. We need a Godly principled man or woman in the White House in these end times. And understand this, Obama and Hillary also haven’t a clue.

Hagee wrote: “ENTER THE KING OF THE NORTH: It would be sure fanaticism to suggest that the Bible mentions the word ‘Russia’ in its text. Yet God, through Ezekiel, has made some very clear and specific revelations in the Bible concerning the rise of a great power to the north of Israel that will destroy the peace and stability of the world at the end of days.

RUSSIA’S SUPPORTING ACTORS: Here I will use biblical prophecy to explain the role of Iraq and Iran and other Middle East Arab nations that side with Russia.

AMERICA: TOO LATE; TOO LITTLE?” (Depending on who gets in the White House?) “Her you will discover the role that America will play in the future and see that the Bible predicts the Western World will simply remain passive and inactive, lacking the will and national courage to respond in support of Israel when Russia and her allies attack.” {Are we stupid enough to put someone in the White House that plays into the hands of Russia and Iran like Ron Paul?}

“SHOCK AND AWE –GOD’S REVENGE: Because God promises to bless those who bless Israel and to curse those who curse Israel, you will learn that judgment is coming – not only to the forces that invade Israel, but also upon ALL who support or allow the attack on Israel.” (And depending on who we elect as President of the US, will determine whether or not that includes judgment on America. THIS ELECTION IS SO IMPORTANT!)

“ARMAGEDDON –BATTLE FOR WORLD SUPREMACY. The final act begins, as the mother of all wars–the final battle on earth at Armageddon –sets in motion a fight for control of planet earth. Through an unexpected twist of plot, the end of the world as we know it arrives as King Jesus begins HIS rule and reign for a thousand years of peace.”

But will America be included? We are not mentioned per se’ in the Bible, but, many
as I do, believe that judgement has already begun. All the earthquakes around the world and America have escalated since the beginning of ancient civilization. There will be more and more disasters coming as never before around the world. The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. Those earthquakes too, in Maryland and mildly hitting the White House, was a warning from God Almighty. For God did not ordain a Palestinian nation. Understand this!! They were not there in 1948 when Theodore Herzl had a vision of a Jewish nation, nor in 1966, when it was birthed, nor in Biblical history. Hillary who calls herself a Christian, as Secretary of State, hasn’t a clue! Neither does Obama, who in his arrogance against the Jews, being Muslim, will never back. And if Ron Paul got in? It would be more of the same. The significance of the Jewish nation as God’s chosen, shows that the restoration of the Jews to their own land was the opening scene. Prophecy is aligned with occurring end-time signs, such as international wars, famines, and earthquakes. Israel’s emerging final opponent, and the nations that will partner in opposition are all now on the world scene. The world for the first time in history, is poised to enter the mother of all wars –Armageddon. “Judgment is mine”,thus saith the Lord.

So, everyone sick of wars? The trillions owed? This is only the beginning. Iraq, Afghanistan, going into Libya, Egypt now killing Christians, Syria’s army mowing down it’s own people. LOOK! SEE! Put what is happening into Biblical perspective. My end times teacher with tears in his eyes told us in class, “look at what is happening in the supernatural, not the natural. For the news media bombards us, does not side with Israel either, and for that matter neither do the liberal Jews in America, like Bloomburg, Chuck Schummer, the ACLU and many of the “green” base.  All you greenies, understand this, when this great last war hits? There will be NO MORE OCEANS. GOD IS GOING TO CREATE A NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH, and the dead in Christ shall rise first to meet Jesus our Messiah, and the Jews Messiah, in the clouds. THE WORLD STAGE IS SET .

“According to Biblical prophecy, Earth is careening toward its final act on the stage of life. God is assembling the cast of characters and making preparations for the final scene—a scene so powerfully dramatic that nothing could possibly compare. In Earth’s Final Moments, New York Times best-selling author Pastor John Hagee unveils how Biblical prophecy and current world events are intersecting to give us an unparalleled glimpse into our planet’s final days. Aligning prophecy with End Time signs, he describes Israel’s emerging opponent and reveals the shock and awe of God’s coming judgment against those who oppose His people. As the Jewish people return to their homeland and the situation in the Middle East continues to deteriorate, you can’t afford to miss what comes next.”

So how will you vote? Are you all asking the right questions? Are you seeing through the eyes of Jesus? God help us all make the right decisions, for we are in such important times right now. Even all that is happening with the EU. And out of those final countries the 10 horns will come the Anti-Christ. Wherefore I pray and beg to you to vote in the supernatural, covered with the Holy Spirit and God’s hands upon each and everyone of you that are Christian and read this. All we are thinking about is the economy. There is a bigger picture no one is seeing. Help us Lord.

Islam by Lehmann

Why Islam is NOT Protected Under the US Constitution!
By Kevin A. Lehmann ,on  Christian Theology, Politics, Radical Islam

“Contrary to conventional stupidity, Islam is NOT protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Is there anyone left in the three branches of government today that can interpret our most sacred document (the Declaration of Independence not withstanding) correctly?

Like in Christendom, where the exegesis and hermeneutics of certain passages of scripture are often skewed to conform to a particular ideology, agenda, or belief system, so too has the clear and concise language of the Constitution and the 27 Amendments progressively undergone exegetical attacks over the decades—depending on which party is in power—to conform to a particular political ideology.

But this is one hermeneutical battle America can ill afford to lose. Our founding principles, i.e. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness hang in the balance. In short—our country’s very survival depends on it.

America faces a grave threat from Islam. Muslims are infiltrating our country in droves and they’re doing it under the guise of “Constitutional Protection.” And like England, if we don’t stand our ground now, it will be too late. Muslims are cunning, crafty and clever. They’re using our ignorance of the understanding of our own Constitution against us, and they are clandestinely and methodically spreading their freedom-snatching tentacles in a quiet and unassuming manner.

Federal, state, and local governments on the other hand won’t acknowledge the imminent threat. They incorrectly claim that Muslims have “Constitutional Rights” to come here, proselytize people, build mosques, and implement Shariah Law in their communities and in the public square. They’re dead wrong! And by and large, Islam is getting away with it just like they have in Europe. Only unlike in Europe and Great Britain in particular, where many local non-Muslim citizens now live in perpetual fear and oppression, it’s not too late to stem the tide, but we have to act now. Time is not on our side. In fact, this may come as a shock, but there are more mosques being built on American soil than Christian churches. We are already well under way to being Islamized.

To understand Islam is to understand Sharia. The religion of Islam is nothing short of a totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system that’s camouflaged in religious garb. Their mandate (not objective) is to incorporate our country into a global Islamic caliphate.

Sadly, they are making serious inroads towards their tyrannical mandate because America is asleep at the wheel. We are all that stands between freedom and a worldwide Islamic caliphate. The United States of America is the world’s last bastion of hope.

Yet, the dreadful message we get from ignorant and incompetent lawmakers is that our Constitution renders us powerless to do anything about it. On the contrary, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence—properly interpreted—actually give our federal, state and local governments justification and authority to stop Islam dead in its tracks!

Here’s How . . .

Islam is NOT a religion. Islam—which stands for “submission” or “surrender”—is a totalitarian form of government that seeks COMPLETE DOMINANCE. It is hellbent on controlling every aspect of the lives of its adherents—a primitive life at that. It masquerades as a monotheistic religion rooted in Old Testament principles, but more appropriately follows the murderous thuggery of it’s founder, Muhammad, a descendent of Ishmael, born 600 years after Christ. Only their modern day tactics now include recruiting mentally ill teenagers and naive and gullible idiots who falsely believe they will be rewarded with 75 virgins if they become suicide bombers. And Western countries indoctrinated with the lies of multiculturalism and political correctness—to their demise—have reluctantly turned a blind eye. But like Communism, Marxism and Socialism, the Constitution of the United States of America empowers us to defeat it.

As lawyer, philosopher and Constitutional constructionist, Publius Huldah, succinctly points out in her paper, “God’s Gift of Unalienable Rights & Article VI of the Constitution: The Sword & Shield to Stop the Islamization of America, “We must understand Our Founding Principles – these are our Sword & Shield – that (1) Rights come from God alone, (2) Muslims do not have the right to divest us of our Rights, and (3) the purpose of civil government is to secure the Rights God gave us.”

What are our Rights, and where do they come from? The Constitution? The Bill of Rights? No! The Declaration of Independence says:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. —that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men . . .”

So, where do our Rights come from? God. And what are those Rights? Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Inscribed on the Liberty Bell is Leviticus 25:10 – “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”

Do Muslims respect the Rights God gave us? Of course not! Sharia stands in stark contrast to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Here’s why . . .

1. Life: Islam is a culture of oppression and death, e.g., primitive and oppressive regulations for women, murder and honor killings. The Koran instructs its adherents under no uncertain terms to torture and kill non-believers as set out in Sura 4:56, 4:89, and 9:5 for example.

2. Liberty: Islam is a culture of slavery and submission. Women are forced to cover their faces and frequently raped with no recourse. Children are often molested, and defection and conversion to another belief system often ends in brutal death.

3. Pursuit of Happiness: Does living in fear for a lot of Muslim women sound like the pursuit of happiness? Or being told when to pray, how to pray, and how many times to pray per day? For many Muslims, Islam is a culture of torture and sadism. How many times have we already heard of young Muslim girls in America who, after dating non-Muslim boys, were shot to death or run over by their father for allegedly bringing shame to their family? Public wife beating is commonplace. Women who don’t cover their hair are beaten on the spot. They’re often gang raped (needing multiple witnesses to testify against their male aggressors), mutilated, and left with maimed faces.

4. Freedom of Speech: Try criticizing Islam in Saudi Arabia—one of our Arab allies. See how swiftly justice is met with your head as the ornament of of an Opec member’s Mercedes.

For every Right God gave us—not the Constitution or its Amendments—the Muslims seek to eradicate.

Lawmakers tell us Muslims have a First Amendment “Right” to build mosques, proselytize, and implement Sharia here. But that’s not what the First Amendment says.

It says . . .

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Now consider the verbiage very carefully. A lot of lawmakers and most Americans make the exegetical error that the First Amendment grants us rights. The First Amendment doesn’t grant any rights to anybody. All it does is prohibit Congress from making laws about religion, speech, the press, or assembly.

Therefore, Muslims do not have a First Amendment “Right” to build mosques, proselytize, and implement Sharia in our country.

As Publius Huldah correctly points out, “Not only do Muslims claim the “right” to impose Shariah in the Muslim communities springing up throughout our Country, they also claim the “right” to impose Sharia law in the public square: They demand Sharia compliant financial institutions, foot baths in public places, that wine, sausages, and the like be banned from their presence, that they be allowed to shut down public streets for “prayers”, etc.”

So it begs the question: Do Americans have any Constitutional protection against the invasion of a foreign law being foisted upon us? Absolutely!

Article VI, Clause 2 of our Constitution states . . .

“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

Did you get that? Our Constitution and Laws are authorized by the Supreme Law of this Land.

The practice of Sharia in the United States, at any level directly violates our Constitution. Muslims who therefore seek to overthrow our Constitution or otherwise usurp or circumvent it with Sharia law are guilty of Criminal Sedition. The federal government has the duty to prosecute them for sedition, or otherwise repatriate or deport them.

However, as evidenced in a ruling by a New Jersey judge last year which was later overturned by the New Jersey Appellate Court, and more recently a Tampa judge thanks to the growing influence of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)—a pro-Sharia lobbyist—the very opposite is happening.

In November, 2010, an overwhelming majority of Oklahomans voted to amend their State Constitution to ban Sharia law and international law from the state’s courtrooms. But a federal judge overturned the will of the people within weeks, claiming that such an exclusion of Sharia law interfered with the religious liberties of Muslims. Now, legislators in Wyoming, Missouri, Alabama, Florida and Texas are considering adopting a similar Constitutional Amendment to that of Oklahoma’s.

Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act! for America, an advocacy group established “to promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam,” emphasizes that voters must establish that the U.S. Constitution is the controlling law of the land. “We are trying to warn Americans to look at what’s happening in Europe. If Europe is any preview, we need to make sure we put up the barriers right now,” she stresses.

The Declaration of Independence says the purpose of civil government is to secure the Rights God gave us. Islam seeks to take away our God-given Rights. Civil government is supposed to protect us from enemies, foreign and domestic, who seek to divest us of our Rights. Therefore it’s incumbent on every American citizen to insist that our federal, state, and local governments immediately STOP the Islamization of OUR COUNTRY—starting with an immediate cease and desist on the construction of all mosques! The purpose of our civil government is to protect our GOD-given Rights, not circumvent them in favor of an Islamic caliphate.

Contrary to revisionist historians and secular progressive’s claims, the United States of America was founded on Christian principles. Jesus Christ is recognized not only as the Supreme Being of The Declaration of Independence, but also as the God of Article VII of our Constitution. . .

“Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven . . . “

In Summary:

1. Our Rights come from God. They predate and preexist the Constitution. Our Constitution doesn’t give “Rights” to anybody. So Muslims don’t have “Constitutional Rights” to come to our Christian established country and build mosques, proselytize, and impose Shariah.

2. Islam and Sharia seeks to take away from people the rights God gave them. Since our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that the purpose of civil governments is to secure our God-given Rights, it is the duty and responsibility of civil governments at all levels to protect us from Islamization.

3. Article VI, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution—the “Supremacy Clause”—is the silver bullet that makes it unconstitutional for Muslims to practice Sharia Law anywhere in our Country.

To speak against First Amendment protection of an Islamic theocracy that is antithetical to the underlying principles of the US Constitution—Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—does not make one a prejudiced bigot or racist. Most Muslims, like Christians, are moderate law abiding citizens. However, the percentage who follow the literal commands of the Koran (the militant and radical muslims) and because of the 2 to 1 worldwide population growth of Muslims, the jihadist terrorists are multiplying at an alarming rate.

Let me be perfectly clear. Traditional Islam is not a friend of America. It is our enemy. The very notion of “Chrislam”—a syncretistic fusion of Christianity and Islam—being promoted by such notable Christian celebrities as Rick Warren, author of the best selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, is an abomination. It’s anti-American, and antithetical to the Christian principles upon which our great nation was founded. It is imperative that you understand the inherent danger of multiculturalism, and the amalgamation of polarizing religions. It eventually leads to civil unrest and anarchy.

Most, but not all of our State Senators and Congressmen are completely oblivious to the imminent threat that Islam and Sharia pose to the sovereignty of our nation. It’s imperative that they get informed very quickly and embrace the fight to stop the spread of mosques and Sharia at the local level. The Center for Security Policy issued a report last year entitled: “Shariah: The Threat to America”. Demand that your local and state reps read it and take immediate action to defend your community from Islamization. A few proactive notables who do recognize it are representatives Rex Duncan, Don Wells, and Larry Metz of Oklahoma, Missouri, and Florida, respectively.

If you’re wondering what life will be like when your community is saturated with Sharia Muslims, listen to my radio show of March 21st with Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL (English Defence League) in England. Since that time, he was nearly murdered and has multiple death threats against him, his wife and children for having the guts to exercise his God-given unalienable Rights.

Europe, in the interest of multiculturalism and political correctness, made a grave error. And now they are hopeless to reverse it, especially in England, without a civil and very bloody religious war. An entire country, even with it’s parliamentary government in tact, is now at the mercy of Muhammad and his warriors of death or submission.

Recently exonerated Dutch Member of Parliament, Geert Wilders, listed ten steps Western countries must take to stop the Islamization of their countries.

Perhaps this short video clip of Florida Congressman Allen West sums up Islam and Sharia Law best.

In closing, we are at war with a very evil and cunning enemy. An enemy that seeks to destroy everything that is good about the United States of America; Everything we value; Everything we cherish, Everything our forefathers and successive generations fought and died for so that we could receive the torch of freedom and pass it on to our children and grandchildren. This is our moment. It is our time to boldly stand up for our God, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our beloved Freedom! Let us exercise our God-given unalienable Rights and say “Yes to Freedom!” and “No to Oppression!” We owe it to our children, our grandchildren, and our grandparents.”

Until next time . . . Wake Up America!

Kevin A. Lehmann

Atlas Shrugged & Rand’s Predictions

Who is John Galt?  The character in Atlas Shrugged whose speech went on for 60 pages.  “You have heard it said, this was the age of moral crisis; you have cried that mans sins are destroying the world.  Against all human nature to practice the virtues that you demanded.  Since virtue to you consists of sacrifice, justice, and mercy.   You have sacrificed self esteem to self denial, happiness to duty.  You have destroyed all that which you held to be evil, and achieved all that which you held to be good.  All you wished for and I am the man who has granted your wish.”

Sounds almost like some prophesy coming from the Bible.  Yet, this book was written by a brilliant philosopher, whose predictions 50 years ago, have all but, come true.

In 1957 Ayn Rand published her last novel, “Atlas Shrugged”, which is still today, in print, and selling.  The setting for Atlas Shrugged was an American apocalypse  glimpse into the future.  If Rand was here today she’d point to anything in government today and say, “I told you so.”!  Regulations breed regulations in Washington and control and laws get massive to breed more control.  Government will grow, freedoms will shrink.  Markets will dive, and are, and government programs will expand, crippling us. More and more government intervention making it worse will and IS happening.  Ayn predicted this would happen and understood way ahead of her time the moral and intellectual decay we are at now.  No one reads a book anymore or has intellect; it is anything goes and reality tv and decay.

During the 50’s, it was one of the most prosperous time in our nation – a utopia in Atlas Shrugged. (It was for me growing up as well.  My dad, an electronic engineer and inventor, had his own business, and flourished. Television had been introduced in 1948, and he had a summer camp, and America was booming, all after WWII.)

Ayn’s prophesy tells the story of D. Taggart, the owner of a railway, as one by one the men of the Vanguard Industry simply vanish. Atlas shrugged sold over 7 million copies and to date has never been out of print. Ayn thought, though, that there would he an intellectual moral minority that could see the philosophical achievements she had done with Atlas Shrugged.  It didn’t happen.  Ayn had hoped to change what she saw as America’s relentless march toward ustopia depicted in her novel.  She wrote the book to prevent what now, 50 years later, has come true.  For no one could see what was happening then on the surface, as the problem was philosophy.  Ayn said, “Identify the philosophy of a society and you can predict it’s future.”

Ayn Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum, a Russian Jew, in Czarist Russia in 1905.  Alisa was a top student and knew by the age of 9 that writing would be her life’s work.   She was writing novels at 10 years old.  She was 12 years old when the Russian Revolution began.  Her father’s business was taken away, Russian soldiers closed the shop and her father never worked again.  (THAT is happening now, with farmers in America, and other business, and tax laws and government laws, that need to be eliminated.  Farmers who have been in business for 300 years, are now out of  business, one because of a EPA law and minnows being harmed.)  She saw at 12, that people who worked the hardest were punished and stripped.  They were broken.

Young Alisa was drawn to the cinema and saw a very prosperous America in the 20’s.  She resolved to go to America as soon as possible.  By the time she arrived in NY Harbor in 1926, she felt she had left the soul gripping Communism far behind.  To protect her family still in Russia, she changed her name to Ayn Rand.  America then was the wonders of the world. Capitalists were having a productive great time. Then the depression hit and it looked like Capitalism had failed.  Then it was thought that Socialism (Wilson)
and Communism was the better way (just like now).

Ayn voted for FDR, who spoke on radio, “Some would see what we are doing as Fascism or Socialism, or Communism” ; and Ayn, having left Russia because of this and seeing the Revolution, totalitarianism, collectivism, Socialism, looked at the soul of the people and what she left.  The move to introduce this began with Wilson in 1912, then FDR.  Ayn knew she made the wrong vote.  Whereby middle Protestant America said, “I am my brothers keeper.”  It was the first time the government was looked at as savior instead of charities and churches.  (And here we are, aren’t we?)

She wrote “We the Living” her first book on the threat to America.   It drew from her own background.  Lillian Hellman, Eugene O’Neil, all visited Russia, and felt Ayn didn’t know about it, yet they never saw or heard of all the mass murders, as with any totalitarianism society.  (Remember the movie “Red’s”? Hellman and O’Neil were portrayed…and the end proved it didn’t work…Tell that to Streisand and the rest of the Hollywood Marxists.)  Then the news reported all the famine and brutality.  She felt her warning came too late.

Ayn then published “The Fountainhead”.  What does it mean to be a human being? (We Christians have our expectations in the Bible, but Ayn was intellectually and philosophically coming from another area. And being Jewish had no knowledge of the Bible, yet, how closely prophetic) Work itself, she wrote, and instincts.  The Fountainhead became a movie.  But most followers missed the point of her collectivism, so it frightened all the “experts”.   She thought, what if all the brilliant minds, engineers, hard workers just disappeared, and all that was left was the tax collectors, and left with no one to create or build anything of value for them.  (Very similar with what is prophesied in Revelations when the Rapture comes and all of us saved, meet the Lord in the air.)  Think about the ramifications of where her intellect was going.

Her first title for Atlas Shrugged was “The Strike” and government interference only created social injustice and extreme poverty.  It gives the excuse to start more programs and more regulations.  It’s the fight before the makers who make things, and the takers who are too lazy to work with their hand out, including the class action lawyers, government and moochers.    To Rand these looters were no different than the Communists thugs who took her father’s business, in the name of the people, when in actuality were nothing more than criminals.  It gives those in power the right to indoctrinate the mind’s of the people, the persecuted, by a moral code called “Altruism”.  It says everybody, is more important than you. There has to be a fair-equal relationship. (Obama, and Van Jones thinking, and it has been proven over and over that it only destroys.) It provided weapons for government to chain up FREE individuals!  She felt each man should be an end to himself, and being benevolent when it was put on your heart.

Who is John Galt?  He is the first man of ability to regard it as guilt. And by not letting government use his virtues, who would not suffer martyrdom in the hands of those who wish him to perish, for the benefit of keeping government alive.  Ayn loved the original “Founding” principals; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to own property, right to bear arms, etc.  Jefferson, too, had a clear view on government staying out of our freedoms, evils of too much government.  He said, “We have a moral right to our own lives. ” So Ayn had multiple agenda’s…..AND so should we now in this crucial point, and who we elect.

She began to write Atlas around 1945.  She didn’t publish the book until 1957.  Her characters were vivid in the steel and railroad industry.  It shows how the government lies and corrupts to destroy the Capitalist for its own power.  Man, (Galt) has the power to act as his own destroyer, which is the way he’s acted for most of his history.  Finally, she goes to print,; all her objectivism with her hero John Galt, hoping it will be well received and change the world.  She was also part of the start of the John Birch Society back then and an integral member.  Then the reaction was negative.  Because it was so radical and challenged.  Even William F. Buckley Jr. of  National Review gave the book to Whittaker Chambers, who was an ex-Communist spy.  Chambers gave it the worse review.  Buckley was in competition with Rand over the conservative -political movement and direction.  But, she did not expect Chambers harshness. She was crushed.

But despite it all, it went on the NY Times bestseller list- all 1,000 pages!  She’d gone after the thinkers and movers and shakers, but, her acclaim never came.   Rand never published another fiction book.  As the years past her book stayed in print, and still is selling.  She was so brilliant she was intimidating.  In 1972, Al Ruddy producer of the “Godfather”, felt it was the most important book to film.  But, it never went through cause she wanted script approval.  She died in 1982.

Ayn always said “Atlas Shrugged” was set the day after tomorrow” and we’re there now.  People are rebelling, losing control, big brother, bureaucracies- ie the people are losing their freedoms.  In the year 2007, the 50th anniversary of Atlas Shrugged, the US Federal Regulation agencies employed a high of 238,000 people, and issued more than 4,000 new regulations, closing small businesses, and farms etc.  (ie the car industry forced to take a government handout). By the end of 2007, another 3800 new regulations were already in the works. And did you know that now, we have more people in our jails (mostly Federal ) because of these new regulations, than BOTH Russia and China combined!

When we see trading done by compulsion not consent, in order to produce, you have to get permission from government, men who have produced nothing.  The way its going our society is doomed.  Capitalism did not cause the housing bubble, ie Freddy and Fannie, it was the Government (Barney Frank too) and its immoral rules and laws.  So they passed more!  Ayn’s prediction came true running amok.  All that Washington’s done, Greenspan, Bernacke, is like a mirror out of Atlas Shrugged.  When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect man to do any good!   Their government heavyweights are after power now as she predicted. (NOT the good of the people).  Crippling the farmer, and many industries, Eminent Domain taking property for the good of what?  Her objectivism is really not too far from our Founding Fathers, for she truly loved America – where the people elect, except now our politicians are all life long professionals, and there should be “term limits”….period!

Our happiness is a God given Right!  As a consequence we are losing our rights and Ayn prophetic vision was absolutely CORRECT!  All work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, which God gave each and every one of us.  In another 25 years, we will collapse as Greece had and Ireland just may too.  Atlas Shrugged, says  “what happens when looting runs dry?”  We need to really take a good look at America in the 50’s (racism aside as that was an atrocity, but business and prosperity).  We all need to send the right message to Washington.   THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD IT !  And pass around to your friends and read Atlas Shrugged, as well as Ayn’s other books, one, “Capitalism”.  There is a cry out there…business that have gone overseas, want to come back.  We want our freedoms back, that is why the Teaparty really began.  Those in Washington need to be voted out!  Harry Reid has been in office too long, and is a member of the American Communist Party, as 70 other members of Congress.  There is a move now, trying to obliterate our Constitution. We are losing America.  So I close by begging you to read Atlas Shrugged, Ayn’s work…all prophetically true, while we sat back and slept.  Let us get America back and throw out the thugs.  God Bless America, please keep your hands on us Lord, and do not forsake us.

The Imponderable Existance

Since the new statistics have come out that Christianity is down to 48% and most in America now are Agnostics, without any faith, that is the reason for such a moral decline in America.  It’s too bad.  Who do you cry out to in a time of need?  Self? Save me?  That is ludicrous and laughable,  but, also sad that the majority of people here do not believe in eternal life.  What a shame.  For it is impossible to me, to exist without God.

Christianity is not simplistic.  Many agnostics have a hard time fathoming the existence of God, never mind, God the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, trinity.  It is deep.  Coming to the Lord for salvation and giving your heart to God, is the easy part.  But, then knowing Him, learning, studying, keeping on that moral path, praying, trusting, having faith are all the hard parts that come later, and that is where many backslide.  It isn’t easy, and add to that you most likely will be attacked by this group or that religion, or this media bias station, or friends you had that think you are totally off the deep end into fanaticism.

A lot of people say, I believe in God, but do not understand a relationship with a personal God.   They feel that mysterious something, which is behind all other things must be more than a person.  Could a creator that made the earth out of nothing come from nowhere? Even a lowly mosquito doesn’t just happen.  But when it comes to the origin of God many dispute.  How will he keep us satisfied and challenged in an endless future?  So before and sometimes after becoming a Christian, one may ponder, and then come doubts.  It is only the seasoned Christian who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves, in fact, much more themselves than they were before. This is not to say that a belief in God depends on an escape from reason.  Spiritual insight is not a prerequisite.  For He said “Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord” Isaiah 1:18.  Over and over the Lord asks His people to do their best thinking, so as to trust Him for answers that He alone understands.

Only after appealing to the highest reason and best judgment of his hearers doe the prophet go on to sak, “Have you not known?  Have you not heard? The everlasting Tod, the Lord the Creator o the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.  His understanding is unsearchable.  He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might. He increases strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.(Isaiah 40:28-31)  Other gods, little gods, strange gods, (like good jobs, bank accounts, or those of a false religion) are all imposters and liars. They rob our strength without renewing it.  This is the mindless legacy of the idols we carve for ourselves in the presence  of our Creator (Isaiah 40:18-25).  With the  internet and all this technology some could be tempted to stray, but,  God is also used mightily on a lot of Social sites, as Facebook.  Remembering the wisdom of Moses, who wrote, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.”  Deuteronomy 29:29.

“If Christianity were something we were making up, of course we could make it easier.  But it is not.  we cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religious.  How could we?  We are dealing with Fact.  Of course anyone can be simple if he has no facts to other about.  But, God has no history, he is infinite. He is too completely and utterly real to have one.   You never supposed that your actions at this moment were any less free because God knows what you are doing.  Well, He knows your tomorrow’s actions in just the same way…because He is already in tomorrow and can simple (in time and space) watch you.  In a sense, He does not know your actions  til you have done it: but then the moment at which you have done it is already “Now” for Him.” This point came again from C. S. Lewis and as” He says, it is not in the Bible, o any of the creeds.  But, the idea is very helpful to some.”

“To come to the Cross and accept Jesus as Lord and savior,  you must be ready to give up self.  You must throw it away “blindly”  so to speak.  Christ will indeed give you a real personality; but you must not go anywhere else. Until you have given up your self to Him you will not have a real self.  There must be a real giving up of self…that selfish, I, my, or me, that demanding personality or the one that is too wishy-washy and will never stand on a belief  or have one…THAT needs to be crucified at the Cross. The very first step is trying to forget about the self altogether.  Your real, new self, (which is Christ’s and also yours, and yours just because it is His) will not come as long as you are looking for it.  It will come when your not looking for it, slowly in your Christian walk, which is why Jesus says, “You will be molded like clay in MY image.”  It will come therefore, when you look and seek Him.  Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original:  whereas if you simply try to tell the truth you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.  In other words give up yourself to find yourself.

Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favorite wishes every day and death of your whole body in the end; submit with every fiber of your being, and you will find eternal life. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead.  Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay.  But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in that He wants to bless you with.”  C. S. Lewis “Mere Christianity”

Father in heaven, you deserve so much more than we have given You.  Our sin is we have no good excuse on earth!  For You have said , “I have nourished and brought up my children, and they have rebelled against Me; the ox knows its owner and the donkey its master’s crib; but Israel (America) does not know, My people do not consider”  (Isaiah 1:2-3)  Forgive us for thinking that we cannot trust what we do not fully understand. Forgive us Lord, for turning away from You, and those in America especially, now that are working against the Government of the people.  Forgive us and lead your people back to you Lord as this country was founded.   As you turned Madeline O’Hara away from her evil thinking and abortion, to be a believer in You Lord, wake up the the spiritually dead, wake up your people, wake up the agnostics, the atheists, and as you did with Ms. O’Hara, whose son now is working to overturn Roe vs Wade that she started, bring your truths upon  your people, this nation and Israel, and all the ungodly, in this nation and world, looking for a quick fix. I implore you Lord to shake us…..Send your fire Lord to wake up the land to your truths.  For only you can restore a Godly nation.  I pray we show this administration that we STILL are more than ever, a Christian nation!   In Jesus name I pray…amen!

Trivia Unexplained

Saw this posted and had to pass on…Talk about trivia?



Have a history teacher explain this if they can.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.

John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.

John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.

Both wives lost a child while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy.

Kennedy’s Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.

Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.

Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.

Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.

Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Now hang on to your seat.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named “Ford.”

Kennedy was shot in a car called “Lincoln” made by “Ford.”

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And here’s the “kicker”:

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.

A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.


Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse…

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a theater…
I saw this had to share just in case anyone did not know.

Kissinger’s Response to Ukraine Crisis & God’s Prophesy

Henry-KissingerI listened with intent the other night, this very enlightening interview with now, 91 year old Henry Kissinger.  A remarkable man of such high genius intelligence.  I have also included here some background from Wikipedia, on Dr. Kissinger.  Christians, too, remember,  on our defense of Israel, this highly motivated man was also persuasive in his role with then President Richard Nixon, to aid and intercede with Israel in the Yom Kippur War.  Nixon, despite all his faults, Watergate, and mixed opinions, nevertheless, remembered his Quaker mother’s prayers for Israel, and along with Kissinger made historically one of the most important decisions ever made, especially now, when Israel is being pushed so hard to agree to a Palestinian State.   Whereby, I urge you all to listen intently to this man of extreme wisdom and to  also learn your history.  There is also a prophesy from Pastor Rick Joyner following from Missionaries on the ground in the Ukraine.  We are in the end times and all of this  is so important.

Past Secretary of State Henry Kissinger interview with Charlie Rose on the Ukraine.

Henry Kissinger from Wikipedia:

Kissinger was born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in FürthBavariaGermany, in 1923 during the Weimar Republic, to a family of German Jews.[5] His father, Louis Kissinger (1887–1982), was a schoolteacher. His mother, Paula (Stern) Kissinger (1901–1998), was a homemaker. Kissinger has a younger brother, Walter Kissinger. The surname Kissinger was adopted in 1817 by his great-great-grandfather Meyer Löb, after the Bavarian spa town of Bad Kissingen.[6] As a youth, Heinz enjoyed playing soccer, and even played for the youth side of his favorite club and one of the nation’s best clubs at the time, SpVgg Fürth.[7] In 1938, fleeing Nazi persecution, his family moved to London, England, before arriving in New York on September 5.

Kissinger spent his high school years in the Washington Heights section of upper Manhattan as part of the German Jewish immigrant community there. Although Kissinger assimilated quickly into American culture, he never lost his pronounced Frankish accent, due to childhood shyness that made him hesitant to speak.[8][9] Following his first year at George Washington High School, he began attending school at night and worked in a shaving brush factory during the day.[8]

Following high school, Kissinger enrolled in the City College of New York, studying accounting. He excelled academically as a part-time student, continuing to work while enrolled. His studies were interrupted in early 1943, when he was drafted into the U.S. Army.[10]

1973 Yom Kippur War[edit]

Documents show that Kissinger delayed telling President Richard Nixon about the start of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 to keep him from interfering. On October 6, 1973, the Israelis informed Kissinger about the attack at 6 am; Kissinger waited nearly 3 and a half hours before he informed Nixon.[39]

(It was through Kissinger too, that Nixon came to the aid of  Israel in the Yom Kippur War, remembering also his Quaker mother’s prayers.  For all the wrong and Watergate, we must give credit to both Nixon and Kissinger for aiding Israel.)

On October 31, 1973, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi (left) meets withRichard Nixon (middle) and Henry Kissinger (right), about a week after the end of fighting in the Yom Kippur War.

According to Kissinger, in an interview in November 2013, he was notified at 6:30 a.m. (12:30 p.m. Israel time) that war was imminent, and his urgent calls to the Soviets and Egyptians were ineffective. He says Golda Meir’s decision not to preempt was wise and reasonable, balancing the risk of Israel looking like the aggressor and Israel’s actual ability to strike within such a brief span of time.[40]

The war began on October 6, 1973, when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. Kissinger published lengthy telephone transcripts from this period in the 2002 book Crisis. On October 12, under Nixon’s direction, and against Kissinger’s initial advice,[41] while Kissinger was on his way to Moscow to discuss conditions for a cease-fire, Nixon sent a message to Brezhnev giving Kissinger full negotiating authority.[40]

Israel regained the territory it lost in the early fighting and gained new territories from Syria and Egypt, including land in Syria east of the previously captured Golan Heights, and additionally on the western bank of the Suez Canal, although they did lose some territory on the eastern side of the Suez Canal that had been in Israeli hands since the end of the Six Day War. Kissinger pressured the Israelis to cede some of the newly captured land back to its Arab neighbors, contributing to the first phases of Israeli-Egyptian non-aggression. The move saw a warming in U.S.–Egyptian relations, bitter since the 1950s, as the country moved away from its former independent stance and into a close partnership with the United States. The peace was finalized in 1978 when U.S. President Jimmy Carter mediated the Camp David Accords, during which Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for an Egyptian peace agreement that included the recognition of the state of Israel.


MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #84 – March 6, 2014

I would like to share with you a report from Kiev from Charles Chandler, Assistant Editor for Decision Magazine for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Hi Everyone,

          I thought I’d give a quick update before going to bed. We arrived in Kiev late afternoon here and literally “hit the ground running.”

          We walked down from our hotel to Maidan Square, where all the riots, demonstrations, and killings by government SWAT teams happened a couple of weeks ago. Peace and calm have been restored there now, since the former president has fled and a new acting president, a strong Christian, is in place.

But the scene leftover down there is almost beyond description. There are many barricades that were erected to keep the SWAT teams out. There are piles upon piles of flowers in multiple locations beneath pictures of innocent civilians who were killed. There are stacks and stacks of tires, which the protestors would burn to create a lot of smoke to prevent the SWAT snipers from being able to sight a target. And the sidewalks and streets are mostly mud because the protestors had to pull up the bricks a few weeks ago to use as their only available form of self-defense. Many people are still living near Maidan Square in tents, mostly young protesters.

          I went into one of the tents and interviewed three people ages 18-24, through an interpreter. One of them had been there two months. It was amazing. The things they have experienced are chilling. They talked about being very close when some of their compatriots were killed a couple of weeks ago. We got into some very deep spiritual discussions. I had the great honor of sharing the gospel with them. They seemed very open and asked quite a few questions, but weren’t ready yet to make a decision. One of them, an 18-year-old male, said that when the SWAT teams were firing at protestors a couple of weeks ago, the protective vests and helmets they wore didn’t really serve as armor if they were struck by a bullet. He said they felt no true protection or safety in their equipment and that the only real protection comes from God.

          I also met with one of the leading pastors in Kiev who has manned a prayer tent since all of this started. He is quite a guy.

          We are scheduled to meet with some church denominational leaders tomorrow and are still supposed to meet with the acting president before we leave Thursday. That meeting has been scheduled, but it’s safe to say he’s quite a busy man these days, so we’re not absolutely certain it’ll happen.

Understandably, the locals are really, really upset with Putin and believe that, in part, he is threatened by the freedom they have found since the former president, who they viewed as evil, left office and was replaced. They also know that this is a very tenuous time for their country. It’s certainly worth reiterating that things are fine here now and that Crimea, where the Russian troops have invaded, is a long ways from Kiev.

         For more information, here is an article from the BGEA website, posted today, about the visit here by Viktor Hamm, who is in charge of crusades for the association. I am here covering what is happening in the country and also documenting what Viktor is doing here. He and I are the only BGEA staffers who came. We have a driver, interpreter, and photographer who are locals who really love the Lord.

          Please know I have a great peace and excitement about being here. For reasons only God knows, I truly believe this is a divine appointment.

          That’s it for now! Thanks so much for your prayers.

Many blessings, Charles

Every day it seems that the Ukraine Crisis ratchets up to a new level. It is already being called the greatest crisis of the 21stcentury, and it likely is the most dangerous. Even if it is resolved without more conflict, it has set in motion events that will have major, worldwide implications.

Two of the biggest factors this crisis is illuminating are: the disrespect that most of the world now has for the United States and the European Union, and the apparent aligning of Russia and China. Many are now asking if this is the beginning of another Cold War, or worse.

The tragedy is that even with many of the national and cultural wounds still unhealed from the Cold War and World War II, after the collapse of the Iron Curtain, the United States and Russia should have become close friends and allies. We could have, and should have, helped Russia in a greater way through the transition she has struggled through to find her way in these times. The possibility of this friendship and alliance is not totally out of reach now, but it is slipping further away every passing day, and with it, the potential for much good for the whole world that could have resulted from it.

We will seek to address this in some depth later, but for now I want to focus on what is happening with Christians in the Ukraine.

The Light is There

Yesterday Randy Strombeck and I had a Skype meeting with six groups of believers in Russia and the Ukraine. With so many groups on one split screen like this, it is a challenge to not interrupt each other. Randy joked that we were having a Skype battle between Russia and Ukraine. All of the groups protested at once, saying “No! We love each other!” They knew Randy was joking, and they were not offended, but they were resolute that nothing would divide the believers in these two countries. It was both touching and encouraging.

I shared this with Charles Chandler who is in Ukraine on assignment from Decision Magazine of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. His response was, “The head of the Baptist Union said today he had received a call from his Russian counterparts, and they were one together as well.”

With the nations fracturing, which is expected as we enter these times foretold in Daniel 2, we can also expect the church to begin uniting. The devil may be able to stir up hatred, division, and conflict, but we will see the Lord raising up a standard against it—bringing healing, restoration, and unity.

Below are communications I edited from emails from Charles Chandler in Ukraine that have insights into the crisis, as well as encouragement:

         Thanks, Rick. Please see the linked photo of a father and son who were beaten and bloodied by Yanukovych’s Berkut riot police, but survived. The picture was widely circulated. In a true “God thing,” we just happened upon them today while making our last visit to Maidan Square and were able to interview them. As you can imagine, their story is gripping.

Quite a day yesterday, met with the head of the Pentecostal denomination here, Mykhailo Panochko. He talked about how God has moved so miraculously here. Over the years, about 80 percent of the missionaries in Russia were sent there from Ukraine. This is said to be the most evangelical nation in Europe, and there are many examples of God defending them in recent weeks. He shared that he believes God wants to show Himself great to all of Europe through what He is doing for His people here. Two hours after meeting with us, Panochko met with John Kerry along with a group of other religious leaders.

We also visited the former mansion/estate/compound of deposed former President Yanukovych, who stole from the people and ordered the killings of peaceful protesters at Maidan Square a couple of weeks ago. No one in Kiev even knew his compound existed until he fled the country on or around Feb. 21. The public is not allowed to go inside, but we were allowed to do so because of being journalists. Given the low economic standing of the nation, it was literally sickening to see the elaborate riches he had there, including a museum of cars, including old Soviet vehicles, plus a zoo, a golf course, gold everywhere in the mansion. Viktor Hamm, BGEA VP for Crusades, said it was like visiting Babylon, and it was.

We were guided through the house by a man who calls himself “Delta.” He is from Ukraine and formerly served in Israel’s army. He came back here to be a part of this cause against the evils in the Yanukovych regime. He marveled at how this once-great president who was in control of the people and tormenting the people, suddenly went on the run and was chased by the common folk, like him. Like a story right out of the Bible! Delta is an orthodox Jew, but said there is no doubt that God has done this miracle.

Also visited Maidan Square again and interviewed Christian counselors who told some powerful stories of ministering to the people here. Most gripping was a woman counselor, on the front lines of ministry here for weeks, who said these people here are in such pain, and are not in a place to want to hear the Gospel spoken because their trust in man has been so shattered. Instead, she said what they desperately need and want is to experience the love of Christ through real deeds and actions of those willing to help them and serve them. What a word for all of us!

I am so honored and humbled to be here at this moment in time. Thank you for your prayers as, together, we have the incredible privilege of serving great Jesus!