Monthly Archives: September 2018

Selling Out America’s Choice

The media, McCain funeral, and elitist Washington, who blatantly sold out our sitting President. It is abhorrent, that the “peoples” choice, should be viewed as intolerant of this man as the “career” politicians, and Communist/Socialist left media, many receiving donation from Soros too.

I find, Meghan McCain’s remarks as cutting, hateful words, when this President’s daughter Ivanka and her husband were right in the audience; with selfish avarice not one thought went to her and how those words would cut at her heart. We reap what we sow, Meghan. But your hates, and others around you such as Obama’s,
in his Godless, selfish false political ideologies will eat you up all the way to hell.

McCain was afforded a week of pomp and celebration of life, that this President
bequeathed upon him along with General Kelly. Such a celebration is usually only
afforded to Presidents, which McCain was not. NOR according to PBS’s Frontline
last week was he a hero, when in fact the Vietnamese vehemently denied that he
was ever tortured and his injuries were from bailing out of his plane. Hates will eat
you up alive! This man though just died, so I ask God to please forgive me of my
comments, yet, the truths shall set you free. You see I don’t hold “any” man up as
an idol to worship, I only hold one up, his name is Jesus Christ! And GOD after all is the final judge.

I loved my father too, but, I don’t know if he was saved, and there is a possibility that he was not. I did not come to the Cross and salvation until after he died. We
had “church” just like the McCain’s when I grew up. We all “believed in God,” but, the salvation message was never preached in my old Congregational church. But John 3:3 says “Unless a man be born again, he will not enter the kingdom of God.”Period. And there are two Judgments, The Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God when all we who are saved, will be judged on our works..WHAT we did for the Kingdom of God (not the kingdom of self, and pompous selfish acts.) The second judgment is the judgment of all those who did not give their hearts to Christ, the unrepentant, the murderers, the liars, and hell servers of false religions,
and haters of God; before they get cast into hell. And they shall burn for eternity.
And many disbelievers, mockers like the Communist Jew, George Soros, will one day see the error of his ways selling America and God his God of Abraham out!! MY word! HE is in charge, not me. So my question, now remains, did McCain ever repent, or stay in his hostile self-righteousness? For I know of only one President too, who did get saved, (other than President Trump) Lyndon Johnson, who got led to the Lord by Billie Graham. Nixon too, in his pomp self-righteousness refused. JFK and Bobbie were Catholic and prolife, but saved? Maybe. We don’t know and won’t until we reach Heaven. And I hate to tell you Schumer, you too will be thou judged! But Meghan instead of lashing out in hate you should have spoken in Gods love (at a funeral?) and forgiveness! We reap what we sow. The way you treat others’ so will God treat you. And trust me, He exists! There is a Heaven, there is a Hell!

So, this gives us all something to ponder. And your own legacies you leave
behind. I backed and voted for John McCain way back mainly because of
Sarah Palin, who I love. But, even she was banned. Proverbs says, “Boast
not thyself, but let another do it.” John McCain, held himself up higher than
any God. So in fact do Barack Obama, as an evangelical, having written to
him once, my letter was ridiculed in the media. Communist ideologies, lying,
vying for control, and a society other than our Founding Father’s and God
Almighty, will not get you to Heaven.

So, I ask you Senator Graham, at what price, is this love for a man that did a
lot to hurt people. Cause, no America, through the last 40 years was not so hot
or great!! But, God will, it will be, for this President is God’s choice, and will
do HIS will and the will of us American’s who voted for him. Not pacs, or
special interests, or the hates of the world. And I ask you the media, how long
are you going play at this charade? What are you going to do when my President
of choice gets elected again in 2020?

THIS country needs to heal. And Meghan, neither you or your father have done
one thing to that goal, and neither have you Schumer or your left followers or the
Socialist pundits on the news. I watched a wonderful message on Daystar with
Joni Lamb, TD Jakes, and Robert Morris on race, which I cried through the whole
hour. And Obama you are wrong too. All your hates. So this is for you, and your
Chicago, for Meghan, and all you matter what color. You see, Obama,
I didn’t like you, not because of color, but your reading of your own book on
YouTube, your Communist ideologies. I have a Black grandson, 24, and God
I only wish I had input to his life and mistake he’s making.

Robert said, “Hating someone in another race, (or anyone) is feeling superior. And
Prejudice towards another race or otherwise, is judgment (McCain to Trump) and
its PreJUDAS! 1. Racism is pure evil, so is hating another. Romans 12:1 It’s the devil. 2. Pure Self-righteousnesss evil. 3. It violates the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19 4. It violates the Commandments. John 13:34-35 5. Racism/hates
violates the Blood at the CROSS! Acts 17:26 6. It questions GOD’S plan..
Revelation 5:9 (To REDEEM) 7. Racism/hates questions GOD and DEFIES HIM!
John 3:16

For those hates like my President Donald Trump has endured? God is with him. And God also is the FINAL VINDICATOR, Judge , and jury. Romans being the
book of laws! “If” as I know we evangelicals all through America, believe that
this President was chosen by GOD himself, HE will vindicate him, against all the
hates, the media, and including Mueller. I have no doubt that God will raise him
up and an army who will back him, to clean out this Washington DC swamp! The
swamp ALL of you elitist’s, George W. Bush, H.W Bush, (who I voted for) the
Clintons, and Obama’s, ALL had a hand in making evil, and crooked, including
Our FBI. If God be for you, man cannot be against you. Like the days of Moses
when God opened up the seas…I believe in miracles, and I believe the righteous
will prevail. I also believe in His judgments and the fires in CA are such. And
I also believe the Tribulation is around the corner. I tweeted to you once George
W. that you should call up and make up with this President. You do not know
the gracious generous Trump only headlines that are leaked and crooked. But,
that is pride! And God hates pride. You see only God has the right to hate.

“If my people who call out my name shall humble themselves and repent…then
I will heal thy land”. Romans 8:24 “I shall not keep silent.”

Hell is a Place:


PS And I just received this via email.  So while Egypt declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and put Morsi in jail, John McCain helped Obama make them legitimate in America. He knew nothing about the Bible or prophesies, or God’s plan, nor did he care.  He sold America out.  And all those 23 Muslim camps Obama let it the US? McCain knew just like the one just busted in New Mexico. God is the final judge.