The Left And Nationalism 2017

Our Shadow Government

15040_10200250508159171_840861751_nI get really sick of the left media, and those who do not understand, using the word “Nationalism” in relation to Donald J. Trump AS they did Reagan. Have been watching on Netflix, a documentary, by Oliver Stone, which is VERY good, incidentally, and in fact eye opening, on “The Untold History of the United States.” Reagan too, did some things wrong…And there could have been better relations way back with Russia, as Gorbachev was open and Reagan backed down. I read on that above site some of the horrific name calling comments towards Trump. He is not a fascist, he is not a racist. But we have been led down the Communist -Islamic slope with Obama. And the worst deal ever made with Iran, that we just may be stuck with.

So, it seems we have a “SHADOW GOVERNMENT” in America.  And we need to be vigil and  understand the ramifications this is having on our media, how we receive our news, especially now with the major left wing news stations, who ALWAYS refer to us as conservatives, as “extremists”.  Even us who are evangelical Christians, and the Heritage Foundation, not to mention Focus on the Family.  We are deemed radical for having values, and belief in God, against abortion and the murdering of babies, adhering to the Bible, the 10 Commandments, as America and our US Constitution and Federalist Papers, were written by our Founding Fathers.  So here we are, dealing with the left who is Communist, and who have an answer for everything.  Who are they, this Shadow Government?  Well, when you see a Hollywood concert for these causes, or see all these out of control protests, who organized? Ever wonder?

America’s SHADOW GOVERNMENT, of Different left wing groups, including media as Shadow Government, needs to be directed to these following organizations, in photo. Info on photo came from a book one of my friends at church was reading, God’s Chaos Candidate, by Lance Wallnau. This page comes from that book..on Amazon. HOWEVER as I looked through the pages on Amazon, he is also in the false Dominionist movement that Ted Cruz and his father is in. It is not Biblical. However, you can at least read the groups who are behind this SHADOW GOVERNMENT, including Media Matters which is why we do not get accurate reporting, and also all Soro’s money. We are sick and tired of the left ramming your liberal, ungodly, Marxist, Socialist agenda’s down our throats, enslaving America. Communism has never worked, from Russia, Stalin, (which ushered in Ayn Rand as a young girl, Atlas Shrugged, Capitalism) as she saw what the Bolshevik Revolution did in Russia murdering Czar Nickolas. It didn’t work in Cuba, it hasn’t worked in China, with such an underground church for Jesus.  Go back in history and look at Ho Chi Men, Chili, Nicaragua, Vietnam; and none worked.  It always leaves a dictator, while the people suffer, so we will not stand by anymore and see the America we love, not just a democracy, bu a REPUBLIC,  be destroyed anymore.  We did not push back over President Obama, because of color, but because of his Godless ideologies, and his kindred to Muslims, who since the Ottoman Period and before, after 500 AD when Muhammad came on the scene.  Descendant’s of Ismael, and Esau, who was the only one in the whole Bible that God said, “Him do I hate”..(name meaning the hairy one…fighters, wild men which is Islam).   Leaving link to book. But while in Amazon, do a search on books, “Shadow Government” and you’d be surprised at what pops up.  Below: Center for American Progress, Media Access for 527’s, Media Fund, Media Matters, CREW- (Digging up dirt, citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington ) Are they kidding? Also, Hollywood organizations, American votes, (Concerts, speaking out), Vast Funding with George Soros money under this guise:  Open Society and Democracy Alliance, then Social Technology movement with Move on.  org.  ALL SOCIALISTS!  There is no democracy here, no God, no values, no ethics, not helping poor neighborhoods, nor providing jobs, just attacking everything America stood for. THIS IS our Shadow Government.  So we all thought now that our new President Donald Trump is about to be our new President we can sit back and everything is going to be great again?  That’s what I thought.  I’m getting old, now at 77,  I’m a child of WWII, and I was born in 1939, during the end of Wilson’s term and the beginning of Franklin Roosevelt, and WWII.  I remember old black and white newsreels.  No, I implore you, to first watch Oliver Stones documentary, then look up this Shadow Government list and then ? Pray.  What can we do to stop them.  Go back to the late 40’s and the Cold War.  Do your research cause history repeats itself.  President Donald Trump will need all of us who have the slightest amount of intelligence to do our part to get the message of both Jesus and salvation but also WHAT we do stand for, which is not the bigotry, hates, and Communist Marxist views of the left.   George Soros is a Hungarian Communist nonpracticing Godless Jew, and billionaire who funds all these protests.  He hates his own Jews and Israel.…/dp/B01LY37O02/ref=sr_1_4


America’s SHADOW GOVERNMENT,  on photo came from a book one of my friends at church was reading, God’s Chaos Candidate, by Lance Wallnau. This page comes from that book..on Amazon. HOWEVER as I looked through the pages on Amazon, he is also in the false Dominionist movement that Ted Cruz and his father is in. It is not Biblical. However, you can at least read the groups who are behind this SHADOW GOVERNMENT, including Media Matters which is why we do not get accurate reporting, and also all Soro’s money. We are sick and tired of the left ramming your liberal, ungodly, Marxist, Socialist agenda’s down our throats, enslaving America. Communism has never worked, from Russia, Stalin, (which ushered in Ayn Rand as a young girl, Atlas Shrugged, Capitalism) as she saw what the Bolshevik Revolution did in Russia murdering Czar Nickolas. It didn’t work in Cuba, it hasn’t worked in China, with such an underground church for Jesus.  Go back in history and look at Ho Chi Men, Chili, Nicaragua, Vietnam; and none worked.  It always leaves a dictator, while the people suffer, so we will not stand by anymore and see the America we love, not just a democracy, bu a REPUBLIC,  be destroyed anymore.  We did not push back over President Obama, because of color, but because of his Godless ideologies, and his kindred to Muslims, who since the Ottoman Period and before, after 500 AD when Muhammad came on the scene.  Descendant’s of Ismael, and Esau, who was the only one in the whole Bible that God said, “Him do I hate”..(name meaning the hairy one…fighters, wild men which is Islam).   Leaving link to book. But while in Amazon, do a search on books, “Shadow Government” and you’d be surprised at what pops up.…/dp/B01LY37O02/ref=sr_1_4

HOWEVER, the United States of America, is NOT a Communist European country. I’ve read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, and Capitalism. Ayn lived through it during the Russian Revolution and saw the revolutionary soldiers come in and ravage and destroy her father’s small business, and steal right out from under, and saw all the fear, and she too was a Jew. An objectivist. She came here to America to write, and predicted 55 years ago that America would be in this position. Our Founding Father’s did not set up this Republic to be a Communist nation. No way. And since the Clinton’s and Obama with George Soros billionaire money, we have drifted and gone back to some of the European countries, after the Cold War. I detest Communism. And the left Hollywood elite, has always since the McCarthy era, just glorified it…”Oh give to the poor…everything free…while the hypocrites, make millions, with their filth. I posted to Streisand’s Marxist website, “Put your money where your mouth is Babs, and give 3/4’s of your millions, away to the poor.”

IT DOESN’T WORK. And look at Cuba now after 60 years of Communism? Nothing modern, no technology, and what junk cars they have, go back to the 50’s. And go back to China even, remember Beijing? Remember Chili? How about Ho Chi Men? Stalin? All Communist dictators, who lived rich, while the people cannot have or own one thing including a house. All they get is in distribution. No innovation, no work ethics, inventions, creativity, businesses, just do as the “state” tells us. Are they crazy here in America now? Do they not know history? NO. Emphatically NO. What kind of asinine propaganda are coming out of the mouths of college professors?  Gone is anyone like me, now writing this, or even thinking of publishing a book, for Communism IS censorship.  Putin is doing this now, so is North Korea.   Does not the media in this blinded America realize that China still is hurting in spite of all the jobs much of America has provided, (I shop Amazon), they cannot speak out, and have no freedom of speech whatsoever.  They cannot worship and there is a huge underground church for Jesus Christ hidden.  Jesus ministered to the poor, and those with misfortunes, including the woman with the issue of blood, the woman with 5 husbands, the leper, the blind, and not to mention he rose Lazareth up from his deathbed, while Peter attempted to follow Christ and walk on water til he looked up, and lost faith.  But, was Jesus a Socialist or a Communist in his thinking when he did all this as this Pope has insinuated.  Of course not. He wanted us to have FAITH, believe in HIM, and have eternal life, but, did he want us to have Heaven on earth with everything given to us? NO!   We are to work, study, and give the Lord, and our families, and our country our best.


And while Oliver Stone’s documentary was /is very good, you need a certain amount of discernment to watch as he narrates into the present. There is one word that no one knows. BALANCE. BALANCE IN ALL THINGS. Eisenhower a former General warned Truman, and later JFK, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We cannot go back to the carnage of all the wars we have been involved in, including Vietnam, with bodies piled upon each other, as well as women and babies, JUST as Russian has now done in Syria. Balance…we need to learn history; and put all things in perspective. We cannot be the bully nation, but we cannot be the patsy either. We cannot just be Capitalist, and let the truly poor suffer, that is against Christ Jesus too. BALANCE…I guess that’s my New Years, eye opener.

I get so sick of the lefts poor me whiners, always harping about race, with Obama, and why Hillary lost. Once and for all, we the people voted for Donald J Trump, because we wanted a winner, a doer, a man that knew Jesus Christ, and a man who loved America and all we once stood for and hopefully will again. It isn’t about race, color, whether Obama lied and the birther movement was right or wrong. BUT his ideologies from his own lips, and his own book right on YouTube for all to hear and see. His mother was a Communist, so is he, going back to his friend Marshall, when he was a teenager in Hawaii. Obama does not stand for America and hates everything she represents. While Egypt outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, and put Morsi in jail, Obama has been surrounded by ideologues, and Muslim advisors from Valerie Jarrett to CAIR, and changed our Pentagon, military, to be weak. He was giving America away to the UN, as the internet, and letting the world take us over, not to mention his goal of the One World Order. Time for the left to shut up. You lost…So did we for the past 8 years, and it nearly destroyed America. For once we have another chance. Get over yourselves…Communism died in the cold war. It doesn’t work, and never did. My word….I want a new glorious hope for the America I love, before God takes me home!  The left needs to put things in perspective and stop throwing words around like fascist, nationalism, “right wing fanatics”, which I guess in their eyes, I am.  But, I have news for the left wing news media, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NECN, and ABC, if we had the “state” Communist –Socialist nation (we fought so hard to eradicate after WWII both in the UK, and US,) you would have NO FREEDOMS to even report your lies and now what you term “fake news”. Will everyone in this country wake up?  The very thing you want, would put you out of work..  It’s a no brainer.   You see some of us, are really not that stupid as you see us and that includes many of us evangelical Christians across America, who love Israel.

My advice for the oncoming year, let Trump be Trump and do what he does, who has an ingenious creativity and insight, and intelligence to see much deeper than you all give him credit for.  My advice to him?  Hang in there Mr. President, you can’t please everyone.  But, beware of too much military, heed the advice from Eisenhower many, many years back to former Presidents, let us not get pulled into what would destroy all you stand for, as Nixon, Johnson, etc.  End race -bigotry somehow all the way around.  Also rebuild our infrastructure and electrical grids, with American parts, provide jobs, but also while your drilling for oil, or bringing in a pipeline, do not destroy our environment or any danger to water.  Water our most valuable need and asset, with an earth going dry 1,000 miles beneath the ground. Do not discount all of the Global Warming, as some is cyclical, but a lot could be man made.  And have compassion for our native Americans as we have done enough to them in the past.  In other words, Mr President; again, balance in all things with the  discernment of  our Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you Lord for this man of God, who will be our warrior as King David.   God bless his amazing talents, and insights, his family, his compassion and emotions he wears on his sleeve.  He will need all our prayers as of January 20th 2017, as perhaps no other President before him.  But he is God’s chosen, for such a time, as who knows, could be used in these  end times to lead us forward to not only an “Awakening” as never before, and Revival across America, but to the Rapture.  The Anti-Christ is alive and well. And Obama made him proud indeed.  But, this time? GOD was in charge.  And media? Touch not God’s anointed!   And media think of this,  (and I’m thinking of Curt Cameron’s “Left Behind”); if the Bible is true, which I know it is, and Jesus comes in the Rapture soon,  taking first all His saved, believers, and the dead in  Christ will rise from their graves joining their spirit in the air, just think of what will happen before that tribulation.  You’ll have your wish, Donald J Trump will be gone, as all of who are believers and truly saved. In the twinkling of an eye, I Thessalonians.   Planes unmanned with pilots just disappearing, cars, etc.. Then my dears, you will have your America and the world as you want it.  But it is us who pay taxes, it is us who had ministries, as Samaritan’s Purse and gave to the poor, it is us that did good works, it is us, that cared deeply for our Republic, not any of you.  And you will reap what you sowed, and be stuck with a tribulation and Armageddon that will be in the mid-east, and kill 1/3 of this world, in wars, earthquakes, such a ravage, you will never imagine.  A state of rebellion and hates, more than anything seen in history, and total anarchy and Marshall law.  THAT is what will be left after the Rapture.  Then  comes the Great White Throne Judgment and all of you who hate us who are evangelical, will stand before the God you mocked.  And this, dear media, I believe.  T

From: Francis Frangipane (Ministry)                              · 

“One issue keeping America from experiencing a national awakening is this: as church folk we are angry that our nation has not become Christian while, at the same time, we are untroubled that we are not Christlike. —IN CHRIST’S IMAGE TRAINING.”

For once as Christmas approaches, and the New Year approaches, along with the inauguration on the 20th, can we all take a breath of air, and stop all the complaining or bragging, (whichever side you are on) and just get down on your knees and be THANKFUL, for all we have, and that you even had a right to vote and live in a free democracy and Republic.  I thank you Jesus for this my United States of America, and for your hands Lord, on this incoming President.  May he always consult you in all his decisions.  Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2017, to all who read.  (I hope I made sense.) Thank you.

Capitalism vs Socialism…/capitalism-vs-socialism/

The Untold History of the United States