Monthly Archives: April 2014

Creativity, Art, and God

monet-painting-in-his-garden-at-argenteuil-1873I believe that when I see film or read books, on Michelangelo and his ceiling in Rome or figure of David, or see a Renoir portrait or Van Gogh’s landscape of the poppy field, in essence they are divine.  Divine is of God.  It lets us come into a realm that otherwise we might not see.  Whether by a painting, writing or whatever, the artist through his creative process, sees something that the rest of you do not.  It may be a revelation, if they are Christian, or just his own inner soul, but, that being and soul belongs to God.

I’ve seen since a young girl, loving music and art, that the artist is a true servant, for God gave him all his talents.  And did you know also, that Van Gogh, who cut off his ear in his mania, was also bi-polar disorder?  But, Christian or unchristian, God gave them their talent.  An artist has the capacity to delve deeper and see what others do not, even in visions.

There are many Christians who want to write stories or paint, or write music or even go into acting, and many churches or other Christians attempt to condemn and thwart that creative process.  There are many Christians without any talent, and many un-Christians with an abundance of talents.  God is no respecter of persons, and this is something  we seem reluctant to face.  God chooses His artists without any qualifications as He chooses His saints.  If we live by revelation as Christians, then we must be careful not to type-cast and be rigid to others or accept that condemnation, ourselves.  Yes, God raises up a lot of folks that have shown no talents before they come to the Lord, but, there are some churches that are so rigid they deter and condemn creative abilities ramming that person their way instead of God’s, thereby discouraging.

Writers want to be published (as I did) and the painter hopes that someone likes the finished canvass (as I sold and gave many away).  Yet, there are those that don’t want anything from a particular person.  Van Gogh was denied any of his work being bought in his lifetime.  What a terrible burden and disappointment for one’s whole life.  The composer needs his music to be heard.  They are all a part of communication, so we all underestimate the importance.  When we read a book we are not desensitized and like a sponge as we are watching tv.  We are reading along with the writer, and our minds absorb and the creative process lets our imagination grow.  It’s so important that a young child be taught to read and appreciate art, even if just looking at pictures.  A child shouldn’t be in technology all the time, but have a balance that includes enrichment, and to learn an appreciation of talents.

Even musicians communicate by their music.  Maybe it is a purer art form afterall.  But, when we get into Heaven its going to be filled with music and our joy and that will be our communication, not through language or words.  However, I love the English language, and I think our limited use of vocabulary here in the US has degraded so in the last several decades, that even lawyers, forget the profound use of the English word.  Instead we have replaced our language with slang, swearing, or gutturals that go hand in hand with the violence we live in, therefore vocabulary is lost.  Gone are the days, my schoolmates took elocution lessons, or we relish4ed in public debate clubs.  No wonder today, children can’t read, and just sit through a book…it’s all technology, videos, texting, emails.  And while technology and the vision of what it can do for our future is great, there is again, no balance, and kids have lost a valuable asset.  The written English word!  How can we expect them to excel in college, or understand the written word of the Bible, if they cannot read a simple book?  Now, kids want everything fast.

Look at Adam and Eve in Paradise.  How wonderful in Genesis, and beautiful the world in the garden must have looked to them.  The beautiful sunrise, the color of the sky, all the trees and animals and life all untouched by man.  All the stars, and listening to the grass growing even.  How beautiful and lovely before corruption.  That’s what the artist tries to do for the most part, is look beyond that corruption and create.  Its sad for children to be brought up entirely with instruction, Christian or otherwise; and not let a child explore their imagination.  It inhibits us and the fullness of life and imagination looses its’ meaning.  I saw nothing wrong reading Hans Christian Anderson’s tales to my children, and later C.S. Lewis.  But, Dickens and Jane Austin too, sparked our vividness for seeing how they lived in our mines.   We could picture the characters in our minds and envision as the book progressed.  Perhaps as an only child, my solitude kept me far more in touch with this world of imagination and my BJ as well, for he was an only child in every sense.  I was a voracious reader, young and still try hard to find the time.

Christians sometimes have missed the mark in this, and released a confused piety, and except for the Christian gospel, have contributed absolutely nothing to the arts.  I still enjoy watching a Shakespeare play or movie, or Dickens, or Jane Austin on PBS, or movie, or watching the Opera, and loved the three tenors.  I enjoy good jazz yet and watching a deep play, and until recently, in pain, went to the art galleries, and museums.  I enjoy beauty.  Beauty in nature as God created, and beauty through HIS artists.  Not everything is pornographic, objectionable and “not for us Christians”.  There again, discernment.  But, we have lost our way. If I feel joy and see beauty and love in something, then as far as I’m concerned, whether Christian or not, my God created it; through the artist, musician, writer, etc. (including the secular Jewish Barbra Streisand, who once I loved to listen to.

The artist at work (as I am now, and all of you other bloggers) is less bound by time and space than in ordinary life.  And we have to be less restricted in ordinary life than we are.  We cannot be limited or trapped. I’ve been writing today since about 8:30 am this morning, and it is now nearly 12am.  Sometimes I’ve written my books in 10 hour days. If I still have what is in my heart to put down, I can’t stop, and my friends sometimes don’t understand that I cannot just pick and choose my time and go right back where I left off.  Does anyone else feel that way?  It doesn’t work that way for me, perhaps now my age, too and losing my train of thoughts?  But it doesn’t work that way when I paint either.  There is a need to finish the project and see the end result.  God is constantly creating through us, with us, and to co-create with Gods direction is a calling that is very misunderstood by churches.  When I’m working, unless I have advanced meals prepared, I pick at peanut butter sandwiches, because I won’t take the time.  I can’t.  Creating is almost like a baby birthing inside of us.  That baby cries to come out and be heard.  Well, so does the painting and the book and music to the artist.  Billie Joel dreams music, I dream colors and get visions when God births a new painting in me.  Since a child, colors drew me in.  I love colors.  Even in stores I gravitated to the colors on a rack or a particular print.  I love my lavenders, purples, magenta, sages, and reds..brick red..pale yellows and gold…I love colors still.

Ecclesiastes 7:3 “Sorrow better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.  Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; (Hebrew, an ancient 6 string guitar)  upon they harp with a solemn sound.  For thou Lord, hast made me glad through THY work; I will triumph in the works of my hands”.  Psalm 92:3-4  God gives us our talents, which he wants us to use.

Madeleine L’Engle wrote the following excerpts in “Walking on Water”, Reflections on Faith and Art”.   “We are to be children of the light, and we are meant to walk in the light, and we have been groping along in the darkness.  The creative act helps us to emerge into the light, that awful light which the disciples saw on the Mount of Transfiguration, and which the Hebrew children saw on the face of Moses when he had been talking with God on Mt. Sinai.  Even Jesus disciples wanted to trap Jesus, Elijah and Moses in the tabernacles, tame them, pigeonhole and label them, as all of us have continued to do ever since.  If my religion is true, it will stand up to all my questioning, there is no need to fear.  But, if it is not true, if it is man imposing strictures on God” (as in Galileo’s day and Pelosi’s left on abortion now) “then I want to be open to God not, to what man (or woman) says about God, playing at BEING God.  I want to be open to revelation, to new life, to new birth, to new light.”

“The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover.  If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.”  I agree with this implicitly.  “The artist is someone who is full of questions, who cries them in great angst, who discovers rainbow answers in the darkness, then rushes to canvas or paper.  An artist is someone who cannot rest, who can never rest as long as there is suffering and that is divine.  The creative act is an escape from the power of time and ascent to the divine.  Most artists are aware that during the deepest moments of that creation they are out on the other side of themselves…and so are free from time, with the same joyousness that comes in the greatest moments of prayer.”

When I was physically able, I enjoyed tremendously contributing my paintings in art shows here locally, and meeting with other artists.  I discovered that there is an abundance of talented people out there, who give from their heart and donate fine beauty to businesses,  galleries, and even churches.  Unfortunately, the first place schools cut back is the arts.  However, somehow, art and the rich talents of artists have survived and always will as long as God puts His light in our hearts.

So, through my desolation and the pain of my son’s death 10 years ago, and on my road to restoration, I have come out of the wilderness that God placed me and birthed my creativity.  “The wilderness and the solitary place be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.”  Isaiah 35:1  Madeleine said, “We do not judge great art, it judges us.”
*From my  book, “Restoration Road” copyright 2004 Morris Publishing



History’s Past

10259852_10153278794022619_785759798994679469_n First, I am German.  My Paternal Grandfather came here in 1903,  before Hitler.  The Holocaust happened.  I’m also 75.  I remember  as a child of WWII my mother getting terrifying letters from relatives in Germany. My grandmother’s maiden name was Schneider.  In high school I was so ashamed of being a German, in fact no one knew except other German kids.   It took me a long long time to come to terms with it. As Glenn Beck too, name shortened. And one of the first places he visited was the Museum and Auschwitz in Germany.  So many Muslims like Iran, deny ignorantly, the Holocaust existed.  I believe history does repeat itself, especially when we have allowed so many college professors politically left, socialists, to teach.  There is an agenda to change history.  My agenda from my Lord, says, NEVER FORGET THE GRUESOME HISTORY OF THE PAST.  We cannot move forward, without remembering the horrors of yesteryear, lest it be repeated. The list of “bystanders” — those who declined to challenge the Third Reich in any way — that emerges from any study of the Holocaust is long and depressing. Few organizations, in or outside Nazi Germany, did much to resist Nazism or aid its victims. 

For we should never forget…EVER. Photos below.  Plus there are so many documentaries on Netflix.. and I watched many…it sickened me.  But the German people were lied to.  Oh there were a few martyrs, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer,  who tried unsuccessfully to kill Hitler; a pastor, who knew Germany’s freedoms were gone.  And no church spoke out even Martin Luther’s, Lutheran church.   Who knows, I could have Jewish Blood in my veins too.  But I worship, Jesus, as my Lord and He and the disciples were Jews.  From the God of Abraham, Isaac , and Jacob,  the lineage of David.  I have on here Biblical history.  I have Palestinian history.  But,  that land of milk and honey, God gave to the Jew!  Israel, where one day Heaven will reign over it.  To the Arab through Ismael and his mother Hagar, he gave oil! Excerpts from link above: “The list of “bystanders” — those who declined to challenge the Third Reich in any way — that emerges from any study of the Holocaust is long and depressing. Few organizations, in or outside Nazi Germany, did much to resist Nazism or aid its victims. 

[I]t has become abundantly clear that [the Churches’] failure to respond to the horrid events…was not due to ignorance; they knew what was happening. Ultimately, the Churches’ lapses during the Nazi era were lapses of vision and determination.

Assisting European Jews was not a high priority of the Allied governments as they sought to defeat Hitler militarily. The courageous acts of individual rescuers and resistance members proved to be the exception, not the norm.  To a great extent, this inertia defined the organized Christian community as well. Churches throughout Europe were mostly silent while Jews were persecuted, deported and murdered. In Nazi Germany in September 1935, there were a few Christians in the Protestant Confessing Church who demanded that their Church take a public stand in defense of the Jews. Their efforts, however, were overruled by Church leaders who wanted to avoid any conflict with the Nazi regime. Internationally, some Church leaders in Europe and North America did condemn the Nazis’ measures against the Jews, and there were many debates about how Christians outside Nazi Germany and Nazi-occupied territory should best respond to Hitler’s brutal policies. These discussions, however, tended to become focused more on secondary strategic considerations — like maintaining good relations with colleagues in the German Churches — than on the central humanitarian issues that were really at stake.”

I took Ancient Civ in college, and loved it.  The Arab goal now is a caliphate,   and has been since way before the Ottoman Period.   Their goal is to take  over all of Western Civilization.  Why, so much hates?  And what they do to women?  People that surgically impose their will on your girls 8 years old, and younger, and hide women and beat them, never mind having no remorse to cutting someone’s head off, I have a hard time, “loving my enemy”.    Ninety five % of Brussels  Belgium now is Arab, and not far behind is the UK, who are having  a terrible time. And I don’t want all that abuse and Sharia law here in the US one iota.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Photos of Genocide

From Ellie Wiesel’s “Night” which I read. He was 15 and IN the German camps.

OUT OF EVIL, GOOD MUST FLOURISH- Ellie Weisel Foundation for Humanity

The Israeli’s 6 day war docu clip:

When Hitler was gaining power before WWII and begun to infiltrate the churches, no one spoke out at all.  There were hero’s afterward, like Eric Bonhoeffer, but no one really spoke out against him, even Martin Luther, after he broke away from the Catholic Church, starting the Lutheran Church. From Irwin Lutzer’s book “Hitler’s Cross”:

“Six million Jews…dead. The monstrosity of Adolph Hitler’s ‘Third Reich’ remains a stunning chapter in the pages of history. Although the power by which he hypnotized an entire nation is legendary, one question in particular begs an answer: Where was the church of Christ? Seduced by the Satanic majesty of The Fuhrer, church leaders throughout Germany allowed the Swastika a prominent place alongside the Christian cross in their sanctuaries. Nationalistic pride replaced the call of God to purity, and with few exceptions, the German church looked away while Adolph Hitler implemented his ‘Final Solution’ to his Jewish problem. How did this happen? In Hitler’s Cross, Erwin W. Lutzer examines the lessons that may be learned from studying the deception of the church: the dangers of confusing “church and state,” how the church lost its focus, the role of God in human tragedy, the parameters of Satan’s freedom, the truth behind Hitler’s hatred of the Jews, the faithfulness of God to His people who suffer for Him, the comparisons between Hitler’s rise and the coming reign of the Antichrist, and America’s hidden cross-her dangerous trends. Hitler’s Cross is the story of a nation whose church forgot its primary call and discovered its failure too late.”

Hitler’s Cross by Irwin Lutzer with a Forward by Ravi Zacharias on




Joel Rosenburgs Blog:

NOW…Are we to go through more genocide with Islamic Terrorists?  What will the churches profess?  Will it once more be too late? Photo below of all the Mosques in the US. 10299946_10152694825986729_8491321106857154688_n

Hollywood’s Agenda

The following is from Rev. Franklin Graham in “Decision” magazine. “Hollywood, Entertaining ourselves to death? Whether or not we realize it, we all have been influenced by the entertainment industry more than we might think. When I was a young boy, about the most risqué’ thing I remember watching on television was Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke. Just a decade later, far more explicit and suggestive scenes were commonplace. Now,, even watching the advertisements on television or viewing the trailers fro movies is enough to make you blush. Our culture has been so desensitized to immorality and debauchery that we have lost even the semblance of a moral compass.”

posters_088Yes, and older that I am, than Franklin, I can add to this. In 1948 my dad an electronic engineer, and business owner, had the first tv in the State of NH. I was 8 years old with my picture in the newspaper. It was to change things forever, now as internet has forever changed having only tv. But we were back then taught morals, us girls taught to be young ladies, and have manners, respecting our elders, and saying please, and thank you. The Bible says, spare the rod, spoil the child. The family then was the backbone as the churches of this society. Now the Progressives have made the Government and their prodding technology, overseeing even our basic values, priority over the family, not to mention Obamacare.

“The Bible says: ‘But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, blasphemers, unholy, without self control; despiser’s of good, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. And from such people – Turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives; for their folly will be manifest to all. 2 Timothy 3:1-9

What a description of our world today and its godless entertainment. Are we turning away or applauding what Hollywood is pumping out?” (There are terrible scenes now on tv, with sex, murder, and even decapitation. Nothing is secret anymore, or kept private, including what should only be between a husband and wife and the marriage bed.)

“Such scenes should trigger righteous anger, but many parents do not regulate entertainment for their children or themselves.” (Used to be too, that children had chores to do around the house and yard, to earn an allowance. Now its gimmee, gimmee, I want and I’ll get on my terms.)” What about the Bible commands, and are they even welcome in our homes, instead watching the flaunting of sin that glorifies the flesh and curses the Name of Jesus (constantly on tv) while on Sundays He is glorified at church? Matthew 22:37 Is it possible to obey God with the whole mind while feeding on godlessness? The answer is no, yet we let strangers ‘creep’ into our homes and minds. Sinful entertainment deposits rubbish in the mind, giving Satan a foothold in our lives. Once There, he thrashes around even as we sleep.”

“To consider how far we’ve come in just 60 years is disturbing. Suggestive jokes in the 1970’s are today fully demonstrated in speech and acts, conditioning the carnal mind to openly celebrate shameful behavior. Even Disney World is preparing for Gay Day at the Magical Kingdom, exposing thousands of children to a lifestyle that the Bible calls corrupt. (Deuteronomy) Again the Bible declares, ‘For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds; bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ’ 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.

Sinful entertainment deposits rubbish in the mind, giving Satan a foothold in our lives. (Ephesians 4:27) Once there he thrashes around even as we sleep. Whatever has entered the mind crosses the welcome mat as a thief and begins its lethal work of breaking down defenses. The moral compass that once guided our nation’s people has been ridiculed and rejected, making sin the national sport and pastime. What happened? Removing God-Consciousness from society has given way to self-gratification, chasing after the ‘sin which so easily ensnares’ (Hebrews 12:1). The Bible calls it folly. What is the antidote? “put on the Lord Jesus Christ an make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” Romans 13:14.

“God’s people need to rise to the hype calling of Christ and e light in the darkness. ‘For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them!” Ephesians 5:8-16

“Almighty God spoke the world into existence and He will have the last word! The day is coming soon, when the heavens will become HIS grand theater for the drama of the ages. He will spit the canvassed sky wide open and all who have ever lived will behold when the ‘Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to convict all who are ungodly. (Jude 14-15) But until that day, let’s not run after the ungodly amusement. Let’s be about our Father’s business as genuine believers testifying of the Savior who lives IN US, to redeem lost and wandering souls for HIS KINGDOM!” 2014 BGEA Billy Graham Evangelist Association

A Case For Moral Absolutes

cat like Friskie & BJMuch has been written on the “case for moral absolutes”, and I have included several sites as well as RBC ministries PDF on the subject. Some of which I do not necessarily agree with.

Those of us that are born again Christians and are also political conservatives,  face a harder scrutiny, even among our liberal Christians.  I believe in voting for a person, according to the Bible.  For me? It is clear and simple, abortion and my staunch stance against it, being number one.   I’ve seen in my Christian walk, too much suffering among women who now follow Christ, but, had an abortion in their past.  That hole in their side, that emptiness, that wonder of what that child would be like, never goes away.  Like the hole in Jesus side, He left for us.  Wherefore, I made a decision…no God made that decision, many years ago, when I came to the Cross,  that I could never ever vote for a Pro-Choice candidate.  I’ll go one step further.   I believe with all my heart, that the decision to vote even for a pro-choice candidate, will be among the top things we will be judged when we stand at that Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God!  That is my conscience, my soul, my beliefs, my opinion.   The 6th Commandment, “thou shall not kill,” is to me abortion, and the MURDERS of all these babies.  I stand by it.  (See photos of aborted babies, on my Abortion blog, and the links to Black Genocide and Rev. Childress.

I believe that our moral code still comes from the 10 Commandments.1, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make any graven images. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vain.  4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.  5. Honor thy father and thy mother. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shall not commit adultery. 8.  Thou shall not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife or anything of thy neighbors.  All right, yes, under the New Testament we are saved by grace.  But, the law coming God gave Moses and these 10 Commandments were the very fiber of the laws of our land starting with our US Constitution and our Us Supreme Court.  With the Ten Commandments STILL etched in stone there…not yet removed by the secularists.  It is what we should adhere to as Christians.

Ecclesiastes says there is a time for peace, a time for war.  I honor our American soldiers and Veterans for their sacrifice to our country.  When they have to kill it is to protect America, (now against radicals that want to destroy our Western way of Civilization and faith in Jesus.) There IS a difference.  They are to be HONORED.   We are in dangerous times.  For those politically correct, you and your secularism are leading us too, closer to Sharia law and not the law God gave to Moses.  Wisdom and clarity begin with knowing God, and having moral absolutes.

Attached links and PDF are arguments that have been carried on for a long time.  What happened in Germany with Hitler, came about too, because none of the churches stood up with moral absolutes against him in protest.  He was a madman, with schizophrenia in his family, and being fed drugs and yes even Cocaine by his doctor.  He was a killer.  Like Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood and all the abortions since, that dear
Hillary holds up in reverence.  She is a murderer!  So was it an atrocity to what Joe Kennedy did to his daughter Rosemary because she was challenged, putting her in a hospital in VA and getting her a lobotomy without even telling his own wife!   Like Hitler and Sanger…if you are an imbecile, we need to eliminate you.   Still think there shouldn’t be any moral absolutes?  Eliminate the Jews, the imbeciles,  those with Down Syndrome, (Like Sarah Palin’s child?), and the crippled or elderly who can’t pull their weight, as well as the Blacks, and those not “superior”.   How dare there be no moral absolutes and anyone vote for people that hold up murderers, and call themselves a Christian!  How dare you mock and insult God!  Now I see why Eunice Shriver did all she could with the Special Olympics.  Her own father!

In this immoral society now, anything goes.  All that is on TV, is sex, and lewdness, and  filthy language.   The moral fabric of our teenagers now has deteriorated so much, with this “hooking up” and all the nude photos they send via email.  Where are the parents?  The bullying, the hatred, the prejudices and racism are not of God.  There are no moral absolutes, as anything goes.  We have become like Sodom and Gomorrah.  Remember Lots wife, when  she looked back as they fled, with lust and longing, and God turned her into a pillar of salt?  Does ANYONE fear God anymore?  Is He just a namby pamby love, love, love…But, no  wrath or judgment?  I don’t think so.  You that sin, will be punished one way or another.  We are now like Sodem & Gomorah and anything goes, especially on reality tv. See also this on our Pop Culture:

This Pop Culture vs The Bible

If you commit adultery, you are a sinner.  If you fornicate and are not married, yet call yourself a Christian, you are a sinner.  If you steal you are a sinner.  The Ten Commandments were given to us as a guidepost.  So, you out there that are liberal Christians, voting for your unions, and your pensions, and your feminist beliefs and pro-choice…You are a sinner!  Why?  Because my BIBLE tells me so!

Youth?  Get it together, and get on your knees and repent at the Cross of Jesus, and beg God to forgive you.  Then live a Godly life and let HIM minister to you and change you.   You all in Washington?  Dear Hillary, Obama, killing Black Babies in poor sections of cities with your Planned Parenthood, Barney Frank with your gay lifestyle…You are sinners!   Your going to hell!   Period.  But, you will not lead this here woman over to your lifestyle choices.  For I will STAND like a rock and not waver in the wind or the waves.   But, will keep my Lord’s Commandments, and love and fear Him only.   Only Him do I trust.  And I believe with all my heart…how we vote? We will be judged!  Jesus is coming…  Soon..This too I believe.  For we have become such an Ungodly nation of fools with all this progressive movement, which would never work…Those that tried it or Communism have admitted it failed. Come back to the CROSS…Only HE is tried and true.  God help us all as I pray for our nation and the world.

Reaping What America Has Sown

patriotic_usa_wallpaper_f082011-1280x720.jpgI heard a thought provoking teaching by Dr. Charles Stanley yesterday. I put the link on my Facebook on “America’s Future”.

I am convinced we, in America just don’t “get it”.  I have long since been extremely contentious on moral absolutes and the fact that we have become morally decayed.  More and more God and especially Jesus has been taken out of our laws, schools, and society.    We have literally thrown Jesus out with the bathwater.  One by one, Christian rights, liberties, and freedoms have been tossed aside.  While the liberals fight for civil rights they have infringed on the very core that made America what it once was.

Once upon a time in an early America, the Church was the very fabric of a town, a city and early society.   Our Founding Fathers were Christian.  But, slowly through history and a cause to eliminate any reference to Christianity in our history, it has been changed, mostly by judges.  I give that trial with Judge Hugo Black as a perfect example.  He ADDED to our Constitution from the bench.  Whereby, our “separation of church and state” which is non existent in the Constitution was thereby incorporated as if that was Jefferson’s doing,  10 years after the Constitution was signed.   (I have all this on another blog).

The church used to be the fundamental backbone of any community in America.  Meetings were held there, moral decisions about the direction of a town and its’ leadership were prayed about and discussed there.  The churches in America from even the tiniest little country church in the west, all had a pivotal influence in the communities throughout America.  We held to the character of our leaders, and integrity, with checks and balances from local churches and God Almighty Himself.   That, sadly,  is no longer true.  Now, churches keep silent.  And with that silence is an apathy, that is letting our country and all that is reverent, be taken from us.
Do we care?  I do.  Whereby, I thank Dr. Stanley from the bottom of my heart for his sermon yesterday.  For he is absolutely right.  Judgment begins in the house of the Lord, and it is time without a doubt, that America and politics starts getting preached from every pulpit across America.  For I believe in moral absolutes….and it is only from you who are preachers of the word of God, can we influence a society that is desensitized.

It doesn’t happen all at once.  But, slowly, slowly we saw prayer taken out of schools.  I’m 70, I prayed in public schools.  We had Jewish kids there and other nationalities, Catholic and Protestant.  We pledged Allegiance to the flag, and we had a short prayer. It didn’t hurt or offend anyone, and there was no ACLU threatening lawsuits.  We all believed in God, especially then after WWII.   Then there is the lawsuit over the cross standing as it had forever, in the Hollywood Hills representing Los Angeles, the “city of angels”.  There is almost a parady to that now.   But, that is how it was originally.  We have abortions, which God calls murder, crooks in Washington, crooks on Wall St., Socialism creeping in ever so slyly. If ever a country needed God, it is America!   Thank you again Dr. Stanley for lighting this fire in me, which I had  before, but, now you confirmed I was not wrong.

Galations 6:7 “Be not deceived GOD IS NOT MOCKED!”  (Refers to the fact that believers can definitely be deceived; allowing false teachings to move their Faith from the Cross to other things…including letting liberalism in a church.)  “FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWS THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP.”  A lot of the teachings I’d had in the past always referred this to money.  It is not just money..but ALL we do, and are and profess to be in Christ Jesus.

“For he who sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit shall to the spirit reap life everlasting.” (GOD’S PRESCRIBED ORDER FOR VICTORY!)  Man and the ACLU can change laws, but NOT GOD’S LAWS.  We used to be under this umbrella in America, from the politicians to Main St., and most of all our Churches, which was all the umbrella of the Word of God.  And now we are reaping what we have sowed.  HIS name which is written in Glory is becoming hidden, squashed.   But, God will not be mocked!   For this woman believes with all her being that God’s hands of protection (as with 9/11) are almost off of America, and especially now with this Marxist President who has gone against Netanyahu and Israel!

I say this to you, Mr. President, who called himself falsely a Christian, never hearing any scriptures of Jesus love for you, only hatreds against us that are White for 20 years.  Listen…Gal. 5:25 “If we live in the Spirit let us walk in the spirit.” That is not YOUR narcissistic spirit but, the spirit of the living God. 26″ Let us not be desirous of vain Glory, provoking one another.” (Self righteousness holding yourself up high, instead of a humble spirit.) Pride cometh before the fall in Proverbs..EVEN for a President, as it did in Kings..Kings have been toppled and so can Presidents.  For there is nothing around you that is righteous, only corruption which puts on incorruption.

Philippians 2:3 “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but, in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”  For ONE day, “Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”  And for you, Obama, here is the scriptures on “race”, “groups,” “color,” “divides”, unlike the hatreds opined by Rev. Wright, my God is truth.  ” Gal. 3:26 “For you are all the children of God by FAITH in Jesus Christ “(saved, washed under the blood)” For as many of you have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond” (black slave)” nor free, there is neither male, nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you be Christ’s, then you are Abrahams seed and heirs according to the Promise”. Every person who is saved and every person who has ever been or ever will be saved, is saved only by Faith and what Jesus did on the Cross.  We are all ONE under Christ.  There is no White group, Black group, German Group, Hispanic Group…roots…We are EQUAL under the Cross, and our roots become with HIM.

Freedom has a price.Isaiah 5:18″Woe unto them who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope.”  God help this nation and all those speaking vanity in Washington..and Churches across this land, not speaking out at all.  God help us.  For God shall not be mocked! “Woe unto those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own right! ” God gives a warning; and that warning I see is prudent for our whole Congress who want to ram legislation down our throats in spite of  the “majority of the people, by the people”.

Do we in America realize that we are at war?  I don’t mean war in Iraq, Afghanistan…I mean right here, to hold fast to the America our Founding Father’s gave us.  Joshua 1:9 ” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wheresoever you go.”  We are COMMANDED to preach in the pulpits.  We are commanded as the late Dr. James Kennedy preached on America, and now Stanley, and Pastor Hagee.  But, the majority are not preaching in churches on losing America; on standing; on fighting for what is right.  Charles said, “love your enemies” is taken out of context. Enemies are unlovable, even in war.  It is only by the Holy Spirit that our enemies can be loved.  But, in war, as Joshua  and David, still killed.

To see how kings (Presidents) can fall? Look at Daniel. Remember Belshazzar’s feast? Dan. 5-5-6 “In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candle -stick upon the plaster of the wall of the King’s palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote” (this is the same spiritual hand which inscribed the 10 Commandments on two tablets of stone.) “Then the King’s countenance was changed…”( he must have become white and shook, for it scared the devil out of him. ) All his wise men like Obama’s wise men, and all his Czars, may not be able to help him, if we all just pray…PRAY..P R A Y..Nothing helped Richard Nixon..did it?  But, that shamed man of Watergate, still did good things, and it was he who remembered his mother’s Quaker prayers, and gave US money to Israel and helped her with troops during the 60’s and 6-day War.  Nixon, disgraced, but forgiven and saved by the blood of the Cross.  What will Obama’s legacy be?  For when Daniel was finally called in as Pastor Hagee said, when he gave the interpretation to the King, he was NOT politically correct!  He told the truth..He STOOD.

We have had more than 50 million babies murdered, calling it a fetus and abortion.  We have lost our prayer in schools thanks to Judge Hugo Black.
We have lost the 10 Commandments in public places, nativity scenes in parks and even churches at Christmas.  We are told during Christmas by stores, “happy holiday”, but, we are not allowed????to say Merry Christmas?  Now even this principal and his friends arrested and being (thankfully) represented by Liberty Council for praying before a meal publicly?  We are desensitized as a society.  No one speaks up.except Sarah Palin,  and Carrie, the ousted Ms USA.   We are losing America.  Are we all that apathetic?   Where are we headed?  Do YOU care?  Will YOU encourage your church to STAND for the truth?   We cannot be free without STANDING!

For like a woman who has had an abortion.  That hole is always there eating her soul.  I’ve seen the young women.  Even saved, forgiven by the Lord, as they may end up…They are reaping what they have sown. America too, has all these holes in her a ship that is slowly sinking with no one watching the bow.  No one cared about a few little leeks the ACLU took away..But, now those leeks have grown and grown.  America is making herself known in tea parties and across America’s town halls, but, we need to pray and come together STANDING, one nation UNDER GOD…WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!  WE, are after all the people.

The Forgotten War (1812)

American’s think of the horrific day of infamy on 9/11 or Pearl Harbor when we think of an act of war on American soil, however, we have forgotten in our history the War of 1812, which was just as horrific, if not more so. For at that time the President’s House, newly renovated after our third President’s term, Thomas Jefferson, by Dolley Payne Madison, First lady and wife of our fourth President, James Madison, the Father of the Constitution; only to suffer unheard of destruction.

Dolley was a Quaker of the John Payne family, who had later resided in Philadelphia, where she had met and married John Todd; having a daughter with him who died young, and a son Payne, when Todd himself died young as well. While only 11 years old, she had met the wonderful James Madison, not realizing it was destined at so young an age. After Todd’s death she met him again, along with another potential suitor, Aaron Burr. She had always known Burr, and thought
him a kindly man, though not really knowing the reserved only 5’6” Madison. At last she chose James Madison, who was overjoyed at the prospect of having Dolley as his wife and welcoming her son, Payne, as his own.

James Madison, (as well as Thomas Jefferson) was a brilliant man. By the age of 12 years he was reading Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Sallust, Terence, and Justinian. He was also learning Spanish and French, both with a Scottish accent. In 1759 when he was eighteen, he arrived at the College of New Jersey, and here, became a zealous patriot, untiring scholar, probing philosopher, ribald satirist. Returning home then, he was physically debilitated but still an ardent student, this time of religious history, international law, and politics, which was to make him later described as “the best informed man in America on the principles of government and the keenest analyst the world had yet produced of the relationship between government and economics.” (Note: It would be a blessing if we had this man in office now with our trillions of debt!)

By June 25, 1778, Virginia voted 89 to 79 to ratify the Constitution. But it was not the deciding state, after all. For already on June 21, little New Hampshire had become the ninth to ratify. From NH to Georgia the bells were ringing and the flags waved with parades and celebrations, with Calvary, light infantry, a herald with a trumpet proclaiming a “New era”.. The cries of Patrick Henry…”Give me liberty of give me death.” And James Madison was at the head of this magnificent document, the Constitution of the United States of America, which is still held as sacred, throughout modern day battles, with judges taking liberties they shouldn’t have, as with the case of Church & State, which was based upon a single personal letter, from Jefferson to the Baptists in Danbury CT, not the actual Constitution itself. The courts ‘incorporated “ it rather illegally into it’s own interpretation…and wrongly, I might add! Roe vs Wade, too, took liberties that were not in the Constitution.

However, the country then in 1778, was still in turmoil, its two political factions polarized. The Republicans headed by Thomas Jefferson, lover of France and ardent Democrat, were in sympathy with the new republic, arguing for support of the treaty even if it led to war. Its excesses, Jefferson believed stoutly, were only temporary. Its ideals –liberty, equality, fraternity- would triumph in the end. On the other hand, Federalists, many of whom had remained Tories even during the Revolution, were all for support of England. The treaty, the claimed, had been made with the King, and the King was dead. Therefore it was void. Not so, asserted Jefferson. A treaty was made with a “country” not a person, and was sacred. Madison had explained to Dolley that there were “three fundamental types of government,” as he had outlined in a paper entitled “Spirit of Governments.” There are military despotism’s, under which human nature has groaned through every age; there are money despotism’s, which pretend to give liberty (Obama’s Administration now!) but really rely on interested partisans to defend the domination of the few over the freedom of the many; and there are republican governments (which remember then were democrats), which it is the glory of America to have invented, and her unrivaled happiness to possess.

Jefferson and Madison had opposed Hamilton on many issues: the creation of a National Bank, which they condemned as both unconstitutional and profitable to merchants and financiers rather than to the mass of the people: the protection of manufacturers by the taxing powers of Congress through subsidies, tariffs, and prohibition of competitive imports; the attempted suppression of democratic societies formed in protest of government policies. “The rights of citizens,” asserted Madison firmly, “to enter into voluntary organizations and to censure the government as they see fit, must be inviolable if a people are to remain free.” (Note, does that sound like the fights in Washington now with Freddie and Fanny, Madoff, Corzine not to mention Timothy Geitner printing and printing money we can’t back up.)

For this opposing view clashed on foreign as well as domestic problems. During the Revolution and the years immediately after there had been strong national affection for France, but as years passed an increasing number renewed their loyalty to Britain. (Then why did they come here in the first place?) In the Constitutional debate Hamilton along with other conservatives, had revealed his preference for the British monarchical system. He had lost. Jefferson, though, interpreted the excesses of the French liberationists (for Napoleon was reigning yet) as indictments not of democracy but of the abuses of monarchy, and had been deeply involved as his 5 years as minister to France. Both Madison and his friend Jefferson, were accumulating a magnificent library, and to Madison’s hundreds of books, Jefferson had thousands in Monticello, that they read too.

Madison fought hard with other Democratic-Republicans in the House before he was elected President, to prevent the implementation of the unfair and unpopular treaty that Washington had reluctantly signed. Number 58 of his “Federalist Papers. “The House cannot only refuse but they alone can propose the supplies requisite for the support of government.” THEY HAD (AND DO NOW) THE POWER OF THE PURSE.” Throughout it all Dolley listened, learned, understood, and sympathized with James’ frustration, become his ardent helpmate throughout their lives.

In the election of 1800, when Jefferson had run for President, James had shar4ed in the calumnies heaped on his head by the opposition. Jefferson, (like today) had been accus4ed of every crime but murder. Dolley smarted at the memory of the slanders directed at them both: atheism, cowardice in the Revolution, hostility to commerce and manufacturers, ruthless ambition, government by the riffraff, the dregs of society. CHANGE, opponents had decried! Exchange Secretary of State John Marshall for a James Madison? (Same as today’s fights). And Madison did serve as this third President’s Secretary of State. And for 16 years the Madison’s would live and be a part of the Washington life, throughout the turmoil and war to come.

Later on, too, Dolley was recalling the friendship (and almost marriage) to Aaron Burr, whose treachery, when it was finally proven, seemed to Dolley as a personal betrayal. But the fall of 1806 there was indisputable evidence that Burr was conspiring to found a separate nation to the West, collaborating with Britain to take the Southwest out of the United States by armed revolt. His partner in this conspiracy seemed to be General James Wilkinson, commander in chief of the American Army and governor of Upper Louisiana, who realizing finally the reality of things,notified the President and caused Burr’s arrest. Wherefore, Burr was tried for high treason. However, just as in today’s news, with Attorney General Holder, there too, was harsh condemnation of the Chief Justice for his narrow interpretation of the treason clause in the Constitution and he dismissed the evidence on technical grounds. Wherefore, Dolly recalled, the trial was a farce…”a circus, politicians juggling for Marshall’s favor.”

Jefferson throughout this time was a strong defender of the equality and rights of the people and the Constitution he and Madison helped design and a strong President. He stayed loyal to America and his friends. He accomplished much and was maligned in current history and slandered I think wrongly by the left, who needed a scapegoat, over the whole Hemming thing. True of false, it cannot take away from his intelligence, loyalty to this country, and friends, and accomplishments.

Madison became his successor as President in 1809, and a two year term to 1817. Both Presidents always remained close friends, journeying later from each others homes, Jefferson’s Monticello and Madison’s Montpelier. By 1812, the war crisis was coming to a head. In fact war was already starting. New York was blockaded. American ships were being seized, as if by pirates holding up income from trade. War was being decried, but,(unlike Obama today with Libya)Madison responded that the “President can make recommendations, but, ONLY Congress could declare war.” (That being true, why hasn’t OUR Congress challenged this President?) On June 4, 1812, the House voted for war 79 to 49. On June 17, the Senate concurred with the vote, 19 to 13. The President, (Madison) that night was pale indeed.

All through a century and a half later historians would still be arguing over the wisdom of the war of 1812 and of the man on whose slender but resolute shoulders rested the burdens as Commander in Chief. (America’s 2nd War of Independence). America was like a puny bold David challenging the heavy giant Goliath. Madison had to choose his generals either from aging Revolutionary veterans or from young officers who had no war experience. The first source of danger was from British troops controlling the Great Lakes and lower Canada, with tribes of hostel Indians as their allies. They moved into Detroit too. Congress was refusing to raise the necessary taxes, except through the painless method of taxing imports, and unfortunately there were no imports. (Sound familiar now?) Turned out General Hull eventually was court-martial ed, and showed his cowardice and blundering to the enemy. Then Captain Isaac Hull, commander of the frigate, Constitution, had captured, burned, and sunk the British frigate, Guerriere. And while the election of 1812 was bitterly contested, Madison still got in a 2nd term in the middle of war, with the Federalists, like John Adams, giving him strong defense.

By 1814, they were embroiled in war, Britain’s pacific offer of negotiation had been just empty words. Conquest of Napoleon had left her free to concentrate on America, and opinions waxed hot. Then the fateful August 24th, Dolley to her horror on the night, fixed hour after hour on the angry red glow in the sky, as the Brits were coming up the Potomac. They had both left the Presidents House on warning’s, Dolley with friends, having taking everything of importance such as James papers, out of the house, while James rode with leaders in this climatic war. Every building was set on fire, and the Presidents House and Library of Congress was in flames. All that remained standing and black after was the 4-square, while the glow in the sky raged. But, something happened that night of miracle proportion. GOD Almighty intervened. And as the British soldiers were burning, and ravaging what souvenirs they take, a huge huge hurricane came out of nowhere, and between the horrific pelting rain and heavy winds, the British soldiers could not even stand up, never mind do any more damage. Then again, out of nowhere, came this tornado, that ripped through Washington DC. The Brits were then defeated. God in the supernatural protected what was left of our capital. And God too, was given credit (not the usual liberal “mother nature”) in the History channels recent documentary. (Note: remember too, months ago, when the earthquake rattled Washington and Maryland? That too,was GOD sending us a warning! And THIS I believe. Therefore, later when they started to rebuild, it was changed from the President’s House to the White House as the 4-square had to be painted white.

I can’t even fathom after the devastation we saw after 9/11 and the Pentagon, what James, Dolley, and the rest saw when they went back. She did not cry or scream or vent in any way, seeing the destruction all around her, and the shock and outrage was in Britain as well as Washington. It violated her gentlemanly code of ethics in warfare. While burning, pillaging, despoiling of private property, even murder and rape of civilians which should have been condoned, was swept under the rug, with this horrific destruction of the citadels of government. And boldly and courageously, once James was reunited with her, in his arms, she did finally weep, but they were tears of joy. The worst was over. Whatever happened now, they could face it, boldly, as long as together.

After this, Francis Scott Key’s poem “Oh, say can you see by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?” appeared in the National Intelligence, which Dolley read with shining eyes. And the Star Spangled Banner was then born as our national anthem. How fitting…and now it’s words make total sense. For this dawn’s early light was America…a war and fire on our land – our Capital, our President’s house. And after 9/11 we had better start remembering this war too, and stay prepared from terrorists, so it never happens again. And that entails a strong military presence!

Some later in history, reputed Madison to be a puny weak and timid President. He was not! Yet in that same year of 1815, Justice Joseph Story wrote: “Never did a country occupy more lofty ground; we have stood the contest, single-handed, against the conqueror of Europe and We are at peace, with all our blushing victories, thick crowding on us. If I do not much mistake, we shall attain to a very high character as well as crush domestic faction.” A century later, Irving Brant wrote, “It was under the guiding hand of President James Madison, that the struggling young country won an equal position among the free nations of the world, and began its long climb to leadership.” The youthful nation had come of age. Meanwhile while they rented a house, while the White House was being appropriated and rebuilt, life began again. And look at us now, since these past 3 years, declining in leadership, with other countries with an apologetic President, that doesn’t even understand his countries revered greatness.

Already Jefferson had offered to compensate for one of the Capitol’s greatest losses, the Congressional Library. It turned the British Vandalism almost into a blessing. For the old Library had contained only some three thousand volumes, while Jefferson’s was twice as large chosen to fit the needs of scholars and statesmen. Whereby, eventually, Congress agreed to Purchase the library of some six thousand volumes, for a modest $23,950. The books arrived in Washington via a wagon train from Monticello, VA. Peace and prosperity after a treaty, once more ensued. The Union was saved. And soon the Madison’s were once again in the new White House. It was 1816.

By 1817, after two terms, Monroe took the oath of office, before Chief Justice Marshall, and the Madison’s returned to Montpelier in VA, with their friend Thomas Jefferson in nearby Monticello. They couldn’t have been happier.

Later on, Madison attended the celebration of the July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, his friends (Jefferson) noblest achievement. Fittingly Jefferson, died that very day soon after noon. Strangely, enough, while the citizens of Quincy, Massachusetts were celebrating the same 50th , John Adams, his predecessor died as well.

The partnership between Jefferson and Madison was the most remarkable in history. “The Great Collaboration,” one historian would call it. The two such scholarly, knowledgeable men. Madison app4eared less studied, brilliant and frank, more natural, candid and profound. Jef4rson had more imagination and passion, quicker and richer conceptions. The truth were they were two dies of the “same” coin, metal fused in the heat of their democratic idealism, and spent without stint in its pursuit. “Take care of me when dead. James knew what he had meant. Keep on where I leave off. As Dolley would do until her death after James had died. She kept in pursuit for years for all his papers to be published – this very learned man. Yet, both men here, always remained humble. And Dolley too, lived through 13 Presidents, friends with Martha Washington in her early years, who she felt a mentor.

When they both helped form the University of VA in later years, Jefferson was horrified at the influx of undisciplined youth from wealthy families, who attacked professors, frequented taverns, turned the dormitories into gambling dens, even throwing a stink bomb into a professors house. Jefferson rose before the board, looking at the defiance of these youth, in the tenderness of a father, and couldn’t speak, instead, this big man, sat back down in tears. Shocked, the students submitted, acknowledged their faults, answering all questions. Abashed by the great man’s tears, they had willingly subscribed to a new disciplinary system. Reading this, in my own tears, I think of “Occupy” and these young undisciplined, uneducated youth, that haven’t a clue to our Constitution and all that made this country what it was and is. I include Obama in this, who also hasn’t a clue as to the Great Country, he rules. And let me tell you Jefferson, Madison,Adams, and most back then wanted and tried to abolish slavery. And both Jefferson and Madison succeeded at the end, except for the wrongdoing of Dolley’s son Payne, who too was undisciplined. But, that fight would come later once and for all. But, America if we are to succeed, must remember the history of our Founding Father’s. O’Reilly has Lincoln and Glenn Beck has Washington, but, as for me? My hero now, without a doubt is James Madison and I include his queen, Dolley. She was revered, by all in Washington long after his death, by all until God took this woman home at 81. She was remarkable!

So, in this next election 2012, I’d like to leave this with a quote from Madison to take heed for what you believe in. He wrote:

“Advice To My Country”

“As this advice, if it ever see the light will not do it till I am no more, it may be considered as issuing from the tomb, where truth alone can be respected and the happiness of man alone consulted. It will be entitled therefore to whatever weight can be derived from good intentions, and from the experience of one who has served his country in various stations through a period of forty years, who espoused in his youth and adhered through his life to the cause of liberty, and who has borne a part in most of the great transactions which will constitute epochs of its destiny. The advice nearest to my heart and deepest in my convictions, is that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated. Let the open enemy to it be regarded as a Pandora with her box opened, and the disguised one, as the Serpent creeping with his deadly wiles into Paradise.”

There is the essence of James unswerving loyalty to his country’s unity, remaining unquestioned. And his papers left of his genius mind were the greatest legacy to America, the FUTURE, the fruit of his unending struggle to secure the rights and privileges of her people through the democratic process. As long as those rights and liberties remained intact, were not forfeited by force or political intrigue, (AS THE INTERNATIONAL LAW AND EUROPEAN UNION)our country and it’s Constitution, the memory of Madison, Jefferson, and all our Founding Father’s will stay in tact with human aspiration. All men have flaws, including Newt Gingrich, now in this election. But, could he and the other candidates, understand what is at stake?
We must all ask ourselves that now with each and every candidate vetted and scrupulously analyzed, for out future and this countries is at stake. And WE do not take orders and adhere to the laws of other countries or the UN. BUT our alienable rights under AMERICA’s Constitution ONLY! And for those ideologues like the Communist-Socialist left as this President, I say to you this, WE the people, me, you, and our children and our children’s children, will fight you and those like you who want to take away our alienable rights and equality and merge us into something WE the people are not, nor want. We fought before for our independence throughout history, and we will NOT be deterred. GOD..YES…GOD BLESS AMERICA…The Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus Christ, of whose hand is over America protecting her, do I give my thanks and trust. Thank you Lord, for your hand on us, even when we are too stupid to realize truths. Free speech? Yes, but, only unless it does not infringe on the rights of others. Bless you all….

Excerpts taken from a book “Queen Dolley” by Dorothy Clarke Wilson © 1987

Atlas Shrugged & Rands Predictions

Who is John Galt?  The character in Atlas Shrugged whose speech went on for 60 pages.  “You have heard it said, this was the age of moral crisis; you have cried that mans sins are destroying the world.  Against all human nature to practice the virtues that you demanded.  Since virtue to you consists of sacrifice, justice, and mercy.   You have sacrificed self esteem to self denial, happiness to duty.  You have destroyed all that which you held to be evil, and achieved all that which you held to be good.  All you wished for and I am the man who has granted your wish.” (With elections on the horizon, this is a reblog. )

Sounds almost like some prophesy coming from the Bible.  Yet, this book was written by a brilliant philosopher, whose predictions 50 years ago, have all but, come true.

In 1957 Ayn Rand published her last novel, “Atlas Shrugged”, which is still today, in print, and selling.  The setting for Atlas Shrugged was an American apocalypse  glimpse into the future.  If Rand was here today she’d point to anything in government today and say, “I told you so.”!  Regulations breed regulations in Washington and control and laws get massive to breed more control.  Government will grow, freedoms will shrink.  Markets will dive, and are, and government programs will expand, crippling us. More and more government intervention making it worse will and IS happening.  Ayn predicted this would happen and understood way ahead of her time the moral and intellectual decay we are at now.  No one reads a book anymore or has intellect; it is anything goes and reality tv and decay.

During the 50’s, it was one of the most prosperous time in our nation – a utopia in Atlas Shrugged. (It was for me growing up as well.  My dad, an electronic engineer and inventor, had his own business, and flourished. Television had been introduced in 1948, and he had a summer camp, and America was booming, all after WWII.)

Ayn’s prophesy tells the story of D. Taggart, the owner of a railway, as one by one the men of the Vanguard Industry simply vanish. Atlas shrugged sold over 7 million copies and to date has never been out of print. Ayn thought, though, that there would he an intellectual moral minority that could see the philosophical achievements she had done with Atlas Shrugged.  It didn’t happen.  Ayn had hoped to change what she saw as America’s relentless march toward ustopia depicted in her novel.  She wrote the book to prevent what now, 50 years later, has come true.  For no one could see what was happening then on the surface, as the problem was philosophy.  Ayn said, “Identify the philosophy of a society and you can predict it’s future.”

Ayn Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum, a Russian Jew, in Czarist Russia in 1905.  Alisa was a top student and knew by the age of 9 that writing would be her life’s work.   She was writing novels at 10 years old.  She was 12 years old when the Russian Revolution began.  Her father’s business was taken away, Russian soldiers closed the shop and her father never worked again.  (THAT is happening now, with farmers in America, and other business, and tax laws and government laws, that need to be eliminated.  Farmers who have been in business for 300 years, are now out of  business, one because of a EPA law and minnows being harmed.)  She saw at 12, that people who worked the hardest were punished and stripped.  They were broken.

Young Alisa was drawn to the cinema and saw a very prosperous America in the 20’s.  She resolved to go to America as soon as possible.  By the time she arrived in NY Harbor in 1926, she felt she had left the soul gripping Communism far behind.  To protect her family still in Russia, she changed her name to Ayn Rand.  America then was the wonders of the world. Capitalists were having a productive great time. Then the depression hit and it looked like Capitalism had failed.  Then it was thought that Socialism (Wilson)
and Communism was the better way (just like now).

Ayn voted for FDR, who spoke on radio, “Some would see what we are doing as Fascism or Socialism, or Communism” ; and Ayn, having left Russia because of this and seeing the Revolution, totalitarianism, collectivism, Socialism, looked at the soul of the people and what she left.  The move to introduce this began with Wilson in 1912, then FDR.  Ayn knew she made the wrong vote.  Whereby middle Protestant America said, “I am my brothers keeper.”  It was the first time the government was looked at as savior instead of charities and churches.  (And here we are, aren’t we?)

She wrote “We the Living” her first book on the threat to America.   It drew from her own background.  Lillian Hellman, Eugene O’Neil, all visited Russia, and felt Ayn didn’t know about it, yet they never saw or heard of all the mass murders, as with any totalitarianism society.  (Remember the movie “Red’s”? Hellman and O’Neil were portrayed…and the end proved it didn’t work…Tell that to Streisand and the rest of the Hollywood Marxists.)  Then the news reported all the famine and brutality.  She felt her warning came too late.

Ayn then published “The Fountainhead”.  What does it mean to be a human being? (We Christians have our expectations in the Bible, but Ayn was intellectually and philosophically coming from another area. And being Jewish had no knowledge of the Bible, yet, how closely prophetic) Work itself, she wrote, and instincts.  The Fountainhead became a movie.  But most followers missed the point of her collectivism, so it frightened all the “experts”.   She thought, what if all the brilliant minds, engineers, hard workers just disappeared, and all that was left was the tax collectors, and left with no one to create or build anything of value for them.  (Very similar with what is prophesied in Revelations when the Rapture comes and all of us saved, meet the Lord in the air.)  Think about the ramifications of where her intellect was going.

Her first title for Atlas Shrugged was “The Strike” and government interference only created social injustice and extreme poverty.  It gives the excuse to start more programs and more regulations.  It’s the fight before the makers who make things, and the takers who are too lazy to work with their hand out, including the class action lawyers, government and moochers.    To Rand these looters were no different than the Communists thugs who took her father’s business, in the name of the people, when in actuality were nothing more than criminals.  It gives those in power the right to indoctrinate the mind’s of the people, the persecuted, by a moral code called “Altruism”.  It says everybody, is more important than you. There has to be a fair-equal relationship. (Obama, and Van Jones thinking, and it has been proven over and over that it only destroys.) It provided weapons for government to chain up FREE individuals!  She felt each man should be an end to himself, and being benevolent when it was put on your heart.

Who is John Galt?  He is the first man of ability to regard it as guilt. And by not letting government use his virtues, who would not suffer martyrdom in the hands of those who wish him to perish, for the benefit of keeping government alive.  Ayn loved the original “Founding” principals; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to own property, right to bear arms, etc.  Jefferson, too, had a clear view on government staying out of our freedoms, evils of too much government.  He said, “We have a moral right to our own lives. ” So Ayn had multiple agenda’s…..AND so should we now in this crucial point, and who we elect.

She began to write Atlas around 1945.  She didn’t publish the book until 1957.  Her characters were vivid in the steel and railroad industry.  It shows how the government lies and corrupts to destroy the Capitalist for its own power.  Man, (Galt) has the power to act as his own destroyer, which is the way he’s acted for most of his history.  Finally, she goes to print,; all her objectivism with her hero John Galt, hoping it will be well received and change the world.  She was also part of the start of the John Birch Society back then and an integral member.  Then the reaction was negative.  Because it was so radical and challenged.  Even William F. Buckley Jr. of  National Review gave the book to Whittaker Chambers, who was an ex-Communist spy.  Chambers gave it the worse review.  Buckley was in competition with Rand over the conservative -political movement and direction.  But, she did not expect Chambers harshness. She was crushed.

But despite it all, it went on the NY Times bestseller list- all 1,000 pages!  She’d gone after the thinkers and movers and shakers, but, her acclaim never came.   Rand never published another fiction book.  As the years past her book stayed in print, and still is selling.  She was so brilliant she was intimidating.  In 1972, Al Ruddy producer of the “Godfather”, felt it was the most important book to film.  But, it never went through cause she wanted script approval.  She died in 1982.

Ayn always said “Atlas Shrugged” was set the day after tomorrow” and we’re there now.  People are rebelling, losing control, big brother, bureaucracies- ie the people are losing their freedoms.  In the year 2007, the 50th anniversary of Atlas Shrugged, the US Federal Regulation agencies employed a high of 238,000 people, and issued more than 4,000 new regulations, closing small businesses, and farms etc.  (ie the car industry forced to take a government handout). By the end of 2007, another 3800 new regulations were already in the works. And did you know that now, we have more people in our jails (mostly Federal ) because of these new regulations, than BOTH Russia and China combined!

When we see trading done by compulsion not consent, in order to produce, you have to get permission from government, men who have produced nothing.  The way its going our society is doomed.  Capitalism did not cause the housing bubble, ie Freddy and Fannie, it was the Government (Barney Frank too) and its immoral rules and laws.  So they passed more!  Ayn’s prediction came true running amok.  All that Washington’s done, Greenspan, Bernacke, is like a mirror out of Atlas Shrugged.  When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect man to do any good!   Their government heavyweights are after power now as she predicted. (NOT the good of the people).  Crippling the farmer, and many industries, Eminent Domain taking property for the good of what?  Her objectivism is really not too far from our Founding Fathers, for she truly loved America – where the people elect, except now our politicians are all life long professionals, and there should be “term limits”….period!

Our happiness is a God given Right!  As a consequence we are losing our rights and Ayn prophetic vision was absolutely CORRECT!  All work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, which God gave each and every one of us.  In another 25 years, we will collapse as Greece had and Ireland just may too.  Atlas Shrugged, says  “what happens when looting runs dry?”  We need to really take a good look at America in the 50’s (racism aside as that was an atrocity, but business and prosperity).  We all need to send the right message to Washington.   THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD IT !  And pass around to your friends and read Atlas Shrugged, as well as Ayn’s other books, one, “Capitalism”.  There is a cry out there…business that have gone overseas, want to come back.  We want our freedoms back, that is why the Teaparty really began.  Those in Washington need to be voted out!  Harry Reid has been in office too long, and is a member of the American Communist Party, as 70 other members of Congress.  There is a move now, trying to obliterate our Constitution. We are losing America.  So I close by begging you to read Atlas Shrugged, Ayn’s work…all prophetically true, while we sat back and slept.  Let us get America back and throw out the thugs.  God Bless America, please keep your hands on us Lord, and do not forsake us.

God, Our Constitution, vs Sharia Law


I am very VERY concerned with what is happening, slowly, like a silent killer, in the world and America, with Islam taking over every city and country.


During the public comment time at the Dearborn city council meeting, a Muslim stood to demand that the city institute sharia patrols to keep young people out of parks and to prevent the sale of “offensive” magazines in stores.

The man named Hassan took his place in line during the public comments and when it was his turn to speak he prefaced his comments with loud chanting of Islamic prayers. He then went on to demand that the city begin patrols of the parks because people used them for “sexual activities.”

The Muslim would not tell the council where he lived claiming he feared for the safety of his family but said he lived near Westland.

As reported, “Hassan also stated that there were magazines and newspapers at the public libraries and civic center that can ’cause colossal damage to a child’s health,’ asking the city to review and monitor literature before they are distributed.”

So, Mr. Hassan wants sharia compliant patrols to prevent people from using parks and he wants the city to perpetrate sharia compliant censorship at libraries.

Fortunately, the city council shot down Hassan’s demands. This time.

But this is how we begin to lose our nation to invading Islam just as it has happened in Europe, Britain, and elsewhere. Muslims use our own system against us, using democracy to destroy democracy.

First they have a few people complain at a public meeting. Next they have a dozen. Then they shame the government to concede in a few demands. Next they demand more and government gives them, more. Then they are allowed their own enclaves where they have full power and can ignore the rule of law (this has happened in Britain). Then they branch out from their enclaves and begin to force other areas to observe their medieval rule.

Be ware of this, America. Sharia is coming if these Muslims have any say at all over it. Sharia is un-American, anti-democratic, anathema to freedom and liberty and it must be stopped.


The World, Oil and Obamacare

Repentance calls us to our knees if slandered, for we cannot under Christ as Christians be offended. The pain we may feel when we are attacked, is in the flesh, and the flesh lusts against the spirit of Christ. If we call ourselves born again Christians, unless we can forgive others for their hatred, their sins in the world, their lust of worldly things, then we are not free, and are in bondage. It is not something we can turn on and off, for the Holy Spirit is either in us, in our hearts, in our very being, or we are ruled by Satan. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. The sins of all mankind, all religions, all peoples in this world. Do we not owe HIM who saved us, love, integrity, honor, and the compassion to others that HE showed in all His grace and mercy, hanging on that Cross, beaten, abused, His very blood draining out of his body…to us, acting as His servant?Are we servants of Christ or are we pharisees? Are we especially in America, phony Christians, or are we loyal, to His teachings and the Cross? We are not necessarily condemned if we fail, if we stumble, if we make a mistake or lost. There is only one way to atonement, and forgiveness and that is repentance and coming to the Cross, for the flesh always wars with the spirit. Jesus told His disciples to give up all they had to follow Him. While in the flesh most only want more and more in greed, and do not understand the move of the Holy Spirit one iota. We live in an out of control society now across the world. The flesh and Satan are running rampant with crime, unholiness, murders, crooked politics, and quick fixes, reality tv, and so much technology, it minimizes and distorts God’s word and the work of the Holy Spirit, who in fact is slandered too, even in courts, and Jesus is tossed out with the bathwater.

However, I know in my heart HE and only HE still rules this earth and one day, we will see our Lord come in all His glory, in the sky for His children, and all those who will wear many crowns and succeeded in overcoming adversity. “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:27 He is not talking about having one foot in the world and one foot in the church, He is talking about total trust, for nothing is halfway with Jesus…nothing. We either stand on HIS word and KNOW His word, for ALL to see as a testimony, UNASHAMED, or we deny Him as Peter did three times…(yet later repented.) Sometimes, if not most of the time, God limits our resources to ensure we give HIM all the glory. If you win something, or gain a gift, it is not a tribute to HIM is it? I learned this lesson early in my Christian walk 30 years ago. Sometimes He takes material things from us…withholds purposely from us, or lets us loose materially, to get us on our knees in repentance, so we ONLY trust and go to HIM. My God is a jealous God, afterall. But, He is my redeemer, my Savior, my all. In Him do I trust and only in HIM.

When we follow Jesus, we can’t settle for a partial victory because we’re exhausted. God won’t allow it either! HIS plan is always for our full deliverance and sometimes that comes only in the last half hour, when we’re so frustrated, tired and can’t go one more step. PRAY…Get in a prayer closet…lock the door, and keep everyone out until God gives you an answer. Your family will just have to rely on one another. My youngest son I lost, always respected my prayer time, and when I was in my Bible and in prayer, he knew to go back to doing whatever quietly, and honor my relationship with my Jesus. Do you have prayer time with your husband and children? The fact is, every battle we face has an eternal purpose. It just isn’t to defeat the enemy, but it’s the EXALTATION OF JESUS. And He hears our cries, our praises in Heaven. Are we dry bones? Or are we filled with the Holy Spirit, and let HIM lead us. He’s a gentleman you know…He won’t come inside us unless he’s invited. Whatever He calls us to do, he will supply all strength to accomplish it. If He tells us to give up all and quit the fight? He is testing us and will always replace, when He has us in that special place of intimacy and peace with HIM.

We cannot hate anyone, we cannot carry a grudge against anyone, but need that repentance, and only through repentance does the blood He shed on the Cross, make any sense. THAT is what is was all about.. When Adam & Eve sinned, it took the blood atonement, of Jesus dying on that Cross for our sins, to make forgiveness and repentance possible for us. By His blood, grace, mercy, we can come to His throne and receive all His love and give Him all the glory…THAT in itself…gives us the victory, through our sin bearer, Jesus..the perfect sacrifice. And we are to give Him our constant glory and love, knowing he will draw all men unto himself. And we are guaranteed to have life eternal. You cannot have odds against anyone, and say your a Christian. Matt. “If you love mother, father, child more than me, you are not worthy of me.” Glory…I am not ashamed of you Lord, and I will confess you as my Lord and STAND on your word continuously, in all parts of my life, as you want..Go ye in all the world and tell of His word….for He paid the final price afterall…Only His agape’ love through His Holy spirit can heal us all…and it all starts with repentance.

When my Greek ex-husband died last year of cancer, who abused me in my 20’s, I wrote the following poem. I know he didn’t get saved, for out of his mouth was only vile curses to the Lord who loved him. My daughter too, somehow could not pray the sinner’s prayer with him at the very end…..and so it is finished. For repentance of the heart is all He asks.

My Heart
Your eyes ask questioningly of me,
They seek to peer inside my soul,
But I have bared my life before all eyes,
Throughout this journey’s work I left behind.
There was nothing hidden in what I wrote or preached,
Whether in blogs or books, poetry and such,
Except the truth of where I’ve been and what I’ve seen
In this path of love and pain.
My only question to all has been; “Are you washed in
The Blood of the lamb?”

Some of you I’ve known since we were young, may outlive me,
But don’t shed tears.
You knew I have had loves in my life that bloomed in youth,
And I still cared.
For God knew my heart, when you did not, of husbands and
Children who predeceased me,
Like the jewels in the Kingdom of God, I left no stone unturned.
Those that loved me knew this heart and never needed to ask,
I was there in spirit and loved both pleasure and pain that
Bore such a price,
For all I asked at the end was, “Are you washed in the blood of
the lamb?”
J.E.Worthen 3/11/2011


Repentance calls us to our knees if slandered, for we cannot under Christ as Christians be offended. The pain we may feel when we are attacked, is in the flesh, and the flesh lusts against the spirit of Christ. If we call ourselves born again Christians, unless we can forgive others for their hatred, their sins in the world, their lust of worldly things, then we are not free, and are in bondage. It is not something we can turn on and off, for the Holy Spirit is either in us, in our hearts, in our very being, or we are ruled by Satan. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. The sins of all mankind, all religions, all peoples in this world. Do we not owe HIM who saved us, love, integrity, honor, and the compassion to others that HE showed in all His grace and mercy, hanging on that Cross, beaten, abused, His very blood draining out of his body…to us, acting as His servant?Are we servants of Christ or are we pharisees? Are we especially in America, phony Christians, or are we loyal, to His teachings and the Cross? We are not necessarily condemned if we fail, if we stumble, if we make a mistake or lost. There is only one way to atonement, and forgiveness and that is repentance and coming to the Cross, for the flesh always wars with the spirit. Jesus told His disciples to give up all they had to follow Him. While in the flesh most only want more and more in greed, and do not understand the move of the Holy Spirit one iota. We live in an out of control society now across the world. The flesh and Satan are running rampant with crime, unholiness, murders, crooked politics, and quick fixes, reality tv, and so much technology, it minimizes and distorts God’s word and the work of the Holy Spirit, who in fact is slandered too, even in courts, and Jesus is tossed out with the bathwater.

However, I know in my heart HE and only HE still rules this earth and one day, we will see our Lord come in all His glory, in the sky for His children, and all those who will wear many crowns and succeeded in overcoming adversity. “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:27 He is not talking about having one foot in the world and one foot in the church, He is talking about total trust, for nothing is halfway with Jesus…nothing. We either stand on HIS word and KNOW His word, for ALL to see as a testimony, UNASHAMED, or we deny Him as Peter did three times…(yet later repented.) Sometimes, if not most of the time, God limits our resources to ensure we give HIM all the glory. If you win something, or gain a gift, it is not a tribute to HIM is it? I learned this lesson early in my Christian walk 30 years ago. Sometimes He takes material things from us…withholds purposely from us, or lets us loose materially, to get us on our knees in repentance, so we ONLY trust and go to HIM. My God is a jealous God, afterall. But, He is my redeemer, my Savior, my all. In Him do I trust and only in HIM.

When we follow Jesus, we can’t settle for a partial victory because we’re exhausted. God won’t allow it either! HIS plan is always for our full deliverance and sometimes that comes only in the last half hour, when we’re so frustrated, tired and can’t go one more step. PRAY…Get in a prayer closet…lock the door, and keep everyone out until God gives you an answer. Your family will just have to rely on one another. My youngest son I lost, always respected my prayer time, and when I was in my Bible and in prayer, he knew to go back to doing whatever quietly, and honor my relationship with my Jesus. Do you have prayer time with your husband and children? The fact is, every battle we face has an eternal purpose. It just isn’t to defeat the enemy, but it’s the EXALTATION OF JESUS. And He hears our cries, our praises in Heaven. Are we dry bones? Or are we filled with the Holy Spirit, and let HIM lead us. He’s a gentleman you know…He won’t come inside us unless he’s invited. Whatever He calls us to do, he will supply all strength to accomplish it. If He tells us to give up all and quit the fight? He is testing us and will always replace, when He has us in that special place of intimacy and peace with HIM.

We cannot hate anyone, we cannot carry a grudge against anyone, but need that repentance, and only through repentance does the blood He shed on the Cross, make any sense. THAT is what is was all about.. When Adam & Eve sinned, it took the blood atonement, of Jesus dying on that Cross for our sins, to make forgiveness and repentance possible for us. By His blood, grace, mercy, we can come to His throne and receive all His love and give Him all the glory…THAT in itself…gives us the victory, through our sin bearer, Jesus..the perfect sacrifice. And we are to give Him our constant glory and love, knowing he will draw all men unto himself. And we are guaranteed to have life eternal. You cannot have odds against anyone, and say your a Christian. Matt. “If you love mother, father, child more than me, you are not worthy of me.” Glory…I am not ashamed of you Lord, and I will confess you as my Lord and STAND on your word continuously, in all parts of my life, as you want..Go ye in all the world and tell of His word….for He paid the final price afterall…Only His agape’ love through His Holy spirit can heal us all…and it all starts with repentance.

When my Greek ex-husband died last year of cancer, who abused me in my 20’s, I wrote the following poem. I know he didn’t get saved, for out of his mouth was only vile curses to the Lord who loved him. My daughter too, somehow could not pray the sinner’s prayer with him at the very end…..and so it is finished. For repentance of the heart is all He asks.

My Heart
Your eyes ask questioningly of me,
They seek to peer inside my soul,
But I have bared my life before all eyes,
Throughout this journey’s work I left behind.
There was nothing hidden in what I wrote or preached,
Whether in blogs or books, poetry and such,
Except the truth of where I’ve been and what I’ve seen
In this path of love and pain.
My only question to all has been; “Are you washed in
The Blood of the lamb?”

Some of you I’ve known since we were young, may outlive me,
But don’t shed tears.
You knew I have had loves in my life that bloomed in youth,
And I still cared.
For God knew my heart, when you did not, of husbands and
Children who predeceased me,
Like the jewels in the Kingdom of God, I left no stone unturned.
Those that loved me knew this heart and never needed to ask,
I was there in spirit and loved both pleasure and pain that
Bore such a price,
For all I asked at the end was, “Are you washed in the blood of
the lamb?”
J.E.Worthen 3/11/2011

He that Hates

729suspect-620x349I wrote this blog about 4  years ago.  From a Christian perspective now after the killing in UK and what I wrote on here on Islam, yesterday.

Hatred.  Have you ever known people that hate?  I mean REALLY hate?  I know people  that are unsaved and hate so much it is eating them up alive. Hate destroys, and is evil, and even doctors and clergy, relay how it even causes stress, and destroys our health.

Look at Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, skinheads and all the other hate groups.  They teach their children to hate, have them carry automatic weapons, and teach them to kill.  Most people carry this inside instead.  Discrimination, dominance over another human being, bullying even, are all examples of hate.

Therefore,  I pondered about the people I knew that are filled with hates, as well as those in the media, that of course I do not know.   Nothing good comes out of hate.  Hate kills the soul, it kills the dreams, and it kills the very fibre of having any love.  You cannot love your child and teach them to hate others and to kill, or even hate other races.  God is love, hate is evil and is Satan.

I had a friend for 15 years or so, I ministered to daily and helped so much over the years, that refused to accept Christ as her Savior.   Finally, this New Year, God said enough, and weaned me from her.  She smokes, she only has one lung, and had sacroidosis and the other out 30 years ago. She looks terrible, her face at 73 ashen from the cigarettes.  She has COPD, asthma, and will not do one thing to help herself.   But, when she needed, I was there, and my church even helped her pay a phone bill, and I bought and brought so many groceries to her and “things” over the years, including getting her a used tv,  yet I was repaid, with ungratefulness and mockery over my beliefs, verses her science.  Again, God said enough and  I told her not to call me anymore.  She hates everything, including herself.  And will end up without eternal life and a horrific death, no doubt having to have more lung surgery, cancer, or an oxygen tank.   There are sometimes we have to let go.  After 15 years, it was time, as she was draining me. I repeatedly asked her not to call me on Sundays, as respect for my beliefs, as it was my day with my Jesus.   I watch a lot of Christian preaching on Sunday’s and her wallowing phone calls, took away what the Holy Spirit was teaching me.  It was time to let go..

What does the Bible say?  First, look at how all of God’s prophets were hated.  In II Chronicles 18:7 Jehoshaphat, was warning against false prophets, “And the King of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, There is yet one man, by whom we may enquire of the Lord: but, I hate him, for he never prophesied good unto me, but always evil (wanted his own controlling way); the same is Micaiah the son of Imla.  And Jehoshaphat said, let not the king say so..(as few prophets are really from the Lord).

Then look at Saul.  Saul changed, and he turned from God.  I Sam. 28.  And in that verse we see that God can just let us go!  “When God departs from thee”.  Also Proverbs and in Hebrews 6, and 12:14.  Esau too, for all he did selling his birthright, caring nothing about spirituality only material things.  God said, “Him, do I hate!” I Sam. 28:9 Imagine God saying he hated you?  The Philistines were as Palestine now.. God said, “shall be as dead”. Just as the young man I wrote of, that says he is dead?  God will turn his back on him ..and let him go.  But, the Lord will deliver israel!  Prov. 1:22-33, Heb. 6:16, but, for those that turn their back on God? He will give you up!  Heb. 6:8.   Gen. 16:11-12 Refers to Ishmael and what became the Arab nation now…Esau as “a wild man”…Gen 21:17-21, Gen 25:12-20 ..But, the covenent belongs to Isaak, Jacob…the Jews.

Gen 25:20 On Ishmael (became the seed of Muhammad).  Rebekah and Isaac had twins and in her womb,  they were warring insde her…(2 nations).  ie Jacob & Esau, (the hairy one..a wild man).  Esau was born first and when Jacob came, he grabbed his heel.   Esau only cared only about the material things.  Gen 22:38 & 22:40. “And by the sword shall you live!”  (and the Arabs have been then and since a violent people. Esau hated Jacob as Cain hated Able. And still the Arab nations hate Israel for thousands of years.  God told Jacob though that he would then be called Israel! “And the land I gave Abraham & Isaac to you I will give it..the land!’ Heb. 12:16.  Esau rejected God, and was a profane man.  Malachi 1:2,3 “God hated Esau” and let him go…Prov 1:24-29.  God says because I called and you refuse, He will not hear him in times of calamity.  HE LETS US GO!   If you reject God and are profane?  You have made your own destiny and hell is what you will end up with.  There comes a point with God that He stops trying and what you profess in profanity and worldly things will be your inheritance…as well as hell.

You say, how can a “loving” God let us go or even say he hates us?  Then say Jesus is the only way?  Many Christians today are being deceived by modern twisted politically correct thinking, suggesting there are mulitple paths to heaven.  Being the age of diversity, this thinking has crept into some contemporary church pews, if not a few pulpits.   However, here is the bottom line for Christians; including the FALSE doctrines out of the Episcopal Church, that the only way to heaven is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, which means we must fearlessly and lovingly preach this message and never stray from the path, no matter who challenges it.    So, do people who do not believe go to hell? How can a loving God send good people to an eternal hell?   Well , He gives us a choice though doesn’t he?  If one chooses to hate, and live an evil life, God will let him go.  And when he is let go, will end up cast in hell.  When we turn our backs on God, He eventually if evil enough, will turn from us.

Psalm 34:21 “Evil shall slay the wicked; and they who hate the righteous shall be desolate. That includes my lost friend that hates me.  They hate so much they shall be desolate.  For God gave me righteousness and with that, came help and a spirit of  the compassion of Christ, which will now be missing in their lives.  They are now cut off. . Now, she is really in the dark, spiritually too. (Although she may not realize it.)  In Ecclesiastes 2, the Preacher says in essence that pleasure is vain.  Then in verse 17 says “Therefore, I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me; for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.  (The ONLY one that can make life worth living is Christ.  A life totally immersed in Him, irrespective of its circumstances, will bring fulfillment, satisfaction, and contentment, as well as “joy unspeakable and full glory”.  [John 10:10]).

Luke 6:22 says, “Blessed are you (happy are you) when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake.”  23 “Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy for, behold, your reward is great in Heaven for in the like manner did their fathers unto the Prophets.”  If the world and the “religious” establishment did such unto the Prophets (ie the media and those unsaved hating us that are evangelical, then we can expect no less.

I’m going to add another verse here too, as there is someone I’ve been witnessing to for 5 years.  “But woe unto you who are rich!”  For you have received your consolation and the spirit of God for ‘things’.” ” Woe unto you who are full!  (Things of the world). For you shall know hunger”.   “Woe unto you who laugh now! For you shall mourn and weep.” “Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you!  For so did their fathers to the false prophets.” In other words they (like many politicians, and media folk, are telling men what they want to hear instead of what God wants them to hear.  That’s the differences between having righteousness and Christ, and being in the world that has hates. I’d be more afraid of offending God and having Him hate me and let me go than any one person in the “world”.

Ephesians 6:1 says too, specifically for children to obey their parents in the Lord, for this is right.  But,  it also says in verse 4 “And you fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”  Discipline without love is NOT God. And I know many that were brought up with dysfunctional families and abusive fathers, or as Catholics even in school with nuns that were strong disciplinarians, yet, showed not the love of Jesus.   Whereby, children were again, provoked.  That discipline not channeled properly turns into abuse!  And abuse turns into hates…  That leaves a dire legacy in emotional  turmoil for any child to bare.   It is NOT of God, and I don’t care where it was received.

I John 2:9 says, “He who says he is in the Light, and hates his brother” (mother, father, son, daughter, neighbor) “is in darkness even until now.”  How can we claim to have love, and at the same time hate our brother?   John goes on to say how this person walks in darkness, but, also when I heard this from someone, “consider me dead” as they didn’t want to be bothered by the other relative.  That person has put a curse on himself.  For what this young man doesn’t realize? He SHUT the door on THIS side, and he opened the door to the OTHER side. He hasn’t Jesus as his Lord and savior, and like the terrorists, has no value for life itself or regard, even for his own children.  He belongs to Satan and darkness.  God will allow him exactly what he ask for..For in essence this person already IS DEAD!   Romans 1:30 ” Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. Who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same, but have PLEASURE in them who do them.”  Exactly like Hamas?  Consequences.  There are consequences to your actions. Hate has a price, and that price is always death!  Do you know a young person in a gang or laughing at God, thinking they can live life in whatever way they want?   We all die!  But, our way of living, and what we believe, has the consequence of where we will spend eternity.   There is no in between.   You who wants to do drugs, are in bondage, or laugh at any witness of Jesus, are on the road to death, and damnation.  YOU have a choice.  After death, comes the judgement..Christian, or unchristian, haters of God, and man, or those that gave given their life to Jesus, we will all stand naked at that Great White Throne Judgment Seat of God!! Amen!

Charles Stanley said in numerous teachings that hate is from within, like a crockpot that keeps on cooking. Anger, and lack of forgiveness.  That person needs to search for the roots of the problem, ie either immaturity, or something going on inside that lacked consequence.  Where you are today, are results of yesterday.  There are consequences to anger, and they are dier.   Anger stirs up feelings of intense displeasure, hostility or indignation, threats, insults, imagined rage, resentment like that crockpot that continuously boils or simmers…rage.  The indignation, too that Jesus had in the Temple, as it was anger and injustice. That  kind of anger is righteous.  If someone hurt you a long time ago, divorce, rape etc.  Its something you have to deal with.  But, Ephesians 4:26-27 says “Be angry and sin not.”  Don’t leet the sun go down and cause you to give the devil the opportunity (over what they thought/felt/in the past.)  So you build a case against yourself, so,  let go before you go to sleep at night.

You cannot be with God and against another.  Anger in they’re heart, a critical spirit,  etc.  There is a difference between ‘criticism’ and ‘correction’.   When your angry your shield is up; you isolate yourself.  “I will never do this..that etc.”  You feel it…you set yourself up fot this, but you don’t trust anymore.  That’s what happened to me too, for years young after I divorced my abusive Greek husband in 1969, still in my 20’s, with 3 children.  Like Charles said, it was like a record player playing over and over, “you can’t do nothing right”…then the re-enactment in my mind and sleep of the beatings, and I hated what he did to us, as well as his girl friend, destroying my family.  It crippled me to find a nice man as I equated, back then unsaved, that all men were like him. But, God did not build us to live in anger, but to have an intimate relationship with Him and our spouses, which I found out by 1982, when I got saved.    That anger, you can pick up in language, which married to this man, I saw daily.  Sometimes putting it to you, either deep seated or subtle; “you aren’t going to tell me anything!  I’ll do what I want”…and he did.  Anger is deceptive, its destruction.  Because you cannot have any harmony with that kind of husband or wife/children/parents with all this anger.  I found out all this when I got saved, and had to let it go and forgive.

When you have anger, you get sloppy in your job.  Anger will effect EVERY aspect in  your life!! You loose your enthusiasm, you lose everything.  I did.  My ex hated so much. He hated his lot in life then, his parents business he was forced to work in, and gradually he hated me and even his children, although he claimed he wanted them.  So he had other women and drank…escapism, until that last one he had then wouldn’t give him up and came on my doorstep.  So, he got what he wanted, and I was left too, with my own anger and pain to deal with.  He stuck a knife in my heart, because he couldn’t deal as a mature man with whatever was really inside ticking away like a time bomb ready always to explode. Lack of focus and mind gets divided and they  procrastinate and don’t want someone telling them what to do.  What these people don’t realize, is it’s causes, a need to satisfy something, ie same as obesity, alcoholism, even sex without love is anger.  It also affects our health, to causing high cholesterol,  blood pressure goes up, tension, stress.  But, anger not dealt with is destructive and the person feels it.  They set themselves up for this, and don’t trust anymore.  Anger twists and all it leaves is emptiness.

If your angry, you’ll take it out on someone else; for instance, what your husband/wife said.  There is no forgiveness.  Sometimes we don’t even know what is going on in another persons life.  “You don’t know what he/she did to me!”  But, were you crucified?  Anger doesn’t have to reside inside you.  And I had to saved, let go to God, and even forgive my abuser.   What I still even now deal with though, is that he could never say he was sorry to  me.  There was never any contrition, and he went on treating woman after woman this same way.  Looking down on them, finding fault, always, treating them as objects, and abuse.   But, now, I look at it differently, and see how his fate is already decided, as he laughs at salvation, and one day will face that judgement seat of God and hell.  For, that I feel sorrow, now, and pity.  That too, is what happens in a life of anger.

The devil has had a field day with this man for his whole life.  He still works at 74, for he has nothing else, but this old fallen business that was his “inheritance”.  He has no love, no friends, no hobbies,  no joy, no other talents, and above all, no God!  This man has been led by the devil for his whole life, and will die the same way.  When you don’t believe in the devil, you are duped and leave yourself open to him.  62% Charles Stanley said, of youth today do not believe in God,  and under 25 is 82%.  This not having any theology or belief in God effects our whole lifestyles, including who we vote for. That’s why the ACLU and secular humanists keep pushing to take God out of everything.  However having tolerance for wrongs is not of God either.  We are too, to be “doers” of the Word of God, not just sitting back trusting even the Government blindly.   If something is wrong, morally, you don’t tolerate, anymore than God did, you eliminate, make better, change laws, and above all pray.  IT IS CALLED DISCERNMENT!    If a man grabs and rapes your daughter, you don’t want tolerance, you want justice.  And there is no better guidepost for JUSTICE than the Holy Bible!

1Peter 3:13-15 “who is there to harm you if your zealous, etc.  What you believe effects every aspect of your life…EVERYTHING!  II Timothy 4:1-2 on false teachers.  “Preach the word reprove, REBUKE the time will come they want their ears tickled, etc..For instance, can you defend your faith?  Whats your authority?  Like the man above with all the hates?  Miss California, Carrie, against the gays etc…She STOOD!!  You think that if your being just good, your going to Heaven? On WHAT authority?  If you are a hater of God, and led an ungodly life as my ex husband in hates and abuse, and STAND for NOTHING…you are going to hell.   Others that have led clean lives but are not saved, yet go to church will have the same fate as the abuser. The error of this thinking that you only need to be a good person is disastrous! 1Peter 3:14-15 says, you should know what you believe in, and WHY you believe what you believe.  If you do not have salvation, and have asked repentance for all your hates and deeds, you have no authority.  Without the word of God you have only the devil and hell.   Hate destroys!.. Jesus saves!

When it comes down to pain, suffering, hurt, all the truths come out. It did with me..  And I had to leave it at the Cross and the Blood of the lamb, and let go…many years ago now.  Glory for the lamb of God.    It is our responsibility to teach our children and grandchildren the AUTHORITY of the word of God.  What has happened to the Godly morality I was brought up with in the 40’s and 50’s?  If all these young people now, just sleep around and still go to church?  It will destroy you! Look at what is happening now in America!  What you believe and how you deal with hates makes a difference for all eternity.  When people like my ex, brag about all their sins, who they slept with, conning this one and that, always putting someone down to their level.  Well, they won’t brag when they are on their deathbed!   For God’s word is the FINAL authority!

Hates will devour you, it will eat you up alive, in sickness, malfunctions, loneliness, pain, and envy til you have nothing left.   This is something I wanted to delve into for a long time. My friend, what will you have?   Jesus says, come unto me all ye that are heavy laden….If this young Hamas man can get on his knees and leave all hates, and come to Jesus, why are you that stubborn?   He showed what God wanted and Esau didn’t have, a heart and spirituality. Do we?  Be careful that God doesn’t just let you go.  You can go your own way and reject and reject Christ, but, there will come a time, when you are profane, and deliberate in your actions, that cause just walks away and takes His hands off of you.  I fear Him and love Him more than man.  We all have a choice, friends.  Fashionable, feel-good doctrines have come and gone over the course of the ages, but the Truth of Jesus Christ has stood the test of time (Heb. 13:8).  And He stands today amongst all the cults, the lies, the diversions, the hates, today with arms open waiting to receive unto Himself all who will trust and follow Him.  How are you going to die?   Are you going to stay in denial and hates?  How are you going to face God?  The preacher is not the authority! God’s WORD is !!  Will that be you, my friend?  And before anyone asks about tolerance?  I have another blog and  answer here, “The 7 People God Can’t Save.” Which came from a teaching from Pastor John Hagee.

The Establishment Clause

images (1)From David Barton 01/2001

“In 1947, in the case Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court declared, “The First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.” The “separation of church and state” phrase which they invoked, and which has today become so familiar, was taken from an exchange of letters between President Thomas Jefferson and the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut, shortly after Jefferson became President.

The election of Jefferson – America’s first Anti-Federalist President – elated many Baptists since that denomination, by-and-large, was also strongly Anti-Federalist. This political disposition of the Baptists was understandable, for from the early settlement of Rhode Island in the 1630s to the time of the federal Constitution in the 1780s, the Baptists had often found themselves suffering from the centralization of power.

Consequently, now having a President who not only had championed the rights of Baptists in Virginia but who also had advocated clear limits on the centralization of government powers, the Danbury Baptists wrote Jefferson a letter of praise on October 7, 1801, telling him:

Among the many millions in America and Europe who rejoice in your election to office, we embrace the first opportunity . . . to express our great satisfaction in your appointment to the Chief Magistracy in the United States. . . . [W]e have reason to believe that America’s God has raised you up to fill the Chair of State out of that goodwill which He bears to the millions which you preside over. May God strengthen you for the arduous task which providence and the voice of the people have called you. . . . And may the Lord preserve you safe from every evil and bring you at last to his Heavenly Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Glorious Mediator. [1]

However, in that same letter of congratulations, the Baptists also expressed to Jefferson their grave concern over the entire concept of the First Amendment, including of its guarantee for “the free exercise of religion”:

Our sentiments are uniformly on the side of religious liberty: that religion is at all times and places a matter between God and individuals, that no man ought to suffer in name, person, or effects on account of his religious opinions, [and] that the legitimate power of civil government extends no further than to punish the man who works ill to his neighbor. But sir, our constitution of government is not specific. . . . [T]herefore what religious privileges we enjoy (as a minor part of the State) we enjoy as favors granted, and not as inalienable rights. [2]

In short, the inclusion of protection for the “free exercise of religion” in the constitution suggested to the Danbury Baptists that the right of religious expression was government-given (thus alienable) rather than God-given (hence inalienable), and that therefore the government might someday attempt to regulate religious expression. This was a possibility to which they strenuously objected-unless, as they had explained, someone’s religious practice caused him to “work ill to his neighbor.”

Jefferson understood their concern; it was also his own. In fact, he made numerous declarations about the constitutional inability of the federal government to regulate, restrict, or interfere with religious expression. For example:

[N]o power over the freedom of religion . . . [is] delegated to the United States by the Constitution. Kentucky Resolution, 1798 [3]

In matters of religion, I have considered that its free exercise is placed by the Constitution independent of the powers of the general [federal] government. Second Inaugural Address, 1805[4]

[O]ur excellent Constitution . . . has not placed our religious rights under the power of any public functionary. Letter to the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1808 [5]

I consider the government of the United States as interdicted [prohibited] by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions . . . or exercises. Letter to Samuel Millar, 1808 [6]

Jefferson believed that the government was to be powerless to interfere with religious expressions for a very simple reason: he had long witnessed the unhealthy tendency of government to encroach upon the free exercise of religion. As he explained to Noah Webster:

It had become an universal and almost uncontroverted position in the several States that the purposes of society do not require a surrender of all our rights to our ordinary governors . . . and which experience has nevertheless proved they [the government] will be constantly encroaching on if submitted to them; that there are also certain fences which experience has proved peculiarly efficacious [effective] against wrong and rarely obstructive of right, which yet the governing powers have ever shown a disposition to weaken and remove. Of the first kind, for instance, is freedom of religion. [7]

Thomas Jefferson had no intention of allowing the government to limit, restrict, regulate, or interfere with public religious practices. He believed, along with the other Founders, that the First Amendment had been enactedonly to prevent the federal establishment of a national denomination – a fact he made clear in a letter to fellow-signer of the Declaration of Independence Benjamin Rush:

[T]he clause of the Constitution which, while it secured the freedom of the press, covered also the freedom of religion, had given to the clergy a very favorite hope of obtaining an establishment of a particular form of Christianity through the United States; and as every sect believes its own form the true one, every one perhaps hoped for his own, but especially the Episcopalians and Congregationalists. The returning good sense of our country threatens abortion to their hopes and they believe that any portion of power confided to me will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly. [8]

Jefferson had committed himself as President to pursuing the purpose of the First Amendment: preventing the “establishment of a particular form of Christianity” by the Episcopalians, Congregationalists, or any other denomination.

Since this was Jefferson’s view concerning religious expression, in his short and polite reply to the Danbury Baptists on January 1, 1802, he assured them that they need not fear; that the free exercise of religion would neverbe interfered with by the federal government. As he explained:

Gentlemen, – The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me on behalf of the Danbury Baptist Association give me the highest satisfaction. . . . Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God; that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship; that the legislative powers of government reach actions only and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties. I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and Creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association assurances of my high respect and esteem. [9]

Jefferson’s reference to “natural rights” invoked an important legal phrase which was part of the rhetoric of that day and which reaffirmed his belief that religious liberties were inalienable rights. While the phrase “natural rights” communicated much to people then, to most citizens today those words mean little.

By definition, “natural rights” included “that which the Books of the Law and the Gospel do contain.” [10] That is, “natural rights” incorporated what God Himself had guaranteed to man in the Scriptures. Thus, when Jefferson assured the Baptists that by following their “natural rights” they would violate no social duty, he was affirming to them that the free exercise of religion was their inalienable God-given right and therefore was protected from federal regulation or interference.

So clearly did Jefferson understand the Source of America’s inalienable rights that he even doubted whether America could survive if we ever lost that knowledge. He queried:

And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure if we have lost the only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? [11]

Jefferson believed that God, not government, was the Author and Source of our rights and that the government, therefore, was to be prevented from interference with those rights. Very simply, the “fence” of the Webster letter and the “wall” of the Danbury letter were not to limit religious activities in public; rather they were to limit the power of the government to prohibit or interfere with those expressions.

Earlier courts long understood Jefferson’s intent. In fact, when Jefferson’s letter was invoked by the Supreme Court (only twice prior to the 1947Everson case – the Reynolds v. United States case in 1878), unlike today’s Courts which publish only his eight-word separation phrase, that earlier Court published Jefferson’s entire letter and then concluded:

Coming as this does from an acknowledged leader of the advocates of the measure, it [Jefferson’s letter] may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the Amendment thus secured. Congress was deprived of all legislative power over mere [religious] opinion, but was left free to reach actions which were in violation of social duties or subversive of good order. (emphasis added)[12]

That Court then succinctly summarized Jefferson’s intent for “separation of church and state”:

[T]he rightful purposes of civil government are for its officers to interfere when principles break out into overt acts against peace and good order. In th[is] . . . is found the true distinction between what properly belongs to the church and what to the State. [13]

With this even the Baptists had agreed; for while wanting to see the government prohibited from interfering with or limiting religious activities, they also had declared it a legitimate function of government “to punish the man who works ill to his neighbor.”

That Court, therefore, and others (for example, Commonwealth v. Nesbit andLindenmuller v. The People), identified actions into which – if perpetrated in the name of religion – the government did have legitimate reason to intrude. Those activities included human sacrifice, polygamy, bigamy, concubinage, incest, infanticide, parricide, advocation and promotion of immorality, etc.

Such acts, even if perpetrated in the name of religion, would be stopped by the government since, as the Court had explained, they were “subversive of good order” and were “overt acts against peace.” However, the government was never to interfere with traditional religious practices outlined in “the Books of the Law and the Gospel” – whether public prayer, the use of the Scriptures, public acknowledgements of God, etc.

Therefore, if Jefferson’s letter is to be used today, let its context be clearly given – as in previous years. Furthermore, earlier Courts had always viewed Jefferson’s Danbury letter for just what it was: a personalprivate letter to a specific group. There is probably no other instance in America’s history where words spoken by a single individual in a private letter – words clearly divorced from their context – have become the sole authorization for a national policy. Finally, Jefferson’s Danbury letter should never be invoked as a stand-alone document. A proper analysis of Jefferson’s views must include his numerous other statements on the First Amendment.

For example, in addition to his other statements previously noted, Jefferson also declared that the “power to prescribe any religious exercise. . . . must rest with the States” (emphasis added). Nevertheless, the federal courts ignore this succinct declaration and choose rather to misuse his separation phrase to strike down scores of State laws which encourage or facilitate public religious expressions. Such rulings against State laws are a direct violation of the words and intent of the very one from whom the courts claim to derive their policy.

One further note should be made about the now infamous “separation” dogma. The Congressional Records from June 7 to September 25, 1789, record the months of discussions and debates of the ninety Founding Fathers who framed the First Amendment. Significantly, not only was Thomas Jefferson not one of those ninety who framed the First Amendment, but also, during those debates not one of those ninety Framers ever mentioned the phrase “separation of church and state.” It seems logical that if this had been the intent for the First Amendment – as is so frequently asserted-then at least one of those ninety who framed the Amendment would have mentioned that phrase; none did.

In summary, the “separation” phrase so frequently invoked today was rarely mentioned by any of the Founders; and even Jefferson’s explanation of his phrase is diametrically opposed to the manner in which courts apply it today. “Separation of church and state” currently means almost exactly the opposite of what it originally meant.”

It is therefore termed “A Metaphor”.

1. Letter of October 7, 1801, from Danbury (CT) Baptist Association to Thomas Jefferson, from the Thomas Jefferson Papers Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. (Return)

2. Id(Return)

3. The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia, John P. Foley, editor (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1900), p. 977; see also Documents of American History, Henry S. Cummager, editor (NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1948), p. 179. (Return)

4. Annals of the Congress of the United States (Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1852, Eighth Congress, Second Session, p. 78, March 4, 1805; see also James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897 (Published by Authority of Congress, 1899), Vol. I, p. 379, March 4, 1805. (Return)

5. Thomas Jefferson, Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, editor (Washington D. C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), Vol. I, p. 379, March 4, 1805. (Return)

6. Thomas Jefferson, Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, From the Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, editor (Boston: Gray and Bowen, 1830), Vol. IV, pp. 103-104, to the Rev. Samuel Millar on January 23, 1808. (Return)

7. Jefferson, Writings, Vol. VIII, p. 112-113, to Noah Webster on December 4, 1790. (Return)

8. Jefferson, Writings, Vol. III, p. 441, to Benjamin Rush on September 23, 1800. (Return)

9. Jefferson, Writings, Vol. XVI, pp. 281-282, to the Danbury Baptist Association on January 1, 1802. (Return)

10. Richard Hooker, The Works of Richard Hooker (Oxford: University Press, 1845), Vol. I, p. 207. (Return)

11. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia (Philadelphia: Matthew Carey, 1794), Query XVIII, p. 237. (Return)

12. Reynolds v. U. S., 98 U. S. 145, 164 (1878). (Return)

13. Reynolds at 163. (Return)

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What Is To Come?

jesus_080On this Easter, Resurrection Sunday, Jesus, Yeshua, I AM, the God of all nations, let us give thanks to Him who saved us from our iniquities.  America and the world, is in such a mess.  There is much to give thanks for, and yet much to pray for.   But one thing is sure, God’s will, will reign. America now has sunk lower than I can remember in all my 75 years on this earth.  I am deeply disturbed, and I agonize for a mighty move of God in America, and across the world, to quell the frantic uprisings, and show the world who God really is.   I am disturbed by the young people now in America, that have absolutely no morals, whatsoever.  On Hannity’s expose’ there are women, on spring break in Florida not only taking off their tops but bottoms where young men can do anything they want in public.  IT IS SIN!  Public lewdness of these young women should put them drunk and disorderly right in a jail cell.  No one calls sin, sin anymore.  Where are the parents? Between the lack of morals, character, integrity, with our young people, we have a country too, that has run amok.  Politicians in their left agenda’s and political money making deals, all of our rights and freedoms as I knew it, and grew up with, are fleeing us for a total government takeover.  Look at the news, it is sickening.  Look at Hollywood, it has a left agenda too, to destroy Christian -Judeo values.  Our Ten Commandments have gone out the proverbial  window.

We are now, in the end times and even for those not versed in the word of God, it must be evident.  One eclipse (4 Blood Moons and lunar eclipse of the sun..) has gone on Passover this week, another will be in October (Sadar) 2014.  Then comes the Lunar eclipse of the sun, Jan 2015, two more eclipses of the moon on April 15 Passover ​and the last will be Oct. Sadar, 2015.  There have only been these 5 eclipses together like this, 3 other times in the last 500 years.  (Nasa online has all the dates).  The first was when Queen Isabella pogamed and killed the Jewish people, or expelled them, and then Columbus helped them and discovered America in 1492.  The second was in 1948, when Theodore Herzel’s dream of a Jewish State to take back the land God gave them in Genesis, when He made the Covenant to the Jewish people with Abraham.  (NOT Palestine). And Harry Truman was the first to sign it making Israel a State for the Jews!  The 3rd was in 1967 in the 6 day war when once again Israel was being invaded by Egypt..Tim McKay has a book out….all over the Christian community on Daystar and TBN…ALL the miracles  that transpired then…Israeli soldiers..that were walking through a mine field…And God opened up the Heavens a a star and the moon shone down, showing the mines, so they could get to safety..other things…God opened up the earth and swallowed the enemy up…like our sink holes in the news now.  Most have no idea what is coming. Youth are in the world, caught up in their technology.  Now too, this tape I attach  with John Hagee about Putin and the Ukraine.  Yet does anyone get it?  I agonize if anyone  even cares.  So why?  Russia is the Bear in Revelations, and China the Lion.  Harry Reid now in this fight to take the land away from this rancher in Nevada? His son  plans to make millions, selling to a Chinese Company. But if you watch Alex Jones on Youtube, you will hear truths.  Harry Reid too, is a member of the American Communist Party.  Yet Nevada keeps voting him in the Senate.  Now the Ukraine? Putin the old KGB now at odds with the US because we do not have a leader in the White House like Reagan.  He is starting to invade the Ukraine too.  History repeats itself.  This all too centers around God’s chosen the Jews…all of what is happening. As well as Antisemitism in Europe and here.   God is ANGRY..and America is going to see HIS wrath.  Ezekiel 38 and 39..the same countries mentioned as the Arab Spring. The world powers are set for a nuclear war.  Armageddon!  We need to look up! Get out of self, and look up to the Heavens..Jesus is coming..Gog and Magog…Russia, Moscow.. Putin supplying arms to Iran (Persia in the Bible)& Syria to destroy Israel and the Jews. EVERYTHING happening in the news now centers around the Jews.  China is going to join Russia..And Iran wants to send missiles not only into Jerusalem but AMERICA!   China will get us in the west…And Iran will get is in the East…The wind, and rain and snow last night…GOD!..(on a small scale). Wait!  He is going to come back in war…And God will show Islam and Obama and Putin, who HE REALLY IS. Christian tapes are all over You Tube..Hagee, Perry Stone, on and on.

North Korea has the capacity to destroy our electrical power grids.  Those that don’t educate yourselves and READ …READ…and learn your Bible, AND history, you will not go up in the Rapture, but history ALWAYS repeats itself.  I just saw these first 2 authors on Daystar this afternoon, Maloof and Forstchen. If we have no power grid, there will be  no electricity.  Washington is caught up on Global Warming which I am in doubt if it is as bad or just cyclical..and God!  Our power grids according to these authors had been known to Washington to need to be upgraded, since 1962!!!! Now? With all our Internet, with electric cars on the Horizon we are in dangerous ground.  If it goes THINK about it. There will be anarchy, and Marshall Law.  No food, no garbage or waste disposal, no automobiles running.  Gangs joining extremists, and chaos.  And if a sun sends large blasts of fire/bolts down to earth to our EMP’s power grids, all will be dead…Elderly like me will be shot, and as the violence and chaos runs amok,  we will be in limbo.  And all the parts for these EMT grids are made overseas in Japan, Thailand, etc.  NOTHING made in America, and I say all this to point this out too.  If Washington doesn’t get this fixed and doesn’t let the Pipeline come in from Canada, America is down the tubes.  The world stage is set even in the solor system and Heavens.with these 4 Blood Moons, as well as the Arab Spring Nations..  Christian groups as well as Glenn Beck on his Blaze TV is selling emergency food boxes  like in case of Marshall law, famine, catastrophe’s, and they range from $175/ up…have a shelf life of 5 years. We are in a scary place!!!  To fix these power grids it was said, would cost 2 Trillion dollars.  If not, and we’re attacked it is disaster and anarchy.  There is no choice.

Dear Lord, I come to you as a woman who loves you and trusts only YOU Lord, who loves her country and our Constitution as I was brought up in the 50’s with prayer in schools, morals, patriotism, no abortion or murdering of babies.   We were a country after WWII that was flourishing, with “made in America” and new appliances, bridges, highways, and people worked.  Funny too, there wasn’t even Welfare as we know now, nor was there Social Security.  But my Dad a good man and business owner helped his mother and paid her hospitalization, and my grandfather lived with us.  The church used to be responsible  for helping out as well as the one who was head of a family.  We had no disgraceful murders and decapitations, back fact we hardly locked our doors in the daytime.  We were safe as children with all the mothers’ in the neighborhood on watch.  Lord God, I want my America back, I want a President that is strong and has ethics, character, who is trustworthy, moral, and not a liar, like Ronald Reagan.  I want to feel my country safe Lord, and many of you will disagree, but when Cheney was serving, no one messed with us or tested us, we were SAFE!   I want a Reagan again, that can tell Putin to stuff it, or ELSE…like Reagan’s “Tear Down this Wall”.  Instead we are weak and sitting ducks.  Glory Lord, for I know nothing can happen without your approval, but many of us agonize.  Help us Lord, hear our prayers Lord, send your watchmen, and RAISE UP AND BLESS THE PERSON YOU WANT TO LEAD THIS NATION.  Not the establishment, not the Liberals selling America to the highest bidder, but YOUR choice Lord…as you raised up King David…Thank you Lord Jesus on this Good Friday tomorrow, and Easter Sunday.  Let the world know that you the only God.  Bless this nation God. Amen.

​”A Nation Forsaken” by Michael Maloof​
Analyzes the threat of an electromagnetic pulse event, arguing that America’s defenses are not prepared for a natural or man-made incident that could devastate a country almost entirely dependent on its electrical grid for power and communication. The United States is more vulnerable than ever to an EMP attack that could shut down the country overnight, resulting in tens of millions of deaths and a 19th-century lifestyle for Americans for the foreseeable future, says a new book, A Nation Forsaken, written by a long-time national security expert.Even worse, the threat doesn’t just come from terrorists, but from unpreventable solar activity — and a new peak period is on the way, threatening the economic and national security of the entire country, writes F. Michael Maloof.Although presidential candidates such as Newt Gingrich and congressmen such as Roscoe Bartlett have warned for years about the danger posed by an EMP, the government is ignoring simple, inexpensive steps that could safeguard critical infrastructure from an attack. Incredibly, even while the idea of an EMP has entered the public consciousness through pop culture events like NBC’s new show Revolution, the federal government is ignoring its own reports and not taking it seriously.The reality of a potentially devastating electromagnetic pulse event is brought home by Maloof in A Nation Forsaken. He reveals the nature of the EMP threat, describing how a nuclear detonation in low orbit creates an electromagnetic pulse that can disable all electronics throughout the entire country. The result would be a complete breakdown of the delivery and distribution of food, medicine and other essential supplies. The author also describes the plausibility of such an attack, noting that several nations already have the means and motivation to use such weapons. Even more terrifying, Maloof describes how a ônaturalö EMP caused by solar flares is becoming ever more likely — with increased likelihood in the first quarter of 2013.Maloof exposes the self-interested actions of the energy industry in preventing simple reforms that could potentially save millions of lives. Most importantly, Maloof provides a practical guide for how individuals and families can prepare for the day when the lights go out for good.

Best selling author William R. Forstchen “One Second After”now brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real…a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages…A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP).  A weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies.

The Importance of Salvation


this-is-my-beloved-sonA 15 year old girl was hit by a car riding a bike this week near my daughters home in NH.  She died at the Boston hospital with head injuries.  My daughter, too, now 45, also was hit by a car riding a bike in 1983.  I can only imagine her flashbacks, and the pain.  I prayed with my church prayer line that God, in His grace and mercy usher this young girl into Heaven, for it was very unlikely that she ever heard the salvation message.

You see I too, in 1999, lost my then 19 year old to suicide.  Young though, my BJ went to a Christian school and charismatic church, and he gave his heart to Jesus at 11 years old on 8/2/90.   Thank you Jesus that I know that I know that he was saved in spite of the eventual bi-polar disorder and depression which overtook his teenage years.

We never know, when we will die…..Look at the bridge that collapsed over the Mississippi River, or those trapped in coal mines…or those that died recently in all the tornadoes.  How do we know?  Oprah speaks of her New Age, with her $40 billion, and life to her is pretty good. The true God of her Baptist grandmother and childhood, is shoved aside, and her god now is the god of money.  The Bible says we cannot serve God and Mammon together.  She has lost her way, leading others to hell, as well as herself.   Mark 8:35-38 says:  “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but, whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?  Of what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?   Whoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when He comes in the Glory of his Father with the Holy Angels.” (The Rapture and the 2nd coming).

We never know when that trump will call us home..We never know how long we have on this earth.  So, Oprah has gained the whole world, but, she’s lost her soul and will go to hell.  So I ask you that may read this, what is your choice?   John 3:3 says, “Verily I say unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”  see also Luke 19:10, John 3:16,John, 1:12, John 8:32, John 10-9-10, Acts 16:31, Romans 3:23-24, Romans 5:8, Hebrews 2:3..Rev. 3:20  plus others all testifying to the salvation message as the ONLY way to the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

The news just came over that former Foxnews journalist and White House Press secretary, Tony Snow died at 53 of cancer.   My condolences to his wife Jill and 3 children…even though I didn’t know them, as a Christian he was my brother in Christ.  I think of his grace and such a happy man that conveyed so much to others, including that hard press corp in Washington. Tony had that group in the palm of his hands.  He was without a doubt the best press secretary that I can remember.  He knew his job, he was always, laughing, and yet tough, he was trustworthy, he had character, and he did the BEST he could always, loving God and country, and family and most of all genuinely loved people.   Tony Snow will be missed.  Tony has a place in Heaven and is home with the Jesus he loved.  He left a legacy worth emulating.

Look at the other end of the spectrum.  Scott McClellan, an angry, hateful self absorbing man, that didn’t know how to be gracious or do his job right.  All the doors this President opened up for him , he didn’t have a clue as to what he was given.  Tony Snow did…forever appreciative. But, Scott wasn’t intelligent enough to do his job right, and he had no Lord to rely on.   So, when he left the White House, a ruffled up little man, that was inept at doing the job, he writes a backstabbing book hating the hands that fed him and opened up doors.   Look at the difference between 2 men..One that loved his God, country, and family, people, and jobs afforded him, one inept loathing perhaps self, with nothing…both doing the SAME job!  What a lesson on the fragility of life, and what obituary you are going to one day leave behind.  It doesn’t take a genius to see the difference.  Tony left us even WITH cancer ravaging him, by his own words, a “happy guy”…he had it all including Jesus and faith!    What is Scott going to leave behind ?  His book his only legacy…

What about those so filled with hates?   Will they “get” it?   O’Reilly wrote his books…one to kids.  But, I wouldn’t buy it for my grandchildren.  Why?  It is written in the natural, by a very arrogant man, without salvation and God in his life, calling himself a Catholic, yet Proverbs says, “Those that profess themselves wise, become fools”. For O’Reilly, like Oprah is on his own power trip.  Money is his God for he does not know God as his savior.  Works does not get you into Heaven.  For you have to have great humility to come into the Kingdom of God and admit your a sinner.

One day, each and every one of us will stand at that Great White Throne Judgement Seat of God!   We are now an Apostate church, as in Romans 1:29-32.  “Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers.  Backbiters, haters of God, spiteful, proud, boasters,inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.  Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.  Who knowing the judgement of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them who do them. ” Romans 2:5 “But after your hardness and impenitent heart treasured up unto YOURSELF, wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the Righteous Judgment of God. “  It is our choice after all, but, God’s wrath will eventually catch up to the haters of God…and no one will escape the Judgment.

The book of Revelations speaks of overcomers.   For we are to be conquerors, not just survivors, and overcomers..”For he that overcomes shall wear many crowns. To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God..”Rev. 2:7   God gave us a free will…Are you going to follow Oprah and her lies?, and the things of the world?, or Jesus and have everlasting life?   I’ve long ago chosen life over death. I may die in this world in the natural, but, my soul in Heaven will live on forever, and I will see my son and baby Dana I lost at 3 mos to crib death.  There is no death in Heaven.   There is nothing on this earth in Hollywood, or movies, or reality shows, and all the garbage of this world that is worth going to hell and being in that lake of fire with the gnashing and screaming forever.   Life is fragile….Life need not be taken for granted so you live it as YOU please..with all the me isms, and selfish actions day in and day out.  As above says, what profit a man that gains the whole world and loses his soul?   Your choice friend…


For God  so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever should believe, would not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE.” John 3:16.


“For there is not a just man upon Earth, that doeth good and sins not.”  Ecclesiastes 1 “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23


“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for unjust, that He might bring us to God.” I Peter 3:18


Jesus calls this experience the “new birth”.  It is NOT a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus.  He told Nicodemus: “Except a man be BORN AGAIN he cannot enter he Kingdom of God.”  John 3:3 Simply ASK Him into your heart by praying this simple prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I now realize that I am a sinner.  Please forgive me of my sins.  Mold me like clay Lord Jesus, in your image, so that I be a new creature in YOU Lord.  Help me, for I can not rely on my own ways.  Put the right Christian people in my life, so that my walk will be narrow, my eyes on You.  I now open my heart’s door and repent, and ask you as SAVIOR and LORD, to take full control of me and help me to be the kind of Christian YOU want me to be.   Romans 10:9-10 says: “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised HIM from the dead, you shall be saved. Take away anything or anyone in my life that is a hindrance to my walk with you, Lord. For with the HEART man believes unto RIGHTEOUSNESS; and with the mouth, confession is made unto Salvation.  Thank you Jesus for saving my soul.

Are you bought by the blood of the lamb?  If you prayed this prayer, and gave the Lord your heart, then you are saved.   It is a gift, afterall, because He loves us so much.   Now, once saved, you can talk to Him directly, and have a personal relationship with Jesus.  HE will help you in this walk,  and direct you….all you need do now, is ask….Ask and it shall be given unto you.  Seek and ye shall find.  He will live in your heart,  and He will send the Holy Spirit to comfort you and be with you.  You need a good Bible to start learning the word of God, and a Church that preaches the gospel.  God bless you,  on this walk..

J E Worthen 2006