Trump, The Left Media, And God

12243175_10153052406541601_7357163836331612042_nTrump is EXACTLY right. If those who still read and know history, Carter did the same thing with the Iranian Hostage Crisis, banning Muslims and Iranians. Yet, the hostages were not released until Reagan got into office, carrying a bigger stick. We have 3 Christian hostages in Iran now. The Saudi’s too are training terrorists. Going back to history, even Thomas Jefferson dealt with Muslims with the Barbary Pirates, as did Winston Churchill who ended in the early 1920’s the centuries old Ottoman Period. (Who Karly Firorino stupidly praised.)

Having studied Ancient Civilization in college, and also my Bible (Ezekiel 38 and 39 [now] which pertains to the whole mid east and what is happening, as well as Joel 2.} The object of all of the Koran is to take over all of Western Civilization. As now the Muslim Brotherhood is running this White House. Beware of what this President can do with his pen in this last year of office. While Egypt has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood and put Morsi in jail. And France has outlawed and cracked down, now even banning Burka’s. What do we do? Stand stupidly with this “Politically Correct” threats coming from this White House calling us racist, while the left media blindly follows his lead. Trouble is no one reads anymore. And history ALWAYS repeats itself.

Now too, Merkel in Germany making decisions with these Islamists, much the way Hitler started out. If ever we needed a man like Trump, it is now! And I’m college educated, (unlike the left media says) and an evangelical Christian, who loves America and history. One who also believes we can turn this country around, and influence the world scene with leadership, morals, a good defense built back up, and an end to this left garbage, but most of all GOD back. I happen to believe that God is using Donald Trump. Only my opinion but, I see a few Christian main stream leaders, voicing the same. I hope someone reads this, and goes to the truth here about Islam.

ISLAM:                                                                                                                                   beheading-of-us-soldiers-gets-this-instead/                                                                                                   

Franklin Graham Supports Trump’s Muslim ban:

From Evangelist Prophet Rick Joyner:

“Everyone is hammering Donald Trump on his statement that he would ban the immigration of all Muslims until the government figures out what they’re (the gov) is doing. Some of these reactions were obviously from those who had not actually heard Trump’s speech, but I think it is going to hurt them a lot more than him. Let there be one more attack such as San Bernardino and what Trump recommended will sound moderate.

It is right to be concerned about our Muslim citizens, but we are at war, and the main point Trump was making is that our government needs to figure out what it’s doing. Very few Americans feel safe, and with one more attack the outrage at those who failed to protect us will be great.

The GOP establishment presidential candidates, and some lawmakers, bashed Trump the hardest because they said he was hurting the GOP brand. How do you hurt something that is already so close to zero? What has hurt the GOP brand has been weak, incompetent leadership. Almost no one doubts more attacks are likely, and with just one more those who are so worried about their brand will have done even more damage to it, and to their own futures. We are at war, and political correctness is one of the biggest factors that has put us in the jeopardy we’re now in.”  Morning Star Ministries

THAT statement by Rick Joyner echoes all through our Christian Community.  The GOP is broken, most from Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rubio, Kasich, and of course Christy are ALL Socialists.  I don’t want the Establishment.  They make deals with the left and their really isn’t much difference from what we’ve had in the White House.  God has been taken out of everything.  Sin is no more.   And I’ll tell the media this:  WHAT IS WRONG IN AMERICA, ISN’T DUE TO RACE RELATIONS, HOMOPHOBIA, WHITE POLICE OFFICERS TRYING TO DO THEIR JOB, ALL THE VIOLENCE – IT IS A HEART PROBLEM.  AND ISLAM ISN’T THE ANSWER IT IS A FALSE RELGION BORN 560 YEARS AFTER CHRIST WAS CRUCIFIED.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL THAT IS GOING ON IS A HEART PROBLEM.  AND THE ONLY CURE, IS REPENTANCE, AND THE CROSS! 

Excerpt from a book out by Thomas Horn & Chris Putnam “On the Path of the Immortals”          61X4kmBFmCL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Who are the immortals? Prophetically is the significance of Genesis 6:5.

It is said:  “1. Islam will use weapons of mass destruction.  2. Pope Francis will call out for Christian power of the call of war. (Referring to what is to come in the end times.)  3. Remember 1948? The fig tree blossomed …all the birth of the Revivals, from Billie Brim, Katherine Kullman, and the Messianic revival of Jews; the huge move of God in the 70’s and 80’s.  4. The call for us as Christians, is as never before! ”

I believe the greatest Revival of all times is going to move across this great America, with such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that it will be EVIDENT, to ALL the secular media and Muslims in America, who the REAL God really is.  There will be signs, and wonders, and an outpouring such as we have never seen before.  THIS IS MY CRY…THIS IS MY DESIRE, THUS SAITH THE LORD THY GOD!  Any Amens?     “If my people shall humble themselves and call out my name, THEN will I heal their land. ” II Chronicles 7:14

NOW:  EZEKIEL 38:2 “Son of man, “set thy face against Gog the land of Magog, (Russia) the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Turkey), and prophesy against him. 3. And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold , I AM AGAINST THEE O GOG, the chief prince of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal. 4. And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring forth, and all thine army, horses, and horsemen, all of them clothed in all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. 5. Persia (Iran) Ethiopia, and Libya with them, all of them with shield and helmet.” (All going against Israel…but God will protect Israel…and open up the earth and swallow her enemies up  with earthquakes and flames from Heaven…)  

Revelations 13 Talks about the 10 horns, that represent the European Union.  And I saw a beast rise up…(out of an Islamic nation) …The leopard refers sto the EU, the bear Russia,  and the lion, I always thought was China, but, now some have said the UK, because their crest is the lion.   And the dragon gave him his power.  ..The Antichrist I believe with others is alive on earth now.  Waiting to surge into power as the greatest peacemaker. And remember, GOD allowed Obama in this White House.  For since he got in, all of the Islamic nations, and trouble with Russia are in place.  

I say all this to warn and to shake up you want to be President in this White House.  We are going to see destruction, before the tribulation.  We are going to see violence as never before, as we are now.  America is out of control.  And we need I believe you, Donald Trump who needs to realize how much he is going to need God Almighty and be a praying man.  So my prayer to him now?  As John 3:3 says, “Unless a man be born again he will not enter the Kingdom of God. ” Mr Trump, I want you as our President.  I also want to see God’s hand on you so profoundly, that in these end times, as God has set nation against nation,  and used the depravity of Obama’s misguided ideologies, the only way you are going to make it work THIS TIME… is not as the Apprentice, but as an ANNOINTED LEADER WITH THE HAND OF GOD ALMIGHTY ON YOU.  I PRAY THAT YOU ACCEPT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN A PERSONAL PRAYER AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR.  FOR WITH ALL RESPECT SIR…RELIGION DOESN’T CUT IT.  YOU WILL NEED HIM, MORE THAN ADVISORS, FOR ONLY HE CAN SET THE CAPTIVES FREE, GIVE YOU GODLY DIRECTION AND ANNOINT THE OFFICE THAT YOU WILL TAKE.  THIS IS MY PRAYER.. And to the media?  You know not who and what you are up against.  For this President Obama, has put a curse on himself, and Judgment from God on America. 

I beg you to pray this Salvation Prayer, as John 3:3, 3:16 says, no man enters Heaven without salvation.  Mr. Trump you may be a Presbyterian, but “religion” won’t cut it.  You need the Lord as your personal savior, so that you may talk and pray one on one with HIM.  “Dear Lord, I repent of any sins that I may have had in my life, and ask you to save my soul and put your hands on me so that I may succeed in what YOU want for me.  (Thine will be done ,Lord’s Prayer, not ours). I ask that you give me divine wisdom, and come into my heart, and pour YOUR anointing on me Lord, in Jesus name.   I ask that I have your blessings in all I do, and that includes the love of America and Israel.  Please come into my life. If you are with me Lord, we can turn this country around.  Thank you Lord  for saving my soul.”

Thank you Jesus…Use me Lord, as I am your servant.  Amen.